Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Reverdie [Req. Nao]

Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
A faint, sterile light filtered in through the blinds of the hospital window, casting pale stripes against the whitewashed walls and drifting over the bed where Senju Akio stirred back to consciousness. He didn’t notice at first. He was too busy trying to recall the dream he’d been having, something about a sunlit forest and his grandfather’s smiling face, but as he blinked awake, that dream slipped away like water through his fingertips. He realized he was in a bed. A hospital bed. Suddenly, his heart began pounding so violently that he could barely catch his breath. “Where…?” He managed to whisper, struggling to sit up on unsteady arms. The last thing he remembered was being in the exam, fighting alongside his friends to keep progressing as shinobi. "I... must have failed..." He thought to himself, unable to remember exactly what happened, but immediately clenching his fists and feeling awful for letting his best friends down.

Pain raced through his limbs at the movement, and Akio cringed, looking down to see that he was still hooked up to some sort of IV. The lines and tubes were all tangled, like a messy spiderweb anchoring him in place. With his free hand, the boy rubbed at his eyes, fighting back a dizziness that swam in his head. Eventually, the pounding in his chest slowed enough that he heard it: the suffocating silence that pressed in on all sides. Where were the nurses? Where was the usual bustle of the Konoha Byoin’s busy wards? Even as he tried to call out, his throat felt dry, like he hadn’t spoken in ages. “H-Hello?! Anybody?”

Akio forced himself to slide off the bed, tugging the IV stand behind him as he peered into the corridor. Fluorescent lights flickered, revealing row after row of empty rooms—empty except for the unconscious shinobi who lay comatose on their beds, unmoving. The sight made his stomach knot with dread. This was no ordinary hospital scene. This was a husk of the place he remembered, a place that used to bustle with med-nin, visitors, and the anxious chatter of families. Now it was as though time had frozen in place, the entire world trapped in a silent, unending night. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple as he walked past beds of sleeping, unmoving Leaf shinobi. The pang of compassion in his chest was overwhelming, causing his young eyes to water at the sight of so many lives hanging in limbo.

“Nao-sensei?” Akio called softly, voice cracking as he pressed on. He thought of that warm, albeit rare, smile, the reassuring presence that had guided him before the exam. “Where are you?” A tremor took hold of the young Senju's voice the moment he spoke those words. The hallway offered no response, just the distant hum of old machinery. His mind raced with questions he couldn’t answer. Had Nao fallen ill too? Or worse, was he somewhere out there fighting this disease alone? The boy’s heart sank further when he realized Kiriyomi, Keniwa, and all the friends he’d grown to cherish might be just like the silent figures around him, lost in the same nightmare he’d only just escaped. Tears threatened to spill over as he recalled the lively banter he used to share with them. “Kiri... Keni... Why aren’t you here?” He murmured helplessly, voice shaking with the raw ache of betrayal and confusion. A moment later, the tears slipped free, his pure heart forcing them past those viridian eyes he tried to keep from leaking, tiny rivulets tracing down his cheeks.

He pressed on, determined not to let the loneliness swallow him whole, even if his legs trembled beneath him. Step by step, he made his way past the nurse’s station, abandoned and covered in a film of dust, until he reached a pair of heavy double doors leading to the next ward. He stood there a moment, tears still drying on his face, trying to gather the courage that once came so effortlessly. “Grandpa always told me… that when things get hard or scary or bad... just keep going. That nature… nature will always carry on.” He whispered, voice wavering. Even though the emptiness around him felt almost suffocating, Akio clung to that memory, thinking of his grandfather kneeling beside a sapling and telling him about destiny. He couldn’t give in to the panic now. If Nao was here, or anywhere, Akio had to find him. That single purpose renewed a sliver of hope in his chest.

Gathering what little energy he had, Akio shoved the doors open and ventured deeper into the hospital’s hushed corridors. With each careful step, he glanced into darkened patient rooms and half-closed doors, searching desperately for some sign of the one man he believed could make sense of all this. “Nao-sensei… please…” He whispered, voice trembling on the edge of a sob. His tears glimmered under the artificial lights, and he clenched his fist around the IV stand, holding it so tight his knuckles turned white. Outside, the world felt unrecognizable, and inside, he was all alone. But the usually-sunny Senju, pure of heart and guided by the compassion that never abandoned him, refused to stop.

If there was any chance that someone he cared about and who could help was out there, he would find them, no matter how broken this once-familiar world had become.

[MFT .:. 895 Words]
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Nao sat inside a small desk area, he now had to hold the line for those lying there. He had just done a round and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Back at his desk, he sat there for ages. He was hunched over a notebook, scribbling furiously under the flickering glow of a single pendant light. The man’s eyes were bloodshot, fringed with dark circles. It was a silent testament to the long hours he’d spent pouring over the medical text and research articles. There had to be something…. anything…

Nao took a sip of his now-cold coffee, the bitter taste barely registering on his taste buds. His mind was racing with the complexities of this disease that had been plaguing the village. An epidemic of unprecedented aggression had struck without warning, leaving victims left and right. Shinobi and non-shinobi alike… but those of shinobi had a little better chance of surviving. The hospital was overwhelmed, and his colleagues looked to him for answers he hadn't yet found. His hand trembled slightly as he wrote, not from fear, but from the weight of responsibility. The stakes were high, and every minute that ticked by felt like an eternity to the people suffering outside the hospital walls.

“Nao-sensei… please…” The timid voice pierced the stillness of the night, echoing through the dimly lit hallway. Nao’s eyes shot up from his research. The weary eyes were tucked behind glasses… he had been hunched over his work for so long, that he only now noticed the mountains of paperwork and textbooks. He surely would get a scolding from the morning nurses. His heart skipped a beat when he recognized the voice of one of his students.

“Akio?!” He called out, pushing back the chair and standing up. Leaving the chair to fall. The floorboards creaked beneath his weight as he approached the corridor. The corridor outside was eerily quiet, the only light coming from the moon filtering through the dusty windows. “Is it you…?” He questioned softly, wondering if the tiredness was getting to him or not. For a second it was silent until a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness.

A man, with white and red hair was standing before Akio. Donned his usual doctor's clothing, but his eyes had remained the same hectogronia pattern as before. “It is you…” A sound of relief was in his voice as he lowered himself. He already knew, that once the people in ca oma were here… They weren’t contentious anymore. So he would sit there, on one knee to keep himself stable. and hold his arms out for a comforting hug to the child. “Glad to see you are up.” He tried to keep his voice from breaking, but you could hear it a little and tears were stinging in his eyes.
A quiet hush settled over the corridor, broken only by the low hum of fluorescent lights. Dust motes drifted aimlessly through the thin beams, and each step Akio took felt like it echoed in the emptiness. Seeing a familiar silhouette in the doorway, a white coat and a comforting presence, caused a wave of relief and tension to rise within him in the same breath. He’d been so alone. “Nao-sensei!” Akio’s voice came out in a squeak, his voice cracking as he exclaims his mentor's name. He hardly recognized how hoarse it sounded. The tears on his cheeks, still drying, made his skin feel tight and hot. Clutching the IV stand, he hesitated. He wanted to run forward, to cry, to ask a thousand questions. Instead, he stayed rooted in place, blinking back fresh tears. “Y-You’re really here…” His words were soft, his eyebrows furrowed up as his vision blurred from the tears in his emerald eyes. And the boy could hold back no longer. With a sprint that was likely unwise considering he's dragging around an IV stand, Akio lunged towards his mentor, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. "Nao-sensei!" He sobbed. "I... I thought everyone was gone!" Akio's voice might as well have been a wail, tears freely flowing as he unabashedly wept into Nao's shoulder.

Collecting himself and finally pulling away from his role model's cathartic embrace, Akio swallowed, his throat dry from disuse and fear. For a moment, it seemed like the only thing holding him upright was pure will. Then, the reality of his situation came crashing in. Memories of the silent wards flickered in his mind: every bed he’d passed was filled with a comatose shinobi or villager. His heart clenched. “Keniwa… Kiriyomi… My friends... are they…?” He couldn’t even bring himself to finish the sentence. The thought of them lying as silent as the others made his chest ache. “I... I don’t understand why I’m awake… or why everything is…” He trailed off, gaze drifting to the dusty floor.

But through the swirl of confusion, another face surfaced in his mind—one he’d clung to in the dream he couldn’t quite remember. His grandfather’s gentle smile. Slowly, Akio lifted his head to speak. “My grandpa… if anyone would be here, it’d be him. Where is h-...” He stopped himself at the sight of Nao’s strained expression. The older man didn’t have to say anything for Akio to sense the unspoken truth. The remaining color drained from his cheeks. “No…” He muttered, the word barely audible. His knees weakened, forcing him to tighten his grip on the IV stand. “H-How could… Why didn’t I…?” He felt tears blur his vision all over again. Guilt churned inside him, tangling with sorrow until he could hardly breathe.

Shuddering out a breath, Akio tried to steady himself. His grandfather had always been the pillar he leaned on, and he had slept right through the wise and loving old man's final days. A pang of helplessness crashed into him, his face contorting into an ugly expression, as if his whole body was trying its hardest to cry, but couldn't force the sound past the young Senju's throat. Then another emotion took over, raw but fierce. Determination. Lifting red-rimmed eyes to Nao, Akio exhaled shakily. “Grandpa Itsuki... he used to say this quote a lot. I don't think I understood it til now. He'd say, 'If your roots are strong enough to stand, then never hold back your shade.' And now... I think he meant... If you’re able to help someone, you simply do it.” he murmured. “I’m awake now, and… I can’t stand by while everyone else suffers! Please, sensei… I want to do something. Anything...” His voice was still quivering, but there was a resolve there that hadn’t been present before, a spark of hope and determination coming alight.

Without fully realizing it, he glanced at the nearby charts and scattered medical tools. He might not know how to read half of the scribbled notes, but something in him tugged toward them regardless. “Even if I have to start my med-nin training from scratch after the exam...” He said softly, blinking away tears. “I’ll learn. I’ll do whatever I need to. Just… Please, Nao-sensei... show me where to begin.” A faint warmth stirred in his chest, like a distant echo of the gentle hand his grandfather once laid on his shoulder—encouraging, guiding. Akio forced a small, unsteady smile and clutched the IV stand tightly. “I can't... I can't let his memory down.”

He stood there, heart pounding, eyes reflecting both grief and a flicker of hope, waiting for Nao’s reply. The corridors of the hospital seemed daunting, but Akio’s conviction kept him from being swallowed by the silence. Whatever it took, whatever path he had to walk, Akio was determined. He would not let the people he cared about, the people who were left, face this nightmare alone.
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The hug was something Nao had foree happening, but even so... He almost couldn't hold back the wince of the wound he was still carrying. He took the kid in an embrace, not minding that he would be able to feel the scale on his chest. "I ain't going anywhere, so please don't worry.. I am right here... You see me, you can feel me..." He tried to earth the boy at the same time as giving comfort. Softly rocking while petting the child on the head they seemed to have a breakdown. At one point, he started to hum an old tune, which he did not know the name of. He gave Akio as long as he needed. After all, this would have been not very comforting for anyone.

Once Akio took distance, Nao would slowly let go of him, letting Akio take the lead in how far he wanted to go back for. The question that followed was one that many would say after, how is this person, how is that person... But what caught him a little off guard, he named other people first. But then the boy did ask about why he was awake. "We don't know that either yet... One other person has woken up, but they aren't the best right now. You are like a miracle right now." He would say with a soft tune before the boy asked about their family.

A pained expression came from Nao. "We.. tried." He said and wasn't even sure how to say. "He is still down below if you wish to see him, we were going to bury him tomorrow originally." He said, so it was a fact that he wasn't dead for a long time yet. But Akio would also know, all deceased people were stored through jutsu's for at least a month until family could claim. Yet in this situation, time was hardly a matter. He wanted to give the child a proper hug, saying everything would turn fine. But the sennin also knew that he could not do that to this kid. As he did not know if the situation would be fine or not in the end. Nao would slowly stand up again, dusting off his knees before looking to the child who found a new form of determination.

"Roots..?" He questioned after hearing it, but he let it slide, something for the back of his mind to gnaw on. Hearing how he wanted to help however... He did want all the help he wanted, but he also had to remember that this child only just had woken up. "easy easy...." He would sigh and pat the child if they had allowed it. "You just woken up, let's say this..." He would scribbe on a paper with a tiny to do list.

"Before you are allowed in active duty... you have to follow this."

paper said:
- stay 1 more overnight at the byoin for a full health check and make sure you are OK,
- At home, you have to do daily life for 1 day,
- if everything is going alright, start with 1 school day.
- If that goes alright, come to the sennin office inside the byoin for the first medical in training lesson.

Now if Akio was smart... He would read that he was promoted to medical in Training, but only if he would follow that paper. "Do we have a deal?" He would ask since he would keep a close eye on the other's health as soon as he was here back with him.. "For now, just rest..." he would reach out with his hand and guide Akio to a personal room, for those who had woken up. He would be alone in there, but still better than the other places. This was a regular room you had in the past inside the byoin. One with color, lights and in the corner stuff to do.

[promoted to MIT]
Akio gingerly pulled back from the hug, steadying himself with one hand on Nao’s shoulder and the other on his IV stand. The moment his trembling fingers brushed against the strange, hardened scales beneath Nao’s shirt, his eyes went wide with concern. He hesitated before quietly asking, “Sensei, are you hurt? I felt something on your chest just now... it felt like scales. Are you okay?” As he saw the flicker of pain in Nao’s eyes, Akio sensed it may not be the time to push. Carefully, he exhaled, letting silence fill the hallway for a moment. He couldn’t help thinking that whatever scar Nao carried on his chest was just one more sign of the struggles the entire village must have faced in his absence. In that pause, Akio’s thoughts turned toward the teachings of his grandfather, recalling the familiar words and their meaning, and seeing that his sensei was as confounded as he used to be when he'd heard Grandpa Itsuki's sometimes-cryptic lessons.

“It used to confuse me when he said that quote... 'If your roots are strong enough to stand, then never hold back your shade.' But... I think I understand it now...” Akio began, his voice still thick with emotion, but a steady determination rising to the surface. “Now I think he was telling us that if we can endure whatever hardship comes our way, we should do everything in our power to protect and support the people around us. The tree that can stand up to the hurricane can shelter the ones that can't... I want to be like that tree...” He paused, remembering his grandfather’s gentle hands guiding him through planting rituals, and the way the old man’s eyes lit up whenever he spoke of the forest. “Grandpa wanted me to grow strong, not just for my own sake, but for everyone around me.”

He caught himself biting his lower lip, the question that haunted him since opening his eyes tumbling out at last. “Sensei, why me? I mean… everyone else is still asleep, but here I am. What makes me different?” Akio’s eyes flicked to the half-lit corridors behind Nao, recalling the countless comatose figures he had passed earlier. The weight of survivor’s guilt settled heavily in his chest, and he could not shake the unease of not having answers. “I want to help them, but I don't even understand what happened to me... or why I'm the only one awake. I just know I need to do something.”

Looking down at the paper in his hand, he carefully read over the small list of instructions that would clear him for active duty. His gaze lingered on one line in particular, and his heart did a sudden leap in his chest. “I’m... going to be a Med-nin in Training?” His cheeks flushed with excitement, the grief momentarily tempered by this new spark of joy. He clutched the note tighter and nodded at Nao, his determination shining through the weariness of his body. “That's more than I could have hoped for, Sensei! I promise I’ll follow your instructions... stay overnight, rest, go home, do one day of regular life, then one day of school, then come back here.” A small, hopeful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I won’t let you down.” He didn't know then that it would be a harder promise to keep than he thought it would.

Even so, the smile was tinged with sorrow. After gathering his courage, Akio asked Nao to guide him downstairs, where Grandpa Itsuki’s body still rested. Standing beside the cold slab, he felt as though the entire hospital had gone silent. The old man’s face, once so full of kindness, was now unmoving, and tears slipped down Akio’s cheeks before he could stop them. His voice caught in his throat, but he forced himself to speak anyway, recalling how his grandfather had always encouraged him to be open with his feelings. “Grandpa... I’m sorry I wasn’t here in your last moments,” he managed, resting a trembling hand on the old man’s wrist. “I’ll live the way you always wanted me to, I promise. I’ll try to be peaceful... I’ll love others... and I’ll protect my friends.” For a moment, he stayed there, letting the hush of the morgue fill his ears, letting his tears fall without shame. "I love you Grandpa... Thank you for everything." Then, with a deep, shuddering breath, he turned away, ready to follow Nao’s lead and take the first steps toward healing both himself and the slumbering village he still loved with all his heart.
His body flinched from the sudden pressure on the wound that was lingering. As if you had a very hard scab that kept pressing into the wound as you had loosened it up. He took a moment to catch his breath at the sudden sensation of pain. It was his own mistake that he had let it happen. At the caring words of the child, he thought it wasn't the place or time to answer... So Nao just looked at him with a pained expression. He was keeping it from everyone and anyone right now that this wouldn't close... His eyes darted to the ground as he sat down on his behind, waiting for answers to come to him to say to the child regarding his expression and everything.

Sometimes he would nod, something he would speak in a confirmation. “Sensei, why me? I mean… everyone else is still asleep, but here I am. What makes me different?” Nao thought for a bit before answering. "I can tell you a lot of things, but the one thing that remains the same is. I don't know, but we are going to find that out." He would speak in a soft tune so that he wouldn't scare him more. "The best way to help them now... is to just do all the paperwork, get a full body scans blood works and everything."

After that... he offered the child another role to forfill... after all he did see promise into this child, maybe to even surpass him one day as medical sennin. He kept silent after he brought Akio to his grandfather and just listened. He gently removed the cloth that was hiding his face, but only if the child was ready for that. Then suddenly, something reminded him. "That is right... Your grandpa did made me promise one thing... A sapling... He promised me to give you a sapling." he said and would scribble his address on a piece of paper he had in his pocket. He had thorn off a corner, which he never chcekd the contains of. "You may collect it here when you are ready for it." He would smile and then once Akio was ready... Get the full workup done and send him to bedrest.

[Topic left unless stopped]
Akio wiped the lingering tears from his cheeks with the back of his hand, his breath still coming in shaky intervals as he steeled himself beside his grandfather’s now-shrouded form. His gaze flickered back to Nao, recalling the flinch and the pained look that had crossed his mentor’s face the moment Akio’s hand brushed the odd, scale-like wound that he carried beneath his clothing. A quiet sense of alarm tugged at Akio’s heart. Part of him wanted to pester Nao right then and there, to beg him to let him try to help, to try any of those healing ninjutsu techniques he used to study might ease whatever burden Nao was bearing. But a flicker of hesitation in his sensei’s eyes told him now wasn’t the moment to pry, and that his mentor had likely tried all these things already. Even so, the child’s compassionate nature yearned to do something. “When I’m… stronger,” he resolved quietly. “I’ll help them heal, Nao-sensei... And I'll help you too. I promise.”

He turned his eyes toward the scrap of paper Nao handed him, the one bearing the Sennin’s address. A weak smile creased Akio’s face as he recalled Grandpa Itsuki’s plan to give him a new sapling, remembering the lessons of roots and shade that had guided his childhood. Even in passing, his grandfather was still offering him a seed of hope, quite literally. As the echoes of the cold morgue seemed to hum in his ears, Akio took a moment to breathe in, letting the memory of his grandfather’s warmth fill his chest. The old man’s final gift, and Nao’s promise, brought renewed determination to his spirit. So Akio promised himself that he'd make this seed grow into something tall and strong and proud. Deep inside, the youth felt a soft hum of energy, one that reminded him of the forest after a spring rain. Unbeknownst to him, it was the same power that had stirred him from the coma, what Grandpa Itsuki had once called Enlightened Cleansing. Whatever it was, it felt gentle and purifying, like it could wash away any darkness in its path. In time, and with testing, it would also prove to be the solution to the crisis. A vaccine of sorts for the chakra-tainting illness.

Nao spoke of full-body scans and bloodwork, of diving into all the medical data they could gather, and the thought of it made Akio’s chest flutter with mixed excitement and trepidation. On the one hand, if what worked for him truly was the key to healing the comatose, maybe they could replicate it somehow, or use it to rouse others from the red sleep that had stolen away so many. On the other, it meant needles, tests, and waiting, which felt excruciatingly slow when so many people needed help right now. Still, the boy nodded, accepting that if this path might save even one more friend, he had no right to complain. “I’ll do whatever it takes,” he said quietly, more to himself than to Nao, but a resolute determination shone in his tear-stained eyes.

With that, Nao reminded him of the next step: bedrest, the doctor’s orders he’d promised to follow. Even Akio’s exhausted body acknowledged the wisdom in that plan; the adrenaline from waking had begun to ebb, leaving his limbs weak and trembling. “Yeah… you’re right, Sensei,” he conceded, casting one last look back at the cold slab that held Grandpa Itsuki. Yet as he started walking, a flicker of rebellion rose in him, bright as a springtime bud pushing through winter’s frost. He hadn’t expected this weight of guilt and worry to cling to him, nor did he anticipate how fierce the urge would be to slip away and do something the moment Nao let him out of sight, just to check on someone or try a healing jutsu or do anything other than lie still. “I’ll rest,” he repeated out loud, mustering a resolve to keep his word, but he could already feel the restlessness creeping in. Sitting idly by had never been the sunny Senju's way, and the promise he made would be tougher to keep than he'd intended. For now, however, Akio would rest.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
