Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Recovery [Mission]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[legend="[b]The Letter[/b]"]Dearest Sennins and Kazekage of Kaze no Kuni;
I am commissioning a mission on the behalf of my employer Mister Aburabuta Hirotomi. He is best known as the heir to one of the largest business conglomerations in Sunagakure, known as Aburabuta Corp. Mister Aburabuta has been a model citizen, serving as a beneficent partner throughout Sunagakure's most recent ordeals. Recently, Mister Aburabuta was attacked in Soon's Haven by Merchant Lord Fukui Shino's men. Merchant Lord Fukui is best known as the "Iron Welder" and he is a dangerous and powerful man. It is my greatest fear that Mister Aburabuta's Kidnapping was in retaliation for Mister Aburabuta's public denouncement of the Merchant Lord's part in the recent Cabal incursion in Sunagakure that has claimed so many lives, lives which Mister Aburabuta holds quite dear. We presently fear for our employer's safety and only wish for his safe return. The Merchant Lord's propensity for commissioned violence as most recently evidenced by the Cabal's attack has only substantiated our fears.

We have the fund necessary to commission an appropriate excursion to recover Mister Aburabuta Hirotomi, as such we are requesting an S-Ranked response. Please recover Mister Aburabuta Hirotomi and return him to his estate unharmed.

Nakamura Kazuhiro

It was mid-day, this would be the second time Kazuhiro passed through the Toraono Dojo today, each time with different company. Nobody seemed to care or particularly notice, the devastation that Sunagakure had so recently suffered did more than damage structures, it diminished morale. The shuffling of ANBU guards and the passage of displaced civilians made the space hum with life. A pair of heavy doors separated the denziens of Sunagakure from the maelstrom. Outside those doors was the wail of the storm, it battered and threatened to break down the Toraono defenses each passing moment but it never did. It was a queer fact in all honestly how such a massive building was able to withstand the storm in such a way, but it always had. There was no group meeting here, a single man taking on a S-Class job, Mister Chikara Homura. He looked different, nay unrecognizable in such a finely tailored suit, hardly the attire one should venture into the maelstrom in.

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
He yawned as he walked through the hustle and bustle of faux gate life around him. People where busy, rebuilding, crying in a corner, or what have you. There was, in the middle of it all, a well dressed Homura, his sword strapped to his back. He looked like he was from a bad Yakuza movie, ready to go to war with a rival gang who also wore suits, but not as good as him. He was one shirt rip on top of a giant building from being a goon stereotype. He would step up to the doors to large to be real, looking up at them and scoffing. Kuro was incredibly over done, in everything he'd ever done. The door didn't need to be this big, not even Akimichi needed this much door. He would follow behind Kazuhiro as he knew where he was going, Homura hadn't really ever been out of the village except for in his visions, which wasn't really an experience as those took place thousands of years ago.

"Welp let's get this over with."

He said, as wind picked up around him and the door opened to the maelstrom. He had what could only be called, a personal wind barrier around him, to prevent the harsh elements from getting through to his shiny new clothes. He was a wind chakra user after all, and was quite adept at it.

[Topic Entered/Left]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The storm was subdued in Homura's presence, as his wind-based chakra enveloped him. He would not need to brave the storm for long, he was working for Aburabuta now. A team of sand runners attached to a carriage was already waiting. Kazuhiro's thin lips twisted into a crooked smile. Yes, let's get this over with.


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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
