Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private [pvt] Meeting an old student.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao sat at the usual table these days at the bar, just another alcoholic drink in his mug. He had changed his hairdo these days, a bit thinned out and often in a ponytail. Glasses were placed on his face as he noticed in the far distance he sometimes had trouble seeing. “Wish I had something to fix that…” he would mutter while drinking the alcoholic beverage and going over a case that he had brought with him.

That was when he noticed a familiar face…”Oi.. Kei?” He asked out loud and waved the other over. He moved the papers inside the folder again and would wait if the other did or didn’t approach him.

The sennin sat there in his new attire, but finally, he had the new medical cloaks ready. All the medical ninjas could wear these jackets if they wanted, there were only whole sleeves instead of the cut version that Nao wore. There were two places for the leaf medical symbol place and not to mention a special spot for a small pin, to make it more personal. Nao didn’t wear any pins as he never had gotten any, but he did wear his medical badge still. On the badge was his name, rank, and that he was a shinobi of the hidden leaf.

“What brings you here..?” He asked, leaning on the table, letting his shirt sit a bit wider so you could see the last bits of bandage and the scales on his chest. His right arm had scales all over, he stopped hiding the fact that he was a dragon these days. At least, he didn’t show every single thing about it.

Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku certainly looked like he had seen better days. Perhaps he had come back from a mission today, or perhaps he had been out in the woods to hunt or train again; his body was arms were littered with the usual scratches and scrapes they always bore, but his eyes were heavy and baggy, his face slightly lined. He wore a sleeveless flak jacket with a tatty black shirt underneath, his hair as messy as ever it was, and the beginnings of a wispy beard growing on his chin. Moru was curled up on the floor beneath his stool, fast asleep and looking just as worn out.

"Huh?" He said blearily, coming out of his reverie as he heard someone call his name. When he looked over, his eyes widened slightly, and a smile threatened to crease the corners of his lips, "Nao-sensei...? Man, it's been fuckin' ages!"

Sure enough, it was him; his very first teacher. It seemed like only yesterday as he was a fresh-faced academy student, being taught by a top medical expert how to work with bandages and basic first-aid. That had been a lifetime ago as far as the Shinobi world was concerned. Keiyaku was 18 now, the premature leader of his clan, and, by night, a high-ranking ANBU operative. All of it showed in his face; he looked a few years older than he actually was and his complexion had became slightly more pale and washed out. In spite of all of that, he was genuinely happy to see his old teacher, and the look of delight on his face was warmly sincere. Grabbing his bottle of Soju, he deftly scooped up Moru with one hand, somehow without waking the pup up, and slid over to Nao, depositing Moru on a vacant barstool.

"Me? Ehhh, the refreshments," said the Inuzuka stiffly, his eyes drifting down to Nao's arm, trailing along it, and up to his exposed chest. So he was one too, was he? It made him wonder how it affected people; were they given to lose control in the same way he was? To be at harmony with the beast was something he wished for deeply.

"That... looks... kinda uncomfortable," he said, prodding one of the scales on his teacher's arm with interest, frowning at it, "I'd be afraid of poking on eye out in my sleep."

Ironic, considering, as an Inuzuka, Keiyaku's fingers ended in a set of sharp claws.

He took another heavy swig of Soju.

"What about you? I don't blame you for drinking if you're still working the academy and the Byoin; kids and surgery. It's like stress and anxiety had a big, fat baby."

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The older male looked towards the child's eyes, for him it still was a child, and he would sheepishly smile. "You are right about one thing, I am quite busy..." hewould speak before elaborating the things further. "I handle classes not only inside the byoin, but also the academy inside. So technically I am splitting myself in 2 positions there. Since there are quite a few classes lacking teachers... I try to fill a spot to teach at least twice a week. Then again, I also need to manage the byoin and help around the bush with the other branch too. " with other branch, he was directing the ANBU branch. "Despite now knowing exactly what I need to do... So it is like being thrown inside the sea with floaties and except how to swim... And I am also the hokage advisor..." He would down the drink that he had right at that moment having displayed everything, yet he already had something.
"Not to mention that my Fiance has been gone for at least a year and a half... so I can only assume that he has been killed in action... Since he never even let me know that he was going to go. But I also don't know half of his life it feel like... We were engaged! And he left me!" He would mutter and then just give a signal that he wanted another round. "Tonights on me if you fancy adrink." he would speak towards the kid and then just start to speak about his physical changes.

"Ahh.. that.. Yea... I thought the major shifting was done, but I started to just embrace it rather than hiding it." hewould speak and point to the glasses. "Same for that... I am getting old..." And just that reminder made him feel sad. Indeed... A person was never immortal.
"The scales aren't that hard that they would harm me... But I also guess my body is reactive against it and makes sure it won't get near.. So far it didn't interfere with much, and I also can still subtract them too. But since I need to use chakra daily on a clone... It get's difficult to keep hiding it all. A puff of smoke came from him as he breathed out. "So what about you..? Wat is lingering on your mind to be here?"
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"Sure sounds like a busy time," he said, looking up at the Sennin sympathetically, wondering how so many people managed to stretch themselves so thin like that. Then again, with everything going on, Keiyaku felt just as stretched. Between rebuilding his clan, teaching at the Academy, and running the day-to-day operations of a whole branch of the ANBU.... Well, it was all starting to ass up.

"Corvus-sensei, you mean," he said, looking down. His sensei, the ANBU Sennin was of course, very secretive; Keiyaku didn't even know his real name, but they'd met for the first time at the Sazuki residence while Nao was passed out on the couch after an important dinner. The house carried the scent of the both of them, so it wasn't hard to put two and two together. Engaged? For some reason, he'd been under the impression they were already married from the way they spoke to one another. Still, Corvus-sensei was a father figure to him; he'd single-handedly guided him through the ranks of the ANBU, and had taken him personally under his wing ever since he was a fresh-faced student. There was a whole in his heart that his absence had left.

"Oh, thanks," he grunted, taking a sip as Nao offered to pay, "yeah, I miss him too. A lot. But... Shit... I can't imagine what that must feel like, Sensei. If I know him at all, he didn't leave you; something must have happened to him. I'd go out and find him myself, but... I'm just so swamped with my work here."

Shifting? The word sent a slight tingle sprinting up Keiyaku's spine. He'd done enough shifting for a lifetime himself; he couldn't imagine sprouting scales was any less pleasant.

"Still... I've seen that happened to a lot of people. Suddenly everyone starts growing scales and sprouting wings like some weird epidemic. But hey, it's a talking point, isn't it? As long as it doesn't stop you being a doctor, I guess it's no biggie? At least you're learning to control it, even if it's getting tricky to hide."

Moru gave a sudden snore, but continued slumbering on.

"Me?" Keiyaku looked a little nervous as he took another swig, not sure how much it was wise to tell. Not to mention, he knew he was becoming a total drag these days. He really did look quite ill though.

"It's not been too different. My family's still recovering and rebuilding; I've kind of just ended up in charge by default now. A lot of the outlying branch clans came to help us rebuild after the fire."

He took a much larger swig of Soju this time.

"Corvus being gone sure is a blow... But the same with Keniwa. We were kind of... I mean, I thought we were... But... I dunno. It wouldn't be so bad, but the Full Moon's getting closer and each time it does it messes with my head. Gets me feeling all kinds of sick too. Serious pain in ass, y'know?"

As he downed the last of his bottle, Keiyaku reached for his wallet, "hey, I got the next round, 'kay?"

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"yeah, I miss him too. A lot. But... Shit... I can't imagine what that must feel like, Sensei. If I know him at all, he didn't leave you; something must have happened to him. I'd go out and find him myself, but... I'm just so swamped with my work here." Nao played with the rim of the glass as he was listening to the young male. His gaze softened up but at the same time, there was not much left in that gaze. "While that may have been true... but after all this time, you give up, you live on. Despite that being difficult... And trust me, i tried to look into it all. I went through the Hokage office, I went through the files at the guard tower. To see if any of his names popped up, but nothing. So either this would have been a radio-silent thing... or he is just gone. I can either torment myself with it endlessly.. or let it go." He would speak before taking a big gulp.

"Still... I've seen that happen to a lot of people. Suddenly everyone starts growing scales and sprouting wings like some weird epidemic. But hey, it's a talking point, isn't it? As long as it doesn't stop you being a doctor, I guess it's no biggie. At least you're learning to control it, even if it's getting tricky to hide." At that, he was laughing. "Yea- they aren't the best to grow, but at the same time, it isn't the worst. I feel like a burn is a lot more harsh. Yes, it hurts when you shed a scale or pull it. It will even bleed if you pull a scale... But at the same time, it will itch. It is hard to explain exactly how it feels as I am still not done doing tests on myself or these scales... BUt you can sharpen the scales..." He would grab one out of his coat, it used to be a bigger one... and he would rather not tell how he got this scale. He would show how durable and difficult to break it was. "See? It is something." He said after he cut the napkin with it.

"Ah right... that did happen... If you need something please let me know, I may not look like it but I am capable of helping in building. Altho some things are better left to experts..." He muttered now that he thought about the electrical work or the plumbing...
Grabbing a piece of paper out of his inner pocket he would read it out loud. "It's been a year now.... There wasn't a day that I forgot, about that friend who went away. I wonder if he is doing okay. I wonder if he still remembers me... But it is fine... I am sure that one day, we'll meet again. So i don't mind waiting if he finds this message somewhere, I wonder what he'll think. This is one that I wrote for a friend of mine... but if you want, you can place this down where you hope to meet Keniwa again... Maybe he will find it. Maybe he won't.. I gave up anyways." He would slip the folded paper towards Keniwa before downing his drink and look towards the kid.

"Full moon..? the same principle with me and suddenly hoarding stuff?" He would question without much in thought, but he was curious as to what the other was exactly talking about.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
