Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Please... help [Requesting Med-nin]

Feb 20, 2018
Asuka smiled once Soku started speaking, tears in her eyes welding as she flew above the village. At least she was responsive. She looked up at Rayne, surprisngly she was being cooperative. "Go faster!" Asuka yelled out in frustration, Rayne clinched her teeth in frustration and yelled back. "Any faster and this thing will break killing all of us!" Asuka yelled out in frsutration as she grabbed her sisters hand, making sure she knew she wasn't alone. "I'm here Sis."

Her worry became worse once the crystal started shaking, there was not enough time. That's when she heard her speak. Her sister, apologizing? Asuka lost it, tears fell down her face at a rapid pace. This couldn't be happening... it just couldn't.... Soku was a Santaru. She was strong, brave, immortal... that's when it dawned on her. Soku was going to die. She got angry, no... she wasn't going to be left alone, not again. "Don't you dare!" Asuka yelled out, squeezing her sisters hand. "I will prank the hell out of you! I will make your life miserable!" Asuka kept yelling out as they got closer to the hospital. It was starting to come into view. "I will hate you! I'm gonna hate you for breaking your promise!" Asuka cried in frustration "You don't get to leave me! RAYNE!" Asuka screamed out on top of her lungs, she wasn't even paying attention. She just felt her big sister getting weaker by the second. "We're here!" She yelled back as the dragon pretty much nose dived to the payment, dragging it's feet on the ground trying to lower it's speed.

Asuka didn't hesitate, she grabbed Soku by her armpits and started dragging her into the entrance of the hospital. With difficulty she got there moments later, kicking the door in as hard as she could hopefully not breaking it. The first step into the hospital she started yelling as hard as she could, like she never yelled before. "NAGISA!" Tears kept streaming down her face. "NAGISA!" She didn't know if her fellow Sennin was in the building... but she couldn't trust anyone else... she couldn't trust anyone with her sister.

[Responding to this thread HERE]
Nagisa was, luckily enough, in her office. She was just finishing somethings when she both heard a commotion and a call from the front desk about someone calling for her by name. Nagisa quickly soot, forgoing any concealment of her back, Without thinking, a medical clone would appear next to her after some quick handsigns she learned what seemed ages ago. Two Nagisa were striding towards the front entrance and there she would find Asuka holding...

Why do shinobi insist on loosing their arms? Was it a trend? Was it as popular as getting your ears pierced? A fad? All of this crossed her mind in an instant as the medical clone ran forward and began to shift Soku's weight. The real Nagisa would stare at Asuka and nod slightly, indicating they should follow.

Already the staff was frantically preparing a surgery room. The Clone would place Soku on one of the operating tables. Both Nagisas would stare at Soku and carefully reveal the wounds they had sustained and Nagisa ordered those nearby to get bags of blood and to leave them alone once this was done. It was done in seconds the nurses already looking at the shinobi's chart.

As the medical clone would begin using healing techniques to stop the bleeding, Nagisa would, without looking at Asuka talk to her.

"Explain to me how this happened as quickly as possible. I need to start to work and I Need to know everything 10 seconds ago. What did this, how did happen and are there any other circumstances I should consider?For example poison, or chakra attacks."

Nagisa would continue to focus on her charge mentally noting all information. As she finished asking Asuka what happened, her eyes would glow blue and the teardrop shaped seal mark between her shoulder blades would also glow blue as she drew on the power of Shizue ready to apply all of her chakra as needed to healing this wounded shinobi.
Barely concious of what was going on around her, the last thing the Captain recalled was some faint voice calling for someone and a pair of strong hands dragging her into the hospital. It was funny how all the things you regretted came flooding back to you in your last moments but it seemed the shinobi of this fine village had other plans that involved not letting this be her last day. As if by some miracle, whatever the medic-nins were doing, it had appeared to stem the massive bleeding loss allowing her some relief as the staff worked to ensure she walked out of this hospital with in a proper, functioning manner. It still hurt...a lot to even move letting loose a grunt of pain as one of the attendants adjusted her weight on the table but the sharp pain was enough to allow her a few minutes of awareness."W..What?"Her voice came out as a gravely, barely audible tone as she blinked taking in the faces around her and the remarks being made.

