Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Return of the Maku


New Member
Oct 23, 2012

So, I never made a profile on the very first time the site went live even though I rped a bit. Guess We'd have to do it from my old rebirth. I know I was a Leaf Ninja and I was capped if not right at the threshold. Iunno.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Reactivation

Checking for your records
Voucher said:
Please List any character names that you were playing as before the site crashed or were officially retired: Inaijin Maku, Tarantsu Ryushi, Hayai Kaen

Please List all other characters that were killed or suicided: (Thisis all that I remember) Tarantsu Maku, Tarantsu Ohitsujiza, Uchiha Hayate, Minagoroshi Maku, Tarantsu Tatsujin, Tenka Hide, Hanma Mamoru, There is one I can't remember

Old OOC Rank: S- Rank

Old IC Title: Jounin (Leaf Teacher)

Old Bloodline or Core Ability: Seikon

Old Kinjutsu: None

Approx Old Power Level 2.9k - 3k

New Character's name: Hanma Maku

Village you plan on joining: Leaf

New IC Rank: Genin

New Bloodline or Core Ability: Seikon

New Kinjutsu:Sharingan Implant

Unread post Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:31 am
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Old Character Name: Hayai Kaen
Old Village: Leaf
Old Character Class (if you have one): Those Who Inherit The Will Of Fire
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Seikon

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Maku

New Character Name: Tarantsu Maku
New Village: Leaf
New Character Class:
Prodigy: Tarantsu Maku
HP: (65+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Genjutsu Difficulty, +10% Fire Damage
High: Genjutsu Difficulty
Average: Genjutsu Save, Spell Accuracy, Evasion
Low: Melee Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy
New BL/CA: Uchiha
* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character: See History.

ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Genin

* * * * *

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Quick Character Description:
Appearance: Maku's hair alternates from Silver to Black, heavily dependent on the state of mind he is in. When in neutral emotions, the hair is a jet black color. When excited or alert, Maku's hair will be a radiant platinum, seemingly glowing from the rays of the sun or star light. The child is normally found dressed in a black singlet with a raised collar, no other distinctive designs are on his apparel. Around his wrists are bandages, possibly in place to be used when suffering damage. His knees are exposed as his black boots rise only to his calfs, those too being wrapped in medical gauze. With a simple projectile pouch, Maku appears mostly unarmed.

Mental Description: The best way to describe the child named Maku is lonely. His entire youth was to be raised to defend the heir of a clan who's name has long since been irrelevant. His own lineage seeming to have no importance to him, though he isn't hesitant to defend it. Emotion isn't something he is used to displaying, more so his face will be stoic regardless of how he feels. His own desires lie only in his ascension, his growth as a shinobi. To test himself against those who consider themselves strong, watching them grovel at his feet before ending their lives. He seems completely incapable of love or understanding it, only feigning the emotion in most instances. Everything is disposable, even himself.

Maku's determination forces him to goto the brink of death to accomplish tasks.
Maku's loner mentality allows him to be trusted easier than others due to his lack of peers to spread secrets about and through.
Being trained in horrendous conditions, Maku is highly adaptable to almost any kind of setting, despite his young age.
High vitality
High knowledge of battle tactics and jutsu

Due to being a loner, Maku trust virtually none. Having a simple friendship with Him is an arduous task that many abandon.
Insecure about his looks and his own gender due to training received in his adolescences.
Scars that cover his body remind him of his past at every waking moment.
Mental instability when emotionally stricken.
Distorted views on right and wrong, willing to do immoral acts if it means his objective will be accomplished.
Low chakra
Arrogant in combat, talking to his foes as if he were superior.
Hatred of Konoha City

Character History: The supposed son of a dying clan, Maku's young life has been filled with nothing but darkness and taint that the only war and famine could produce. Despite the success of the Konoha Corporation on rebuilding Konohagakure, aka Leaf City, the clan known as Tarantsu lived in the ways of the old. Believing that the technological advances made by KC to be heresy and an abomination to the once regal lands of Old Konoha. Believing themselves to be direct descendants of those who came before, the propaganda spread within the clan was that they were the true heirs of Konoha. In order for them to achieve such a reclamation, they trained their youth in ways more sinister than human trafficking. Sixteen years ago, they believed their messiah to be born.

Born enveloped within a dark chakra, the young babe would be named Maku. The aging elders of the Tarantsu foresaw the potential the boy had, deeming him to be the child of prophecy that they sought for. From ages one to eight, the child was raised in the Tarantsu Enclave deep within the forests of Fire Country. The training he endured was what set him apart when eventually enrolling into the Shinobi academy. Days upon days he would receive training in the form torture, this was to strengthen his will for what lie ahead of him. Day in and day out, Maku was subjected to abuse unlike anything a child should endure. Lashings, rapes and intensive physical training were his mainstay. Though this would cause his heart sorrow, from what he learned through the propaganda, this was all for the greater good of Konoha. Brainwashed, the child endured the torment, later being graduated into a class that had actual purpose. He was taught the ways of Tarantsu combat, the ways of those that came before, the ones who called themselves the original Tarantsu.

Maku was exceptionally violent, partially due to the resentment he felt from his prior training. Excelling in everything that had to do with the Ninja arts, the Clan elders' dreams seemed to come to fruition. On a separate occasion, Maku had become harassed by two bandits passing through the Tarantsu territory, it was on this day when he first learned the pleasures of murder. The release his body felt as his fire jutsu consumed those who were his enemies. It was also on this day that the elders of the Tarantsu grew to fear the potentially hazardous lust for violence he possessed. Fearing that he'd be the destruction of the Tarantsu, the elders placed a seal on the child, sealing the darkness within him and clouding his memories of his childhood. In a final effort to protect their interest within him, Maku was sent to Konoha City, appearing as a normal child to begin ninja training.

From this point on, the story of Maku becomes more of the same as far as the rest of the children of Konoha. He graduated as a Genin at the age of fourteen, after enrolling at twelve. However, the dark nature within him began to resurface as he saw the crest of the Akechi, a clan that was seen as the antithesis of the Tarantsu. Due to the deep hatred from embedded within him from his childhood training, Maku's sharingan surfaced, transforming into it's Mangekyou state almost immediately. The violent nature of the boy holding him back from excelling as a ninja, always choosing to crush those who oppose him, regardless of who's side they were on...

* * * * *

Death thread: N/A
Profile thread: N/A
Training thread: N/A
Dojo thread: N/A

* * * * *

Usergroups: Leaf

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):

Agility: 600
Chakra Control: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 542

Jutsu Swaps:

Infernal Ember
Thermal Maw
Immolation Armor
Combustive Seal
Dragon Fire
Searing Eruption
Scalding Ash Cloud
Heat Wave
Infernal Hellfire
Spontaneous Combustion
Ring of Fire
Dragon Flame Bomb
Sol Fire Tempest
Abysmal Harbinger
Flame Shield
Stone Bullet
Gravel Shift
Earth Flow River
Sink hole fist
Mud Clone
Inner Earth Reflection Lure
Earth Flow Wave
Rock Golem
Earth Coating
Bedrock Coffin
Weighted Rock Technique
Earth Spiker
Antilion Sinkhole
Fist of Gaia
Earthen Magnitude
Earth Slide Wall
Body Switch
Basic Summoning
Jutsu Sealing
Elemental Clone


Body Double
Verse of Darkness
Lingering Spark
Phoenix's Embrace
Silent Scream
Temple of Nirvana
Mind Shatter

Note: All Jutsu are Master Rank (53 swaps)

Name of any Contract you currently own: N/A

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: As Inaijin Maku, I had the Heaven Seal given to me by Umashi's former character Tachibana Toshi, I would like to bring that over to this Maku as per the new announcement. Inaijin Maku was retired and not suicided, so he should be able to be used, had the site not been hacked.

Name of Kinjutsu you own: N/A


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Old Character Name: Hanma/Tarantsu Maku
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: Retirement
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf Ruins?
Old IC Rank: Missing nin?

New Character Name: Hanma Isan/Maku
Preferred Username: Maku
New Village: Suna
New BL/CA: Kyoujouran
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
[u]The King of The of Animals[/u] (This is with Oni Saiseki)
[b]HP:[/b] (70+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Accuracy, +10% Unarmed damage
[i]High:[/i] Melee Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Genjutsu Save, Evasion, Ranged Accuracy
[i]Low:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 23
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Maku stands at Six feet, four inches. Weighing approximately 280 pounds. Despite his massive size for a Shinobi, Maku is quite graceful when necessary. His body is riddled with scars due to the nature of his upbringing. Being raised primarily by the Toraono Clan, his body was trained to endure as they had. His flesh is armor-like to the touch, always feeling tensed and poised for action. His general attire changes on a consistent enough basis, however it is known that he generally wears black pants with a black shirt whenever he fancies. His Crimson hair is usually slicked back sloppily with many split ends. Though his young age, the tautness of his face shows of a man who’s had many battles, and one who’s ended many a life. His physical presence has been known to intimidate men, causing their self-doubt to physically manifest before them.

Character's Mental Description: Though being young in the age of Shinobi, Maku has seen and experienced more than his fair share of bloodshed in the line of duty or otherwise. Mentally, he is perhaps tougher if not as tough as the leaders of each Village. Being raised by the Toraono Clan, despite not harboring their blood allowed him to prove his capability as a man from a young age. As he grew, his faith in himself allowed him to excel in all forms of training. Perhaps his worse quality, his over confidence in his own body has made him reluctant to utilize any forms of jutsu outside of Taijutsu. Something to be noted however, Maku possesses a peculiar lust for blood and violence. This has often gotten him in trouble in missions for being excessively violent when it wasn’t deemed necessary. This is only calmed by his own sense of justice, one that has never been influenced by the Shinobi world around him.

Multiple Personality Application:

Character History: Born to a family of wealth, Isan was the first and only child the couple would conceive. His father was a successful businessman within the Soon’s Haven, his mother a socialite intending to climb the economic ladder by any means. The relationship of these two seemed purely based on physical attraction as Isan’s father was well aware of the woman’s gold digging ways. Despite this, the two would wed on a Thursday evening in a specially designed tent to combat the destructive forces of nature found in the Diamond Maelstrom. That evening, the child known now as Maku would be consummated.
Five months into the Pregnancy, Maku’s mother would begin to experience intense pains in her abdomen. In a panic, the mother searched for a reason or an answer to why it seemed the pregnancy was causing her pain. Visiting Sunagakure, a medical shinobi performed an ultrasound on her to reveal that her infant son was in fact beating her from the inside of her womb. Unlike most children who kick from the inside, Isan was deliberately attacking his mother, attempting to escape from being inside of her. Fearing what may have caused her child’s aggression, Isan’s mother approached her husband with queries as to what his lineage may have been.
He informed her that his family had made a pact with demonic forces in order to gain influence and power in the world of commerce. Though he had been told about it, he thought this was just an old wives tale passed down in his family, never thinking it was of any importance. With this news and how their unborn child acted, the mother knew that this had some truth to it. With short deliberation, the couple attempted to abort the baby before too long, hoping that they could prevent letting such a demonic force upon the world. On a cliché stormy Monday night, the couple attempted to perform the abortion alone. Unbeknownst to them however, the child that would be named Isan was already sentient and well aware of the danger before him.
It was never revealed how exactly the child survived the attempt, all that was known from that day on was that his father went missing.
As an infant, Isan was raised solely by his mother. This was a stretch to call him being raised however. He was more interested in testing himself and the world around him. He more or less forced his mother into feeding him, gazing upon her as if he were to audibly shout upon her “Nourish Me!” She soon began to experience bouts of depression and soon lack of will to harbor the burden that was her child. With plans of joining a monastery to atone for the evil she had birthed, The mother left the child in the care of the Toraono Clan.
Left as the only possession of his origin, a fragment that read “Majikkuītā (Magic Eater)” he was called ”Maku” for short, assuming that to be his name. Over the years, his body grew in size, being comparable to those Kindred to the Ox-King. With his training in their ways, his body grew to almost completely emulate their own save for a few features. Eventually, Maku would leave the care of the clan and enter the Village of Sunagakure attempting to forge his own destiny. As time progressed he would rise in the ranks of the shinobi world, ever so often returning to his former home to seek guidance.
Sometime during Maku’s young adulthood, the lust of blood of his infancy that he had been trained to suppress had been unleashed once more. Still, with his searching for conflict, Maku was capable of living within the laws of the land, mostly anyway.
(Some of the history seems rushed as I’d like to explore it in series of flashback rps and what not.)
Clan Request: It’s in most of the history and character description, but: Being the son of someone who made a pact with an unknown entity, Maku was born with unique characteristics quite similar to those who were of the Kindred of the Ox-king in the Toraono Mythos. Eventually being raised by the clan whom shared similar traits to him, Maku was trained as if he had been born of their legion. Though not as massive or bearing the specific markings of these Toraono, his strength and connection to the earth that surrounded him showed that he had attained the same capabilities as his brethren.

Death/Retirement Thread: There isn’t one
Old Profile: nope
Old Training: nah
Old Dojo: what?
Old FAQ: don’t know what this is.

Special Usergroups: none

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Chakra Control: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 542

Old OOC Rank: S-Rank

Stat Cut: None

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Chakra Control: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 542
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600

New OOC Rank: S- Rank

Justu Mastery Swaps:
The One-Two
Low Sweep
Uncalled For Shot
4-Hit Combo
Spinning Wind
Dynamic Entry
Dynamic Finish
Nut Buster
Dragon Assault
Tiger Hook
Step-In Flash
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku
Roaring Combination
Primary Lotus
Shadow Step Strike
Seismic toss
Spear Hand
16-Hit Combo
Falcon Punch
Eagle Drop
Dance of the Waxing Moon
Concealed Steps
Focused Assault
Devastating Aura
Limit Break
Full Toss
Trick Launch
Projectile Sealing
Blood Grinding
Instant Fall
Silver Stream
Body Flicker Shuriken
Dynamic Poke
Dynamic Pierce
Iron Point Prison
Clip Downpour
Million Stabs
Mud Clone
Inner Earth Reflection Lure
Rock Golem

[53 Mastered Jutsu swaps)[/i]

Name of any Contract you currently own: None
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: Heaven, Had it before the hack.
Name of Kinjutsu you own:None

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? Nope

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
I approve of the Toraono clan link but the question remains is Hanma going to be your last name or is Isan because with our current rulings you can't have hyphenated names unless you plan to just go by Maku with no surname..


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Name: Refer to Kuro
Class: With 1 high, 2 low and the rest average the HP/CP modifier total would be 90 until Vet Class where it reaches 100. Your class has 105 points. Link to the Rules for making a class. If you need help I would be more than happy to try.
Rank: Main Branch Jounin: Approved!
Clan: Toraono affiliation will require Kuro's stamp of approval. He has been made aware. [and he posted before this post was done, good job!]
Stats: Approved.
Jutsus: Approved.
Seal: Need to verify the rank of that for refund.You don;t get to keep your seal in the next life but you do get your rolls back. Kuro, could you please verify his seal rank? If you have no copy, I can recover it myself.

Banner has been updated to Sand Jounin

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
seal rank transfers over at rank 1
his original ocr had it he's legit
he was paid for the ability but it did not transfer over so he will have to earn a new one... sorry


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Then we are done here! Carry on. PM a sandy with your skype and we can add you to sand Skype if you want to meet your fellows, or simply contact Kuro since he probably has your contact info.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
