The "Reboot Card" in the Advanced Shop has been rewritten for clarity in how it works, and received an important change as well;
A key change here, is that village councils may now work with members who want to undo their reboot while keeping their current character.
For example; Deku Uchiha is a student with 300 PL, and decided to undo his "Reboot Card" for a massive power burst. If his council does not approve of the idea of a student jumping from 300 to 3600 PL suddenly, they may request he explain this change and make adjustments accordingly.
For the interested, the previous version is spoilered here;
Reboot Card - 500 Points
- Everything you own is sold and mastered jutsu will be turned into blank jutsu masteries. The resulting yen, your PL and those masteries will be stored.
- You reboot your character, having 5 in each stat and 500 yen.
At anytime you may reverse this via two methods:You're free to OCR out of this character without undoing the reboot.
- Simply request what was stored upon using the card to be added to your current PC. This requires council approval, and they may request you make adjustments to your character In-character to accommodate this power burst (such as time skipping your character from a Student to a Chuunin).
- OCR into your previous character and add up what you gained with the new one, minus normal OCR penalties.
Undoing the process does not require another purchase. Attempting to use this to gain double rewards for any event will result in a ban.
A key change here, is that village councils may now work with members who want to undo their reboot while keeping their current character.
For example; Deku Uchiha is a student with 300 PL, and decided to undo his "Reboot Card" for a massive power burst. If his council does not approve of the idea of a student jumping from 300 to 3600 PL suddenly, they may request he explain this change and make adjustments accordingly.
For the interested, the previous version is spoilered here;
Reboot Card - 500 Points
- The user has their profile and yen recorded for later retrieval and may begin as a new character. This means 5 in each stat and starting yen. They may, at any point, undo this process and get their old PL/yen/items back. Upon undoing this reboot any PL/yen gained while in the rebooted character may be transferred as normal to the un-rebooted character minus any normal OCR penalties depending upon their rebirth type. If they OCR and do not wish to un-reboot, they may do so.
Undoing the process does not require another purchase. Attempting to use this to gain double rewards for any event will result in a ban.