The sun had just begun to rise over the horizon & the halls of the Academy were empty. However today would not be a normal day of school for one particular class of Academy Students. For today they would have the Dark Sage Akkuma teaching them. Was his class sanctioned? No. Would his subjects stick to an accepted curriculum? No. He believed that it was necessary to make the next generation aware of the threats they faced. More importantly he believed their chances of survival would be vastly higher if they were made away of these threats. To make a generation of shinobi who could protect the village in the Era to come. For the world had gone through much change & if shinobi were to survive. They needed to once more attain the strength that made them rival gods.
After a few minutes of wandering he stumbled across a room that had a shinobi standing in front of a blackboard. He appeared to be writing up the preparations for his class. Opening the door he would step into the classroom, the teacher turned a warm expression upon his face. "I'm sorry you must have the wrong room...I'm sorry what's your name?" he would ask the Sage still no obvious signs of concern upon his face. "Oh I'm sorry do forgive me it's my first day." he would say raising his hand to his head scratching his head with false embarrassment. Shifting his gaze from the staff member to the board he would take in the diagrams drawn by the shinobi. "Oh yeah you get used to Navigating the Academy. Where's your classroom I should be able to give you the right directions." he would say with a warmth in his eyes. Completely unaware that he would soon be under attack from the man who claimed to be a fellow teacher.
"Tell me what do you think of this? Having them do kunai trajectory predictions & equations? I mean with everything that's going on?" he asked the teacher casually closing the distance between him & the teacher. "...yeah I know it can seem unimportant in the scheme of things. But if they don't have the basics down how can they excel?" he would say with a shrug. The answer annoyed Akkuma greatly every being was unique. Each having their own strengths & weakness. They should be spending this time at the Academy seeing what the students natural talents were, refining their skills & finding out their ambitions. Once they knew these things then they could mold the students with the necessary guidance or incentives when necessary.
"It's this kind of incompetence that made shinobi incapable of stopping threats like the Cabal & the Sovereign." he would say a coldness in his voice. The shinobi's expression changed from warmth to one of growing concern, he turned to gaze at the clock. No doubt concerned that his students might be arriving soon. Unfortunately for him it was that concern & Akkuma's initiative in the situation that would be his downfall. As his gaze flicked to the clock Akkuma moved in an instant he'd not only drawn a syringe but emptied its contents into the teachers bloodstream. Withdrawing the syringe his opponent pushed him away with panic in his eyes. Chuckling he would wipe the blood off the syringe before clipping the empty tool back onto his belt.
Meanwhile his quarry staggered towards the door, his panic only quickening the pulsing of the toxin. He would survive although he would undoubtedly feel quite dazed once he'd woken up. Slumping against the door he lifted his gaze up to meet the Sages. " students..." Akkuma sighed giving a small smile. "Your concern is admirable but unnecessary I merely intend to Instruct them on the truth of the shinobi world.
" he would say with a warm grin reaching down to lift the weakening shinobi. With great strain he swatted at the Mercenaries arms in a poor attempt to keep them at bay. "Fine you want to do things the hard way?" he would say with an annoyed expression upon his face. Reaching behind his robes he grabbed a roll of ninja wire, while grabbing the teachers coat & dragging him forwards.
A single snore was the only reaction he got from the man as his face collided with the floor. "Whoops." said the Sage with a chuckle tying the man's arms behind his back. He then proceeded to tie the mans legs together, he stood looking down at his prisoner. Something was missing, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Then it occurred to him he needed a gag so he tore some of the man's clothing & stuffed his mouth full of the fabric. There was a wide smile upon his face as he opened the only cupboard big enough to hold the shinobi in this room. Looking at the shinobi slung over his shoulder he would laugh. "If the 10 year old me could see me now..." he thought with a smile, if he'd known that at his age such shenanigans would still be fun he'd have been less concerned about adulthood.
However there was one problem the cupboard contains a large sum of books & some shelving that he doubted he could bend the teacher around. Looking back at the unconscious man he would speak once more "This is going to have to go..." he would say with a chuckle. "It's okay I'm sure those materials are nothing important look at the crap you want to teach these kids." he'd say as he began pulling the books out & hurling them out the window as he did so. "Chakra & you? Kunai throwing techniques & the Old Gods no wonder your shinobi were taken by surprise." he would say with a growing disdain for this unconscious man & his teaching materials. Before long the cupboard was empty of materials & shelves.
It took only a few moments to stuff the teacher into the cupboard once he did he pushed the door closed & gave a satisfied sigh as it clicked shut. Stepping back he watched, to his surprise the door did not pop open. With that done he walked to the board & wiped off the diagrams drawn by the fool. Picking up a piece of chalk he proceeded to right An Introductory Class to the Forbidden Arts & its practitioners.' with that done he would take a seat at the desk & remove a variety of scrolls from his robe pocket. A gift those who passed his class & ensured they had at least learned something from today. Knowledge was power today they would learn this lesson, if they did they would be gifted with a new technique. Now he simply waited, wondering how many students he would get for this class.
[OOC: Yes that's right Akkuma is holding/hijacking a class. I have the Instructor Ability so for those who participate in the class you get the added bonus of a single E-Rank of your choice on top of class rewards. Now let's have some fun!]
[Edited to post Akkuma's Appearance]