Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reactivate and Rebirth [Shiraha -> Arano]

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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Hello, Sandies! I'm back!

I'd like to reactivate back into Sand, but I'd also like to rebirth as a new chara (I think I fit the time slot for free rebirth, right?). May I have my information so I can complete this rebirth, please? Gracias!!!


Oct 23, 2012
Youre actually going through with it.... Somehow I'm not surprised at all. v_v

Sorry council peeps! Just had to throw in that SPAM. :p Hook mah boy up yo!

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
I resent you for this, I needed a bloody lab assistant, and individual to torment. Judori wants his cake back you fiend.

Shiraha said:
Shiraha said:
Basic Data
Name: Shiraha
Rank: Chuunin
Bloodline: Inuzuka
Status: Wannabe Popstar and Shinobi Slacker Extraordinaire

Personal Info
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Burnt Umber
Hair Colour: Snow White
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Age: 18
Blood Type: AB+
Alignment: Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual​

Despite the lack of sun exposure in Sunagakure, Shiraha is a dark-skinned youth that stands at the above-average height of 6'1”. Contrary to this melanin-filled complexion, he has snowy white hair that falls below his shoulders in natural spiked layers. His eyes are another distinguishable feature; they are a dreamy burnt umber, complementing the flashy gold jewelry and chains he usually wears. He has a lean and toned physique due to a past of hard labor and Taijutsu mastery, and although young, has a mature build that rivals that of his older superiors. As for attire, Shiraha wears a white, loose shoulder-tank with a shawl-like shirt over that is patterned at its end, and his shorts and sandals are also an ivory shade. His expressions and body language are usually friendly and welcoming. (Fun Fact: Shiraha's canines are slightly larger and sharper than the average human due to his Inuzuka bloodline. It's not too noticeable, but is definitely a flattering quirk to his appearance).

<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Being raised in poverty and having fended for himself (and his wolfdog) all his life, Shiraha is a very self-reliant individual whose determination is unrivaled by many within his age-range. He's a hard-worker, humble, and is grateful for any act of kindness done for him or his companion. Likewise, he doesn't usually welcome or receive selfless gestures often due to his pride, and in turn, his stubbornness. He's a giver at heart, and the thought of receiving is damaging to his ego (might make exceptions depending on situation).

Despite his rough life, he has kept his chin up throughout and comes off as a very optimistic person. He's charming, outgoing, and friendly towards most he meets. In fact, his personality is almost opposite to that of his wolfdog, Getsurei. He's a charismatic extrovert who loves interacting with people (especially through music), so much that he practically can spark a conversation without about anyone he comes across (even a mute!).

Shiraha often runs into trouble all due to some character flaws (or not) he possesses. He's a very passive guy and ignores life's most difficult issues. He embraces ignorance for bliss, but most the time gets bitten on the butt by reality for it. Though, he'll probably even try to pass that off and act as if nothing's wrong. Shiraha can also, at times, be somewhat cocky. He's talented musically and isn't bad looking, and he's definitely aware of this. As an aspiring Popstar, he allows vanities to swarm his head and sometimes this reflects his outer persona. If kept in check, it's pretty easy to neutralize his risen ego.

Overall, he's a pretty cool dude. There's definitely more to him than meets the eye!

Shiraha, son of two dysfunctional Sunagakure-native civilians, was born and raised in the village's slums. His father was jobless and a full time drunk, and his mother lived a life of mystery and promiscuity. He was never really aware (even to this day) what she exactly did for a living, but he didn't care to find out. Throughout his upbringing, the boy was trained to pickpocket, steal, and hustle on the streets of Grand Palais. It was natural to him and he did not know better, but as soon as he reached an age of awareness (8 years old), his moral compass shifted completely and he put an end to his life of thievery. In turn, this opened up a pathway for abuse, and his father often abused him for disobeying his orders. His mother was apathetic to the whole situation and acted as if nothing happened; the abuse worsened as the year went on. This streak continued unnoticed by most no matter how many cuts or bruises appeared on his body, well, all until one fateful day.

An old kind beggar, who Shiraha usually gave company to as he grew, had a frail female dog who gave birth to puppies. The pups weren't ordinary, though; they were larger than average and more aggressive. The mother canine lacked the strength to provide equal nutrients for her kin, and all died but one. The white-coated pup who survived was surprisingly the runt of the litter, and Shiraha felt an odd connection to him since his birth. The beggar, appreciating Shiraha and the time he spent with him, decided to gift the boy with the pup, and since a bond was created. The boy named him Getsurei.

Shiraha and Getsurei spent all their time together; the pup was the kid's only friend. At first, due to his feeble size, it was easy to hide the wolfdog from his abusive father and harlot of a mother, but one day as his father was about to whip him for spilling water, the pup intervened and took the lashing instead. Shiraha, angered, kneed his father on the groin and ran off with Getsurei. That was the last time he had ever saw his parents.

The duo spent their time living off the streets and working degrading (yet honorable) jobs to afford food and water. They lived in a box hidden in an alleyway and were known as doomed street rats. Filth. Despite this, their love to provide for and protect each other overpowered circumstances, and they persevered through slum life. Eventually, Shiraha began taking interest in music and performed on the streets for cash while the ivory wolfdog stood as bodyguard. This provided enough to supply basic needs for their living, but one day Getsurei grew ill. The boy had to take action; their lifestyle wasn't sufficient. One day, at age 10, he stumbled across a flier regarding entrance into Sunagakure's academy. The dark-skinned child wasn't fond of shinobi and never dreamed he'd be capable of becoming one, but he had to enroll and try. He had to do this for canine's sake.

Around the time of enrollment, Shiraha was able to verbally communicate with Getsurei as he would another human being. The academy took interest in this, and after treating the wolfdog's sickness, began to mutually train each of them simultaneously. It was then they made the boy aware that he was of Inuzuka blood and that his faithful wolfdog was his shinobi partner.

Through hard work and unfaltering determination, the duo finally became full fledged shinobi by the time the Shiraha was 12 (Getsurei was 3; adult-sized by then). By this time the two had a flawless battle strategy and partnership, and they succeeded most missions they partook in. Two years later and after an exhausting and trying exam, both achieved Chuunin status. Their ninja career looked bright and they were potential prospects for Jounin-hood.

All until one year later.

When Shiraha was 15 and Getsurei was nearing the age of 6, they both went on a B-Rank mission. It was a simple escort mission; it was nothing too different than what they had accomplished before. While in this mission, though, they were ambushed by shinobi mercenaries. The duo worked in perfect conjunction to wipe out most of their enemies, but through a single miscalculation, Shiraha left himself open for attack. Getsurei, whom only cared for his human's well-being and safety, took the hit instead. It was a freakish strike, too, for it managed to damage a vital and end the wolfdog's life instantaneously. Immediately the boy's heart sank; his life shattered before his very eyes. The dark-skinned youth, in rage, attempted to slaughter the man who killed his best friend. The mercenary, recognizing he was overpowered, managed to escape. All he left behind him was a patched emblem representing some type of organization. The mission was a success, but Shiraha was broken. Getsurei was forever gone.

The Chuunin went through stages of depression, and he was about ready to give up on life himself. Without his canine by his side, he did not want to live. One day, as he was in a drunken-state in some bar, he ran into a shady character whose smile was menacing and aura dark. Shiraha doesn't remember what happened that night, but all he knows is that when he awoke the next day, Getsurei materialized before him as some sort of apparition. A ghost – a spirit! Taken back, the teen convinced himself that he was hallucinating and was just seeing things. But his dog's spirit did not fade, and eventually they were able to communicate again.

It was Getsurei!

Somehow the wolfdog was able to keep his spirit alive as some ghostly figure. The only human that could see him was Shiraha (animals noticed his presence), and he was sure some sort of spiritualist would notice, too, if they ever ran into one. It was a mystery how this was all possible, but the boy was too stoked to question it; as long as he had his companion by his side, he was fine. Specifics and explanations weren't needed (even though Getsurei felt contrary).

Still feeling uneasy towards shinobi life due to his dog's death (even though they were rejoined), Shiraha decided to take a break from missions and duties. He decided to pursue a career as a Popstar, a dream that harbored in the back of his head since childhood. Getsurei discouraged him from such, but he refused to embark on anything without his partner being physically at his side.

Years passed, and Shiraha is still bumming it. He's a shinobi slacker extraordinaie, and is still no where near achieving stardom.


Oct 22, 2012
Our great Melkie missed part of it, so here is the more important part of the profile. All your numbery dealies.
Shiraha said:
Battle Information said:

Basic Battle Data:
Main Battle Preference: Taijutsu
Secondary Battle Preference: Ninjutsu
Weapon(s): His own claws!
Dominant Hand: Left
Styles: N/A
Advanced Elements: Crystal (AE)
Kinjutsu: None
Seals: None

Battle Stats:
HP: 23100
CP: 15650
AP: 8
Level: 8

HP: 11550
CP: ???
AP: 4

Agility: 350/525
Stamina: 325/525
Ninjutsu: 305 /525
Taijutsu: 350/525
Genjutsu: 230/525
Chakra Control: 313%/525%
PL: 1873

The White Wolf [Vet]
HP: (58+lvl) x stamina
CP: (42+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Accuracy and +5% Melee Damage, +1 Dodge
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Spell Accuracy, Genjutsu Save, Evasion
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty

Passive Bonuses:
-+2 Accuracy [Class]
-+5% Melee Damage [Class]
-+1 Dodge [Class]
-+15% Unarmed Damage/Unarmed Does Slashing Damage/Can Use Slashing Jutsu Unarmed [Passive BL; Wolf Visage]
-+3 Awareness [Activated Passive BL; Enhanced Smell]
-Pet 50% MAX HP/85% Unarmed/-3 Secondaries [BL Passive; Canine Companion]
-If Pet takes 20% Dmg., +2 Secondaries to Inuzuka. Inuzuka takes 20% dmg., +2 Secondaries to Pet [Passive BL; Loyalty to Pack]

<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">It is said that the Inuzuka are descendants from from canine themselves in ages long past, though this may simply be a legend sprouted within the clan's days as nomads. The Inuzuka is a clan originating in the Land of Fire, dating back before the formation of any shinobi villages as a nomadic clan that lived in the wilderness together with their canine companions. Though some of the more primitive like qualities and habitats of the clan have been substituted for a more humane lifestyle, the clan itself has never separated, or even weakened it's bonds with their canine kin, and view their canine's as family members, even as close as siblings rather than simple pets. Few possess such strong attachment and loyalty that can compare to the bond of an Inuzuka and their counterpart, and fewer still can stand to this perfect combination in battle.

014% Control - Canine Companion (Rank 1), Loyalty to the Pack (Rank 1)
028% Control - Wolf Visage (Rank 1)
042% Control - Enhanced Smell (Rank 1)
056% Control - Air Dynamic Marking (Rank 1)
070% Control - Canine Companion (Rank 2)
084% Control - Enhanced Smell (Rank 2)
098% Control - Loyalty to the Pack (Rank 2), Beast Clone (Rank 1)
112% Control - Wolf Visage (Rank 2), Double Piercing Fang (Rank 1)
126% Control - Canine Companion (Rank 3), Air Dynamic Marking (Rank 2)
140% Control - Enhanced Smell (Rank 3), Double Piercing Fang (Rank 2)
154% Control - Beast Clone (Rank 2)
168% Control - Wolf Visage (Rank 3), Double Piercing Fang (Rank 3)
182% Control - Loyalty to the Pack (Rank 3), Beast Clone (Rank 3)
196% Control - Air Dynamic Marking (Rank 3)
210% Control - Feral Charge (Rank 1)
224% Control - Howl of the Pack (Rank 1)
238% Control - Feral Charge (Rank 2)
252% Control - Double Headed Wolf (Rank 1)
266% Control - Feral Charge (Rank 3), Howl of the Pack (Rank 2)
280% Control - Howl of the Pack (Rank 3), Double Headed Wolf (Rank 2)
294% Control - Double Headed Wolf (Rank 3)


Canine Companion - Passive<i></i>
Perhaps the most distinguishable aspect of the Inuzuka clan is the fact that they seem to have an unbreakable bond with a companion that is far more than your average pet. Their companion is is bonded so close to the Inuzuka, and the Inuzuka to it that the two could be said to be two halves of a whole, or even share a soul. Whichever the case, the Inuzuka and their pet are inseparable, and can perfectly understand and communicate with each other even through the most complex words/barks, to the simplest body gestures..

Rank 1: The user gains a pet! This pet has Hp equal to 30% of the Inuzuka's Max Hp. Pet's base damage is 75% of the user's, and has -5 of the User's Secondaries.
Rank 2: The Inuzuka's pet becomes stronger, having Hp equal to 40% of the Inuzuka's Max Hp. Pet's base damage is 80% of the user's, and has -4 of the User's Secondaries.
Rank 3: The Inuzuka's pet becomes perfectly trained, having Hp equal to 50% of the Inuzuka's Max Hp. Pet's base damage is 85% of the user's Unarmed Damage, and has -3 of the User's Secondaries.

- A player Gains a pet upon gaining this bloodline.
- Pet has Ap equal to half the user's. Minimum of 1 Ap.


Loyalty to the Pack - Passive<i></i>
There is little stronger than the kinship felt between a canine and it's pack, and so too does this apply to the incredibly deep loyalty an Inuzuka feel's with their companions. During time's of danger, the Inuzuka are prone to experiencing incredible surges of adrenaline that seem to give them super-human capabilities for a short moment, enough to protect harm from befalling their companion.

Rank 1: If their pet takes damage equal to 30% of it's max Hp during a round, the Inuzuka gains +1 Secondaries for a full round. If the Inuzuka takes damage equal to 30% of their max Hp during a round, the pet gains +1 Secondaries for a full round.
Rank 2: If their pet takes damage equal to 25% of it's max Hp during a round, the Inuzuka gains +1.5 Secondaries for a full round. If the Inuzuka takes damage equal to 25% of their max Hp during a round, the pet gains +1.5 Secondaries for a full round.
Rank 3: If their pet takes damage equal to 20% of it's max Hp during a round, the Inuzuka gains +2 Secondaries for a full round. If the Inuzuka takes damage equal to 20% of their max Hp during a round, the pet gains +2 Secondaries for a full round.

