Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Rounds (Open)

Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
It was a nice day out, not to cold. This winter hadn't been that harsh at all, though the snow was guaranteed to come at any time. The hospital was always kept cool, to slow the processes of disease spreading, even in the winter it needed to be kept cool. It was not nearly as cold as it was outside though. Good thing it wasn't, it would make it hard to stay in the hospital, plus it was the one time of year it gave the inside the illusion it was actually warm. During the summer, it was probably nice to have it at a lower temperature, it wasn't so nice during spring, and fall. Winter it was just colder outside anyways.

Etsuko was working in the hospital as a doctor doing checkups mostly. She didn't like dealing with these people though, but they had a shortage of civilian doctors, so she was asked to help out a little. Civilians complained, and were usually over dramatic. Or they were just looking for medication, some were actually sick, but she felt like most of them didn't really need to come in. The common cold you didn't need to make an appointment with a doctor with, she believed there were plenty of medications and herbs out there that would relieve the symptoms. Thats all they could do, was relieve some of the symptoms. Unfortunately Etsuko couldn't see their logic, she just had to deal with it. You also had the ones who self diagnose themselves, and the parents who already knew everything wrong with their child.

At this point etsuko wished she was working in the emergency department, patching up cuts, and examining concussions was a bit easier than dealing with non emergency patients. But more than anything she wanted to take on challenging cases, usually those were reserved for chief mednins and above. She would get a promotion soon enough, she was working towards it. Mednin was way better than MiT. Since all they were trusted to do was bedpans, and sheet changing. MiT's didn't treat patients unless they were with a Mednin, after all they were still kids most of them. If anyone saw a child for their doctor, they'd question the hospitals abilities. It didn't matter how skilled the MiT was, they needed to be a mednin, and if they were that skilled to begin with, then passing the exam would be no sweat.

Etsuko did not miss her MiT years, though they were spent traveling, and learning on the go. She much preferred this stable situation, even if missions did take her away from home for a while, she always had one place to return.

The hospital today was slow, lucky for Etsuko, it meant she could take her time. She just couldnt wait till she had freedom, and her shift ended. She had been there all morning, and it was already mid afternoon. So she was pretty close to getting off her shift soon, she wanted to go home, eat, drink, and watch some tv. Relaxing was her favorite part of the day, something about not working, and just putting your feet up and relaxing felt great.
THWUMP! That didn't feel right. Sora looked at his bloodied knuckles which were scraped up with the skin torn at many places. Punching logs wasn't necessarily the safest thing to do, but it helped none the less. This wasn't the first time his hands ended up looking like this or anything, but he wanted to go see if there was any problem with the bones or even the muscles instead of just wrapping up his hands and continuing with his training.

Sora picked up a kunai that was stabbed onto a target and put it in his Pouch before leaving the forest. As he walked down the streets in town, there were a few drops of blood making a trail behind him. He never noticed though. It hurt, but it want like it was a problem. Pain was just weakness leaving the body. Nobody else necessarily noticed his hands besides a group of girls that usually followed him. They were a pain in the ass and wouldn't stop fawning over him.

A bit longer and he reached the infirmary. Most of the people here were civilians with a bit of a cough or their back hurt, something like that. He was given a piece of paper to fill out quickly, which he did, before heading over to an open seat to wait until somebody was available to look at his hands. Sora didn't think there was anything wrong with them, but better check in case he makes things worse and has to not train for a bit.

He hated places like this. The place was always so depressing and filled with sick or old people. It smelled, not literally, though sometimes it did, but it had a sort of stench to it. It was more painful being here than when he hurt his hands. Just being here made it feel like it was worse, though he knew it wasn't. Most people could recognize him at a glance. He had on his black sweatshirt with red edges. The Uchiha crest was visible on the back, pretty big at that. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows while he wore a pair of black pants as well.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The Clock strikes and the lights go out for a moment. Flickering. Must be faulty wires. But to no pretense of the notion that a cloaked figure with golden eyes would emerge from the shadows. As if warping into his position. His essence was dark and there seemed to be a something weird with a twitch of his foot he'd begin making his way through the hospital. Or more over... He was trying to look for a woman in particular. She was... intriguing to Tamashii, people didnt normally catch his attention, so as he would try to see her in her natural habitat maybe he would figure things out with his own luck. He zipped around barely noticed as he only appeared for mere moments at a time as he continued warping towards the position of Etsuko. . . And then he found her. . .

He hated the hospital. Even though it always had something new for him. However, being in the shadow of death for so long. There were things here. Secrets. Things he wanted to know but would never imagine finding out without alittle help. He didnt have a medical savvy but he knew some people who could help. Maybe this would be the beginning. ". . .Hm. . ." he'd sit down next to the young boy. He knew he wouldnt have to wait much longer for the Lettuce head to show up. She seemed to have a knack for being around. Though, Maybe he could show up as the pizza boy who messed up her order... And then be all like. 'I got here in Ten seconds.' And then she wouldnt give him a tip even still...

Weird thoughts for the eccentric male, but with this he would smirk behind his mask with only one golden hue revealed, ". . .So. . .Ra. . .? Ne? Is that your name?", as if his cloaked demeanor didnt startle anyone here. But maybe not. . . who knew. But would Soar be startled? Hm.


Etsuko exited an exam room, then went to the desk to pick up another file. The Uchiha had probably been waiting quite a while until anyone would even see his paperwork. It would have been ten times faster for him to go through emergency, than sit in the clinical area. She sighed, for a hand? yeah, they could have already given him an ex-ray by now. Something was aloof with the lights as they seemed to flicker, maybe it was the hash slinging slasher. Then again it wasnt a tuesday, nor was it night so that couldnt be it. The building was old, but she thought it had been taken care of, either way Etsuko didn't pay any mind to the lights.

Etsuko walked into the lobby, she saw the Uchiha, her next patient, and a masked man talking to him, maybe his guardian or something? She didn't think shinobi needed a guardian attending their appointments, seeing as they could go out and get themselves killed without a parent watching them. Etsuko approached the two, "You're up next tiny dark lord. You're masked friend can join you if you wish, he's scaring the little kids." She stated, though it seemed like a joke, some civilians still seemed a bit unsettled by shinobi, Anbu were always up to no good it seemed. The ninja in the lobby were getting all sorts of looks, some seemed amazed, others seemed snobbish, or worried.

Etsuko payed no mind to people who shit talked about the ninja, their insults always fell on def ears. Now compliments were another thing, she liked getting compliments, who doesnt? She'd hope the kid wouldn't take it too offensively though, gennin, or students always seem so full of themselves. That or the exact opposite, she didnt know what she found more annoying, kids who were naive, or kids who had no confidence. She figured the masked ninja, who she assumed was Anbu, would cause no trouble. Anbu didnt come out often, and when they did, they didnt cause a fuss usually. She didn't know why one was in the hospital lobby, she planned on asking questions after they got into the exam room.

Etsuko led the Uchiha, and the anbu, if they followed, into exam room B. Once they were in, she shut the door behind them and set the file on the counter top. "So child of the night, you came in because you wanted your hand checked? Was there anything else you wanted checked while i'm at it?" She questioned as she prepped some gloves, and antibiotics. Healing jutsu was good, but nothing beats good old antibiotics. "Just a note, the ER is much faster for training injuries. You don't have to wait as long if you are bleeding pretty good." She noted out loud, but she didn't mind checking up on ninja. She just knew that the clinic was pretty slow, mostly because she took her time, same with other doctors, there was no rush here.
[OOC: HASH SLINGING SLASHER BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA cough i mean... welcome back! Glad you're not dead or anything since it's been a while. Was getting a bit worried. And also damn this thread was a while ago. I think I was E or D ranked but in 2-3 weeks I'll be B rank already lol. Hell i already know advanced ninjutsu]

As he waited, it seemed some strange anbu walked in. I mean it wasn't necessarily uncommon, but things seemed a bit eerie. Though the strangest part was how he came up and sat by him, or at least that's what he thought because right after that he actually said his name. For a moment Sora just looked at him blankly, almost a cold expression towards the stranger. A few minutes later he was called up to be checked out. When asked if the masked man was with him, he shook his head."No... I don't know him."

As she lead him somewhere else and again insulted his family name. Sora didn't even care though. She was but somebody who didn't understand anything. "Funny. I don't suppose that lettuce on your head is your left over lunch is it? But no, this will be all. Everything else is just a few bumps and bruises." He spoke calmly and coolly a smile usual. Though his remark wasn't meant for any harm, just for fun, as she was to him. As he looked down at his hand, by this point there was plenty of blood and the bleeding slowed a little bit but not much to really tell. Of course the wound wasn't terrible, but if anything the blood loss would be bad and who knew if any bones were fractured or even broken.
It was quite odd. People normally scurried at the site of an ANBU, but they didnt. It made the girl far more interesting than before and the young Uchiha child. Yeah, it was... something that he might consider when looking for recruits into the ANBU out of the Academy. Uchiha were always good choices... but they always came with some sort of angst. Oh well, Tamashii was still in creepy mode, but he thought about taking a way different approach to this. There was something he had always wanted to do. The awkward ANBU sitting in the middle of the white porcelain halls of the Hospital. All black clashed against the all white. It was a sight to behold. But. . . Eh.

'Roll with it.'

Tamashii would follow the duo where they went keeping his persona up and awkward attitude at the all-time high. Croutched down slightly as he walked behind them he would sit close by listening to the duo talk... The Uchiha boy was quite funny even managed to get Tamashii to snicker at the Lettuce comment. Mumbling the sentiment to himself in the process, loud enough to catch the ear of anyone cloise. "Teh heh, Thats not nice little Sora... Tsk tsk Lettuce heads cant control that..." but in that same instant... he might've given himself away.

'Shit shit double dog shit.'
Etsuko had lead them into the exam room, the anbu decided to follow, Sora claimed not to know him, so she wondered if the anbu was following to see more of this kid? Maybe to offer him a spot into the anbu? It wasn't uncommon for Anbu to look out for new recruits, this guy just seemed bold enough not to do it from the shadows. Though personally she thought any uchiha was just to full of themselves, everyone of them she had encountered on her journey. She had yet to meet one who didn't think that they were all that, she didn't think any of them were special. They weren't special, and she wasnt going to treat them like they were.

"Hah, you're right, this is my left over lunch, care to have some?" Etsuko replied back to the kid, her hair had been made fun of for as long as she started dying it, which is why she did it. Nothing the kid could say would faze her, hell she might say something to weird him out in reply. The Anbu's comment made her ponder, lettuce head. He probably would notice the peaked interest in her eye, it was the same look she always got when her interests have been peaked.

Etsu used the Jutsu called Mystical hands to check his hand, she found nothing to be real concerned about, minor bleeding, and a hair line fracture. He was lucky he was a ninja, most kids would be sobbing over this minor injury. "Okay, bean sprout, your hand will be okay. Just a hair line fracture, give it a few weeks to heal before punching anything. Otherwise it'll get worse." She explained, then she cleaned up his wound, and used a bit of antibiotics, before wrapping it. "One more thing, you should wrap your hands before hitting tree's. I recommend punching bags, softer, and less lucky to cause arthritis in the future. Doubt you'll take that advice though." She commented, she was sure he wouldn't listen, even though she had a dislike for the uchiha, she still liked giving advise to keep people from hurting themselves.

"Anyways, if you have nothing else bothering you squirt, then you are free to go. Come back in anytime if it hurts too much, I can give you something to help it." Etsuko told the Uchiha, she then opened up the exam room door. Whether or not if he walked out, Etsuko would turn to the Anbu, and cross her arms.

"I know a guy in the anbu, well he didn't come out and say he was in it, but he calls me lettuce head as well." Etsuko gave him a sly smile, she was sure it was him, Tama. Though she wouldn't say his name out of respect that anbu were secretive. Though it was hard to fool a Nara's brain, she would have figured it out sooner or later.

He decided to not reply to her response. Luckily she didn't take anything harshly and took it as intended, a joke. Though what he didn't understand was why the anbu was following. Did he have some sort of business with him or the girl? If so he wished he'd just get to the point instead of beating around Etsuko's hair- I mean the bush. As his hand was examined, it didn't seem there was anything wrong, though luckily he did get it checked out before making anything worse. She advised to not punch anything for a bit, but of course he wouldn't listen. Kids didn't care about getting hurt, and neither did he.

"Yeah well.. punching harder things for a few thousand reps will definitely make my fists harder, so it'll hurt more when I hit 'em." Sora then turned his gaze to the anbu that had been shadowing them. "So, did you need anything mister? You don't seem to be very hurt. Is there something you needed from me? If not I'm not sure why you couldn't wait if it was to see the girl here. And hey, of course it won't hurt, it doesn't even hurt now. I'm not just some kid, this is nothing." The Uchiha squinted at the one who advised him to return if it hurt more. That would admit it hurt, meaning he was showing weakness. This was something he couldn't do since a Shinobi should never show weakness.

Current Ninpocho Time:
