Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Routine Checkup

May 7, 2023
Akira had sent a medical runner that morning, he wanted to see what the situation was with Kino and why he had decided that the best course of action was to self-discharge considering all things it wasn't the smartest move he had made. As he sent two of the nurses to at least be polite and bring him to Akira, never giving his name up, or giving him any idea of who he was really going to meet, no this time he would need to see how Kino had been faring inside of the world, and since his name was coming up more and more. He realized he probably needed to make sure that the boy was doing ok.

Sitting in one of the private rooms allocated to the medical shinobi the chair opposite him waiting for the one summoned to take a seat, he knew full well that today was more about just making sure the boy was ok and speaking to him, after all the two had met and had a little adventure it would be rude of Akira to leave his loose ends unchecked for now, and he could get to see what had changed since there last meeting.

[Topic Entered]
[Summoned Kino]
After some time, Kino would come back to the hospital not fully understanding what the issue actually was. He wasn't stopped so he assumed he was free to go. But, now he stood at a doorway unaware of what was awaiting him on the other side. He knocked on the door he was sent to by the nurses and waited for a response. This all felt strange, but Kino hadn't the slightest idea how bureaucracy worked within the medical branch, so maybe it was all routine and he had just messed it up for someone. "Hello, Tanatsu Kino arrived upon request."
It seemed that he had taken the intervention, as Akira stood up and opened the door his eyes staring into the very soul of Kino, a small smirk wrapping itself around his mouth, before the boy could even speak, he grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him down into the chair and shut the door locking it behind him so the boy would have to try and make a break and get out the door if he did want to flee, though Akira sat down opposite leaning back in a much more open posture than he would have considered fair giving the last time the two met.

"You have been busy since we last saw each other, in the hospital, self-discharging, and moping, so I want you to tell me, without me having to force the information form you, I want a conversation, a pleasant one, what the hell is going on, what has happened and what lead you to discharge yourself?"

His eyes fixed on the boy that seemed to be at the center of so much, he waited for a reply as the deep, dark aura slowly crept from Akira as he was done hiding it from the boy at this point.
Kino made no attempts to flee, he simply sat and stared at him. A rage was silently brewing inside of him that was far worse than that the day of his mission. This was an unbridled loathing, this was the one who did this to him, tricked and manipulated him, no.. simply took advantage of his ignorance. Either way, the rage was ever present in his mind, in his heart, and on his tongue.

"Good thing I'm not interested in chatting. Kindly fuck off" Kino barked out. His fingers gripping the chair to the point they were beginning to crack from the pressure. He was losing it, in a matter of seconds he was losing any and all containment of this anger, this energy.
Akira looked to the boy with his head tilting slightly, as he sighed out loud, a condescending sigh at that in those moments, as he figured the best way to word this, before making eye contact once more with the boy he decided to be blunt about the situation and figured he would give him the options for his life, instead of just slapping him around a bit for trying to be rude, he had enough beds full as it was to add more people to that list for no reason, well that wouldn't go down well with Nao probably.

"You made your choice, I made mine, hell, I am full of corrupt energy, I bring zombies to fight for me kiddo, and you wanna cry about a curse seal? It grants you power, but you don't have the will to control it, so fine whatever, you have a decision, learn to control that little rage you got going, use it for a purpose, or kill you if you let it consume you, hell right now if you cannot realise the gift you are given, I will straight up remove it. Just pull the power from you no issue with that front either, your call really kiddo?"

He let the words linger in the air, he was not allowed to give the curse seal inside of the hospital but he could remove it from the ungrateful brat if he wanted to have it removed without having a chat, the call was his and he couldn't make it for the kid, but he wouldn't let the curse seal go to waste on someone who didn't want to learn to control it.
"funny I already had this chat once this week, we done here?" Kino stood and began to walk toward the door.

"I really don't think I want to hear another thing you have to say, given the bullshit You've provided I don't think you have a clue."

That was all he had to offer as he made his way to leave the room. He wasn't interested in conversion with Akira, especially now that all he could picture was throwing him through the wall. But, he knew he couldn't manage that. Even if he did, it would be him that was to blame and Akira would walk off free of blame.

"Hey.." he stopped at the door, "think the ants guy might want to chat with you."
Akira allowed himself to laugh out in front of the boy, as he listened to the boy speaking for a few moments, he couldn't help but laugh at him, and to his face, though he tried to avoid it, it seemed that since they last spoke that wonder and awe were gone and now replaced with this hatred, that was fine with Akira, after all, he had offered the boy help or even advise, but apparently, he was that angry right now that he was blinded by that rage, it was cute to think that the boy could fall so low.

"I offered to remove it, hell even called your sorry ass in here because apparently your so broken, you cannot look after yourself, so I figured I would help, and all I get is a moody kid that thinks the world is against them, boo hooo learn to be a Shinobi, not a cry baby. Your journey has just started, a dragon made a contract with you, a curse seal to give you power and everything is against you? Give me another story and learn from it, or crawl away from this world, I offered a hand to help, hell even removed the curse mark for you because you can handle the power it was offered, not because you would cry"

Akira poked the boy in the chest inches from his face, his eyes changing from blue to a much deeper purple as he looked at the boy, the aura around him rising out and showing his true chakra colors in the confined room with the two of them.

"You have more opportunity to start strong than I ever did, don't you dare play the woe is me game here Tanatsu Kino"

His name being said from Akira's lips was a lot darker and deeper than before, pure menace showed from it as he never broke the eye contact.
Kino remained unflinching, "so you want to train me? Is that it? Keiyaku already is my sensei, I am not looking for a tutor. Besides, no offense, but I have no interest in making myself into a monster or a weapon. I'm going to ask that I can leave now." His face never faltered as he watched Akira. Internally he knew that part of what was being said was true, but if he was going to listen to Akira it should have been explained when it happened. "So, we don't have any more business. I need it sealed? I'll talk to someone about it."
Akira sighed as he walked over to the door and unlocked it, opening it he took another name, so it seemed two people were talking with this boy already, as he allowed his hand to gesture out to the door he didn't bother speaking again the boy had made his mind up and that was fine with him, he made a deal for a contract and he paid the price, Akira didn't have time to help someone who wouldn't listen to him, but it seemed more information had been given that maybe what was intended, he didn't mention this though in those moments.

Akira left the boy to his own thinking at that moment and decided that he would have to get the information across to Nao to see what he made of the situation, he just hoped Kino would get the help or at the very least the answers that he seemed to be seeking.

[Topic Left]
Kino left the room and hospital legally this time. Making sure to not stop at the door and just keep moving. He was going to need to talk to keiyaku, time to tell the whole truth.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
