Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Putting in Time on the Daily Grind(Open)


Well-Known Ninja
Nov 1, 2012
I ain't always got free time to spare ya dig? So today I'm doing what I been doing for a well now, Rehab/Physical Therapy. That right there is my strong suit you know? Mostly I work with some of the older folks because more often then not, we mesh well. We got common ground in one of the most important ways, WE. KEEP. IT. REAL! At least when it matters. I mean of course we joke and play here and there but they swear I'm an old soul. I think I know what that means. My last client is Ms. Ching. She's in her 60's now but, she been a wild one. Kunoichi, prostitute, actress,... she's lived life to the fullest right? We talk about everythang.

She was like, "So Ryo, have you found that lady yet? What's her face?" And I'm like "Ja Ja, her name's Ja but I call her Ja Ja. But nope, not yet." "HAHA, well don't worry. When you get tired of chasing after her, I can show you what you've been missing."HAHAHA, Ms. Ching you is a straight fool! Okay, here we go now. Stand up straight for me." Yeah so, I help her out of her wheelchair and guide her to the support handrails. A heavy gash in her thigh had pretty much ended her ninja warrior days. Not many ninjas can do their thang when they can't jump no mo. That along with aging has started to reignite pain and dysfunction in the right thigh and hip area.
Nagisa was doing her rounds. She wanted to make sure that everyone was working and that patients were being seen. Everything was going smoothly for the most part. She was still a little understaffed but they could manage.

Her last visit was the Physical rehabilitation side of the hospital where she saw one of her medical ninja helping an older woman. Nagisa watched, her blue eyes keeping a close eye out.

'He seems to be doing well although he is a little too energetic for my tastes.' an inner voice said to Nagisa.

'It takes all kinds and the elderly need to be around people who are young and full of energy. It gives them hope and maybe they will catch the energy.'

'I suppose. I always wanted my elders to either play with children instead of this.'

'That was your way but this seems to be just fine.'

Nagisa would approach, her lab coat blowing gently behind her as she walked, revealing her blue monk like attire.

"How are you feeling today Ms. Ching? Better than yesterday I hope. Is that wound causing your trouble? I hope Mr. Basuta is being kind to you but it seems you have your personal cheerleader here." Nagisa would smile towards both the elder and Basuta.

[topic entered]
So Ms. Ching is working her way upright and clenching her teeth all the way in that motion alone, and I'm thinkin' 'Man, don't be doin' this to me lady.' Yeah, she's here off and on and we kinda go back you know? About two steps in we get paid a visit... Nagisa... Now...Okay like I know there's a thing about workplace relationships and what not but, come on now, er'body thought about it once or twice in their life... Durin' my shy Ryo days, the first few years I seen 'er, I wasn't even checkin' Doc like that but, you know how it is, sometimes the mind wonders. Soooooooooo can I really be blamed if I asked her a while ago if she uhhhh, how'd I put it how'd I put it, -"Hey, wanna do some gene research? Cause you see uhhh, strictly on that "scientific professional" level I've been wonderin', 'If we ever had a baby, what WOULD he or she look like? Just thinkin' on that research and experimentation tip, know what I'm sayin'?"- Now when I asked her that a few months ago, she ain't seem too receptive. I asked her on our off-hours so I ain't seen the harm in though na' mean? A closed mouth don't get fed right? Shoot, she probably checkin' me out. How do I know that? TOP DOWN RUN DOWN BABAAAAAY! Hair styled something nice but simply, the Red-brown brush down. My sunglass, Rayman's. I rocks no other. Got me a simple form-fitting red tank top. That's plain cause I don't want to have it try to outshine my Medical license badge, know what I'm sayin'? Got the black Below Guards jogging pants and shoes combo, red trim on the pants, red laces on the the shoes na' mean. You'll ough'a know by now I stay clean.

Anyway, she here now. So she greets us and Ms. Ching and a part of me all already know what's about to go down but, I can still hope. So Ms. Ching is all joyful with the, "Ahhh, Ms. Nagisa-sama. So good to see you. *Pained hiss*ssss, yes, my leg is being a bit more stubborn than usual. My nerves hate me today. But Ryo here...." "Basuta" "...(waves a hand)whatever... he is good to me. Then she wanna act like she whispering to Nagisa and is like, "I think you should approve him for some home visits." Then she starts doin' that mischieve laugh that darn near all old people do where they bite the tip of there tongue while scrunching their face and gigglin'. At this point, I'm like (Laughing/shakes head)"Hmhmhm. Gurl stooop. Puttin' me on the spot like that."

By this point, I'm easing her along close to the end of the rail and aid her in turning around. Her pain is apparent so I'm like, "Come on. Ever the fighter baby. Come on.". She pushes on to work her way back to the starting position, groaning and hissing along the way. I lower her back into her wheelchair. I crouch down beside her and start tellin' her, "I'm sorry Ms. Ching, but it's not..." (Grumpy)"Oh shut up... Fine fine, you youngsters win." Then this chick gonna have the nerve to look at Nagisa and be on that, "Doc,... take the leg." stuff. All extra for no reason. Man, my hand hit my face so fast man. "Ms. Ching we don't need or want your leg okay." So I look down to the ground reach a hand to Nagisa for vocal aid to help a brotha out. "Ms. Nagisa, can you please tell Ms. Ching we aren't 40 years in the past, and modern medicine options ain't her competition? WWWHHHYYYY!? So stubborn. But I gots nothin' but love for my patient though, even though I know she be testin' mine on purpose.

[Reminder: The statement in the first paragraph by Basuta, is a past statement and not real time. Figured we could form a sense of rapport/past this way. If you have any questions about Basuta or Ms.Ching feel free to ask.]
Nagisa had a small flashback to a previous encounter of theirs and she mentally shook herself. She was sennin now and could not hold it against the shinobi about his previous actions. So long as he respected her now, that is what mattered.

Nagisa would listen to the woman +and watched the interaction between the
two. He was a bit odd in his approach but the old woman seemed to appreciate it. They were both feisty.

"There is no need for that kind of talk. Here, sit down for me for a second and I will do something you havent seen before I bet. If you have, then I will gladly get you a free snack. Here."

Nagisa would make a ball of water appear in her hand and behind to swirl it . She clapped her hands together and both her hands were coated in glowing water. She would then place them over the wound site and let the healing water do its work soothing the pain. She also increased the heat of the water a little making it like a very concentrated hot water path to ease the joins near the site.

"you are not a young shinobi anymore. It will take time. We will only take your leg if we need to but I don't think you want a prosthetic leg. Risk of infection is great and I want you get around as best as you can. You are slowly getting better and slow and steady is the best way."

[ooc no problem. I used healing water as part of my CA]
And so uhhh, Nagisa was somethin' like, "Don't worry, I got you boo. Have you seen this trick before?" Yeah, she even offered a free snack in a way and I'm thinkin' 'Girl you ain't said nothin' but a word. And I don't need anythang from a vending machine,... but I might could get a little somethin' 'by' the vending machine, ya dig?' Yeah yeah, I know she was talkin' to Ms.Ching and all, I know. But all y'all KNOW she wrong for making me watch them hips though boy I tell ya. All I'm sayin' is, she left that lab coat open for a reason na' sayin?

Anyway, while I aid Ms.Ching out of her wheelchair and onto an examination table, Nagisa preps a water ball with ninjutsu and what not. Nothing special there. She put the glow on that thang and I was thinkin', 'Alright now, okay okay, so she IS about to show us a little some'in some'in.' And Ms.Ching pulled up her jogging shorts to reveal her scar and was all like, "Okay Ms. Nagisa-sama, don't splash me too much now." Nagisa goes to work soothing the sight. While Doc works, Ms. Ching takes deep breathes and begins to relax more and more.

Doc tries to advise the patient as she works. Ms.Ching lefts an eyebrow and when I saw that I already knew like, her mind was pickin' out the wrong words and the wrong interpretation of them. And I knew that 'cause I show 'nough was doin' it to, learned it from her and her friends on that real talk. And so Ms.Ching was like, "Ohhhh I couldn't agree more Ms.Nagisa-sama, slow and steady,... it truly is the best way. But I must say, and sorry to say, I have seen that before though so I'll have that snack now." And I'm like on the other side of Ms.Ching all shaking my head and stuff tryin' not to laugh and stuff. Don't know if Doc saw me try to mouth the words, Nope, she frontin'. Gotta watch these old folks, they ain't got no shame and will get over on ya in a heartbeat.

[Marked for training]
Nagisa smiled sweetly.


'Yes more than likely so but still she took the treatment. Healing is what matters and an old crow like her is too smart to be outwitted by such a ploy.'

"Dear me. It seems I have underestimated the great worldly knowledge of my patient. It seems my Senju background is easily seen through. A moment if you will as I go get your snack. Mr. Basuta please help Ms. Ching up and back to her chair. We can't have her as Nagisa spoke, she carefully moved the chair a little further away which just so happened to be next to a table. One could not snack properly without a table. A small half smile would grace her lips as she looked Basuta for a quick second before Nagisa turned all the way around and began walking towards a vending station. She would pick a decent snack, a healthy option for someone of her age, and a small pre made tea in which Nagisa would, carefully, transmute the properties of the water in the tea to a similar healing waters.

