"Can I get you another one Sir?"
Turning his attention up he looked to the old man that ran the bar in this city as he knew full well that he was offering him another drink, as he placed the cup out in front of him he nodded as he wanted to make sure that the man was aware that he was actually, in fact, accepting the offer for a new drink, as he watched the man pour it he just listening to the crowd that was speaking to him in those few seconds. It seemed that people around him having conversations were more focused on each other than someone casually drinking alone and eavesdropping onto the conversations.
It seemed a couple at the bar were discussing the fact that they were openly having an affair, the ones next to him were talking about smuggling drugs out of the city and how they would get around the guards, it was a weird world that they lived in and it seemed that the Shinobi of Leaf never came around to fix this whole area. As such it had become burdened with gutter and vermin and Nobu was amazed from time to time on just how bad things have got.
He knew full well that his own group was moving into the area, as he picked the glass up and swigged it back placing it back on the desk in front of him wanting to make sure that everyone had a role that they needed to fill and where prepared for what was coming their way, even he wanted to accept that he needed to teach them the way of the world.
"Please can I get another one, I just have time to kill while waiting for someone to arrive"
Nobu knew that he probably stank of booze, but that wasn't going to affect him or what he was focused on teaching today, actually it was the opposite he was more determined to make sure that the person arriving would be pushed to their limited and made sure that they came away from towards with a full understanding of what was expected of them. Even he knew teaching was crucial to understanding how to gain strength, a lesson Shion would soon be understanding.
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