The above link leads to a list of items that MUST be listed in your profile. This rule is not new, it's been out for several months now.
It is YOUR responsibility as a player to update your profile in a timely manner. Staff is not required or responsible for that and they will not be forced to dig through your training or dojo to find items you should have already listed in the profile.
In addition, when it says you must list ALL jutsu AND their ranks, it means just that.
Not "All of these mastered unless stated otherwise". No, you list "Body Switch - Mastered" or something similar. Again, this is on you as a player to do.
The admin team has gotten several complaints on out of date profiles of late, and this reminder should not be necessary.
The above link leads to a list of items that MUST be listed in your profile. This rule is not new, it's been out for several months now.
It is YOUR responsibility as a player to update your profile in a timely manner. Staff is not required or responsible for that and they will not be forced to dig through your training or dojo to find items you should have already listed in the profile.
In addition, when it says you must list ALL jutsu AND their ranks, it means just that.
Not "All of these mastered unless stated otherwise". No, you list "Body Switch - Mastered" or something similar. Again, this is on you as a player to do.
The admin team has gotten several complaints on out of date profiles of late, and this reminder should not be necessary.