Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

A gruesome ability only available to those who have had their bodies altered through an invasive surgical technique known as Earth Grudge Fear. Within them lies countless dark fibers replacing their organs and skeleton, squirming tendrils that function equally as flexible tissue and durable bone. Few survive the gruesome process, and fewer still with their mind unbroken; but for those that pass the excruciating trials, immortality and greatness await. They are known as a Revenant; an undying monstrosity that fuels its twisted life with the life of others.

Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, 3 Ability Slots, B Rank

  • The user may have up to 5 [Stolen Heart]s at a time. This requires a 300 word RP.
  • If harvesting a heart from an unconscious player with the Killswitch on the heart does not require a 300 word RP.
  • The user is able to partially detach their limbs, enabling them to stretch themselves through their tendrils while attacking opponents with their weapons. Attacks made this way have the following properties:
    • Stretched attacks may be used with Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Techniques.
    • Stretched attacks are resolved using Ranged Accuracy. When making a Stretched attack the user must choose whether to apply their Ranged Accuracy buffs or the Techniques original accuracy buffs to the attack. This does not change the damage buffs that apply. (A Nanjirou which uses a Stretched attack with Higuma and chooses Ranged Accuracy, still applies their Slashing or Physical Damage bonuses but not and Ranged-specific Damage buffs).
    • Stretched attacks are still considered Melee Contact
    • Stretched attacks have a 25% chance to be a Sneak Attack.
  • Stretched attacks cost no additional AP -- they need only be declared.

Death Pulse - Kinjutsu Ability

Becoming a Revenant requires a mastery of the Earth Grudge Fear technique which binds their body together with the mysterious black cords. Perhaps the most sinister aspect of this technique is the ability to abduct organs from other living creatures and store them within the user's body to be used as reagents in other perverse techniques. Still, even when not being leveraged directly these pilfered organs, usually carry with them a piece of their former owner's strength that adds to the Revenants own power in some small way.

Prerequisites: Revenant

  • Each [Stolen Heart] granted by Revenant grants the user it's own Class Bonus and can spend up to 2 pts. This is declared via the user's Dojo Forum thread and cannot be changed, however the user may willingly discard a [Stolen Heart] and replace it with a stolen heart RP.
  • Each [Stolen Heart] must be activated for 0.5 AP before the user may benefit from it's bonuses.
  • Each [Stolen Heart’s] class points only apply to the [Stolen Heart] itself, and cannot be combined for higher class point costs.
  • The user may only benefit from stacking identical Class Bonuses up to three times.

Cost: 0.5 AP per heart activated

  • Activating multiple [hearts] in a row may be treated as a singular action with an aggregate AP cost equal to the AP spent activating them for the purposes of AP timing.
  • If a [Stolen Heart] is destroyed, the bonuses gained from it is lost immediately for the remainder of battle.
  • The user must still abide by limitations within the Class Points system (such as only being able to benefit from "+10% [element] damage" a total of two times).
  • Hearts cannot choose the 'additional Inventory Slot' class point option.

Dark Immortality - Kinjutsu Ability

The most inhuman benefit to their twisted body. A Revenant is able to indefinitely extend their life at the literal cost of the lives of others, making them undead in all senses. Each heart bestows the user with renewed life force and energy, and though they generally only draw upon some of the life force within these extra organs so as to preserve them for extended lengths of time, they may extract all energy at once in times of peril. This allows a Revenant to rise from wounds which have outright killed them, even from only the smallest trace of their remains.

Prerequisites: Revenant

  • Whenever the user takes 20% of their Maximum HP, a [Stolen Heart] becomes Exposed and becomes a valid target. If the user is below 0% HP they will be KO'd when all the user's [Stolen Heart] have been destroyed.
  • When a user reaches negative HP, all remaining [Stolen Heart]'s become Exposed.
  • The user’s [Stolen Heart] is normally not targetable unless it was first Exposed. Only 2 [Stolen Hearts] may be Exposed at a time;
  • If the user takes enough damage to Expose Multiple [Stolen Hearts] at a time, the 3rd/4th/5th [Stolen Heart] will be Exposed once the previous one has been destroyed.
  • While a [Stolen Heart] is Exposed, the user gains a 25% DR that cannot be bypassed against HP damage, stacking to 50% DR, that overwrites any existing DR the user may have.
  • When the last [Stolen Heart] is destroyed, the user loses the DR gained from the [Stolen Heart] being Exposed.
  • The user’s DR does not apply to any Exposed [Stolen Hearts].
  • If a [Stolen Heart] is Exposed, it becomes its own called shot limb, [Stolen Heart]. This can be targeted at no Acc penalty and has 2 levels, Sprained and Fractured.
  • An Exposed [Stolen Heart]can be destroyed by any of the following means:
    • Causing a critical hit.
    • Causing the Fractured Called shot - Stolen Heart level.
    • Any damage dealing Technique of A-Rank or above.
  • A [Stolen Heart] being destroyed in battle does not remove it from the user's OOC Dojo permanently, only for the purpose of that battle.

Ragdoll Repair - Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

An immediate benefit of possessing a Revenant body is the capability of using their control over their chakra-infused threads to swiftly repair damage by shifting their threads. Even the most lethal of wounds can be simply sewn shut. Similarly, attempting to cripple, or even sever a limb of these shinobi will prove equally inefficient, as their body constantly creates new threads to replace damaged ones.

Prerequisites: Revenant, Dark Immortality

Rank 1/2: The user may reduce their own Bleeding and Called Shot penalties by 1 rank, and recovers 1/2% Max Hp + 150/200 Hp. Rank 2 allows the user to target an ally.

Special Action: - Damage Control: By paying +20% CP, the user may use Ragdoll Repair to reset 1 of their [Stolen Hearts] which is currently Exposed (not destroyed), to not targetable; losing the related DR. This special action may only be used once per battle.

Cost Rank 1/2: 2.5 Ap and 910 Cp

  • Damage Control special action may only target the user.
  • Damage Control special action can be used reflexively if a [Stolen Heart] was destroyed in the same round.

Malicious Tendrils - Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

With fine control over their inner cords and filaments, controlling each and every strand is as simple to a Revenant as moving their arms and fingers. They may weaponize their inner threads through the numerous scars upon their body, controlling them with frightening accuracy that allows them to home in on a target with extreme speed. Though each thread is thinner than a senbon needle, each is just as piercing, and when wrapped layer upon layer can be as lethal as any weapon or jutsu.

Prerequisites: Revenant, Dark Immortality,

Rank 1/2: User can release 7 bundles of threads, each dealing 360/450 Damage at +2 Accuracy (only 5 may hit). Should at least 2 hit, there is a 21/28% chance of Bleeding.

Cost Rank 1/2: 2.5 AP and 730 Cp

  • Does not use handseals.
  • Can use either Ranged Accuracy or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
  • Counts as a Non-Elemental Ninjutsu but may also benefit from Projectile and Ranged Taijutsu bonuses.

Ghoulish Shroud - Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

A technique that allows the user to bring forth their precious treasures, their stolen hearts, directly into the battle to augment their own capabilities immensely. Rather than have their hearts fight victims themselves, the user loosens up all joints within their body, extending their limbs and releasing a web of dark threads from every limb. Their body becomes entangled, fused with their Stolen hearts directly with each pumping their powers directly into the user's chakra system. Not only does this give the user even greater strength, but this grotesque web of organic tentacle-threads give the user an edge when manipulating them.


Prerequisites: Revenant, Dark Immortality,

Rank 1/2: The user selects up to 3/4 [Stolen Hearts]. The user will retain the class bonus granted by the selected [hearts] even if they are destroyed, and while they are not destroyed their effects are doubled.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 3 AP 2,750 CP + 1,100/rnd

  • Does not use Handseals
  • Does not allow the Revenant to bypass Class Point Limits.
  • Ghoulish Shroud has it's AP cost reduced by -0.25 AP per heart that is activated with Death Pulse prior to being cast.

Earth Grudge Fear - Non-elemental Ninjutsu

The ultimate ability of the Revenant, this takes the full extent of the shinobi's control of threads and combines it with their multiple hearts, enabling them to construct a makeshift body composed entirely of dark threads to protect and manipulate at will. Each functions as an extension to the user's own body, enabling the user to gang up upon targets by themselves. This jutsu is powerful compared to the usual brand of "creation" jutsu, though this comes with a risk; by bringing forth these hearts into battle away from the safety of the user's body, the user risks damage to their precious hearts.

Revenant, All other Revenant techniques

Rank 1/2: Creates 3/5 Specters which work as listed below. The user loses one [Stolen Heart] and all associated benefits while Earth Grudge Fear is active; this [Stolen Heart] is regained when Earth Grudge Fear is ended unless the [Stolen Heart] was destroyed.
  • Specters are valid targets with the user's secondary stats.
  • Specters do not have HP. Whenever a Specter would suffer damage from any source the user loses CP equal to 20% of the damage and the Specter is considered Destroyed. Destroyed Specters automatically regenerate at the start of each round.
  • Earth Grudge Fear makes an attack vs a chosen target upon activation, and at the 4 second, 7 second, and 10 second point of the round. This is a combined strike at each of these intervals (it is not made individually for each specter), and deals [390 x amount of active Specters] damage.
  • If at any point during a round all Specter's are destroyed, the [Stolen Heart] used for Earth Grudge Fear becomes targetable and may be destroyed as per the rules of Dark Immortality. If the [Stolen Heart] is destroyed, Earth Grudge Fear ends.

Special Action: The user may choose to channel an attack they perform through a Specter rather than perform it themselves. The user pays all costs, and it retains all effects and modifiers as if the user performed it themselves. This attack has +25% chance of being a sneak attack. This may be a Stretched Attack.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 4 AP, 4620 CP. 2310 CP/Rnd

  • This is a Creation Technique.
  • Does not use Handseals.
  • Attacks from this technique receive the user's highest damage modifier at the time of casting.
  • Only one [Stolen Heart] can be used for this technique at a time.
  • A [Stolen Heart] Exposed from this technique does not count towards the 2 [Stolen Heart] limit from Dark Immortality.
  • A [Stolen Heart] Exposed from this technique does not grant any DR.
  • Ghoulish Shroud cannot be used to fuse with any stolen hearts that are actively released by this technique.
A gruesome ability only available to those who have had their bodies altered through an invasive surgical technique known as Earth Grudge Fear. Within them lies countless dark fibers replacing their organs and skeleton, squirming tendrils that function equally as flexible tissue and durable bone. Few survive the gruesome process, and fewer still with their mind unbroken; but for those that pass the excruciating trials, immortality and greatness await. They are known as a [I]Revenant[/I]; an undying monstrosity that fuels its twisted life with the life of others.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Kinjutsu Application, 3 Ability Slots, B Rank

[*]The user may have up to 5 [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR]s at a time. This requires a 300 word RP.
[*]If harvesting a heart from an unconscious player with the Killswitch on the heart does not require a 300 word RP.
[*]The user is able to partially detach their limbs, enabling them to stretch themselves through their tendrils while attacking opponents with their weapons. Attacks made this way have the following properties:
[*][I]Stretched attacks[/I] may be used with Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Techniques.
[*][I]Stretched attacks[/I] are resolved using Ranged Accuracy.  When making a [I]Stretched attack[/I] the user must choose whether to apply their Ranged Accuracy buffs or the Techniques original accuracy buffs to the attack. This does not change the damage buffs that apply. [I](A Nanjirou which uses a Stretched attack with [URL='']Higuma[/URL] and chooses Ranged Accuracy, still applies their Slashing or Physical Damage bonuses but not and Ranged-specific Damage buffs).[/I]
[*][I]Stretched attacks[/I] are still considered [I]Melee Contact[/I]
[*][I]Stretched attacks[/I] have a 25% chance to be a Sneak Attack.
[*][I]Stretched attacks[/I] cost no additional AP -- they need only be declared.

[quote][B]Death Pulse - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B]
Becoming a Revenant requires a mastery of the Earth Grudge Fear technique which binds their body together with the mysterious black cords. Perhaps the most sinister aspect of this technique is the ability to abduct organs from other living creatures and store them within the user's body to be used as reagents in other perverse techniques.  Still, even when not being leveraged directly these pilfered organs, usually carry with them a piece of their former owner's strength that adds to the Revenants own power in some small way.

[B]Prerequisites[/B]: Revenant

[*]Each [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] granted by [I]Revenant[/I] grants the user it's own Class Bonus and can spend up to 2 pts. This is declared via the user's Dojo Forum thread and [B]cannot be changed[/B], however the user may willingly discard a [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] and replace it with a stolen heart RP.
[*]Each [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] must be activated for 0.5 AP before the user may benefit from it's bonuses.
[*]Each [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart’s][/COLOR] class points only apply to the [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] itself, and cannot be combined for higher class point costs.
[*]The user may only benefit from stacking identical Class Bonuses up to three times.

[B]Cost:[/B] 0.5 AP per heart activated

[*]Activating multiple [COLOR=crimson][hearts][/COLOR] in a row may be treated as a singular action with an aggregate AP cost equal to the AP spent activating them for the purposes of AP timing.
[*]If a [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is destroyed, the bonuses gained from it is lost [I]immediately[/I] for the remainder of battle.
[*]The user must still abide by limitations within the Class Points system [I](such as only being able to benefit from "+10% [element] damage" a total of two times)[/I].
[*]Hearts cannot choose the [I]'additional Inventory Slot'[/I] class point option.

[quote][B]Dark Immortality - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B]
The most inhuman benefit to their twisted body. A Revenant is able to indefinitely extend their life at the literal cost of the lives of others, making them undead in all senses. Each heart bestows the user with renewed life force and energy, and though they generally only draw upon some of the life force within these extra organs so as to preserve them for extended lengths of time, they may extract all energy at once in times of peril. This allows a Revenant to rise from wounds which have outright killed them, even from only the smallest trace of their remains.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Revenant

[*]Whenever the user takes 20% of their Maximum HP, a [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] becomes [I]Exposed[/I] and becomes a valid target. If the user is below 0% HP they will be KO'd when all the user's [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] have been destroyed.
[*]When a user reaches negative HP, all remaining [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR]'s become [I]Exposed.[/I]
[*]The user’s [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is normally [I]not targetable[/I] unless it was first [I]Exposed[/I]. Only [COLOR=red][B]2[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Hearts][/COLOR] may be [I]Exposed[/I] at a time;
[*]If the user takes enough damage to [I]Expose[/I] Multiple [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Hearts][/COLOR] at a time, the 3rd/4th/5th [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] will be [I]Exposed[/I] once the previous one has been destroyed.
[*]While a [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is [I]Exposed[/I], the user gains a 25% DR that cannot be bypassed against HP damage, stacking to 50% DR, that overwrites any existing DR the user may have.
[*]When the last [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is destroyed, the user loses the DR gained from the [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] being [I]Exposed[/I].
[*]The user’s DR does not apply to any [I]Exposed[/I] [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Hearts][/COLOR].
[*]If a [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is [I]Exposed[/I], it becomes its own called shot limb, [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR]. This can be targeted at no Acc penalty and has 2 levels, Sprained and Fractured.
[*]An [I]Exposed[/I] [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR]can be destroyed by any of the following means:
[*]Causing a [I]critical[/I] hit.
[*]Causing the Fractured [I]Called shot - Stolen Heart[/I] level.
[*]Any damage dealing Technique of A-Rank or above.
[*]A [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] being destroyed in battle does not remove it from the user's OOC Dojo permanently, only for the purpose of that battle.

[quote][B]Ragdoll Repair - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B]
An immediate benefit of possessing a Revenant body is the capability of using their control over their chakra-infused threads to swiftly repair damage by shifting their threads. Even the most lethal of wounds can be simply sewn shut. Similarly, attempting to cripple, or even sever a limb of these shinobi will prove equally inefficient, as their body constantly creates new threads to replace damaged ones.

[B]Prerequisites[/B]: Revenant, Dark Immortality

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] The user may reduce their own Bleeding and Called Shot penalties by 1 rank, and recovers 1/2% Max Hp + 150/200 Hp. Rank 2 allows the user to target an ally.

[B]Special Action:[/B] - [I]Damage Control:[/I] By paying +20% CP, the user may use [I]Ragdoll Repair[/I] to reset 1 of their [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Hearts][/COLOR] which is currently [I]Exposed[/I] [I](not destroyed)[/I], to [I]not targetable[/I]; losing the related DR. This special action may only be used once per battle.

[B]Cost Rank 1/2:[/B] 2.5 AP and 910 Cp

[*][I]Damage Control[/I] special action may only target the user.
[*][I]Damage Control[/I] special action can be used reflexively if a [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] was destroyed in the same round.

[quote][B]Malicious Tendrils - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B]
With fine control over their inner cords and filaments, controlling each and every strand is as simple to a Revenant as moving their arms and fingers. They may weaponize their inner threads through the numerous scars upon their body, controlling them with frightening accuracy that allows them to home in on a target with extreme speed. Though each thread is thinner than a senbon needle, each is just as piercing, and when wrapped layer upon layer can be as lethal as any weapon or jutsu.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Revenant, Dark Immortality,

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] User can release 7 bundles of threads, each dealing 360/450 Damage at +2 Accuracy [I](only 5 may hit)[/I]. Should at least 2 hit, there is a 21/28% chance of Bleeding.

[B]Cost Rank 1/2:[/B] 2.5 AP and 730 Cp

[*]Does not use handseals.
[*]Can use either Ranged Accuracy or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
[*]Counts as a Non-Elemental Ninjutsu but may also benefit from Projectile and Ranged Taijutsu bonuses.

[quote][B]Ghoulish Shroud - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B]
[I]A technique that allows the user to bring forth their precious treasures, their stolen hearts, directly into the battle to augment their own capabilities immensely. Rather than have their hearts fight victims themselves, the user loosens up all joints within their body, extending their limbs and releasing a web of dark threads from every limb. Their body becomes entangled, fused with their Stolen hearts directly with each pumping their powers directly into the user's chakra system. Not only does this give the user even greater strength, but this grotesque web of organic tentacle-threads give the user an edge when manipulating them.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Revenant, Dark Immortality,

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] The user selects up to 3/4 [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Hearts][/COLOR]. The user will retain the class bonus granted by the selected [COLOR=crimson][hearts][/COLOR] even if they are destroyed, and while they are not destroyed their effects are doubled.

[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 3 AP 2,750 CP + 1,100/rnd

[*]Does not use Handseals
[*]Does not allow the Revenant to bypass Class Point Limits.
[*][I]Ghoulish Shroud[/I] has it's AP cost reduced by -0.25 AP per heart that is activated with [I]Death Pulse[/I] prior to being cast.

[quote][B]Earth Grudge Fear - [I]Non-elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B]
The ultimate ability of the Revenant, this takes the full extent of the shinobi's control of threads and combines it with their multiple hearts, enabling them to construct a makeshift body composed entirely of dark threads to protect and manipulate at will. Each functions as an extension to the user's own body, enabling the user to gang up upon targets by themselves. This jutsu is powerful compared to the usual brand of "creation" jutsu, though this comes with a risk; by bringing forth these hearts into battle away from the safety of the user's body, the user risks damage to their precious hearts.

Revenant, All other Revenant techniques

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B]  Creates 3/5 [I]Specters[/I] which work as listed below. The user loses one [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] and all associated benefits while [I]Earth Grudge Fear[/I] is active; this [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is regained when [I]Earth Grudge Fear[/I] is ended unless the [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] was destroyed.
[*][I]Specters[/I] are valid targets with the user's [I]secondary stats[/I].
[*][I]Specters[/I] do not have HP.  Whenever a [I]Specter[/I] would suffer damage from any source the user loses CP equal to 20% of the damage and the [I]Specter[/I] is considered [I]Destroyed[/I].  [I]Destroyed Specters[/I] automatically regenerate at the start of each round.
[*][I]Earth Grudge Fear[/I] makes an attack vs a chosen target upon activation, and at the 4 second, 7 second, and 10 second point of the round. This is a combined strike at each of these intervals [I](it is not made individually for each specter)[/I], and deals [390 x amount of active Specters] damage.
[*]If at any point during a round all Specter's are destroyed, the [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] used for [I]Earth Grudge Fear[/I] becomes [I]targetable[/I] and may be destroyed as per the rules of [I]Dark Immortality[/I]. If the [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] is destroyed, [I]Earth Grudge Fear[/I] ends.

[I]Special Action:[/I] The user may choose to channel an attack they perform through a [I]Specter[/I] rather than perform it themselves. The user pays all costs, and it retains all effects and modifiers as if the user performed it themselves. This attack has +25% chance of being a sneak attack. This may be a [I]Stretched Attack[/I].

[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 4 AP, 4620 CP. 2310 CP/Rnd

[*]This is a Creation Technique.
[*]Does not use Handseals.
[*]Attacks from this technique receive the user's highest damage modifier at the time of casting.
[*]Only one [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] can be used for this technique at a time.
[*]A [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] [I]Exposed[/I] from this technique does not count towards the 2 [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] limit from [I]Dark Immortality.[/I]
[*]A [COLOR=crimson][Stolen Heart][/COLOR] [I]Exposed[/I] from this technique does not grant any DR.
[*][I]Ghoulish Shroud[/I] cannot be used to fuse with any stolen hearts that are actively released by this technique.

Current Ninpocho Time:
