Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [pvt][tutor] Zatoru, learning about.

“Don’t overdo it..!” the Kami explained and Nao would sit at the veranda. “I know I had a bad day yesterday… but I am fine now…” Nao said soft towards the Kami and would put out the smoke. “I will take it easy… I only have a desk work after teaching Za... “ He fell silent after that. A week ago, that kid lost an arm… he had a huge pushback himself not only physically but also mentally.. Even though he didn’t lose that arm.

One more coffee was what he took before getting properly dressed to go back to the byoing. For safety reasons he had taken a plastic mug. “Still not fully up to strength… damnit…” He bit his lip for a moment before he would take a deep sigh. “Cannot go today. I promised him yesterday already, I really have to go today…” he would start to walk towards the Byoin.

Once inside he was stopped quite a few times by other medical shinobi who wanted to have his attention on things. Once he finally got to the room, the nurse there saw Nao. Blushed and pardoned herself as she walked out, eying Nao who didn’t seem to react much to it. “Uhm.. Sir?” She stopped for a moment and Nao turned. “Yes?” “Would you like to grab some coffee in a little?” Nao would shake his head. “Sorry, I cannot do that. I have to tutor then have paperwork to attend to.” Completely missing the point that she had wanted.

“Mornin Zatoru, sorry about yesterday… Something came in between and couldn’t make it… but today I am here.” he would sit beside the bed.

OOC said:
PVT zatoru tutor

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As time would go on, Za wouldnt even be able to understand what had transpired. He could have died, but what was worse than death was the feeling of being inadequate. The feeling that time was fleeting and you were on the clock. He could not be the man that the Clan would need him to become as he was, but he had to adapt. Somehow, he couldnt defeat himself, and as he laid in the hospital bed, he was told that he could get prosthetics and such to help him and the more that he thought about it, the more he would lean into it. He'd talk it over with Nobu and see if that was a correct course of action, and maybe Sumiko would be able to help him learn to use Puppet arts better than he already did...

Shion would be there for his more physical training. They seemed to brawl it out, almost in close quarters from time to time. And they were rivals, so why not use the people close to him to get better overall. Especially with the tourna-... OH CRAP THE TOURNAMENT! "Eh... Its okay Doc, I've just been eating all the Jello that I'm allowed. Me and my little stubby here.", Za woudl wave his nub in the air. Bandaged as it was, it seemed to be healing well, and Zatoru was well into his high spirits. Why? He didnt know, the pain was fleeting day by day and he was often reminded of his mother in the day to day mundane behavior of the Nurses that came to check on him.

How he missed that woman...

"Well, it does seem like you have a fan base here with the nurses. They all speak highly of you. Not that I care, but it helped to know that at least you're not a scrub.", nodding once again he would roll his shoulders back before dropping his voice a bit and getting serious, "...So, Doc, What was that thing? and why did it have more than one heart?" this worked for two purposes, for clarification and, Jiongu. He was still going to go full steam into figuring out what it was that happened, and how he could possibly replicate it...

Maybe he would have to come up with a technique that helped him achieve what he wanted to do. At any pace... he'd wait for Nao's response.
"Scrub..?" Nao questioned the other, now what did younger people mean with that..? He would look towards the bandage as he sat there before listening to him. "Well... not so sure about fanbase... wait... what makes you say that?" he asked and would place his hairs in a tail and look towards him rather curious. Yet as his voice started to turn serious he too would get to that.

At first, he was silent about it, trying to find the right words to it. "Have you ever heard about a combined twin..?" he would ask in an attempt to keep the subject easy at first. "It is something similar to this.. but then... even more twisted..." he would sit down a little different as his hip was still busy healing and with his impatient little butt, t would remain a while for it to actually be healed over. "The creature... had not only two hearts... it had two brains... almost a double on organs... But the oddest part was... That one heart was of an elder man... the other was of a small child. It seemed like the brains... one was human, the other might not have been by the sheer size.." he would shudder a moment as he thought back about it. "It was... perhaps a creature formed and made by a revenant... yet we do not know for certain.... Yet it was rather interesting... The hearts that is. " He would be honest and looked towards Zatoru.


"While I am not fully sure how it exactly seems to work... I do remember that, the one in the forest. Used Taijutsu on me..." He would lean in his hand as his brain already started to think further and he somewhat started to mumble towards himself. The kami came around again and saw Nao like that, muttering to himself... He started to count silently but visible. "What if... Revenants use multiple hearts... multiple organs... but only a dark sage can get them to live... Having multiple hearts.. often means they are known to multiple lives... and they can generally regenerate by stealing other people's hearts..." He muttered away and Excursai reached 10... and batted Nao on the head with a file. "A-t!" The sennin crunched together and winced a little. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He shouted out yet Sai made an 'sssst' emote and pointed to Zatoru. "..." He let out a small cough. "sorry..."
"Oi, a scrub is someone that finesses their way up, like is someone became a Warlord without ever seeing the battle field. You're -not- that.", nodding again he would brush off the fanbase question with a huff, "You're playin, no way you could be that dense.", nodding once again he would manage to figure things out to be weirdly interesting as Nao would continue speaking. More or less, explaining what had happened and what that thing was that they had encountered Maybe messing with it had jolted it back into the land of the living for the brief time that it did come back...

"So it was like a conjoined twin... but, the parts all came from different things and people? Thats quite strange...", but it would make a bit of sense thinking about everything that had transpired. This was what Za was trying to accomplish, but how did a monster do that? Or did it make the being turn into a monster, "How does that happen? Like... was that the body of the Old Man Brain controlling it? Or was it something else? Like a Jutsu that caused that to happen?" Za would think to himself for a long while and as things continued to jump out at him he would continue to question everything that he could...

This was leading him to become closer to his goals... he just needed to know how far he could go before he would not be Za anymore. How far could he push the boundaries of the jutsu or technique before he would lose his will and succumb to whatever else was going on...

Who knew. At the end of the day, Zatoru would do what was best for the clan and himself. He wanted to grow, and to have his name be infamous. However, there was definitely something else that would transpire from all of it. Maybe this was the day he would figure everything else out that he would need to...?

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"ahh- that is what you meant with scrub... Nah... My own teacher almost killed me a few times... eh heh...heh..." he would chuckle a little awkward at that as he thought back about the time that his teacher taught him how to water walk... Then again, that teacher later vanished. At the dense part... Nao would honestly tilt his head a little to the side. "ooh- wait... Do you mean that they are trying to taunt me or something..? They won't be getting a raise or anything..." He still didn't get it fully... but he was truthful about the fact he wasn't interested in them. one way or another.

"Well.. now that I think of it.." and he opened up the file that Sai gave now and he showed a picture. 'that... might not have been the case now that I think further. What might have been... that this thing was an actual person..." He crossed his legs on the chair and soon regretted that motion, repositioning himself and hold a hand on his hip absentmindedly. With Sai glaring at the man he already knew he would inform Keiji later since Nao wouldn't be bothered with the hip anyways.

"Revenant... Is something that is even scary to encounter in my field... " He would start as he started to puzzle further. "revenants are... Things... I call them things. I thought I had yet to encounter one... but I think we did... I just never noticed. Yet this one could have been out of control then..." Sighing he would get the photo of the creature back and lean on the side of the chair.
"Revenant... are sometimes made... Like this case, now please do not call me an expert on this subject... As this is only a huge guess as... I erm... Left nothing of that creature..." He would start to pout as he remembered how he left nothing of that thing after his small rage moment when Zatoru lost that arm.

"Revenants like him often went through invasive surgical techniques... They are called Earth Grudge Fear. Within such a creature or person... are often countless fibers running, replacing organs, skeletons, and what, not more... It can be scary... and only a few survive it and remain sane... I guess in this situation... It either did survive it and went bonkers... Or it didn't but was reincarnated... I... never thought it was a person... Through stories... they have an immortal life almost unless their hearts are destroyed." It only now sunk to him that a small child had been killed for a heart and he gritted his teeth. "Nao..." Sai said sternly and he releases the grip on the file. "Hai...." he nodded as if he was scolded, but in fact, he was actually reminded. The Kami focussed on Zatoru. "Sorry... He puts blame on himself for far too many things and overthinks easily..."
"Thats on you dude... No judgement.", nodding Za really didnt care about the love life of this man, he was a handsome individual, but he could very well be someone that didnt want love and affection. That was nothing of Za's concern. At any pace though, Nao would begin talking about and speaking on Revenants... something that honestly peeked his interest. He was about to learn most of what he needed in order to continue moving forward with the plans properly. The Extent of the knowledge that he was going to partake in would be astounding in the ordinance of what he was already doing.

"So you're saying. This thing started out as a human and evolved into that creature? Or it was made like some project made in the basement of someone's house?", Za would look disgusted but that was a ploy. He needed no one to seek him out on such a thing, especially since that thing that turned into a monster didnt have anything else going on about it, no family, no one seemingly looking for it. Za didnt need that coming back to the Clan.

Za would go to reach with his right han-... only to realize that his writing hand was the one that was gone... this would be weird having to make a non-dominant hand his strength... Who knew what would come of it to be honest, but he had no time to think about how he would go about things like this. "I see, Weird thing, I wonder if there was some sort of ritual, but maybe something like a direct implant would be necessary. Integrating the new organ to the rest of the body... Weird though, I wonder who was the person who thought of it.", nodding to himself for a moment Za knew he had to stop the inquisitive nature of his questioning... before he got too deep.

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This... kid... wasn't making much sense to him. "What... is on me..?" He then would listen towards him and their trail of thoughts. "I guess... That would be depending on multiple things... One... does one lose control from such a change... the other thing would most likely be, how would it be one... As... I might imagine, probably not under anesthetic... Often revenants are being made, some against their will some with their will... I often find them.. scary... Especially if they have all those stitches showing.. and... Blegh, the books didn't provide the best profiles for those things..." He shuddered da time visible as he got his tick for smoking back. "From what the books said... I believe your insides are mainly replaced by black vibes..." He would soft lean on his upper leg with his elbow. " Sorry that I do not have a concrete answer as to that thing..." He said and meant the sorry, even if the other did or didn't take it.

"As to.. evolving... I don't think it is something like that... It isn't something you age up in... At least, not to my knowledge... Yet there are many forms and types out there... Some have markings that means a heart... sometimes people have a real heart in them extra... Might even be a soul extra... I guess there are many reflavors of those people..."
"...I forget you're older... You look so young. So I talk to you like one of my friends. My apologies. I meant to say, how you feel about everything is your own decision.", Za would state with a smile and a nod before going on to respond, "You're right, but you're speaking about stitches and sewing, what exactly do you mean?" that was the thingt hat was evading Za's mind. What was it that made the Jiongu work? Maybe it was the stitching jutsu, something that would bring the whole thing together. As such he would begin going through his mind with the thoughts on how he would have to go about learning it, maybe it was something in Fiero that he would have to teach himself about? That was the next step....

"I see... Maybe there is more out there about it... but its fascinating to know different techniques and jutsu and even surgeries lead you to having different abilities that change the very core of what and who you are...", Za would think for a moment before looking up to Nao, "So about a temporary prosthetic, could I perhaps get something that would look like my arm without the attachments?", thinking to himself for a moment maybe that would be a good idea... but Sumiko would surely help him with everything he needed in the Puppetry department.

Maybe Shion wouldnt laugh too hard at him losing a limb... Who knew though.

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' he has a point... what was my age again...' He never really celebrated every birthday... so it was, as embarrassing to say, a fact that he kind of forgot his age and when his birthday was. He never placed any sentimental value on that. "I... think so..." He scratched the back of his head. "Wonder how old Keiji would be..." he muttered soft and then was brought back to the talk regards of temporary prosthetics. "Uhu... there are a few..." he would pardon himself and in about he got a bit flushed back inside with a few arm prosthetics. "So uh,... these hm.. Were the ones... that" He took a moment to breathe before he tried once more.

"THese are the prosthetics that we have. Some will be attached with a sticker to the muscle to make some movements happen. The metal with leather straps is meant to use through your chakra. then you have the attachment one that would require an operation. Then you would get the same kind as a few in the village. All these are up for taking." He would show each one, display how they worked in detail, and leave at the bed for the other to see and rotate with. "Hope one of them will work for you..." Only the most advanced one was one that needed the surgery, the others were a lot simpler in use and everything.
Nodding and looking over the selection, Za would smile before taking the Metallic one into his grasp for a moment, he wanted to be able to know that he would be okay using one of these but maybe he would be able to alter it himself for what he would need. Though, maybe he would need to be sized for such a thing. Though, Maybe it wouldnt matter... Za would sit up in his bed and then get unto his feet, "...I think I'll take this metal one, but I'd like to work on it myself... is that possible?", maybe with alittle help he would be able to figure out what could be standard about making this a thing.

"If not, then I'll be on my way...", nodding once again he would feel himself getting ready for it, but it didnt matter either way, Za was ready to get out of the hospital now, to get on with the rest of his day and dealings. And to begin his life without a dominant arm, or hand. What would this do to his confidence? What would that do to his psyche.

There were alot of things he would have to learn about himself soon... hopefully he had people around him to help him through it.

[Topic Left after Nao responds.]
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Current Ninpocho Time:
