Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 03:52:41

Requesting a branch change.

Jul 1, 2018
It was a somber day in Maikeru's home, as most were of late. It was still early in the day, the mid-afternoon sun just cresting over what appeared to be two pm. Sitting in his kitchen were Maikeru, and the doctor who had taken time out of his day to make a home visit for his mother. She hadn't been doing well lately, not that she ever really had been, but it had been especially hard for her today. She couldn't find the strength to get out of bed, she could barely feed herself, which was what had driven Maikeru to rush to the Byoin to find someone who could help.

"Listen, son.." The older doctor who had come to help said, addressing Maikeru. The man ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair and scratched at the back of it as he thought of the best way to explain this. "Your mother.. well, she isn't going to get better. You went through something similar with your sister, right? You see, the problem isn't lack of medical options for symptoms like this. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be anything causing these conditions. From every exam I did, your mother is in perfect health. Hell, she has the health of someone twenty years younger than her. I don't think she's faking them, as there is general fatigue running through her but.. we can't explain whatever this disease is. There doesn't seem to be anything on the surface wrong with her."

It was a story Maikeru had heard time and time again, and he wasn't surprised. Over the years, everyone in his mother's family had seen the best doctors in the world. His great great grandfather had even taken a pilgrimage to other nations, other villages, to see if their doctors could find something. It ended in failure, and the bankruptcy of the clan. The young shinobi let out a tired sigh, placing his face into his hands. He rubbed at his face, hoping to rub any weariness from it, hoping that when he removed his hands this would all be a bad dream. It wasn't.

"I know.." He responded to the doctor, avoiding eye contact as his eyes drilled a hole in the floor in front of him. "Is there anything I can do?"

The old man looked at the young boy, and sighed. He moved over to Maikeru, placing a hand of comfort on the young man's shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. He had dealt with things like this before, but, it still didn't make watching a young man watch his mother die any easier.

"Well.. you have a brilliant mind young man. You have a fresh pair of eyes, and a desire to see this cured. Have you thought about becoming a doctor yourself?"

Maikeru looked up at the man, cocking his head to the side in a curious manner. In truth, he hadn't. He had always imagined staying in the main branch, becoming a Jonin, and getting a team of young Genin of his own to train one day. But, that man made a good point. If others couldn't solve the issue, then why should Maikeru not at least try? The old man smiled as he realized the look of recognition in the young Uchiha. He gave the boy a final pat on the shoulder, before turning to leave.

"You're a shinobi, right? Well, I recommend going to talk to the medical branch Sennin. She should be able to help you if that's what you want to do. Maybe you'll find something we couldn't."


That was why, hours later, Maikeru found himself standing outside of Mikasa's office. He had met her once before, at the great stone bullet training he had done with Ryojou. So, as he knocked, and waited, he found new determination in himself. She would accept him into this branch if it was the last thing he did. He had to get in.
In light of recent events, Mikasa found herself with a broader view of how the position of Hokage ran; although her personal opinion on the overall operation differing from Takeshi's. Unfortunatelym this meant she were to communicate with Yu Kenshin, despite her best efforts in the past he was crystal clear with his attitude towards the Medical Branch. Under the rule of Lady Yomi, he ignored her orders to learn the basic techniques under the Sennin and rerouted towards a summon pact creature. Never the least, she shakes her head, a wisp escaping her pursed lips.

On a more vivid note, the branch she aids in molding had been repopulating at an extraordinary rate. Within the depths of the maidens soul, she knew that she hadn't had much longer to reign; as it wouldn't be fair to those doing their utmost to climb to hit a wall. Potentially only a handful of years or those beneath her would seek her continuous guidance? Truly a difficult predicament and thoughts to dwell on at a later date as a faint knocking on her office door demands Mikasa's immediate attention.

Under normal circumstances, the kunoichi held her door ajar for any sort of visitation or consultation, yet on this particular afternoon she wasn't expecting guests. Silently she maneuvers across the workspace to turn the door handle, a familiar young man awaits on the opposing side. Taken aback, a petite grin spreads across her features, "Uchiha Maikeru-kun, to what pleasure do I owe your visitation?" the medical kunoichi inquires, bowing her head prior to gesturing for the academy student to enter and find himself a suitable chair to nestle in.

Assuming the Uchiha lad were to enter, the door would leisurely press off her digits, coming to a close as the older woman waltzes over to her own personal sitting arrangement. Directly behind her, the bay window reveals a series of lilies growing on the outside, rays of sunlight hopefully not playing any trickery on the eyes of the youth. "Orange juice?" she offers, doing her utmost to accommodate the unexpected; directly to her left, a stand bolsters a pitcher with a set of cups.​
He was.. surprised to say the least. The other sennin weren't uninviting when he visited them, they just certainly weren't ones to offer him a glass of juice and call his visit a pleasure. She was different from the other leaders of the village, though, he had surmised that much when he had met her during their class at the academy. He gave her a small bow as he entered the room, nodding his pleasure at a glass of juice. He moved to the pitcher and cups, pouring one for himself and then her. As he moved to his seat, he stopped to set her glass on her desk, before sitting.

He sat in silence for a moment, trying to find the words to describe why he had visited. In honesty, he hadn't thought this out much. It was just something his body had driven him too, like forging his blade, or joining the academy. There was logic behind it, but, he wasn't think of that logic in the moment. He took a sip from his glass before speaking, looking to the sennin with his charcoal eyes filled with regret and sadness.

"My.. mother is sick. She has been since I was born." He started, the words sticking harshly in his throat. "My sister was too before, well, before she wasn't anymore. This disease, it's genetic. It's been on my mothers side for as long as any history book can remember, and any of the elders could recall. There's no cure, there's not even really an idea on what this disease is. Medical science thus far has given us nothing to even begin to figure out how to treat it, all we know is that in one hundred percent of cases in ends in death. Usually before the one unfortunate enough to be born with it has really lived. The fact that my mother has been alive this long.. well, it's nothing short of a miracle."

He paused again, unsure if he was overselling it. Mikasa was if nothing else a busy woman, especially as of late with the frost and their beloved Hokage taking a leave of absence. A confusing choice, but, who was Maikeru to judge? He didn't have all the information anyway, they didn't give that kind of stuff to Academy students. With a sigh, he took another sip before continuing.

"I don't want to see her suffer anymore. I don't want to be afraid to have children, and have to watch them die. I don't want my life to be affected by this defect any longer." He said simply, his once sad eyes turning fierce with conviction. "My genin exam is around the corner, I am waiting on the summons for Kenshin-sama to begin. When I pass them, I wish to be transferred to the medical division. But, more than that, I came to you specifically because I have something to ask. I don't just want to be a medic, I want to be a doctor. More importantly, I want to be the best damn doctor this village has ever seen. That, is the reason for my visit, Mikasa. I want you to teach me, I want you to train me to be as good of a medical practitioner as you, and then I want to surpass you."
The Uchiha lad confesses a tragedy, a few heart strings are pulled throughout the process; however this would not obscure Mikasa's ability to analyze the situation. Admittedly, Maikeru had displayed behaviors of a medical shinobi, ensuring his entire unit would be successful and free from potential harm during his academy lesson. Furthermore, the ability to display critical thinking in the midst of battle was a rarity, although she was sure ANBU would have loathed to take a peak at the youngster as well.

Not wishing to interrupt, the kunoichi awaits until there is a pause between his words to allow a fleshed out response, "Forgive my rudeness, but which disease are you referring to?" she inquires with a sympathetic expression. Gently her hands slide across the tabletop to pat on his, "Nothing short of a miracle, I will not deny this fact. However, I can sense you wish to perform another and create a possible cure." she murmurs at the ambitious academy student. Withdrawing her gloved and ungloved hand, she carefully creates a prison as her digits intertwine together. Maikeru was swift to proclaim the goal of becoming a renown medic across the lands, crafting ails to snuff out even the looming scythe of death itself; as well as surpassing Mikasa.

Regarding herself, the maiden never once considered herself the fanciest in the arts, merely well informed through studies - yet she knew one day an individual would utilize herself as a shoulder to leap forward from. Tilting her head, she smiles gently, a faint warmth radiates outwards from her form. "You wish to learn under me? I feel if you wish for research results, Migoya-san, a medical chief, would be more up your alley. I believe he is even greater than I in that regard." she chirps happily, "Although I wouldn't be against additional tutoring." she admits. It had been awhile since she had an actual student under her wing.

"This isn't to say I accept you into the branch, this will depend on your Genin exam, regardless of the pass or failure, I am looking for specific qualities." she murmurs, beginning to do the rarity of removing her leather glove. A wooden prosthetic is revealed, although the depths of the length left to the imagination as her sleeves cover the remainder of her arm. "Are you willing to sacrifice your own well being to ensure your comrades, regardless of your personal relationship, are capable of returning to their loved ones?" she questions in a stoic tone.​
Maikeru was surprised at the medical sennin's words. He hadn't expected her to actually take an interest in his families genetic disorder, not many had before her. Her words held an odd warmth to them that was rare to see in a shinobi, let alone in a position like hers. He took another sip of juice as she spoke, taking special note of the prosthetic at her side. So, it seemed that even a beauty like Mikasa had her flaws. There was a life lesson there he was sure.

"I'm sorry Mikasa, I'm not too sure on the medical term for it. You're more than welcome to look up her file though, from my understanding it's a length one. Tanaka Makoto was her maiden name, though she goes by Uchiha Makoto now. She's a jonin working as an academy student teacher." He watched her response carefully, after all, it was possible that Mikasa herself had treated her at one point over her career as a main branch shinobi. "As for research, while yes it interest me.. I was more thinking of the actual doctor route. While yes, I wish to help my mother, I also wish to help others. I would like to spend my free time in the hospitals, helping patients both shinobi and not. It's also what I plan for when I retire from this bloody life we lead, to continue my work in the Konoha hospital."

Her next question surprised him. He always had to explain his reasoning behind being a shinobi, explain why he cared so much about the people he worked with. It was rare for it to be questioned directly. Still, he supposed his self sacrificing nature was finally boding him well. That much was a positive, at least.

"I feel that if you look at every exam I've taken at the academy, that ask that same question, you'll find my responses do not falter. I love this village, and despite my personal feelings about some of it's inhabitants, they are still my family. I watched my family die in front of me once, and I will never do it again. If you ask if I am willing to lay my life on the line, then I can only answer with a definite, never changing, absolutely."
Cautiously the Sennin begins to maneuver the leather glove to once more guise the prosthetic, all the while intently listening to the young Uchiha. Permission was granted to the Kunoichi to pry into the medical file of his mother; although she didn't need permission under the pretense of researching unfamiliar diseases - yet the notion was well received. Once the leather glove was fastened completely, Mikasa would adjust her spectacles to address the Maikeru and his ambitions. "We are of similar circumstances, Maikeru-kun, at a young age I was determined to follow the path I now walk and do not wish to falter from the route I pave for others to traverse. Honestly I pray for new buds to blossom and leap forth from my shoulders to muddle my name into the terrain, creating a story that leaves mine pale in comparison." she enlightens him in a tender tone.

Inhaling faintly, the maiden leans forward, "You are an interesting youth, I'll give you that." she remarks with a widening grin. "I hope to view your conviction with my own eyes, for your words hold bountiful meaning; however I pray your actions will match." After all, most children were dreamers and very few grasped a hold of the possible realities. This wasn't the Main Branch, where flexing your muscles would accomplish anything, brawn hold no meaning in educating yourself to greater those around you. The mere thought causes her fingers nail to loosen itch at the desktop, the village had become an item she no longer agreed with.

