Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Pushing the Limits [Tutor]

Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu sat in the bar for a few minutes drinking the clear liquid that was in front of him as he sighed to himself it had been a busy week that was, to say the least. But right now he felt certain that things were moving in the right direction, of course, he still wanted to check on the others and see how they had been as he had sent a message out to Shion to meet him at this place, the real reason was something slightly different as it was more about doing a bit of training than it was about actually having to focus on learning a skill and taking the time to understand new abilities that were taught.

"Can I get you another one Sir?"

Turning his attention up he looked to the old man that ran the bar in this city as he knew full well that he was offering him another drink, as he placed the cup out in front of him he nodded as he wanted to make sure that the man was aware that he was actually, in fact, accepting the offer for a new drink, as he watched the man pour it he just listening to the crowd that was speaking to him in those few seconds. It seemed that people around him having conversations were more focused on each other than someone casually drinking alone and eavesdropping onto the conversations.

It seemed a couple at the bar were discussing the fact that they were openly having an affair, the ones next to him were talking about smuggling drugs out of the city and how they would get around the guards, it was a weird world that they lived in and it seemed that the Shinobi of Leaf never came around to fix this whole area. As such it had become burdened with gutter and vermin and Nobu was amazed from time to time on just how bad things have got.

He knew full well that his own group was moving into the area, as he picked the glass up and swigged it back placing it back on the desk in front of him wanting to make sure that everyone had a role that they needed to fill and where prepared for what was coming their way, even he wanted to accept that he needed to teach them the way of the world.

"Please can I get another one, I just have time to kill while waiting for someone to arrive"

Nobu knew that he probably stank of booze, but that wasn't going to affect him or what he was focused on teaching today, actually it was the opposite he was more determined to make sure that the person arriving would be pushed to their limited and made sure that they came away from towards with a full understanding of what was expected of them. Even he knew teaching was crucial to understanding how to gain strength, a lesson Shion would soon be understanding.

[Post: 1/5]
[WC: 503/ 1,500]
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Earlier the day, he had agreed to meet up with Nobu, but it had gotten a bit delayed. In the Oak streets, he was doing his rounds to make sure that everything that owned by them, was safe and secure. But just as he wanted to exit the streets, he checked one more alley and people were hoping he had done that. They used a small child as bait and it did end in a fight. He did do the best as he could, but he couldn't help but getting a little roughed up, mainly visible on the cheek. "That... hurt..." he flinched as he touched his cheek. "Yup... that will be sore..." The rest didn't matter much, he just hated the fact he had now a graze. He kicked a bucket on the way out till the gates once more.

On his way to crater city, he took things in mind, who what and whereas he started to get near the bar. As he entered the bar, he still had a cigarette between his lips and scanning the grounds... His eyes already met Nobu's but he couldn't help but notice the couple that had a full argument going on. "Here you are..." Shion said and would place the cigarette in the ashtray and offer Nobu one also. It wasn't the brand that was expensive, but it wasn't the cheapest either.

OOC said:
Nobu finished the drinks up when he heard the voice from behind, it seemed that his expected arrival had finally arrived. Turning the attention to the boy that had turned up he looked towards the offer of smoke and accepted it, lighting up he took in all of the smoke inside of his lungers, as he accepted that he would have to work quickly to bring Shion up to speed. As he stood from the bar, placing the yen down with quite a tip for a normal bar owner. The man nodded towards Nobu who smiled back as he stood up and looked towards Shion.

"Seems all of you are changing and quickly, so follow me as I need to get you to the peak of what is expected, but next time try not to be late. I have limited time already on plans and time is money, think of that when you deal with Suna."

With that Nobu beckoned him to follow as the two walked down into dirty ally ways, deserted houses, and finally ended up outside a building with a locked door. Opening the lock he swung the door open in those few moments before stepping inside, turning the lights on they stood inside of a Gym, and an empty one full of equipment as he looked around and nodding he took his jacket off and rolled his sleeves up.

Standing in front of punching bags and running machines he smiled and nodded, even glancing across to the weights that sat waiting for someone to use, it seemed that the information he had been given about this place was correct, at least he could appreciate that much. Turning back to Shion he gestured for him to come with him.

"Simple really, rumors tell me you have changed and can now push yourself past normal limits, I want you to prove that to me, some routine really, hit the punching bag till for fifteen minutes, then spring on the treadmill for fifteen minutes, then weights for fifteen minutes, I want you to do this until you can no longer walk, talk or use your arms. Prove how strong you really have gotten and push yourself to the limits, after all, that is the tasks we must endure is it not?"

