Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reito Ko [Suna] -> Motomori Korudo [Suna]

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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Reito Ko
Old Village: Suna
Old Character Class (if you have one): Ice Pack MiT
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Haku

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can):

New Character Name: Motomori Korudo
New Village: Suna
New Character Class:
Class Name Sapphire [Veteran]
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (60+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +5% Medical Healing, +20% Water Damage
High: None
Average: Evasion, Melee Accuracy, Spell Accuracy, Genjutsu Save
Low: Genjutsu Difficulty, Ranged Accuracy
New BL/CA:Haku

* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:


* * * * *

Name: Motomori Korudo
Rank: Chuunin Medical Ninja in Training
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Motomori Korudo, a boy raised in the Motomori Clan quickly learned his place. This young man is very practical and protective over the people in his family. His entire life has been dedicated to protecting others, and he has developed into a near emotionless soldier. Korudo had learned to respect his elders and the leaders in his clan, because of this social training, Korudo tended to stay away from children his own age. Many children acted like fools and made the adults angry, so as the boy aged, he became an old soul, not knowing what true fun was.
Korudo stands at 5’8” and weighs a total of 160lbs. The dark skin of the boy’s ancestry is predominate, along with his blue eyes, make him appear beautiful. Korudo has medium-short brown hair. He tends to wear a sapphire blue headband with the Clan’s emblem on the side. He has a single scar on his face resting across the left part on his chin that is about three inches long. Korudo tends to have slight crystal development along the back of his cheek bones and follows up along his ears. Korudo wears a rich blue hakama and an open vest. His feet tend to rest in sandals and he wears dark fingerless gloves.
Being born to the main family has its blessings. Korudo’s mother is Motomori Yui, and his father is Motomori Ryusaki. Being members of the main branch in the Motomri Clan, Ryusaki wasn’t actually the father to Korudo, his actual father is his uncle, Motomori Nobu, but Korudo would never find out. He had been raised to believe that Ryusaki was his father, and no one would tell him otherwise.

At the age of 6, Korudo was beginning his training in the Crystal Arts with his family. His father, Kyusaki, and his uncle, Nobu, were both Shinobi of the Hidden Sand Village, and they trained the boy every passing moment. It would be his job as he got older to learn how to protect the family he was taught to hold so dear. Korudo picked up the ideas behind self-sacrifice and excelled in his jutsus. Fighting every day, as if his life depended on it, strengthened the young boy to extreme levels. He became cold and ruthless, doing anything to win. Korudo trained in the Crystalic style of Ice as well. His body not only created the rare Motomori Crystals, but he could freeze the world around him and create frozen ice crystas on command.

At the age of 10 Korudo had passed all of the tests and struggles to become a Genin. His father and his uncles taught him everything that he'd need to become a true ninja. The next few years passed and Korudo spent many months of the yar alone in training in the harsh deserts. The young boy hardened and became a soldier for the next leader in the clan. He struggled every day as the years went by and when he returned home he was sixteen years old. Korudo had nearly mastered self defense, and in his trainings he learned how to take care of himself with the use of basic medical ninjutsus.

The 16 year old boy was brought before trial in a Chuunin Exams, where he passed with flying colors. Nearly killing his opponent, Korudo was promoted to the next rank without a doubt from the Leaders of Sunagakure. Korudo had spent the next year in a recovery state. He had trained to a point that his Bloodline was over reacting. His chakra was intense enough that crystal formations formed on his face while he wasn't in combat. His body pulsated with chakra, even when he slept the chakra could be sensed. Korudo, though strong in his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, never had proper training in his Genjutsu arts, and thus it lacked.

Korudo was now 18, and his clan had assigned him a mission. He was told to go to Sunagakure and establish a connection. The Main Branch was moving to Suna soon, and they needed a foundation to move to. Korudo knew that there may be other Motomori's in the village. He was instructed to find them and have them assist him establish the Clan in Suna

* * * * *

Death thread: WiP (stated Below)
Profile thread:
Training thread:
Dojo thread:

* * * * *

Usergroups: Suna

* * * * *

Old Stats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 300/300
Stamina: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 185/300
Taijutsu: 150/300
Genjutsu: 130/300
Chakra Control: 300/300
Power Level: 1365/1800
Bloodline Control: 227.5%

NewStats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 300/300
Stamina: 300/300
Ninjutsu: 185/300
Taijutsu: 150/300
Genjutsu: 130/300
Chakra Control: 300/300
Power Level: 1365/1800
Bloodline Control: 227.5%

* * * * *

Jutsu Swaps:

Water Gun [Mastered] => Water Gun [Mastered]
Pressurized Mist [Mastered] => Pressurized Mist [Mastered]
Pressure Burst [Mastered] =>Pressure Burst [Mastered]
Wind Slash [Mastered] =>Wind Slash [Mastered]

Water Whip [Mastered] => Water Whip [Mastered]
Aqua Fang [Mastered] =>Aqua Fang [Mastered]
Shredding Touch [Mastered] => Shredding Touch [Mastered]
Air Bullet [Mastered] => Air Bullet [Mastered]
Whirlwind Spin [Mastered] => Whirlwind Spin [Mastered]
Mystical Hand [Mastered] =>Mystical Hand [Mastered]
Coagulation [Mastered] => Coagulation [Mastered]

Grand Waterfall [Mastered] =>Grand Waterfall [Mastered]
Impaling Hydro Jet [Mastered] =>Impaling Hydro Jet [Mastered]
Water Prison [Mastered] =>Water Prison [Mastered]
Rain Dance [Mastered] =>Rain Dance [Mastered]
Arctic Aether [Mastered] =>Arctic Aether [Mastered]
Topaz Tempest [Mastered] =>Topaz Tempest [Mastered]
Fluorite Spikes [Mastered] =>Fluorite Spikes [Mastered]
Emerald Emitter [Mastered]=>Emerald Emitter [Mastered]
Ruby Rain [Mastered] =>Ruby Rain [Mastered]
Ice Shards [Mastered] =>Ice Shards [Mastered]
Frigid Ice Blast [Mastered] =>Frigid Ice Blast [Mastered]

* * * * *

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads:
-I'd like to finish this then I'll make my Death/Retirement Thread

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Everything looks fine, although is this the same clan that Eiji belongs too? I don't know, it was just the name that threw me off there. Oh, and your stats were approved on your old OCR, so, I think that's really everything. Just go ahead and get your name changed.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