She would walk towards the table as she looked at Basuta seeing if her little ploy worked.
Yeah so, seemed to me like she kinda got the hint. Doc seemed all nice and stuff about it,... laid it on kinda thick though. She carts the chair talkin' 'bout getting Ms. Ching a little grub. Did she realize she was moving the wheelchair away from her? Shoot, she probably did. So I helps the old one off of the exam table you know, and she like, "Ahhh don't sweat it you did well. Senju are talented indeed. But are you really gonna make me work now?" But I'm like "I gotcha, I gotcha."

So I let her bear down on my hand while she's like walkin' to the table and whatnot. But,... oddly enough,... she throwing your boy some sly smiles and turns off and I'm thinkin', 'For me?!' Apparently,... she done changed her mind on somethings. And you know, if Doc wanna put on a show for your truly,... who am 'I' to stop her, know what I'm sayin'?! "Don't lose your focus now," is what Ms. Ching said and she was just watchin' me, watchin' Doc and it had me thinkin', 'D#%n, caught slippin'.' Turns out ummmm,... weeeeellll,... she kinda had walked 'bout half the way there and sat herself. Like look, okay like, let me talk real quick. You know how sometimes your head tilt a lil bit, and then you kinda hit that lean... well you know. Don't think Doc saw though.

But I snapped out and head to the chair talkin' like, "No doubt, I stay sharp. You did really good on your own. That treatment seems to be treating you right." But Ms.Ching just kept staring at me. You know, that smug smirk look of condemnation where they wanna laugh too. And she stayed on me. "Umm, hmm." And I'm like tryin' brush her off but she just keeps looking right at me. I'm like ohh boy, *sigh* here we go.
Nagisa smiled even more broadly. It seems her smile affected more than the old lady. It looks like the medical shinobi still had... well certain thoughts.

'Oh he seems nice.'

'Nice isn't enough. I am his superior in every sense of the word.'

'Judgmental enough?'

'Until he proves me wrong, yes.'

Nagisa would set the food in front of Ms. Ching as well as the tea and look between the two of them.

"Here you are Ms. Ching and a little bit of advice. If you don't know something, it is better to ask as I am, sadly, not of the Senju bloodline. Makes you almost wonder how I do what I do. As for you, Mr. Basuta," the blue eyes would snap towards the medical shinobi
"As far as I know, drooling is not an acceptable form of medical techniques. I think a shift in the emergency room tonight will teach you a thing keeping on your toes oh and if I am not mistaken."

Nagisa would turn to look at him a moment, a half smile playing on her lips.

"There is a full moon tonight."

And she left, as quickly as she had arrived, as silent as a stream flowing in a quiet forest.

'Show off.'

'I know. I try.'

[topic left]
[+1 medical mission point for you for the amazing RP. Super fun and look forward to the next one]
So ummm, apparently Doc tested Ms.Ching and it seemed that she failed although I kinda knew a little somethin' somethin'. But while Ms.Ching was getting chewed out by Doc, she did her ole mischief-maker laugh. She was all like, "Ohhh don't be so sore Nagisa-sama. What's a girl to do when you offer her free food? I just couldn't help myself. Kykyky(snickering laugh)"

But then she turn to me she like had that fire in her eyes like, boy. Couldn't tell if it was love or hate na' mean. She was on some, "Tsk, why you be lookin' at me like that? Tsk, extra shift fo yo a$$." Then she gonna smile and walk off just like before. Can't say that I wasn't placed a wee bit on the spot but, uhhh, I know y'all noticed,... she stay smilin' though. But with Doc out of the room, I sit on the table, but the other though. I like, "How is it Ms.Ching?" "How's what? The food,... the tea,... your chances with her,... or your chances with me?" "Well wasn't askin' all that, just talkin' food but hey, shoot." "Food: Meeeh(Shakes hand horizontally). Tea: Surprising smoothing despite the plan taste. Her: Pretty good. Me: Well you already know the answer to that. (Winks)"

So I'm all curious now and like "Umm-hmm. Okay so why you say pretty good?" She start sippin' on tea tryin' ta look all wise you know. She was on some, "Nagisa, or Doc as you call her, she didn't get rid you." I'm like, "Haha, naw, we just short staff. Droppin' me off the map now means more work for her soooo...(shrugs) " Then she talkin' on that, "But instead of sending you away, she gives you more chances to possibly cross her path? Now it could be a quick decision true, but seem to me she feels something. Positive or negative she feels something and that places your piece on the board." But then she sets the cup down and is on that, "But why worry about her when I'm right here?" On that I get up and go to get ready and wheel her out, seeing that she's done with her stuff and I'm like, "A'ight now Ms.Ching, keep playin' and you might just get what you askin' for." She just laughs and says, "Kykyky. Good Ryo, I'll be waiting on that day. A girl gets tired of dropping hints."

[Topic left - Thanks Nagisa. It's a pleasure. I'm not sure what the Medical point does but I'll gladly take it.]
[Marked for Training]

Current Ninpocho Time:
