Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Press Meeting


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The pressure was on, his body was sweating, his knees weak, arms feeling like noodles. He could sense the gurgling within his stomach, the intensity filled his chest and body like a burning sensation. The sweet sensation of relief was so far from his mind and he longed for it, like a desert longed for rain. His mind rushed with the internal map of the Byoin, trying to recall every nook and cranny, to try and figure out where the damned bathrooms were, his back was straight, and arm held on his stomach, like a minor struggle was occurring when in fact was more like the blitz krieg within the confines of his lower intestines.

His lab coat swayed and his dreadlocks bumped with every step like a carnival ride almost stuck in their position due to the sweat escaping his forehead. Like an octopus reaching out to grab a prey in front of it, moments before wrapping around and swallowing the creature in one. Foul. Bite.
Was it the corpse he was dissecting before? Sure it had a different smell than usual, but he didn't think any of it at the time...
Was it the coffee he drank before? Sure it was a little cold and had a different after-taste than he was used to...
Was it the food he had the day before? Hitomi isn't that bad at cooking.. Usually..

It's impossible to figure it out, at least for now. The long hallways filled his vision, his eyes kept darting around back and forth, right and left, examining each door he past to hopefully see the recognizable symbol he needed so desperately. He only barely dodged people he past, and he was thankful for people noticing him first and managing to dodge him first..
"Oi.. Sai! Where are those?!" "Those what?!" "Things!" "Talk Fuego!" "I am! I am just..." "Hmm~! Master forgetting the documents again?" "There they are!" "Those things..." There was a lot going on inside the Sennin's office. "When was the next meeting..?" Sai looked over in the agenda and Jibril thought it would be most hilarious to poof out of this situation... and with that being said, she vanished from sight. Meetings were the most boring thing on the planet if you asked the yokai. "So... you have like... 15 minutes..." 'What.. no... you are joking." "Nu-uh."

He would start to look through the file, his eyes glued to them as he left his office. "They... are..." He muttered as he waited till Sai was outside too to close his office door and lock it. After having it locked he would walk a few steps further in the hallway. "..." Sai attempted to talk towards him, but the Kami couldn't get through his skull anymore, the man was, after all, just too drawn inside the document in his hands. 'I see... So they are trying to cut off that branch... While they are getting the scores better. We shouldn't be cutting them off at all...' He fully stopped in his tracks and started to frown deeply on the documents in hand.
The touch, tumble, and subsequent bounce that occurred caught both off-guard, it was instant, and none of their Shinobi training was ready for such a naturally occurring thing, their hands trying instinctively to reach for a grip of some kind to avoid any damage on their landing, Nao's hands grabbed Keiji's cloak, and Keiji's hands grabbed and held firm on Nao's back, the tumble that came after resulted from their legs and knees hitting the other's and trying to find steadiness. They ended laying across the hallway, blocking everyone who was otherwise walking through the corridor, and the last bounce had them both with closed eyes, but with a weird, dry yet wet sensation upon their lips.

Keiji's eyes darted open and released his grip from Nao's back, with the other holding him up from the ground. "I- Uh" stumbling in his words, trying to ascertain what happened, his moment of a weird, soothing, and warm sensation across his body reached his shoulders and he felt his muscles relax and little too much, and almost dropping again his head against Nao, but stopped momentarily inches away from his face.
"Lemme, just." His muscles were screaming, as he was too relaxed, weirdly enough. Pushing himself up, he managed to stand up above Nao, and then reached down to help pull him up. He had no idea what might be going through Nao's thoughts, he wouldn't dare to ask.

In the meantime, Hitomi had reached up to Keiji, running, and stopping abruptly as she saw the tumble happen. He face screaming disappointment, almost like she was expecting this to happen at some point. Or maybe she was disappointed by something else entirely. It's hard to figure her out sometimes, even with their linked minds, but at this point Keiji didn't even notice her, his attention was entirely elsewhere. Which may be a supporting culprit perhaps a form of jealousy.
Sai saw the other but couldn't act or react even anymore, not even to warn the sennin of what was about to happen. As the collision happened, the papers started to fly around as Nao tried to grab hold of something and in the end, he felt fabric in his hands. As a natural reaction he had closed his eyes and he felt something, no someone falling on top of him. He felt a soft touch on his lips and he touched something soft with his lips.
His eyes opened up and he looked Keiji straight in the eyes. He couldn't quite understand it or at least as to what was happening and even what happened. 'T-that..' His hand started to release the fabric that he had tight before and soon gained a set of rose-colored cheeks.

He saw Keiji leaning in closer, at least for him it was like leaning in closer. It was then that he would get up and Nao just... Blank minded lay there, still trying to grasp the situation that had just happened. ' W-we kissed...' It was right at that moment... That he didn't even know where to look anymore. "Y-yeah.." He stuttered out as the other and everything was just. Going at a speed of 100 on his thoughts yet at the same time, his body was unresponsive. He didn't quite understand as to why his heart was beating like it was, as to why he felt his stomach turning and doing. But not the turning of throwing up but a whole new sensation.

It was only after that Keiji offered a hand that his body reacted, at the first bit a bit of a stuttered movement before actually solid moving to take the hand to get back upstanding. Sai inched closer and with a look on his face that could potentially say bookmarks. 'Yup...' Was all that Sai said in the mind and Nao stood there, not even knowing anymore what he was supposed to do. "You both alright..? That.... was quite a rosy tumble.." Sai tried to say it in a fashion so others do not understand. "U-huh.. yea.." "Meeting in 15.." Sai reminded him silently and smirked right after. Slowly Sai started to help up pick up the papers. "Uhm... So... Let's do no more running... okay?" He wasn't even around with headspace and he avoided the gaze of Keiji. Why did he have this feeling of all times..?! And especially since there was an important meeting coming right up?!
His tall stature looming over Nao, himself feeling immensely flustered, or perhaps it was just his intestines about to blow up. He wasn't entirely sure at this point. He assessed Nao didn't come to any harm at the very least. Leaning forwards towards Nao, ignoring that his face and eyes were avoiding his gaze, seeing Nao's red and flustered cheeks, his first instinct was to suspect Nao might be sick, like so many other times he's seen him. Constant tiredness may just be a symptom.. He thought to himself. Then reaching out, surprising Nao most likely and touching his forehead with the warm, but slightly bruised hand he had previously used to brace their fall to ensure him and coincidentally also Nao as he held onto Keiji's coat, he held his hand there on the forehead for a second, then two seconds, then three. The warmth from his hand would seep in, and then it was gone, nodding to himself. "Right, sorry, just had to check for a second, I'm uh-" He paused for a second, his own gaze shifting slightly as he licked his lips, remembering the sensation he had before. "Sorry about that Nao-kun, I was in a bit of a rush, technically not running, but uh- Definitely rushing."

Straightening his back, he looked over the surroundings, seeing a handful of doctors, nurses, and medical nin standing still, and upon seeing Keiji looking towards them, quickly shifting their stances and continue on whatever path they were walking before seeing the scene unfold before them beforehand. Then turning around, seeing the same sight of personnel quickly shifting and then continuing their walk.

Then his eyes found Hitomi, and he felt a shiver down his spine. "Right, uh, I'll need to get back to it." He said without flinching, words directed more-so towards the crowd, and Nao, without turning to face him. Hitomi just stood there, with a frown on her head, and as Keiji turned, looked down and took a few papers, and handed them to Sai. "Sorry about that, he's currently in a bit of an 'emergency' if you get my drift." Keiji ignoring her words, but as soon as he had turned, he blinked towards Nao, and winked at him, if he would deign to even look at him. And his lips would emote the words "I'm sorry!" With a flat hand raised in front of his face in apology.

Then beginning his walk, he heightened his pace and quickly noticed a door with the right gendered sign, and quickly took a sharp turn in to commence the imminent release that screamed for attention within his bowels. If Nao would care to check he could take only a few steps to realize which door he stepped through, and realize which kind of emergency Keiji was referring to.

Hitomi would stay for a little bit, then upon handing the last piece of paper she could reach for, she'd give a courteous bow as her shape would fade like an apparition or smoke, the energies spent to keep her around being focused elsewhere.

[Thread left?]
Having the other reaching up for his forehead was something he did not see coming and was instantly questioning why. His mind was a blank page at this point and he couldn't focus on anything that was other than the moment with him in front of him. He swallowed thickly before the other removed his hand again. He had looked at him for that moment, a bit in shock as his brain was still figuring out time and space.

It was only after that Keiji started to look around that he blushes somewhat started to settle down and he looked around too. It was that Hitomi's words finally started to reach him and he wondered what emergency. This got him somewhat back to the world and he looked still a bit dazed. "Emergency... sorry? Did... something happen?" he muttered soft and walked along to the way to see if he was needed in this emergency, but then saw him going in the bathroom stalls. "A-ah... Not that emergency.." he muttered after and took the papers from his Contract who held a big smile which he had tried to contain before.

It was later that day that Nao took a bit of time off to get home earlier.

[topic left.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