"This may be a silly inquiry, but do you understand the basic fundamentals of how to channel your chakra into others?" she questions in a calm tone, extending her hand outward to veil her flesh in a teal hue - a faint humming ensues. Was the Sennin willing to take another gamble?​
It was weird for Maikeru, seeing a Sennin who shared many of the same views as himself. She wasn't like the others, that much was for sure. Still, she did seem to be taking an interest in the young Uchiha boy, which boded well for his chances of the branch transfer. Hopefully, he wouldn't mess up the next part of the conversation, as he found himself like to do. Youthful pride and what not.

"Well, sort of?" He half said half asked. "Er, well, let me just show you what I mean."

He reached into a pouch on his waist, pulling out a small storage scroll. Laying the paper over the Sennin's desk, he made the release sign, before channeling chakra into the sealing matrix. In a small puff of smoke, the seal was undone, and a long Katana was laying in front of her. The handle of the blade was a deep emerald green, with a sheath that looked like it had stolen the black from the night sky.

"This is my blade, Kusanagi. I made it by using materials and tools that I had flooded with my chakra. If you look at it with your Sharingan, you'll see that the blade itself actually seems to have a chakra flow. Honestly, don't know how I managed that but.." He gave her a shy smile, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "I know the basics of transferring chakra into a living body, though. It's similar to channeling chakra through metal, or using chakra to walk on solid surfaces or on water. I've considered attempting to teach myself, but, it seemed dangerous and reckless to do so. I'm not one for unnecessary risk when it comes to someones life."

He made the seal once more, sending the blade back to it's resting place, and returning the scroll to his pouch. He re-positioned in his chair before continuing.

"This may seem cocky, but, I don't have doubt about my ability to eventually learn medical ninjutsu. My only doubts are in hurting people while I try to master it, that's why I came to you, the head of the medical branch. If anyone can assure that I master these arts, it's you." He paused, cocking his head to the side as he inhaled slightly. "Well, there is another reason. You're married to the captain of Kashima, the swordsmen.. and woman, squad that I started. I figured if there was anyone I could trust to teach me how to keep all of them alive, it was his wife."
Curiously her ocean hues trail along the unique texture of the raven locks of the lad, momentarily faltering into a moment self privacy and nearly forgetting the conversation at hand. Refocusing her attention, she leans forward to exam the craftsmanship of the blade, "To be perfectly honest with you, I am not a swordswoman and thus I find it unfair to judge your blade." she begins in a meek tone, unsure of how to truly analyze a deep forest green and a hue of charcoal that belonged in a starless sky.

Leaning back in her armchair, she listens to the Uchiha lad, taking mental notes all the while; pertaining to his mannerisms mostly. Shy grins would aim in her direction with sheepish movements of his hands, potential nerves getting the better of him and leaving the Sennin pondering how a high pressured situation would effect him. "I am glad that you have not taken the self taught route, for that usually doesn't bode well." she murmurs in a faint tone, allowing for a thin grin to etch across her features. "Having confidence in yourself is not cocky, for without confidence then most tend to falter prior to beginning. A trait many wish they possessed." Mikasa corrects.

For a youth to speak of their doubts openly and pinpointing the exact emotions was a difficult task, leaving the maiden to believe Uchiha Maikeru's mentality was a few years beyond his physical age. "Doubts are common, even til this day I have doubts, Maikeru-kun. There isn't a moment where I believe I have a one hundred percent grasp or feel I am certainly doing the correct item for those wishing to trail after me." she assures the youngster, not wishing for him to dwell on what information he may or may not posses.

However, speaking of what information he knew, a single would be corrected. "I appreciate your speaking well of Yukio-san, but I am not his wife nor fiance." she corrects, unsure of what their relationship had become in the later parts. Perhaps they saw each other in passing or occasionally on cold nights; yet it was certain the pair had undergone significant changes that altered them completely. "I most definitely feel he is a suitable role model though." she remarks in a chirp. Waving her hands about, she wishes to not dwell on the subject of her private life, "Since you are here and I personally wish to view how you react to a particular situation, would you be up to a challenge?" she muses aloud, a faint twinkle in her oceanic gaze illuminates.​
Maikeru listened to Mikasa's word intently, his eyes following her movements with careful analysis. He took note of every pause, every lingering gaze, wondering what she was evaluating on him at that moment. Even though the Sennin spoke of confidence, her words did not relay a level of confidence in herself. This was an interesting thought to Maikeru, especially when in contrast to the other Sennin he knew of, Kenshin, who was very brash and boisterous with his words and actions. He supposed it made sense for a medical sennin to be more reserved though. They were usually the ones on a mission committing the self sacrifice, after all. When she got to the bit about Yukio, Maikeru's face reddened, causing him to nervously laugh.

"Ah, apologies Mikasa-san, I have no idea why I thought you two were married. Guess I shouldn't watch the spinning of the rumor mill so carefully."

Stifling his laugh, he returned to listening to her speak. Which, was then the conversation took a turn. For the better or worse? That would be decided soon he believed. A challenge from the Medical sennin could mean a number of things, some good some bad, but ultimately it would be something that he would have to overcome if he wished to become a medical sennin under her. Before speaking, he gave her a small nod.

"I am always ready for a challenge. If it requires ninja tools I may have to come back, I'll admit, I was not prepared for a challenge like that." He joked, trying to add a bit of levity to the conversation. "But, yes, Mikasa-san, I am more than ready for any challenge you may throw my way."

He paused again, holding a single finger up and thinking with his mouth slightly agape.

"It doesn't involve trying to date girls, right? Because I am absolutely atrocious at that."
Crimson optics blossom, flora in its design and catch enough of the illumination from the gentle cream lights above to produce a twinkle. "Allow me to iterate the most important aspect for a shinobi or kunoichi, regardless of what field of expertise you ultimately traverse." a slender grin snakes onto her features, despite the natural warmth the Sennin vibes off, there was a peculiar sensation mingling. "One can prepare with any amount of information or tool available to them, however in the heat of the moment one can never be truly prepared. Do not be fooled, even the greatest square off against difficulties in the heat of the moment." she explains in a calm tone.

A thin teal aura would roar to existence, shrouding her leather gloved hand with a faint hum, mimicking the fluttering of a fowl beatings its wings furiously - a humming bird. Lessening the gap between her digits, the Sennin's thumb points forward with its counterparts to settle before a vase located on a stand beside her work space. Swinging her arm out, the kunoichi slices directly through the glass as if nothing more than butter, a shattering ensues with various pieces scattering and the petals mixing against the mess below. "Chakra scalpels, our greatest asset. This is the result of concentrating your chakra to the finest point, a fantastic surgical tool at that!" Mikasa's continues, cheery as ever.

Casually her exposed hand slides forward on the tabletop, "Show me your conviction. Fear not for the tools you do not posses and focus on those you do. Understand?" she inquires, all the while repositioning the gloved hand, hovering inches above. "I would not be able to aid you in the dating department, I am horrendous as well. But, let us get to your challenge."

Sharingan eyes swirl, the maiden's frame leans forward as her hand glides across the middle knuckles of her flesh hand, "Mend me." she orders as crimson jolts forwards, the tips of her digits roll across the desk closest to him.​
Maikeru watched with bewitched amusement as the kunoichi's hand across from him glowed a bright, vibrant green. As she activated her own Sharingan, Maikeru's own Mangekyo was beginning to spin in to life in near unison. He watched as the chakra flowed from her chest, down her arm, and to a perfect flow around her hand. It was, in a word, amazing. The level of control the Sennin casually performed was beyond what Maikeru could manage at this current point, even flowing elements into his blade. As close as his hubris had brought him to think he was to the power of the high ranks, he realized he still had quite a way to go to catch them.

"Wow, that's.. really incredible." He said, swallowing at the spit that had been gathering in his agape mouth. "The level of control there is perfect. I don't see any flaws in the flow at all."

He continued to watch as she sliced cleanly through the vase, shattering it into a shower of broken glass and flower petals. His amazement continued, barely aware of the ominous tone of her actions. It was until the downward slice that he realized what was happening. Quickly standing, his chair fell behind him as she spoke, the muscles in his legs coiling to launch himself towards the Kunoichi and stop her.

Sadly, he still wasn't fast enough. He felt warmth against his face as droplets of Mikasa's blood splashed against it, causing him to freeze for a moment. His muscles, which before had been coursing with adrenaline locked on him, causing him to go into full paralysis. There was a thought in the back of his head for a moment, of a conversation his father had with him when he was just starting to realize he liked girls. Simple words that Maikeru had always thought of as old men being old men. 'The pretty ones are always, always, just a bit crazy'. Well, it seems that Maikeru's dad was right.

"You.. what.. why..?!" Maikeru yelled out, before his body began to kick into action.

He didn't know much about medical ninjutsu, but, as a shinobi he knew a lot about the human body. Human anatomy, blood flow, even down to how the muscles in the body fit into one another. These were all things that they were taught as children. Though, they were taught these in order to make them the most efficient killers possible, the information had multiple uses.

As his Sharingan spun wildly in his eyes, he assessed the situation. Her finger was cleanly cut, even the bone, there were no jagged or mangled bits. That was good, it would make reattachment much easier. However, reattachment was nothing something he could do. So, what could he do? She was going to go into shock soon with the amount of blood she was quickly losing.

The quick answer was cauterization. It would stop the blood flow instantly, and allow her to keep from passing out. However, it would make reattachment by any means Maikeru knew impossible. So, what, then? As he thought, his hand reached towards the bottom of his shirt, quickly removing the garment and placing it on the desk. From the middle, the weakest part of the fabric, he ripped. He tore several long strips clean, trying to find the one that would have the least amount of sweat and grime on it.

Even in this moment, he was doing his best to be analytical about the situation. He was in the medical sennin's office, there was probably gauze and bandages all around him. But, this was a test, and that was the easy answer. In the field, that wouldn't always be an option. Neither would medical ninjutsu. Sometimes, you had to delay death in order to allow yourself to recover so you could completely fix the issue at hand. After a battle, when your team is injured, and your chakra is running on empty, sometimes you had to leave your teammates in a bit of pain so you could help everyone make it home safe from their injuries. That meant doing a little old style field medicine.

In the field, supplies were limited. You sometimes don't know how long you'll be out, and all you can do is bring as much as you can carry. If he knew anything about Mikasa, he would assume that was what she was testing, especially after the discussion that the two of them had. What would he do when the chips were down, and you really had no options?

Grabbing the vase that she had shatters, he quickly chucked the flowers and chunks of glass out of it, keeping what little water remained in it as he began to weave hand seals. He ended on the tiger sign, his Sharingan spinning wildly in an attempt to help him keep the flow of chakra for this small. But, what jutsu to use? Sol Fire Tempest would destroy the entire office, and fireball jutsu was too large to safely use this close to Mikasa. Perhaps..

"Fire style: Heat Wave!"

As Maikeru cast the jutsu, he quickly grabbed the side of the vase. Around him, a light red aura began to glow as his skin turned from the peach color it had to a lighter pink, as if he had been in the sun for hours. There was cracking noises that echoed throughout the room as the glass began to heat to near it's breaking point, followed by the bubbling of the water inside being brought to a boiling temperature.

When it was hot enough, he dropped the cloth inside of it, using his finger to submerge as much as he could. He let out a couple curse words as the boiling hot water touched his skin, but, he didn't have time for any other options.

"There.. sterilized as best as it can be.." He muttered to himself, before removing and wringing out the damp cloth.

Quickly, he grabbed the damaged hand of Mikasa, the situation too tense for the young, innocent boy to realize that he was basically holding an older woman's hand. There was just no time to be embarassed. As best as he could, he wrapped the cloth tight around her finger, watching as the cloth's color became darker as blood began to soak into it.

"Here, hold this tight with your other hand." He ordered the sennin, who had now become the patient. "I need to staunch the bleeding so we can get you to the hospital."

It would later dawn on Maikeru that he was already in the hospital. On top of that, he was treating the head doctor. She could probably reattach this limb in a matter of moments. But, that time was not now. Now, he had another issue. The detached finger would soon began to necrotize. Without oxygenated blood flowing through it, the severed digit would begin to slowly die. They would have at best a few hours before the nerves inside of it completely died, and it became a useless hunk of flesh. He looked around, cursing that he was born an Uchiha and not an ice based clan at this moment. Then he remembered. His orange juice.

He quickly whipped around, grabbing the glass and shaking it. Good, there was still a bit of ice sitting in the bottom of the glass. Placing his fingers over the top of the glass to hold the ice in he tipped it, covering the floor in the orange liquid. Grabbing a larger chunk of cloth, he poured the ice on top, before dropping the detached finger on top of that, and wrapping the whole bundle. Good, that would buy them a little more time.

He stepped behind the desk at this point, and was mid point through picking Mikasa up into a bridal position to carry her to a doctor, that the aforementioned moment dawned on him. He stood there, one arm wrapped under her knees, the other across her back, close enough to really smell the perfume she used, that he finally got embarrassed, his cheeks becoming as red as the Sharingan that still burned in his eyes.

"I.. uh.. I'd carry you to a doctor now but.. you're sort of.. the.. head doctor.." He said, trying to avoid eye contact. "I mean, I still can, but.."
Pain, a mechanism in the human body solely based to entice fear and urge one to avoid particular situations; however Mikasa fought against her better judgement to create a learning opportunity for the Uchiha youth. Needless to say the pain was a scorching fire, however the bodies natural mechanism of adrenaline would do its utmost to counteract the process to not overload the human mind for the initial period of time. Turning her attention towards the lad, she does her utmost to focus as the crimson liquids continue to flow, and under normal circumstances water and blood wasn't the ideal choice.

Meekly nodding her head, the Sennin clutches at the makeshift bandage to the best of her abilities, internally wishing for a hair tie or series of rubber bands to wrap around the wound. Once more, she couldn't afford to dwell on the minor details as Maikeru hustled about with uncanny actions that a normal academy student would never fathom. To tickle the kunoichi impressed was an under statement, in fact she would never admit to it aloud for a multitude of reasons. Fortunately her unattached fingertips would be placed on ice, no pun intended, to be cradled carefully as the academy student maneuvers to aid the platinum kunoichi.

Mikasa's weight begins to shift as she is positioned to be cradled, only to be halted, "I believe I am able to walk." she insists, through gritted teeth, ignoring his crimson hue cheeks, all the while wrapping her arm around the shoulder of the youth. If the situation wasn't intended to be so serious, the woman would have thrown a joke about never being carried properly by any male, however it was best to lay that one to rest. "Aid me in walking down the hallway, one left turn and the first door on the right, there is one who specializes in mending my unusualities." she confirms with a cheeky grin, although anguish apparent even with the adrenaline rush.

While they walked, Mikasa assuming he would be able to guide her, "I am sure not most would think to utilize the ice nor the vase I cut. Needless to say that is worthy of praise and showcases your one the fly thinking. I am sure ANBU would love to dabble into your mind as well, I know you definitely peeked my interest with your quick thinking." she murmurs, not wishing to reveal she were capable of utilizing one handed seals to create a potential medical clone to alleviate her conditions; this was far more beneficial to merely observe.

"Uchiha Maikeru-kun, if you truly wish to learn under my wing - you will face many trials and tribulations." Her words were true, for Tsukasa Mikasa had one last item to achieve.​
Maikeru began helping Mikasa down the hall, allowing her to rest as much weight as she needed to on the young man's shoulders. Although there was no damage to her legs, he was aware that a loss of blood, especially in the amount that Mikasa was hemorrhaging, could cause one to become quite woozy. He chuckled a bit at her comment of ANBU wanting him, trying for a moment to imagine himself in that position. Sticking to the shadows, doing the dirtiest work of the village, harassing children. It wasn't exactly something he had ever planned for himself.

"While ANBU offering me a position would be flattering." He began, leading the medical Sennin down the hall. "I'm pretty sure I'd be tried for treason. Hiding this face under a mask? Now that's a crime against the women of this village if I've ever heard of one."

He had gotten over most of his awkwardness from having Mikasa this close to him, after all, she was the medical Sennin and a fair amount older than him. The fact that he even got that embarrassed was embarrassing in and of itself. As he continued down the hall, he came upon the door in question, and reached out a hand to turn the handle. Upon facing the the doctor inside, Maikeru gave a laughing smile as he entered.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Why is Mikasa-sensei bleeding, why is she draped over the shoulders of a shirtless teenager covered in blood. Sadly, the NDA she made me sign won't allow me to tell you." He said, trying to get one last joke in before the seriousness would settle into the moment once again. "But, uh, she kinda needs your help. There was a test, and she cut off her finger. It's on ice in this bundle, can uh.. can you reattach it sensei?"
The Uchiha youth was beginning to display his natural tendencies around the Medical Sennin; however the potential of his facade a means to comfort her was a possibility. Fortunately a grimace would be aimed, if not for endorphins attempting to block the pain a hearty chuckle would have ensued at the comment of guising his features.

Maneuvering through the corridors would a faceless immediately leap into action and swiftly closing the distance to inspect the iced digits presented thus far. "Can you not act on a whim on your exams, Mikasa-sama? I worry that you really do attempt to hurt yourself or aim to give me a nervous breakdown!" he grumbles, unphased by the event. Maikeru would witness the horrors of the medical branch, rather unusual individuals that occupy the ranks. Thin tendrils seemingly materialize from the fingertips of the medical operative, no wider than fishing wire as they slither through the open air to expertly attach to the chilled damaged extremities.

"You do realize the potential for being unable to properly maneuver your finger tips, do you not Mikasa-sama?" he inquires as the the four individuals being to hover upwards due to the thin tendrils. "Well aware, but I expect those within our branch more than capable of performing the impossible. We are the dreamers that seek and ac-" she is cut off abruptly, "Yes ma'am, we are all aware of how passionate you are about teaching the youth. Uncover your hand please." he chuckles, further indicating this wasn't the initial time a case such as this had occurred.

Finding an appropriate chair, the kunoichi settles down, the exposed endings come into contact with the opposing ends of the Revenant's tendrils which bury into the muscle, bone, and exposed flesh to connect the two as if plastic pieces only requiring a slot to slide into. Faint twitching in her fingers ensue as the black threads piercing the surface of her knuckles, a clear indication of sewing and stitch work. All the while another begins erupts into the room with a transfusion kit, immediately ripping down the sleeve covering her prosthetic hand, wasting no time to swapping her arm with alcohol to sterilize the surface. A thin needle piercing into her flesh and she reacts as if nothing occurs, Mikasa not one to be afraid of needles. "Fortunately you didn't go into shock, but I don't imagine you lost a fifth of your blood - that would be absurd, yet we won't take any chances." he murmurs, stretching his hand outwards over the damaged fingers to encase them in a chakra.

"Well, Maikeru-kun, when you pass your Genin exam - I welcome you to our nest." she smiles gently, leaning her head back against the headrest. "Taking another one under your wing ma'am? At least this particular one seems competent, despite his age." he sighs aloud.

[OOC: Upon Maikeru earning the rank of Genin, he is accepted as a Medical-nin in Training (MiT) / Topic Left Unless Stopped]
Maikeru shot the doctor a smile smile at his compliment, glad for all the people who saw potential in him. There was a sense of pride welling up in him, one that he hadn't felt in a long, long time. He felt proud to be a leaf shinobi, felt proud to be able to call himself that. With the way the village had been going lately, he had felt nothing but shame in himself, in the things he had been doing to help this village. Perhaps Mikasa was the one who would end up showing what it truly meant to be leaf. Maybe.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 03:52:41
