Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Under Review [Retire] Hachiashi Haji ----> [New Character] Yamanaka Utano

Oct 22, 2012
Old Character Name: Hachiashi Hajistyle

Old Village/Missing: Kumogakure/Cloud

OCR Type: Retired

Last Known Where-abouts: Sileo Tempestas; Living Quarters

Old IC Rank: Cloud Anbu

New Character Name: Yamanaka Utano

Preferred Username: Yamanaka Utano

New Village/Missing: Kumogakure

New BL/CA: Yamanaka; True Yamanaka

Custom Class
Toxic Intellectual
HP: (35+lvl) x stamina

CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control

Class Bonus: +2 Ninjutsu Accuracy and Genjutsu DC

High: Genjutsu DC, Ninjutsu Accuracy

Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save

Low: Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy

Advanced Element: Poison
Major: Wind
Minor: Fire

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description: 5’10 and 130lbs, platinum blonde hair which she dyes black over the top, deep green eyes. She is well muscled and lean. Whenever she is off duty she will wear a practical outfit more often than anything frivolous. She could be considered beautiful, but she has dark circles under her eyes which often detract from the grace in her visage, and she also tends to be less than kempt. She tends to slouch, standing or sitting, but when she is truly serious as in combat, she straightens to her full height.

She is missing her pinky and ring finger on her left hand which she disguises with a prosthetic and gloves.

Utano 3.jpg

Character's Mental Description: Utano is mentally stable, as a Yamanaka she has been trained to maintain a certain level of mental aptitude in order to not be driven insane from the repeated use of her own genjutsu. As personality goes, she is relatively positive, but also level-Headed. She is not one to rush into situations without assessing first, and she is not against reprimanding those who do. When she is not on duty, she could be considered pleasant to be around, patient and slow to anger, she is a considerate conversationalist.

Sarcasm is often prevalent but due to her positive tone, sometimes it can pass by undetected. She enjoys sweets as well as reading.

Character History: Utano’s upbringing was that of formal shinobi training in the Yamanak clan. Her talents early on were reminiscent of her mother’s, who was once considered an incredibly potent genjutsu specialist, revered by Kumo and the Yamanaka clan… until her disappearance. Utano was four when her mother went on a mission to Sunagakure and never returned. Her mission had been carried out in the usual style and had been done so without any inclination of struggle on her part, yet there was no trace of Utano’s mother, or those who may have sought to harm her. Thus, she was labeled as missing nin, a great black mark on the Yamanaka household that did not go unnoticed by those who would criticize Utano in the future. While this may have been something that would hold a weaker will back, Utano found resolve in the vilification of her mother. It drove her to excellence in her academy days and beyond. She eventually was scouted out by the ANBU corps as an interrogation specialist. Utano had become versed not only in the Yamanaka style of genjutsu, but also in the pharmaceutical specialties of poison. Utano’s upbeat and calm personality often caused a polarizing effect with her interrogation technique, allowing her to play good cop and bad cop simultaneously and without assistance. One day she was given a shinobi from the country of Wind to extract information from, only to find out that a kunoichi that fit her mother’s description reigned heavily over other missing nin. After thoroughly completing her duty as an interrogator with that subject, she formally requested for transfer to the main branch out of ANBU with a look of disgust on her face. Her transfer out of ANBU was not taken lightly, especially because of her privity to certain operations and knowledge gleaned from interrogations. Her skills were ideal for the work ANBU had set her to, but she could not bear to operate that way any longer, her humanity began to shine through stronger than her sense of duty could mask. So she abandoned her mask, figuratively and literally, and with the permission of the Raikage, she took her place amongst the main branch as a Jounin, her identity as a shinobi restored for the first time since she was recruited to the shadowy ANBU operations. Utano would have gladly lived the rest of her life not knowing what had happened to her mother, but sometimes the burden of knowledge is thrust upon those who least desire it, and it can very rarely be relinquished once it has been imparted.

Clan Request: Yamanaka

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile: Hachiashi Haji Profile
Old Training: Hachiashi Haji Training
Old Dojo: Hachiashi Haji Dojo

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats: Stamina: 600/600
Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 256/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,256
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank
Stat Cut: Retired after 90 days of inactivity or 180+ days of character play
New Stats:

Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 256/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,256

New OOC Rank: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Poison Jutsu – KEEPING ALL

Corrupted Mist
Touch of the Accursed
Black Fog
Toxic Conversion

Poison Mist
Venom Strike
Stun Vapor
Toxic Curse

Venom Needle
Immunity Break
Toxic Channeling
Poison Extraction


Limit Break - Mastered
Unleash- Mastered

Eagle Drop - Mastered
Fist of Sin- Mastered
Fist of Virtue- Mastered

B-Rank Jutsu-
Anabolic Frenzy- Mastered
Focused Assault

16-hit combo- Mastered
Spear Hand Strike- Mastered
Shadow Step Strike- Mastered
Primary Lotus

C-Rank Jutsu-
Chakra Extension
Shadow Dance

Dragon Assault- Mastered
Step-in Flash- Mastered
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku- Mastered
Roaring Combination

D-Rank Jutsu-
4-hit combo- Mastered
Spinning wind- Mastered
Dynamic Entry- Mastered
Dynamic Finish- Mastered

E-Rank Jutsu-
The One-Two- Mastered
Low Sweep- Mastered
Janken- Mastered
Uncalled for Shot- Mastered

Old Hachimon Jutsu - REFUND

Bandage Wraps- Augment
Chakra Gates- Mastered
Body Flicker- Mastered
Bandage Slam- Mastered
Ura Renge- Mastered
Aura Burst- Mastered
Afternoon Tiger
Evening Mammoth
Gate of Death- Mastered

Name of any Contract you currently own:
- Toad
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
- N/A
Name of Kinjutsu you own:
- Hachimon
Last edited:

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Hey! Is there any way I can get reactivated and see if this refund for my jutsu and character was approved?

Sorry for the wait and welcome. No refunds were done for this account. If you would like, I can start your refund and the rest of your reactivation. We would refund you, half of the yen cost and the full asp value. You would need to sell the items for the other half. Reminder, do not sell anything until after you have been refunded and receive confirmation from a council member/ moderator. I have added you to Cloud user group in the meantime. Please let me know if you would like to continue with your OCR.
Oct 22, 2012
Hey! Is there any way I can get reactivated and see if this refund for my jutsu and character was approved?

Sorry for the wait and welcome. No refunds were done for this account. If you would like, I can start your refund and the rest of your reactivation. We would refund you, half of the yen cost and the full asp value. You would need to sell the items for the other half. Reminder, do not sell anything until after you have been refunded and receive confirmation from a council member/ moderator. I have added you to Cloud user group in the meantime. Please let me know if you would like to continue with your OCR.
I would like to proceed please!

Thank you for looking into this :)

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Physical Description: Denied (There is a word minimum on this which is 100.)
Mental Description: Approved
History: Approved
Stats: Approved
Class: Approved (if you have the Class Card Purchased.)
Bloodline: +1
Kinjutsu: N/A
  • A rank: 12,500 x5= 62,500
  • B rank: 7,500 x6= 45,000
  • C rank: 3,250 x6= 19,500
  • D rank: 1,200 x5= 6,000
  • E rank: 450 x4= 1,800
Total: 134,800
Total Refunded: 67,400 (you must sell the jutsu for the other half)

ASP Refund:
  • A rank: 15 x4= 60
  • B rank: 12 x4= 48
  • C rank: 10 x3= 30
  • D rank: 8 x4= 32
  • E rank: 6 x4= 24
Total: 194

Starting yen/asp: 445,183/0
Refund yen/asp: 67,400/194
Ending yen/asp: 512,583 yen and 194 asp

  • Refund for the old Kinjutsu stuff: I’ll get admin to make sure you get the full value of that.
  • Need a second vote from council on the BL.
  • Physical description Shy 11 words. Minimum 100 word requirement.
Oct 22, 2012
Updated Character Description - Character's Physical Description: 5’10 and 130lbs, platinum blonde hair which she dyes black over the top, deep green eyes. She is well muscled and lean. Whenever she is off duty she will wear a practical outfit more often than anything frivolous. She could be considered beautiful, but she has dark circles under her eyes which often detract from the grace in her visage, and she also tends to be less than kempt. She tends to slouch, standing or sitting, but when she is truly serious as in combat, she straightens to her full height.

She is missing her pinky and ring finger on her left hand which she disguises with a prosthetic and gloves.

In regard to selling the jutsu for the other half of the yen, I do not actually have the jutsu in my inventory to sell, the character I retired was from before the jutsu overhaul so I don't have any of it. Or I have grossly miscalculated how to do so and it is in a place I did not look in which case my bad haha.

Alternatively though I do not mind just using what I have and rebuying stuff, I am really not too concerned about it.

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Updated Character Description - Character's Physical Description: 5’10 and 130lbs, platinum blonde hair which she dyes black over the top, deep green eyes. She is well muscled and lean. Whenever she is off duty she will wear a practical outfit more often than anything frivolous. She could be considered beautiful, but she has dark circles under her eyes which often detract from the grace in her visage, and she also tends to be less than kempt. She tends to slouch, standing or sitting, but when she is truly serious as in combat, she straightens to her full height.

She is missing her pinky and ring finger on her left hand which she disguises with a prosthetic and gloves.

In regard to selling the jutsu for the other half of the yen, I do not actually have the jutsu in my inventory to sell, the character I retired was from before the jutsu overhaul so I don't have any of it. Or I have grossly miscalculated how to do so and it is in a place I did not look in which case my bad haha.

Alternatively though I do not mind just using what I have and rebuying stuff, I am really not too concerned about it.

Not a problem. We will give you a full yen refund to include the jutsu that you are keeping. This way, you can simply repurchase those that you are keeping.

Keeping but refunding yen:
  • A rank: 12,500 x4= 50,000
  • B rank: 7,500 x4= 30,000
  • C rank: 3,250 x4= 13,000
    • Total: 93,000
    • Refunding other half: 67,400
      • Total yen refund: 160,400
Starting yen: 512,583
Ending yen: 672,983

Full Old Kinjutsu refunds will need to be handled by Admin which I will poke.

Physical Description: Approved
Mental Description: Approved
IC Rank: Cloud Council feels that your history should include some more detail as to how you acquired the rank of Jounin or a mention of it. A simple explanation would suffice.
History: Approved
Stats: Approved
Class: Approved (Must purchase class card)
Bloodline: +1
Kinjutsu: N/A
Refund: Done (Need Admin for old kin refund)

I apologize for the delay but we will get you taken care of and back to RPing. Once we get your Kinjutsu fully refunded and another council member blesses off, you will be good to go.
Oct 22, 2012
Updated Character Description - Character's Physical Description: 5’10 and 130lbs, platinum blonde hair which she dyes black over the top, deep green eyes. She is well muscled and lean. Whenever she is off duty she will wear a practical outfit more often than anything frivolous. She could be considered beautiful, but she has dark circles under her eyes which often detract from the grace in her visage, and she also tends to be less than kempt. She tends to slouch, standing or sitting, but when she is truly serious as in combat, she straightens to her full height.

She is missing her pinky and ring finger on her left hand which she disguises with a prosthetic and gloves.

In regard to selling the jutsu for the other half of the yen, I do not actually have the jutsu in my inventory to sell, the character I retired was from before the jutsu overhaul so I don't have any of it. Or I have grossly miscalculated how to do so and it is in a place I did not look in which case my bad haha.

Alternatively though I do not mind just using what I have and rebuying stuff, I am really not too concerned about it.

Not a problem. We will give you a full yen refund to include the jutsu that you are keeping. This way, you can simply repurchase those that you are keeping.

Keeping but refunding yen:
  • A rank: 12,500 x4= 50,000
  • B rank: 7,500 x4= 30,000
  • C rank: 3,250 x4= 13,000
    • Total: 93,000
    • Refunding other half: 67,400
      • Total yen refund: 160,400
Starting yen: 512,583
Ending yen: 672,983

Full Old Kinjutsu refunds will need to be handled by Admin which I will poke.

Physical Description: Approved
Mental Description: Approved
IC Rank: Cloud Council feels that your history should include some more detail as to how you acquired the rank of Jounin or a mention of it. A simple explanation would suffice.
History: Approved
Stats: Approved
Class: Approved (Must purchase class card)
Bloodline: +1
Kinjutsu: N/A
Refund: Done (Need Admin for old kin refund)

I apologize for the delay but we will get you taken care of and back to RPing. Once we get your Kinjutsu fully refunded and another council member blesses off, you will be good to go.

You are wonderful and I thank you for your considerable efforts :)

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Bandage Wraps- Augment - 2400 (augment)
Chakra Gates- Mastered - 3000 (kin ability)
Body Flicker- Mastered - 3000 (kin ability)
Bandage Slam- Mastered - 3250/ 10ASP (C rank)
Ura Renge- Mastered - 3250/ 10ASP (C rank)
Aura Burst- Mastered - 7500/ 12ASP (B rank)
Afternoon Tiger - 7500 (B rank)
Evening Mammoth - 12500 (A rank)
Gate of Death- Mastered - 22500 (S rank/ S is only 1 rank)

Total Refund: 64,900 yen and 32asp
Current: 586,483/ 194asp
Ending: 651,383/ 226asp

Refund completed!
Oct 22, 2012
Old Character Name: Hachiashi Hajistyle

Old Village/Missing: Kumogakure/Cloud

OCR Type: Retired

Last Known Where-abouts: Sileo Tempestas; Living Quarters

Old IC Rank: Cloud Anbu

New Character Name: Yamanaka Utano

Preferred Username: Yamanaka Utano

New Village/Missing: Kumogakure

New BL/CA: Yamanaka; True Yamanaka

Custom Class
Toxic Intellectual
HP: (35+lvl) x stamina

CP: (55+lvl) x chakra control

Class Bonus: +2 Ninjutsu Accuracy and Genjutsu DC

High: Genjutsu DC, Ninjutsu Accuracy

Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save

Low: Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy

Advanced Element: Poison
Major: Wind
Minor: Fire

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description: 5’10 and 130lbs, platinum blonde hair which she dyes black over the top, deep green eyes. She is well muscled and lean. Whenever she is off duty she will wear a practical outfit more often than anything frivolous. She could be considered beautiful, but she has dark circles under her eyes which often detract from the grace in her visage, and she also tends to be less than kempt. She tends to slouch, standing or sitting, but when she is truly serious as in combat, she straightens to her full height.

She is missing her pinky and ring finger on her left hand which she disguises with a prosthetic and gloves.

View attachment 1544

Character's Mental Description: Utano is mentally stable, as a Yamanaka she has been trained to maintain a certain level of mental aptitude in order to not be driven insane from the repeated use of her own genjutsu. As personality goes, she is relatively positive, but also level-Headed. She is not one to rush into situations without assessing first, and she is not against reprimanding those who do. When she is not on duty, she could be considered pleasant to be around, patient and slow to anger, she is a considerate conversationalist.

Sarcasm is often prevalent but due to her positive tone, sometimes it can pass by undetected. She enjoys sweets as well as reading.

Character History: Utano’s upbringing was that of formal shinobi training in the Yamanak clan. Her talents early on were reminiscent of her mother’s, who was once considered an incredibly potent genjutsu specialist, revered by Kumo and the Yamanaka clan… until her disappearance. Utano was four when her mother went on a mission to Sunagakure and never returned. Her mission had been carried out in the usual style and had been done so without any inclination of struggle on her part, yet there was no trace of Utano’s mother, or those who may have sought to harm her. Thus, she was labeled as missing nin, a great black mark on the Yamanaka household that did not go unnoticed by those who would criticize Utano in the future. While this may have been something that would hold a weaker will back, Utano found resolve in the vilification of her mother. It drove her to excellence in her academy days and beyond. She eventually was scouted out by the ANBU corps as an interrogation specialist. Utano had become versed not only in the Yamanaka style of genjutsu, but also in the pharmaceutical specialties of poison. Utano’s upbeat and calm personality often caused a polarizing effect with her interrogation technique, allowing her to play good cop and bad cop simultaneously and without assistance. One day she was given a shinobi from the country of Wind to extract information from, only to find out that a kunoichi that fit her mother’s description reigned heavily over other missing nin. After thoroughly completing her duty as an interrogator with that subject, she formally requested for transfer to the main branch out of ANBU with a look of disgust on her face. Her transfer out of ANBU was not taken lightly, especially because of her privity to certain operations and knowledge gleaned from interrogations. Her skills were ideal for the work ANBU had set her to, but she could not bear to operate that way any longer, her humanity began to shine through stronger than her sense of duty could mask. So she abandoned her mask, figuratively and literally, and with the permission of the Raikage, she took her place amongst the main branch as a Jounin, her identity as a shinobi restored for the first time since she was recruited to the shadowy ANBU operations. Utano would have gladly lived the rest of her life not knowing what had happened to her mother, but sometimes the burden of knowledge is thrust upon those who least desire it, and it can very rarely be relinquished once it has been imparted.

Clan Request: Yamanaka

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile: Hachiashi Haji Profile
Old Training: Hachiashi Haji Training
Old Dojo: Hachiashi Haji Dojo

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats: Stamina: 600/600
Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 256/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,256
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank
Stat Cut: Retired after 90 days of inactivity or 180+ days of character play
New Stats:

Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 256/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,256

New OOC Rank: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:

Poison Jutsu – KEEPING ALL

Corrupted Mist
Touch of the Accursed
Black Fog
Toxic Conversion

Poison Mist
Venom Strike
Stun Vapor
Toxic Curse

Venom Needle
Immunity Break
Toxic Channeling
Poison Extraction


Limit Break - Mastered
Unleash- Mastered

Eagle Drop - Mastered
Fist of Sin- Mastered
Fist of Virtue- Mastered

B-Rank Jutsu-
Anabolic Frenzy- Mastered
Focused Assault

16-hit combo- Mastered
Spear Hand Strike- Mastered
Shadow Step Strike- Mastered
Primary Lotus

C-Rank Jutsu-
Chakra Extension
Shadow Dance

Dragon Assault- Mastered
Step-in Flash- Mastered
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku- Mastered
Roaring Combination

D-Rank Jutsu-
4-hit combo- Mastered
Spinning wind- Mastered
Dynamic Entry- Mastered
Dynamic Finish- Mastered

E-Rank Jutsu-
The One-Two- Mastered
Low Sweep- Mastered
Janken- Mastered
Uncalled for Shot- Mastered

Old Hachimon Jutsu - REFUND

Bandage Wraps- Augment
Chakra Gates- Mastered
Body Flicker- Mastered
Bandage Slam- Mastered
Ura Renge- Mastered
Aura Burst- Mastered
Afternoon Tiger
Evening Mammoth
Gate of Death- Mastered

Name of any Contract you currently own:
- Toad
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
- N/A
Name of Kinjutsu you own:
- Hachimon

Sorry for the delay! I have updated my character history to properly reflect the transition from ANBU to Main branch as per the request.

Please let me know if this is satisfactory and then I'll get to that sweet RPing!

Thanks for all your efforts!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