Oh, if only she had the energy to sum it all up. Well, she had enough to force out one word before a fit of coughing overtook her. "" Exactly who it was that had put her in this state would not be heard as the burning pain shooting up her shoulder caused her to let out a pained yell. Her body was still not used to the fact that Soku was without an arm and was giving off confused reactions. "Gods...I really screwed up....didn't I......." She said a thinly veiled smile appearing on her face as she closed her eyes letting whatever was happening happen. The damage had been done, now it was in the hands of fate whether it destined her to continue serving this village or to cut her tale short here. There was still so much she still hadn't done.
Asuka clenched her teeth once she started dragging Soku deeper into the hospital. Asuka just kept praying in her head for Nagisa to show up, she didn't know what would happen if her fellow Sennin wasn't here. Soku would die... no... she had to find a way. There was always a way. Thankfully that wasn't the case.

She felt Soku's weight become softer, at first she thought maybe a leg had fallen off but the extra arms were a great sight. Looking up she saw Nagisa, thank god she was here. Tears kept streaming down her face as she finally let go of Soku and let the staff do their work. Having said that she didn't have to be told to follow them, she wasn't going to leave her sister behind.

Asuka nodded ready to answer Nagisa's questions. "In all honesty... I don't know much." Asuka spoke fast as she walked with Nagisa. "I don't know what or how it happened. All I know is that I found Soku face down in front of the Phoenix Gates without an arm bleeding a lot. I... I..." Gosh, why was she so nervous? Concentrate Asuka, you have to be clear. "I used a fire based jutsu to hopefully stop the bleeding, poured pain medicine down her throat and used my kimono to hopefully slow the bloodflow. Then I came here. Not aware of any poisons but Soku did look Chakra exhausted."
Nagisa took in the words with nods and looked at each area mentioned.It was worse and worse but the crude fire jutsu worked and probably stopped Soku from bleeding out. Still, a fresh area would have ot be made.

Nagisa would pump Soku with anesthesia to relax the mind and body before Nagisa would go to work. Nagisa's form turned to pure water and Nagisa covered Soku in a layer of water except for the mouth and nose. The water would seep into the skin and first work on the drained chakra system. Nagisa's own water clone would poof out of existence since it used all of its chakra on healing minor wounds.

Once Nagisa had the water removed from the body, Nagisa would turn to Asuka, the water forming her eyes at the moment were almost translucent.

"If you are squeamish I suggest you look away. I am going to make the wound site straight across which means removing flesh and muscle. After which, I will heal all the way. Eventually if Soku desires they may use a prosthetic or puppet arm. Soku should not feel a thing and iw ill wkae them slowly after I am done."

Without further delay, Nagisa began cutting and scrapping the wound, using blood as needed to make sure Soku has enough. What was interesting was that the blood form the blood bag floated until it was used. If any particulates got in the way, they would be expelled. Nagisa's mastery of the blood jutsu comes in hand in situations like this were she did not have an extra set of hands to work.

An hour would pass and finally the cutting was done. Nagisa pumped a massive amount of healing into Soku and the would would clone. The skin was still pink and soft to the touch but it was as good as it was going to get. All signs of infection were removed as well and for safety's sake, Nagisa applied a general antidote to stop most poisons.

Nagisa would step back and she would return to a more solid form. With a little remaining chakra, Nagisa would slowly wake Soku, urging them to relax and ask how they felt. Nagisa would poke and prod the limb to make sure that it wasn't too painful and to make sure she got all the infection out.

With that done, Nagisa would sit in a nearby chair and look at both of them

"What happened Soku? Do not push yourself and know that you speak in front of two Sennin so the information is classified. We will not be disturbed until I give the ok so speak plainly."
The numbing was a welcome procedure in this situation as Soku drifted off into a temporary bout of unconciousness as Nagisa worked her magic. Whatever had transpired, the Captain would come to the realization of it only after she had woken. Slowly, after what seemed like a few seconds to her, she was back in the real world, eyes blinking at the faces surrounding her. The raging pain and the chaos of a couple minutes ago had evaporated into nothingness thanks to the work of the legendary healer who sat before her. She eyed the area where her arm used to be, her expression darkening for a moment. Whoever that rascal was, he had been really good and it had given her a reality check on just how many enemies she had made in this line of work. This was probably the closest she had ever come to losing it all and she took a few seconds to comprehend the gravity of the situation she had just been through before nodding locking eyes with both Sennin in front of her. "I don't know how you did it, Nagisa-sama but I owe you...a lot. I thought I was a goner for sure..."
Soku held a respect for these healers, their skill and ability to manipulate life and death, she considered them true heros even if they didn't.

So, now the explanation. Brief images of what had occured flashed through her head, it was all so sudden and random she couldn't really pin it on anyone specific. Being an ANBU had it's cons, there were always risks but she was always careful. She couldn't think of anyone who would want to hurt her this bad, not recently at least.
"Well, I left Konohagakure a couple weeks ago as I am sure Asuka here is aware with Maki-sama and his wife on a brief trip to Sunagakure. However, a family emergency at my clan estate here caused me to cut the trip short and I left Suna in a hurry to make it back here. However, along the way, I was caught in a sandstorm and in the midst of all this was approached by a shady figure. In the coming minutes, all I can remember is that I was attacked by this figure whcih resulted in my arm being cut off and I had to tough it out to ensure I made it alive here. If it was not for the merchant who I met along the road to the gates here who aided me a bit, I do not think I would be sitting here before you." It bothered her. Who? Who would go to such lengths to eliminate her? Someone from her past? She thought she had erased all traces of hurt but now it was irking her. "I do not know who this person is or what their intent was, all I remember them saying was they would see me back home which set me on guard." That was the worrying bit, so this person knew she was a Leaf shinobi presumably. That meant the danger was far from over. It put her in danger and those close to her as well. She didn't care if she lost an arm or whatever, a price was a price but if someone laid an arm on any of her friends or familys, she would go hunting.
Asuka shook her head, cleaning the tears off of her eyes. She as going to see through this, in all honesty... it wasn't that bad. What she meant by this was that it was definetely something Nagisa could fix because she seemed in her element. She qas quite impressed on the whole water... thing... trick, maybe she could learn that one day. In any case, Asuka sighed once Soku finally woke up. She was releaved, she hadn't been this releaved. Feeling like this was horrible, she didn't know how people were able to do stuff like this. Being constantly in worry.

Asuka didn't say a word once Soku started speaking, herstory made sense and her explanation truthful. In all honesty she didn't really understand how someone could go after her. How someone was able to know who she was, but in any case she was here now. She was alive. Having said that, she still needed to say her piece. Once the explanation was over Asuka looked at Nagisa with a straight face. "Nagisa, may I have some time with Soku. Alone."
Nagisa would wave at Soku's response dismissing it. It was her job and if she could not do something as simple as this, she should retire. Leaving it to who? Well that was a different problem for a different day.

Nagisa would listen carefully, the water reseeding from her form. She remained sitting and before she could respond, Asuka chimed in. Nagisa would stare at her, her blue eyes clear and sharp.

"That would be a no. This is now the second ANBU I have had in here that have lost an arm. If there is a connection to be made, I will make it and report it to Takeshi. This is too much coincidence and I will not leave this to chance. Say your peace Asuka and know that my doctor patient confidentiality extends to you. as well. What is said in this room stays unless it is related to this sudden occurrence of limb loss among ANBU."
Nagisa's dismissal of Asuka's request made the Captain wince slightly. Not that she was unjust in doing so but Asuka was probably in an extremely stressed state. After all, she would probably react the same way if she saw Asuka the same way. She just didn't want to worry anyone and a part of her wondered if Yukio had caught word of this. He would probably gain a few extra grey hairs if word of this got to him. She couldn't exactly hide it, a missing arm was sorta hard to pass off, she could only imagine what the old Sennin's reaction would be. She glanced at Asuka shaking her head slightly in an almost warning fashion urging her not to argue with the Medical Sennin.
"We can talk in a more relaxed setting after this, Sis but I'd rather you honor Nagisa-sama's request." She meant that fully, not that a trip out for ramen would make up for the scare she had given Asuka. She glanced down at the necklacke that dangled over her chest and raised an eyebrow in surprise almost. The cracks that had formed not so long ago were not there anymore,almost as if they had mended itself. That was an interesting feature she had not taken note of when buying the precious necklaces for them both. It was quite a valuable gift and it gave her a sense of connection to the Asuka.

"I do not know if there is someone out who is targeting key ANBU shinobi but the ambush was unwarranted at least. This person knew the destination of my travels and what village I hailed from. I suspect it is a personal attack of some sorts, perhaps from someone within this village so I do not think it would be wise to spread this around too much in the fear they catch wind of my recovery and make a second attempt." Soku wasn't sure what the attacker's plans were but somehow, she had the gut feeling they almost wanted her to make it here. To want this to happen. If that was the case, the danger was far from over. "Is Yukio around?"Nibachi could wait a bit..he was the whole reason she had rushed out here but Yukio..surely he would know what to do. She had to tell him. "I just don't any of you to become potential targets because of your association with me."
Asuka clenched her teeth as Nagisa answered. She understood the situation and how it may have looked, but denying family privacy was another matter entirely. Having said that, she sighed once Soku answered for her. She didn't answer, knowing that if she talked there would be an outburst so she had to calm herself down first. Talk logically. Screw confidentiality, she privacy.

Her explanation was troubling, who would be targeting Soku? And for what purpose? It didn't really make any logical sense in the normal standpoint. As far as she knew, Soku didn't have any enemies. Or enemies that would be bold enough to cause all this. Thankfully Asuka had procols in place to avoid stuff like this. Once done it was her turn. "Speaking as a Sennin." She cleared her throat to sound more professional, considering the situation. "Right now the village is in lock down and Leaf shinobi are watching the gates and perimeter all the time. Getting through is very difficult. So I'm not concerned about the danger. Attacking someone in their home turf would be a bold and stupid move. Having said that." Asuka turned to Nagisa. "First of all, the other ANBU incident isn't correlated with this one and here is why. In the report it was stated that the attacking group were after the people in the village, not the individual in question. He simply got involved by pure coincidence." She sighed before continuing, pinching her nose. "But let's say there is a connection and a group is targeting ANBU for some reason."

Asuka raised a first finger. "Best case scenario they got some kind of problem with the Santaru. Personally, I would use the group, have an ambush and kill the target as fast as possible or at least incapacitate it for... torture purposes." Asuka raised a second finger. "Worst case scenario, they know about Soku's position and who in the right mind would attack an ANBU captain alone. Any Shinobi with two brain cells knows that underestimating your opponent is a death sentence. So, enlighten me. Where is the god damn connection you so seek?"

With that, Asuka scratched the back of her head. "I'm sorry Soku but damn the confidentiality. Is it so wrong to ask for privacy when a family member had one foot on the after life? Isn't it decent enough to simply want to be away from eyes and ears that don't necessarily have any business hearing what I have to say?" Asuka sighed, folding her arms together. "All I'm asking is for decency. I'll call Yukio after I'm done."
Nagisa would just watch Soku and Asuka coolly as they spoke in turn. She would watch carefully as they spoke and judge their words accordingly. As Asuka finished, Nagisa would raise one eyebrow.

"I can appreciate your anguish at this. both of you. However, I have my own protocol. We all serve the Leaf two of us as Sennin and duty comes before personal feelings on this. I am simply asking us to do our jobs first and then mourn later. Soku as you know you are lucky to have survived this. You are not out of this yet and you are to rest. I will be bringing this report directly to Takeshi. You have 1 hour here Asuka before a nurse will be in here to help you check in Soku. In a couple of days we can go through puppet options for that arm you are missing or something else. There are many options available and i will make sure you are fully healed before Leaving. NOW I will let you be alone as my curiosity is appeased for now."

Nagisa would stand and leave, closing the door behind her. She would stop by her office, gather a few medical reports, and leave. She had to to let Takeshi know.

[topic left unless stopped]
She nodded in Nagisa's direction grateful for the aid she had so far received. "Thank you once again, Nagisa-sama." It was all she could say in response to the miracle the woman had conjured up. Soku had honestly thought she would not be making it home alive or even anywhere close to the Fire Country. She simply listened as Asuka spoke up not trying to butt in as the two Sennin discussed the troubles that would arise. She had sworn a promise to Asuka and that promise had been in very real danger of being violated simply because of some hidden past that was haunting her. No one in their right mind should know her rank, where she was going and where she was going unless it was someone close to her or perhaps an individual she had encountered before. You tended to run into a lot of people in a shinobi career but it proved quite diffcult to put names to every single face you run across. Not that she had gotten a glance at the rascal who had so effortlessly and swiftly subdued her. "Bastard took my weapons too." She frowned eyeing the empty sword sheath which lay ripped and dangling from her cloak tossed aside. That sword had been a part of her clan for a while, that was gonna be a pain to get over.

She glanced at Asuka wondering what words were going to fix this. "I would say sorry but you've probably heard that a billion times over. I've failed you....yet again..I don't know what seeks to shatter the bond that holds us together and us to this village but it seems like time and time again, there is some shadowy curse that seeks to do us apart." It had been a scary thought, death was always a risk everyone took when operating on shinobi assignments but it was a different experience when actually encontering it. You thought of all the people you wronged, the mistakes you made and all the regrets you had in life. It all came back crashing down on you. "I don't suppose some dangos could fix this entire mess, could it?" That would be the easy way out of this but there was no easy way out of this situation. Asuka had every right to be worried yet at the same time Nagisa had every right to do what she thought was best for the village. She was sure she would be getting a call from Takeshi soon enough about the entire thing. Exhaling out a breath, she relented finally. "I brought you back a souvneir I promised but it must have gotten lost in the ambush. It was like this little scarf that had a desert theme designed into it but it got ripped during the conflict." Whoever this man was, she was going to find him and make sure this never happened again. Once the doctors determined she was fit to go by their standards at least.
Asuka kept her arms crossed as Soku spoke. In reality she needed to calm herself down a bit and decided to simply listen for the while. Having said that, it didn't really matter what she said. Asuka wouldn't exactly say she was angry, but concerned, sad, worried, hell she almost had a heart attack. Although she didn't like... Soku's talk. But now that Nagisa was gone, the tears started welling up again. Just the thought... of not being able to see her sister again. "You didn't fail anyone Sis." Asuka spoke with a soft voice, tears falling down her face. "You talk about that as if it mattered. You almost died you idiot!" Asuka screamed out in frustration. Not really knowing what to say in this instance.

"Sis, that's not the point. It's not about dangos... I almost lost you." She sighed, cleaning the tears of her eyes. "Mom died, dad became a psycopath, Kotori left.... I don--- I... I don't want to loose anyone else." Asuka sighed and scratched the back of her head. "Until this guy is dealt with you are going to stay with me and Rayne. The Santaru complex is way too big, at my apartement it's going to be a lot easier to defend and Rayne is gonna be your escort, at least until you recover. I just can not loose someone I care about again... not gonna happen."
She listened unable to formulate a response glancing down for a brief moment. She shook her head sighing deeply."I don't want to lose you either. Back in those desert dunes, I didn't really think I was gonna make it back. That's when I started regretting it all. All the things I could have done, the stuff I promised but the mere thought of leaving you alone forced me to at least try...try to face death and win."She gestured around the hospital room at the various machines and tools scattered about."Well,I did. I faced death and I won thanks to Nagisa and the love and support I have gotten from this village even if it is not obvious at times." It was a scary thought. No shinobi wanted to be cut down, their ties and memories ripped away in a few moments of bloodshed but the risk was always present. It was a sad but grim reality anyone coming into the art of shinobi combat had to come to grasps with. She knew there would be no way to convince Asuka that she would be fine at the clan complex and in a sense, the Sennin did have a point. Big, vast areas provided more chances for this peculiar assassin to strike again while in such a small, enclosed area, options were limited.

"I don't even know who would have such a grudge. It is a dangerous time, Asuka and you know how much I hate people risking their neck for me. If it comes down to it and this attacker is found, I request you let me deal with it, that is my only request." She locked eyes with the Sennin and for once, the tough mantle of a battle-hardened ANBU Captain was gone replaced by a expression of begging, a plea that her appeal be honored. More bloodshed only led to more grudges and more violence and she wanted to know the motive behind the incident which is why she deemed it vital she be the one who confront this ambusher. Clearly, they had some sort of personal connection for doing such a thing otherwise they would not dare so openly attack a shinobi. "You know we can't keep this from Yukio forever." The ANBU Sennin would very much like to know if one of his Captains had been involved in such a ambush, she imagined though she preferred it wasn't so. Soku hated worrying people and knowing him, he would probably grow a new mane of white hair. She was not looking forward to his reaction but it had to be done sooner rather than later. This attacker would all use all means to get to her and if that meant her direct, beloved people she called family and friends, keeping secrets would be their undoing.
Asuka listened to her sister. At least things were calming down unfortunately the question still remained on who was the man that attacked her sister. Or at the very least who was stupid enough to try their luck against it. Having said that, she needed to place some means to an end. Thankfully the village was her jurisdiction and it played to her benefit even more so. Asuka smiled sarcastically. "Did I say "If it pleases her highness?". Didn't you just hear me? Underestimating the opponent is a death sentence, thankfully the village is my jurisdiction and there is a clear threat to one of it's Shinobi. Until the threat is dealt with you're going to stay with me. If the bastard dares to show his face in the village WE are going to deal with him. On my terms."

The Sennin didn't really care what the Captain thought. Although she was right about one thing, Yukio would need to be notified. That wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. In any case the situation had to be dealt with in the appropriate manner. Considering who it was, Asuka would go to heaven or hell to make her sister safe again. Even if it meant going straight to Takeshi over it. "And don't try to complain. I do not want to make it an order." Asuka sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'll have Rayne notify Yukio of the situation. That way I can stay with you. Ugggghhhh.... he is not going to be happy." Asuka shrugged "In any case, he won't be able to do anything about it. Worst comes to worst, I'll take it up with Takeshi-sama." Asuka laughed nervously "Why can't life be simple... everything has to get fucked up somehow."
She looked at Asuka as she spoke weighing alternatives. She had grown smarter over the years, that much could be seen and a fine Sennin she had grown into given the situation before them. "Well, well, guess this is an offer I can't refuse." The female Captain was not concerned really if she was being subjected to house arrest. Those terms didn't last long anyways. The branch needed her as it was severely lacking in members so it was not like she would be confined to whatever quarters Asuka had in mind, a duty was still there to perform. She held up a hand to stop Asuka mid-sentence. "That is where I am going to stop you. Rayne will do no such thing. It would not look right coming from a second-hand account. I will personally inform him via letter and that is something I will not budge on. He has a right to know and it would feel more appropiate coming from a direct source." Order or no order, she was contacing the ANBU Sennin in some form or fashion. Besides, she hadn't heard or seen the man in so long it pained her. Being in a foreign country away from safety had taken it's toll on her.

"Check on Nibachi for me, will you at the estate if I can't go? He's the whole reason I even came back earlier than Maki and Hoshirei, his letter was quite urgent." She cast a secondary glance at where her arm should have been thinking of a few choice things she would like to perform on this would-be assassin. A shinobi's life was really full of surprises. Sadly for her, it was not the surprise she had been expecting and here she was minus a limb. This was going to take some adjusting. His departing comments still stuck with her. What did he mean...who was the Shepherd? She couldn't put a face to it. As far as she was concerned, Moro Ibumo, the crazed scientist was dead and Ziren's brother as well, both her archrivals who had haunted her genin years. Who then had risen from their graves to strike her down? "Just be careful Asuka, whatever you do. I have a really bad feeling about this whole ordeal and I don't think they're done yet."
Asuka simply looked at her sister shaking her head. "Via letter wouldn't be sufficient since knowing him he would want to have every detail possible. I could invite him for dinner, although would suggest telling him after we eat. Buuuttttt the stomp is kinda noticeable." Asuka sighed scratching the back of her head. "I'll go check on spear dude..." She said with a little bit of regret, never really liked the guy considering their interactions. For some reason they didn't get along, she figured it was because her constant shenanigans. In any case she wouldn't pester her sister about talking about clan business, she knew most clan heads didn't like discussing their business and in all honesty... she didn't care. Better to live life the way that was most enjoyable than uphold tradition.

"I'm not the one being targeted. More worried about why they are targeting you... in all honesty I can't entirely figure it out, it worries me for you and the security of the village."

Current Ninpocho Time:
