Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Requesting Entry: Serra ] In Search of My Father


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Serra wiped the sweat pouring down her face, and ran her left hand through her silvery, disheveled hair. As a gust of wind swept by, her eyes started to form tears from the sand caught from the violent breeze. Her clothes was soaked in her sweat, from the blazing heat of the sun, and lack of shade in the tyrant desert. Her soles were sore from the constant running in heels, and mouth dry from dehydration. It was her first time, experiencing such torment, and her body was drained of energy. She had always been sheltered her whole life, hidden in a secluded sanctuary, blessed by her mother’s angelic powers. The sanctuary had a barrier, which prevented Serra from harm’s way. However, as time dragged on, the magic of the barrier started to falter, and eventually diminished. Serra’s mother, had set out to find her father a while ago, however she never returned. Curious, young Serra set out on her own journey, in hopes of finding one of her parents. Lacking even the strength to stand properly, she leaned against the fence, of the entrance of the sand village.

"Someone, please let me in!" She managed to force out a weak plead, with her remaining strength.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was another day in the beautiful Wind Country as the sun was high in the sky and the village was booming already today according to reports from my daughter, Kyushiko. My schedule today consisted of a strict training regime in my clan's training quarters as I had to continually improve my skills considering the World Martial Arts Tournament was coming up soon and I wanted to impress the village enough to be one of the representatives. Of course, I already was going to be traveling to Tea Country for a meeting with the other medical heads of their respective villages, but I still had an urge to participate in the actual tournament. Fighting, generally spars in our village, always managed to get my adrenaline pumping even though I typically lost them and a limb or another body part in the process. In any case, it was time to head towards the training grounds when I had one of my guards run up to me informing me that there was a young girl outside of our home who seemed like she was having quite the difficulties and seemed to be on the verge of collapsing. A simple nod would come from me as I headed towards the main entrance that everyone in the Toraono Clan used along with people who came and went from our village for missions, vacations and so on.

It would not take long for me to notice this girl outside of our home leaning against a nearby fence and giving one last plea with her remaining strength. Typically, I would've asked this unknown individual for identification like a passport, headband, or what not. But, I could tell from her physical appearance that she was in no condition to be getting any interrogation done to her right now. So instead, I would walk up to this vertical challenged girl and kneel down in front of her giving a warm smile as I addressed her: "My guards saw you outside and I came right away. Please get on my back and I will give you a piggy back ride into my clan's main entrance where we will get you something to eat, drink, and you can cool off from this weather. You do not need to be afraid, I am not here to cause you harm, Young Lady."


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Serra remembered her mother, warning her the peril of interacting with humans that are strangers. However, she was to tired to function, and decided to put her fate in the hand of the stranger. She wrapped her arm around the woman's neck, and hopped gently on to her back. She felt relieved when the beautiful woman assured her that she was safe. Her grumbling stomach was happy to hear the stranger offering her food and drinks. The blonde hair of the stranger, reminded her of the gold, luscious hair of her own divine mother. She has never met this woman in her life before, but she felt safe with her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As I waited for her response to my offer, I would keep my warm, welcoming smile on my face. She was a cute, innocent looking girl to say the least and she thankfully would not take too long to make up her decision to get onto my back wrapping her arms around my neck in the process. When she was secured, I would warn hard that I was getting up so her grip would be tight enough that she wouldn't fall and then proceed to ever so slowly get up since her body showed clear signs of fatigue and potentially overheating so I didn't want to rush her into anything and have an accident on my hands in the process. Thankfully, she was a petite size as was expected of many children that were around the age of being a student at the Academy so she wasn't giving me any issues with carrying her. It was a relief since I needed to set a good example for her as she was a lass and I was a woman, it was likely that she was learning every moment so it was best to be on my best behavior.

After I was back to my upright position, we would be headed off and would return back to the entrance of the entire Toraono Dojo within a few moments. Of course, I would kneel down again to allow her to get off while the guards watching over the entrance to and from the village would look at me oddly with a child accompanying me. However, there would be no words spoken from any of them aside from confirming that they would get me something for the child to eat and drink. While we waited, I would pull up a chair that was situated in the entrance, likely for guard duty, and simply tell her to sit down. For her sake, she was probably relieved to be out of the sun and heat as the entryway was cool thanks to the air-conditioning that went throughout the entire Toraono Dojo including the Byakko Estate and all the other respective clan that dwell here. Obviously, I didn't know who she was or what she wanted but I would find out so enough.

But for now, it was best for her to get her strength and energy back while keeping herself hydrated. As soon as the guards would return with fresh fruit and some water, I would pull up a chair beside her and present the food to her with my smile on my face once again as I spoke. I would say the following: "Here is some fruit and some water to keep you full of energy and hydrated! Take your time and enjoy your meal. There is no rush at all."

A simple pat on her head would be given after I finished as I sat in my chair with bright, emerald vixen-like eyes looking back at her. She had been quiet thus far, but it was likely that she would have some questions for me and I definitely would have some for her after I knew that she was feeling better in my eyes. But for now, I would just have to wait patiently and allow her to enjoy your light, but healthy meal.


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
The smile of the nice lady never faltered, similar to her angelic mother's. The lady walked slowly purposefully, as if she was making sure that Serra would not be hurt in the process of transportation. While her hair was beautiful like her mother's hair, it was slightly different. The lady's hair was much more corpse compared to her mother's, which is an indicator of her being a fighter, constantly having to put her long hair up, to keep it out of the way. Serra closed her eyes, fainting from the exhaustion of her solo journey.

She was awoken by the lady kneeling down, and Serra reacted by removing her arms that were wrapped tightly around her neck. The blonde lady pulled a nearby chair, and offered her a seat, to which Serra graciously complied. It was much cooler inside the building, compared to the blazing desert outside. A few moments later, guards appeared with fresh fruits and water. Serra's eyes widened and smiled with joy, as she hungrily devoured the delicious fruits that quenched her thirst, even though the lady told her that there was no rush.

The lady patted her on the head, before sitting down and carefully observing Serra, with her emerald eyes. Serra saw this as an opportunity to gather information regarding her father's whereabouts, and did not hesitate to take her chance. "Do you happen to know my father, Miroku Akkuma?" She tilted her head, and spoke with a mouthful.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As I waited, I would allow my mind to wander ever so slightly as I wanted to truly get all the information about this girl while I had an opportunity considering she came out of nowhere outside of our home. At the very least if I could get memorize her physical appearance, I could likely help her with whatever she needed from earlier and she would have someone to come to while she was in the village. Now, she might've been a citizen of our village already, but I couldn't be entirely sure since her body didn't seem accustomed to the desert sun and heat. Of course, she could've been overdoing it as well and that was why she was weak and appeared quite ill earlier. This would have to be something that I asked her later on after she felt comfortable with me and knew that I wouldn't bite too much. For now, I would just study her and note her hair that appeared to be able to change from silvery white or violet hair depending on the lighting around her and man, it was long and luscious. I, too, had long hair but I unfortunately kept it up in a bun more often than not because one could never be sure when I would be called upon for something and long hair, while it was beautiful, could often get in the way.

Within a few minutes after receiving her food, this little girl actually would be ready to talk and her first words out of her mouth were if I knew her father which was Miroku Akkuma who also was known as the devil to me due to how he harmed people's lives. He had mutated his adopted son, Riyota, so much that the boy was turning more and more into a monster with each passing day that I had seen him. Now, that had been quite some time so maybe he was doing alright now, but from my last few occurrences with him, he still wasn't doing too well. Another case where he ruined someone's life was Azusa and mine as he had a simple meeting with me to exchange ANBU knowledge with Medical knowledge, but he decided that it was best to also put a curse mark on Azusa who just happened to enter the room and let her ego get the better of her. In part, it was her fault for intruding but the aftermath associated with that sealing really put a strain on the former foxfire priestess and my relationship with one another to the point that we were fighting in a burning building and I had fallen to her. The deeds that the devil committed would go on and go, but it was likely that he would give me another reason to not exactly see him too well as there was a child beside me asking about him and likely he had made a deal with her or created her; either case, it was truly sad.

In any case, my smile would leave as my demeanor changed quickly. I was concerned about the child and why she was asking about Akkuma, but I had to still be polite so I simply would address her question as followed: "Yes, I know your father quite well as we both married into the Toraono Clan, but different branches. However, I haven't seen him in quite some time since he apparently keeps himself busy." When I finished, I would then ask her my own question before she could respond to me as I wanted to know exactly who she was. It was something along the lines as followed: "Where did you come from and what is your name? I am Byakko Kyuji. The medical chief with the most tenure at the Hospital currently along with being a teacher at the Academy."


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Serra immediately noticed the sudden saddened demeanor of the blonde lady. Serra thought that her smile was beautiful, and her heart sank when it appeared as though the kind lady was in pain, when she merely mentioned her father's name. She could sense the sudden mood change in the atmosphere, the lady's brows were furrowed, and her mesmerizing emerald eyes became furious, burning with hatred.

Serra' eyes widened, as she heard the lady claim that her father was in the same clan as her, which would mean that her father was located somewhere here. She sighed, relieved that she was in the right location. It was weird, perhaps it was her intuition, but she could of sworn that a violet butterfly led her here. But the beautiful butterfly dispersed into sparkles before diminishing when she was led to the entrance. Could of it been mother's doings? Or was it purely her imagination, and survival instincts.

Serra nodded when the blonde lady introduced herself, her name was Byakko Kyuji. The name itself sounded rather masculine, which was fitting for her strong build, and fierce aura. Serra has always been gifted with detecting the aura that surrounded a person, it may of been her angelic heritage that blessed her with such a intriguing ability. Kyuji asked her for her whereabouts, and identity. It was reasonable considering the fact, the woman let her, an unidentified stranger, into her land.

"My name is Miroku Serra, and I don't know where I come from. Except the fact it was sacred land blessed by an angelic being, protecting me from harms way."She took a few breath before continuing, "I am looking for my father, as the barrier that sheltered me faded, and my mother never came back after she went on search for my father. I'm hoping to find my father, please help me!" Serra said passionately, and stared into the stranger's eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Unfortunately for her, I would merely shrug my shoulders at her. She wanted to desperately find the Devil himself, but I could not offer her much assistance currently with that since I wasn't even sure if he was still alive. So, I would place a hand on one of her shoulders as I returned her stare with my own gaze as I responded: "While I would love to reunite you two, I do not know where he currently is or if he is in the village right now. But, I will go through the proper channels and let him know that you are in our country and that you are looking for him. While you wait, I want you to attend the Academy and get a formal education since your father is a shinobi like me and he probably will enjoy seeing his blood being trained into a fine, young kunoichi. In addition, you will be staying in my estate until he reveals himself so I know that you are safe and are being taken care of." I would turn my head away momentarily and allow a simple sigh to escape my lips. I knew how she felt, truly I did, as Lady Yanshi and myself showed the same clear signs that she was doing when our son, Yanjirou, went off to Cloud on a business trip and didn't return for a long time. I would take note of her introduction as well as she was Serra and she wasn't sure where she came from which was odd to say the least, but she was young and it was likely that she truly didn't know.

A moment later, my gaze would turn back to her as I muttered a simple question: "Is that fair with you? If so, do you have any questions?" She had a golden opportunity to stay somewhere safe while she waited for her father to show himself again. Of course, it wasn't going to be all rainbows and butterflies for her as the Byakko Clan was a prideful clan and we took much honor from our lord, but we still busted our tails day in and day out. That is how we got to the position of power, wealth, and fame that we were currently in; there had been no slacking and I knew that I would need to get back to working as well as my extended absence from work was quickly ending. After all, I didn't need people worrying about me anymore than they already were since I had dropped off the face of the country after the incident, but the media had still managed to find out somehow.


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Serra was dissapointed when her initial excitement was returned with a cold shrug. The lady gently touched Serra's fragile shoulder, and stared back at her in response. She explained that while as much as she wanted to unite the father and daughter pair, she did not know about Serra's father's exact whereabouts. Akujin offered her shelter and education by offering her to opportunity to attend the Academy while she waited for her father. She hesitated slightly, however when the lady mentioned about how his father would be proud of his blood being trained into a fine warrior, she immediately agreed. Serra would be provided a place to stay by the kind lady, and she asked if it was fine with Serra. To which Serra responded delightfully, nodding her head. She shook her head, when asked if she had any more remaining questions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Looking back at the girl for a response, she would not wait too long after I spoke to agree to the terms and conditions. This would bring a smile to my face as I was keeping another young child safe from harm's way and also could give her a proper teaching so her purity and good-nature spirit wasn't shattered at least for now. Of course, the future was mysterious and I obviously had no idea what it would have in store for anyone especially myself. But, this was good for Serra to have me in her life so she was properly taught and cared for while her irresponsible father was out probably satisfying his appetites; a real shame to put it mildly.

In any case, she would not have to wait long for me to respond as I would only take a few moments. "Very well, Serra. Please follow one of the guards back to the Byakko Estate and they will help you get situated. You will begin at the Academy next week and I likely will be teaching you one on one unless there are some stray students that would care to be educated by me. Make sure to get plenty of rest and take care of yourself while you stay with us. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask anyone in my clan or myself" I would say as one of the guards would walk up beside her looking down at her with his own smile on his face to try to be friendly at the very least even though he was likely capable of snapping her in half if she got out of control.

Mere seconds later, I would continue: "I will return to the estate later. I first must go through the proper channels to try to find your father. If I do reach him, you and him will likely meet right here." A simple little pat on her head would follow my words as I smiled once more at her and took a step away from her as to not be in her way and allow her to head to the estate. She was going to have a fun time while she stayed but she had best be ready to learn and help out around the estate since nobodody was immune to chores and responsibilities! Not even myself who was a direct descendant of Lord Byakko!

[OOC: Access granted to the village and the Byakko Clan. We may continue if you want or stop here. If you want to continue, let me know. Otherwise, topic left unless stopped.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