- This effect does not stack.
- For .5 Ap, The user may switch the target source of this ability, their pet, with an ally in battle with them. The ally does not gain buffs, however if they take the required amount of damage, the Inuzuka will gain the bonus.


Wolf Visage - Passive<i></i>
Just as their canine companion seems to be far more than your average pet, seeming to possess human-level intelligence, so too does the Inuzuka seem to lean towards a more Animalistic instinct, possessing razor sharp claws in place of frail nails, and sharp canine teeth, as well as a more beast-like personality.

Rank 1: Unarmed Attack's gain +5% Damage.
Rank 2: Unarmed Attack's gain +10% Damage.
Rank 3: Unarmed Attack's gain +15% Damage.

- At all ranks, the Inuzuka's Unarmed attack's deal Slashing damage with a chance to inflict bleeding penalties.
- The user is able to use Slashing Taijutsu with their Unarmed Weapons.


Enhanced Smell - Activated Passive<i></i>
The animalistic traits of the Inuzuka do not simply end at their physical appearance, but stems deeper into their senses. Canines have a far more acute sense of smell that can perceive the world around them far more sharply than vision or hearing, and the Inuzuka have the ability to increase their sense of smell to such a degree, tht thy can clearly smell and identify the area through various scents, and even pin point the location of others by smell alone.

Rank 1: User can smell 100 times better than normal humans. Grants +1 Awareness.
Rank 2: User can smell 150 times better than normal humans. Grants +2 Awareness.
Rank 3: User can smell 200 times better than normal humans. Grants +3 Awareness.

Rank 1: .5AP, 200 Chakra and 100/round.
Rank 2: .5AP, 360 Chakra and 180/round.
Rank 3: .5AP, 500 Chakra and 250/round.


Air Dynamic Marking - Pet Jutsu<i></i>
Though both the Inuzuka and their companion possess a sharpen sense of smell, this creative technique seems to take advantage of their sense by the canine spraying and "Marking" a target with urine, allowing them to track them far more clearly than even by sight. The Urine itself, however, possesses a slightly acidic quality that can sting on contact, but even so it is an amusing to witness a canine perform this technique. How they manage such a feat in the middle of an acrobatic maneuver is unknown to even those with shinobi dexterity, however.

Rank 1: Urinates upon a unfortunate target, dealing 250 Damage.
Rank 2: Urinates upon a unfortunate target, dealing 500 Damage.
Rank 3: Urinates upon a unfortunate target, dealing 750 Damage.

Cost: 1AP (Pet)

- Does not stack on the same target, but resets the timer.
- Inuzuka and Pet gain +1 acc against the marked target for three rounds.
- An opponent hit by this jutsu can be tracked easier by smell, but the Inuzuka must have enhanced Smell Activated to gain the buff.
- May only be used once every other round.


Beast Clone - Specialty Clone Jutsu<i></i>
A technique which allows the user and canine to morph to be more akin to the other, the familiar will becoming larger and more humanoid, while the user gains even more canine features. This technique results in 2 identical 'clones,' although the familiar is still not as strong as the Inuzuka, though they both possess a feral appearance.

Rank 1: Pet gains +1 secondaries. The Inuzuka Gains +1 Dodge.
Rank 2: Pet gains +1.5 secondaries and +5% Damage. The Inuzuka Gains +1.5 Dodge and +5% Unarmed Damage.
Rank 3: Pet gains +2 secondaries and +10% Damage. The Inuzuka Gains +2 Dodge and +10% Unarmed Damage.

Cost: 1.5 AP; 500 chakra, 250/round.

- This is treated as a fighting style, and does not count for the 'Clone' Jutsu limit.
- The user and their pet both appear as identical feral versions of the user.
- Exhausts at an Average Rate.


Double Piercing Fang - Jutsu<i></i>
The Gatsuuga, or Double Piercing Fang, is a ferocious move performed in combo between dog and master for a spinning explosion of power used to devastate opponents. Due to the spinning, it's hard to accurately track the opponent with the eyes while this is in use, so it is best used in combo with Dynamic Air Marking.

Rank 1: Rapidly spins into a tunneling fang, dealing 1,725 Unarmed Slashing Damage at -3 Accuracy.
Rank 2: Rapidly spins into a tunneling fang, dealing 2,025 Unarmed Slashing Damage at -2 Accuracy.
Rank 3: Rapidly spins into a tunneling fang, dealing 2,325 Unarmed Slashing Damage at -1 Accuracy.

Special Action - Wolf Fang Over Fang Technique: This Can only be done while under the effects of Double Headed Wolf. This deals an additional 50% Base damage -3 Accuracy. This costs 2.75 Ap and 2,310 Cp.

Rank 1: 625 Cp; 2.25 Ap
Rank 2: 735 Cp; 2.25 Ap
Rank 3: 845 Cp; 2.25 Ap

- Beast Clone Must be activated.


Feral Charge - Pet Jutsu<i></i>
An Inuzuka's companion possesses far more strength than common pet's, and upon their master's command, the pet can charge forth at a target, and attempt to rip out their throat or shred them to pieces using their same super-canine strength.

Rank 1: Pet attacks causing 1,425 Damage at +1 Accuracy.
Rank 2: Pet attacks causing 1,725 of its Damage at +2 Accuracy.
Rank 3: Pet attacks causing 2,025 Damage at +3 Accuracy.

Rank 1: 520 Cp (User); 2.25 Ap (Pet)
Rank 2: 625 Cp (User); 2.25 Ap (Pet)
Rank 3: 735 Cp (User); 2.25 Ap(Pet)

- May only be used once every round.


Howl of the Pack - Summoning Jutsu<i></i>
A pack contains more than two members, and upon unleashing a howl of strong emotion, an Inuzuka and their pet can call upon canines from around the land to come and assist them in battle. Though untrained in any shinobi combat, wild animals can be particularly ferocious and especially so when they feel like a member of the pack is threatened.

Rank 1: Summons 5 Wolves that will attempt to attack the enemy for 500 dmg each.
Rank 2: Summons 6 Wolves that will attempt to attack the enemy for 500 dmg each.
Rank 3: Summons 8 Wolves that will attempt to attack the enemy for 550 dmg each.

Rank 1: 2.5AP, 180 Cp per Wolf
Rank 2: 2.5AP, 180 Cp per Wolf
Rank 3: 3 AP, 280 Cp per Wolf

- Wolves use the user's melee accuracy, and can be buffed by the user's melee buffs.
- If a wolf misses, it will attempt again next round and then once more the round after.
- User may send each wolf at a different target, or even change targets each round.
- Once a wolf hits it flees the scene
- Cannot be scared off


Double Headed Wolf - Transformation Jutsu<i></i>
It is said that and Inuzuka and their pet share the same soul, and through their bond of trust and companionship, the Inuzuka clansmen and their pet can merge to share a body, becoming a monstrously huge two headed wolf. While this prevents them from doing jutsu, their sheer size and strength more then make up for it.

Rank 1: User's melee attack now does 700 slashing damage at +1 accuracy, gain a bite attack of 850 piercing damage at -1 accuracy. User takes -4 dodge. All Suppression, Bleeding and Called shot chances are reduced by -5%.
Rank 2: User's melee attack now does 800 slashing damage at +1 accuracy, gain a bite attack of 980 piercing damage at -1 accuracy. User takes -3 dodge. All Suppression, Bleeding and Called shot chances are reduced by -10%.
Rank 3: User's melee attack now does 900 slashing damage at +1 accuracy, gain a bite attack of 1,100 piercing damage at -1 accuracy. User takes -2 dodge. All Suppression, Bleeding and Called shot chances are reduced by -15%.

Rank 1: 3 AP and 2200 Cp to initiate, 1100 Cp/Rnd
Rank 2: 3 AP and 2750 Cp to initiate, 1375 Cp/Rnd
Rank 3: 3 AP and 3300 Cp to initiate, 1650 Cp/Rnd

- When fused with their pet, the Inuzuka takes 80% of the Damage, while their pet takes 50%. Should either be knocked out, this jutsu is dispelled.
- Attacks cost 1 AP, and may be buffed by melee buffs.
- While in Double Headed Wolf Form, and the user loses access to all their equipment and cannot use of any jutsu. Loyalty to the Pack is constantly Active.



Body Switch [E-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu Rank 1]
Transformation [E-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu Rank 1]


Fluorite Spikes [C-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Emerald Emitter [C-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Goldstone Clutch [B-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Amethyst Casting [B-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Diamond Cutter [A-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Obsidian Dragon [A-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]



Shadow Dance [C-Rank Buffing Taijutsu Mastered]
Devastating Aura [A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu Mastered]


Lotus Flower [B-Rank Slashing Taijutsu Mastered]
Zantetsuken [A-Rank Slashing Taijutsu Mastered]
Heavenly Sword [A-Rank Slashing Taijutsu Mastered]


16-Hit Combo [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered]
Eagle Drop [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered]
Fist of Virtue [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered]


Battle Miscellaneous:<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Lol it's ok Mel! And I was wondering if I could iNPC Shiraha as well??

Old Character Name: Shiraha
Old Village: Sunagakure

Preferred New Username: Arano

New Character Name: Arano
New Village: Sunagakure
New BL/CA: Haku
New Character Class:

The Silent Blizzard [Vet]

HP: (58+lvl) x stamina
CP: (42+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1.5 Accuracy and +10% Ice Damage, +1 Dodge
High: Spell Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Difficulty, Genjutsu Save, Evasion
Low: Melee Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy,

* * * * *

ANBU, Medical or Main Branch? Main Branch [Chuunin]
* * * * *

Age: 17
Gender: Male

Character Physical Description:
Arano, being cooler than the frost he emits, has ice-tinted blue eyes that are complimented by his chilling porcelain skin tone (well, he has quite the slight tan nowadays). His textured, short hair is as black as raven's wings and acts as a deep contrast to his snowy appearance. His facial features are delicately masculine (typical yet contrary to his bloodline) as if Zeus had tenderly wove it together with the finest of thread. Arano's slender physical build reflects that of a determined shinobi youth who finds the importance in both the growth of mind and body; his physicality, from every toned ripple and lean muscle, is a testament to this. While he doesn't tower over most who were fertilized by beanstalks, his height (5'11”) is sufficient enough to have vertical distance advantage over many.

Originating from a nomadic tribe south of Sunagakure, Arano's attire is utterly desert-esque from the top of his skull to the bottom of his soles. His gear was designed to protect one from the harmful affect of the sun and to ventilate one from the desert's scorching and blistering heat. It's complexities are too great and extensive to mention all at once, but know that it accomplishes its duty for the environment he habituates.

Aside from fleshly perceptions, Arano conveys a solemnity apparent to those who dare gaze into the windows of his being. Within that muted-mindedness is a vehemence as hidden as the most stealthiest of icebergs (like, more than Titanic stealthy). Dare to venture in, but do not be baffled once your vessel sinks into a regrettable abyss.

(Fun Fact: I totally exaggerated this on purpose. Just look at the picture dangit!)

Character Behavioral Description:
Being a mute for as far as he can remember, Arano has gone through quite the number of struggles that has molded him into who he is today. Despite the fact that he lacks the ability to communicate verbally, he's quite the introvert by nature. He prefers to be alone (even though Snow is with him 24/7) and likes keeping his interactions within the smaller crowds.

While he values his alone time, Arano is a friendly guy. He takes great value in the phrase “actions are louder than words” and learned to channel this idealism through genuine gestures and random acts of kindness. The sight of people expressing joy rejuvenates him in a sense. He isn't overly generous in his good deeds (never over-bearing or too much of a people-pleaser) but, backed by his keen sense of integrity, strictly uses this to help those who are in need.

It's also safe to say that Arano's curiosity has killed a dozen cats (at least). He loves to learn and absorb information; he enjoys reading, but is more of a 'social' learner than anything else. He likes to observe people and analyze why they act the way they act (what makes them tick!). Cultures, perspectives, lifestyles, and life's untold mysteries – these are all categorized concepts he sometimes immerses himself into in order to gain information despite his reserved nature. This inquisitiveness has probably stemmed from the fact that he doesn't remember much (or anything) about his past. His want and need to restore his lost memories regarding who he is and where he came from has pretty much seeped into part of his nature and character.

While his empathy and untainted spirit of inquiry presents him as an entity of pure innocence, many individuals get the completely opposite impression of him. Some interpret his seclusion as cold-hearted cockiness. Arano can and has given off a rude impression to many civilians, shinobi, and foreigners that meet him solely due to the fact that he's unable to speak. His spirit of independence sometimes rubs off as arrogance and an attitude of “I'm better than you” (which is far from the truth). It's a stereotype that he usually carries, but he usually doesn't pay any mind. Arano feels no need to justify himself or his disability; all that matters is that the people he cares about recognize his authenticity. That in itself gives him all the confidence he needs.

For reasons he can't really explain, Arano holds grudges like no other. Granted, it takes a lot for him to snap and fantasize about your untimely death, but when it happens Hell (literally) freezes over. He's very protective over his friends and 'good' people in general. He gets ticked if an innocent is being bullied or harmed in any way. He considers it a great evil when purposeful harm is done unto others in the name of corrupt motivation and considers those who initiate it “weak” and “deserving of punishment”. He has a tendency of going overboard with this, but again, this is a rare occurrence.

Whether he likes to admit it or not, Arano sometimes is consumed by apathy (which can play a role in some impressions people can get of him). While he is very caring of all creatures on God's little green earth, he sometimes is entertained by dark thoughts that numb his basic senses and instincts. This is a growing thorn on his side – a thorn whose nature is slowly unraveling as he begins to discover who he is (or what he is). Will this side of him grow? We'll see!

(Fun Fact: There's a lot of things that make Arano nervous or bashful in a sense. There are key ways to bring him blush-filled discomfort and embarrassment [hint: think dirty].)

Character History:
Arano was born in- [Inaudible static] His father's pact with the noma- [Inaudible static]

The boy awoke to the middle of some ritualistic circle with savages in warpaint surrounding him. They looked like monsters. They all chanted- [Inaudible static]

“ARANO-CHAN!” screamed a horrified female voice. Who was she? [Inaudible static]

Arano, ten-years old, awoke to a bearded geezer hovering over him whose large body shaded the boy from the scorching sun. His vision was still blurred and his mind disoriented; he couldn't make out specific details about the man's appearance. Who was he? Wait, where was he?

“Who am I?”

For some reason his body ached, also, as if he had gotten hit by a raging boulder. Pain? Yes, this was a familiar concept to him. He recognized this. Actually, this was the only thing that made sense to him at the moment.

The old man, who's face was painted with concern, finally spoke to the child who lied on the desert floor in the middle of no-man's land. His voice was raspy and edgy, but had a certain ring to it that soothed the boy. He felt like he could trust him.

“Are you ok, boy? My god! You look terrible! Here...” the man shuffled into his pouch and pulled out some metal container. A canteen? Yeah, that's what it was. “..drink!” Arano eyed it suspiciously. Should he drink? “DRINK!” The man forced the canteen to his lips.

He drank.

Well, it started out that way. Two-seconds in, he began to guzzle desperately as the cool waters entered his parched, blistered throat. He wanted more; he couldn't stop chugging. He clenched onto the canteen as if a baby to his mother's nipple; it was the body's response to his state of dehydration. The man yanked it away with immeasurable might and with stern care raised his voice slightly. “Enough, enough! If you drink too fast you'll end up just puking it all out.” The man paused for a second and surveyed the area around himself with some conflicted confusion in his eyes. It was in that moment Arano was saved.

“It looks like you've either been abandoned or kidnapped and left to dead. I'm assuming your parents are not around...” the man suddenly leaned over, grabbed the boy, and threw him over his shoulders as if he was a sack of potatoes. Arano didn't resist. His instincts told him this was necessary to his survival.

“You're riding with me, kid. Well, just until we find your parents or people who are associated to you. I got your back till' then.” Little did the man know that “till' then” was going to be a very long time.

The man placed the boy into his sturdy caravan full of essentials and went up front to ride out of the area. The boy wasn't the only passenger behind the man's caravan, though. No, hidden and tucked into the child's tattered shirt was an white weasel-like animal that rested comfortably on him. He had a pet?

After half a day's travel, the trio ended up at some camping site named “Merchant's Convoy” where sellers gathered to trade goods and rest from days worth of traveling. It was here where the old man, known literally by 'Old Man' by everyone at the site, patched Arano up and tried to get information out of him. To his surprise it wasn't the lonesome boy who answered his questions...

“Demon!” shouted the man in an exasperated tone. He grabbed a pan and waved it in front of himself to fend off the being. “How in the hell?!”

“Can it, Old Man! I'm no demon.” It was a lie – well, partially anyways. “I'm surprised that such an experienced and seasoned traveler like yourself hasn't come across any talking animals! There's quite a few of us.” The voice was feminine and filled with sass. It came from a little white ermine that called herself “Snow”. She stood on top of Arano's head with a certain arrogance and comfort as if he was her territory. He didn't seem bothered at all by it.

Old Man, still scared sh*tless, eased up a little and slightly lowered the pan down. “How can you talk? What are you and what relation do you have to this boy?”

“I'm Snow the Magnificent, but you can drop the title for convenience.” She announced this in a matter-of-fact kind of tone with a tint of spunk. “I am an ermine... and I talk. What don't you get? As for Arano...” she circled down to the child's shoulder, “..yes, his name is Arano if you're wondering. He's my boy-slave.”

The man blank a few times and stared at her blankly before bursting out in an abrupt laugh. “Your his master? YOU?! Please, you wouldn't be able to win a wrestling match against a pup!” His chuckling did not stop. “Is this true, Arano-kun. Is this your slave-driver?” The boy shrugged in response while the sassy ermine hissed.

“Just so that you're aware... he can't talk. The boy's a mute if you're not stupid enough to notice. He is lucky to have such a vocal being like myself in charge of him.”

It was true. Arano couldn't speak at all. He tried and tried again with all the might he could muster, but to no avail. It's as if his voice was completely stripped from him (if he ever had one at all). Snow leaned her little ermine body on his head as if it was a stand and continued.

“And please, don't bother asking him any further questions. He also doesn't remember who he is or where he's from. I'm pretty sure he has amnesia.”

The man continued to stare at the duo in bewilderment. A mute boy with amnesia and a sassy talking ermine... what in the world did he get himself into?! “Well, it's fine. Maybe questions aren't necessary right now.” Old Man dropped the pan and approached the two. The duo tensed up, but immediately were relaxed with the man put his firm, comforting hands onto his shoulder. “I don't necessarily trust you two, but I told you I'd have your back 'till we find out who you are and who you actually belong to. I recognize this is a 'meet-halfway' type of thing since you probably don't trust me either, but...” the merchant smiled that brought warmth into Arano's body. He was so kind. “...if we learn to trust each other, I guess you can call yourself at home.”

The boy grinned as if he had received the ultimate Christmas gift and, surprisingly, so did Snow. The man then laughed aloud again and scratched the back of his head. “But don't think you're going to get off so easy! You're going to be put to work. I'ma make a man out of you, Arano-kun!”

With that, the next three years of Arano's life were learning the ways of the trade and traveling alongside the Old Man and Yuki. Those years went well and all three formed some type of strange, dysfunctional bond. They became a family – a weird one – but a family nonetheless. Those three years were well-spent and peaceful until one fateful day.


An 'incident' happened regarding Arano that led to the Old Man getting severely injured. Due to this, the Old Man had to retire and they decided to settle within Sunagakure. There the old man used his savings to build a shop. Recognizing Arano's gifts, he enrolled the boy in the shinobi academy to earn extra income. The boy didn't mind; he felt like it was the least he could do for causing the Old Man so much grief. Snow, on the other hand, did mine. She loved violence. This was her calling!

Arano was recognized early on for his ninjutsu talents and his natural affinity towards ice, so he excelled towards Geninhood and then at the age of 15 became a Chuunin. He's been so since.

Nowadays, Arano focuses solely on completing his duties as a shinobi and supporting both the Old Man and Snow. Deep down, though, he hungers to find his lost memories and uncover the mysteries of his past. “What am I? Who am I? Where do I belong?” These are all questions he asks himself on a daily basis, and these are all questions that will one day be answered.

This is where the tale of Arano and Snow begins! A grand adventure awaits!

* * * * *

Profile thread: Don't have access.
Training thread: Don't have access.

* * * * *

Current Usergroups: None?

* * * * *

Previous Character's Stats:

Agility: 350/525
Stamina: 325/525
Ninjutsu: 305 /525
Taijutsu: 350/525
Genjutsu: 230/525
Chakra Control: 313%/525%
PL: 1873

Rebirthed Stats:

Agility: 330/525 (-20)
Stamina: 350/525 (+25)
Ninjutsu: 330 /525 (+25)
Taijutsu: 300/525 (-50)
Genjutsu: 230/525
Chakra Control: 333%/525% (+20)
PL: 1873

Current Mastered Jutsu:


Fluorite Spikes [C-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Emerald Emitter [C-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Goldstone Clutch [B-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Amethyst Casting [B-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Diamond Cutter [A-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]
Obsidian Dragon [A-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered]



Shadow Dance [C-Rank Buffing Taijutsu Mastered]
Devastating Aura [A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu Mastered]


Lotus Flower [B-Rank Slashing Taijutsu Mastered]
Zantetsuken [A-Rank Slashing Taijutsu Mastered]
Heavenly Sword [A-Rank Slashing Taijutsu Mastered]


16-Hit Combo [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered]
Eagle Drop [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered]
Fist of Virtue [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered]

Mastered Jutsu Swaps:

Fluorite Spikes [C-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered] → Aqua Fang [D-Rank Water Ninjutsu Mastered]
Emerald Emitter [C-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered] → Grand Waterfall [C-Rank Water Ninjutsu Mastered]
Goldstone Clutch [B-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered] → Impaling Hydro Jet [C-Rank Water Ninjutsu Mastered]
Amethyst Casting [B-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered] → Rain Dance [C-Rank Water Ninjutsu Mastered]
Diamond Cutter [A-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered] → Torrential Vortex [B-Rank Water Ninjutsu]
Obsidian Dragon [A-Rank Crystal Ninjutsu Mastered] → Hydro Tidal Shockwave [B-Rank Water Ninjutsu]
16-Hit Combo [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered] → Water Shark Bomb [B-Rank Water Ninjutsu]
Eagle Drop [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered] → Grand Hydra Excavation [A-Rank Water Ninjutsu]
Fist of Virtue [A-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Mastered] → Water Dragon Bullet [A-Rank Water Ninjutsu]
Devastating Aura [A-Rank Buffing Taijutsu Mastered] → Scorn of Aquarius [A-Rank Water Ninjutsu]

[Everything else keeping mastered]

* * * * *

Name of any Contract you currently own: None

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: None

Name of Kinjutsu you own: Gonna apply for one soon, but.. None.


Oct 22, 2012
Everything seems to check out:
  • Class -Check
  • Description and History - Check
  • Stats - Check
  • Jutsu Swaps - Check
Talking ermine is a new one, but is interesting all the same.


Awaiting second approval.
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