Leaning against the wall he would wait for Shion to begin, he wanted to see if the rumors were true as well as getting the man to push himself to the brink of breaking and learn how to deal with that feeling of exhaustion.

[Post: 2/5]
[TWC: 930/1,500]

He knew he heard those words that he couldn't correct them... but before he would be able to think not to... He would already be speaking. "understood, will try to pummel them faster next time..." He would sigh and noticed that he got up. 'Time is money...' the words echoed in his mind and he would be standing up, following Nobu.

The streets they were walking through, all the alleys, everything was less familiar here for them than he was back inside the leaf with the Oak streets. There he could easily tell when there was a stone turned. He did attempt to memorize the streets here, so he could help out sooner than the regular people they had around... But there was a truth to be told, he didn't quite see the building coming. 'I got the point... I am a lost pigeon at this point...' he would sigh softly as he got inside. "Heaah.... This is quite the place you got.." He would look around and place his fedora a little bit more to the back of his head.

"Rumors huh.." He would grin, perhaps a bit cocky on top of things. "Yeah.. sure..." He would walk towards the dressing room. Seeming that there was a change of clothes ready for him already. "Oi oi..." He noticed it was a size s and a size m... "I AIN'T THAT TINY YOU @!#$!" He shouted out towards Nobu as he couldn't help it. In his mind, he was still growing! He put on the size M tank top, the size S sports kaki and he had easy shoes on.

As he walked out of the room he was tying up his hair so it wouldn't be getting in the way. "You sure are an odd one... Just training my body more... You already know my regular routine..." He would walk towards the middle of all the equipment... but as he knew he would be doing this for a while, he did want to warm up his body... So he did start with a set of warm-ups before he would strap his hands in for the boxing. He didn't strap them in all the way as he didn't want to unstrap and strap as he had to circle through the things.

After the first hour of sifting through, a mark of a Grizzly bears facing towards its left on his right ankle. 'I'll show him...' After another set, another mark this time of a fox on the left side of his waist. Which you could spot through the punching. Another thing that would be visible, that his skin was getting a bit darker and his pupils were slightly fading.
After that set, he took a moment to grab something to drink before he would walk again towards the next course. While going with it another mark of a goat with giant horns on the right side of his chest. This went on for another two hours before he went towards the next mark, this one was a mark of a boar faced right with twigs growing in it on the left side of his neck along with the mark of a dragon biting its own tail, making a circle on his left arm, near the shoulder.

Shion would easily be found huffing, but he wasn't giving in at this point. He was still keeping ongoing and by the looks of it, this could go on for a while... But he didn't take any breaks except for something to drink in between. He was small, but he was keeping up at this point. 'I can keep this up...' were thoughts running.

OOC said:
(232+614=) 846/1500
Nobu looked over against the wall in those few moments as it seemed that the clothing didn't go down well, he made a note next time not to provide him with a change of clothes at all if that is what he preferred, and would simply store that away in his memory. As Nobu watched the kid for a few minutes it seemed that he still had something about the size and height, he made a note of that for the future, after all, it was good to keep all of this information to hand, even he knew and understood that.

As he continued to watch it seemed that there was a look of determination on the face of Shion this was a good sign from the get-go, and it seems that the man was going to show that he could fight even when broken, as he sat there he watched for a few minutes as time slowly went on and on he had to admit it showed a determination and grit that he simply wasn't used to. Admitting that the boy seemed to want to give it his everything this was a good start, but the whole plan for this session wasn't that simple really and he knew that Shion would come to understand that by the end.

Time ticked on and one as the set continued to go by, each time it was clear that the routine was taking its toll, Nobu knew that he wasn't perfect and even he would struggle to keep up with this pace when required to be pushed onto it for so long. It seemed that even with the huffing and puffing the boy didn't want to break, though it seemed that he was open the marks up he had to admit that he was impressed that the boy had opened so many without hesitation or a second thought. Even he knew full well that, after too long the boy would be suffering.

"Interesting, you keep needing to open gates, well at least that confirms my suspicions there, but I have to ask why to put yourself through that strain that it takes on the body, you know there are other ways in which you can achieve the same performance, while you are strong, we can still make you stronger, sometimes in a fight the gates is not always the best way to go straight away"

Pausing as he walked around watching Shion, it seemed that while having so much time alone Nobu had been reading up on anything and everything this was paying off.

"Tell me, what do you know about curse seals and the power that comes from them, say compared to what you are currently using for enduring this long? After all, I must say while impressive, you seem to be struggling as time passes on, in a hard fight I agree this is the right option, but why do that to your body for just using a punching bag Shion?"

[Post 3/5]
[TWC: 1,431/1,500]
As time ticked away, he opened one by one the gates that let him continue on further than he would have been able without them. Yet he had no idea that Nobu, even with his intel, was able to tell that these were Hachimon gates. Then again, it would have been pretty obvious. All Shion was glad about, that by opening his third gate, the gate of lust. That he didn't gain a blood nose right away. He had training sessions where he got a bloody nose too. For Nobu, even if it were a test... There was no way he would be slacking off or anything. He would give his all till he would meet the requirement of the man.

Hearing the other, his eyes would focus towards him for a second till punching the bag once more, due to the speed, he punched one side, then the other side to not let swing the bag away and out of reach. As Nobu was continuing on to speak, there was a small moment that he seemed to falter in his movements, but that was when he picked himself up. While no one could possible see this mark unless he was fighting in his underwear, the mark of the snake would appear on his tight. It was true that this would exhaust him in the long run... But this was still a gate he could have open without tearing muscles or limbs. One thing that did happen, an aura started to appear around him, it was a black aura but because of his demonic ancestor, there were red swirls in and around them. Sometimes trying to make a symbol another time just floating around till disappearing mixing in with the inky blackness once more.

"One.. you asked me to go full out." He spoke between paintings and after every 15 minutes, he still switched for the new set he was supposed to be doing. "That means I won't go half arsed into this.. That means I will go full out..." He grinned at that but it was having his toll, as not only this cost him his chakra, it also took endorsement on his health. In the past, at a regular training at the grounds, he went beyond the point he normally would have been possible and because of that, when he took a break he finally passed out. He figured Nobu probably knew about that time too as he was often brought up to date about them... But he would be doing the same again if needed.

"Cursed seals..." He would think for a bit, formulating his words and trying to grasp everything he had been taught about them. And ashamed to say, it wasn't a lot. "Now that you mention it... At the academy, it was like a taboo... The one time I learned about it... was when I tried to learn about my Demonic side..." He thought back to the time and he did seem to struggle, but he didn't open a new gate this time. He knew that if he opened up another gate... his muscles would be next. It was only now that once he was again at a punching bag... that he wrecked the bag at the end of the time. 'Note to self... Gate six makes my taijutsu stronger... Probably need to buy a new bag.' He would sigh a little before he would punch once more and slip to end up at a knee at the ground. "Tsk!" He let out an annoyed tsk, grabbed another punching bag, and went at it again. His temper not helping much this time as he was a bit more... uncoordinated going at it now.

"Cursed marks... had two stages, stage one, where it can spread over the user's body... the second stage you completely envelop with it. In some cases, it can have a fatal side effect... Some see it as a curse, other as a tool to get further..." He took a break now, leaning on his knees as he looked towards the bag. Then walked along to see the water bottle cool off a bit. Before walking to the treadmill. "I know not all that much about them in general... There isn't much information about them too..."

OOC said:
(846+715)=1.561 /1500
Nobu watched the man continue his training, as he leaned back for a few minutes he shifted his weight off the wall that he was leaning on using the moment to walk around he nodded to himself as he considered the rely on that had come back, it seemed that Shion wanted to push himself, and indeed he had, Nobu knew that fully well but even with this Taijutsu it was clear his stamina could last, that is what they needed and he knew that much, but of course without the stamina, he wondered just how quickly he would be able to recover that from opening the gates. Everyone should have multiple options available to him he understood that and to give that same opportunity to Shion.

"It activates the seal that is scribed onto the user's body, allowing them to focus on either being stronger, more accurate, hitting harder, taking less damage the options are limitless for what the seal can do actually they are a way for everyone to gain power that normally would be locked behind a wall, but they cost, draining directly from your Stamina for as long as they are open, and that is the trade-off you make when activating one of them, also for someone like you it would lock the ability to use the gates for as long as the seal is active which is the downside."

He was blunt about that matter but gave all the information one needed to know for what it was and what it offered was key to making sure they understood everything that came with it as he kept eye contact with Shion, he nodded slowly after giving all the pros and cons of achieving this mark and how they could use it to fight in lower situations as was required.

"So do you want one?"

[Post: 4/5]
[TWF: 1,740/1,500]
He started to run once more at the treadmill with the gates opened up. "I see..." He spoke and ran without holding on to it, even when he was getting tired. He wanted to prove that he wouldn't be going weak assed at it. "Don't we make trademarks all the time?" He asked as he did think it over. But because he was trying to do so much, there was a part which he never could and would have been able to calculate. Shion wouldn't be able to explain what happened, but something happened in a few seconds. He found his vision going towards the black part where you ran on, the next moment he had closed his eyes. the other moment he felt a sharp pain in his arm and leg as he tumbled off the treadmill. And it was just moments after that he started moving again, first by getting up on his knees holding his head, and opening up one eye. "A-t-t-t..." he flinched. '!@$ is this the limit I have?' The seals would be fading out again meaning his body closed the gates. His breath would be quick and his movements a bit staggering. He was willing to go on and get going at it. Standing back up, walking back to the treadmill. It was the words from Nobu that made him halt in his movements.

"huh..?" One second, two seconds.. that's when the question did finally formulate in his head. "Oh!" he would nod and grin towards the other. "Every down has them up... you know that better than anyone." By draining his stamina throughout this point, he did calm down in his demeanor also and actually quite a bit. You could easily level with him at this point. "I will gladly accept it if you were the one giving it." He grinned and held out a box towards the other. But now he thought about it... did Nobu even box anyone like that? The fistbump..?

OOC said:
(1.561+341=) 1902 /1500
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Nobu watched in surprise as the man came off the treadmill with quite some speed he had to give Shion failed at all else, he would be good at sledding for a future career at least, so there was always some form of future at least for Shion. Glancing down at the crippled form of the boy he watched as he pulled himself back up and headed to the treadmill. His words seemed to stop him any further as Nobu allowed that smirk to creep across his lips as he stepped forward in those few moments. Standing beside Shion it was something that was silent, the movements would never be heard he was getting good at that. Turning around Shion would come face to face with the Clan Head.

"Well then, no time lit the current is there, service to the Clan is what you offer in return, This is the Way."

Nobu didn't bother waiting for a reply, there was no need to wait for one at that moment in time. His hand grabbing the man by the neck as he lifted Shion off the ground, it was the only time he showed his true strength and one that he wouldn't repeat often, the same as when he gave Zatoru the seal, it was pain that would create the link to this seal fro the Clan. His eyes never leaving Shions as he stood there looking to the boy.

The dark hue escaping from his presence as it corrupted around him and caused darkness to consume the two Shinobi. The power surged through his hand as it slowly transferred to Shion, the blank ink sinking into the man's neck as it crept down, unlike Zatoru's this was a complete sleeve, the carvings, and shapes taking on the story of the path Shion had walked to get to this point. The lesson was over and the seal given as a reward. Nobu allowed his grip to waiver as he dropped Shion back to the ground in whatever state he landed in.

"Use this seal for the Clan, remember what is required of you. Return to Leave make sure you're not detected, and soon our time will come to tell the others."

With that Nobu had already grabbed his coat and headed out the door straight away never leaving a sight behind him, he had made sure that he didn't turn back as he felt the Chakra drained from him in that split second.

[Post: 5/5]
[TWC:2,144 / 1,500]
[Dark Sage Curse Seal Given]
[Topic Left]
He noticed he wasn't going to get a fistbump... He would turn around to face him but it did creep him out a bit that he was able to move there without a single sound. He was lifted off the ground and he himself held his breath for a bit. Everything happened as quickly as ever and getting a seal wasn't a pleasure. He had laughed at Zatoru getting one. But he now found out that it wasn't anything. At the first bite, he screamed before he gritted his teeth. It felt like something hot was started to cover his body. He started to mainly feel this sensation from his shoulder to three-quarters of his arm almost forming a complete sleeve but still held room to cover it up in case it was needed.

The ink started to set under his skin yet unlike Zatoru that remained with the clouds, that from Shion were clouds loosely hanging together as it was probably the fact that his hachimon gates were partially fighting the curse seal. Yet it remained the same in colors.

Once he was released he dropped first at his feet, but then couldn't keep himself standing and sat down on his behind. HOlding that arm that got the seal. He was panting and as he looked to Nobu, he would nod that he understood his words. 'This flicker is quick...' he thought and would lean a bit backward. Letting the numbing pain subside a bit and for him time to gain some breath. He would dress back after a small shower in the dressing room before he would get out of the place. "Tomorrow I am going to be sore all over... why did I go all out again..." He sighed as he made his way home.

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(1902+299=) 2.201/1500
[curse seal accepted]
[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
