So, we the Administration went through some lengthy discussions on the subject of RP slot rules.
And first out off the gate, it was clear it needed a clarification / update.
And so began the lengthy debate.
And after about a week or so we finally reached a conclusive, and good looking new clarified RP slot rules.
So, without further ado, here we go. The new RP slot rules!
I have already added these to the RP slot rules posted with the Site Rules.
So, we the Administration went through some lengthy discussions on the subject of RP slot rules.
And first out off the gate, it was clear it needed a clarification / update.
And so began the lengthy debate.
And after about a week or so we finally reached a conclusive, and good looking new clarified RP slot rules.
So, without further ado, here we go. The new RP slot rules!
I have already added these to the RP slot rules posted with the Site Rules.
Basic RP Slot Rules<i></i>
- All players have 4 Roleplaying Slots.
- A player can buy more slots from the ASP shop if they desire.
- Village Kages have +2 RP slots, but they can only use these slots for threads that request the Kage's presence.
- Village Sennins have +1 RP slot, but they can only use this slot for a thread that requests the Sennin's presence.
- In addition players can also be in:
- 1 Event thread.
- 1 Contract Search thread.
- 1 Class OR Mentoring thread.
- 1 Exam thread.
- 1 Mission thread.
[Leaving A Thread]
- Must post with the "Topic Left" tag in the post.
- May be stopped by anyone in the thread from leaving within the same round of posting.
- Cannot use space/time jutsu or any other means to attempt to override being stopped.
- Only those in the thread when the player tries to leave may stop a player. No one can stop someone from leaving if the stop occurs on their entry post.
- One may utilize the Harry Houdini Card from The ASP Shop to circumvent these rules.
Types of threads said:[Roleplaying Threads]
- General RP threads can be just about anything that you want as long as they make sense in your setting.
- General RP threads do not require a moderator, a DM, a battle mod or use run times.
- A General RP thread can become a Modded Situation when it requires a moderator, a battle mod or uses a run time.
[Modded Situations]
- A modded situation is defined as a thread that utilized as moderator (contract, tutor, class and mission), a thread with the implicit threat of battle (forced entry/exit topics and event threads), or a thread where a battle is in process. Entry into these threads may be restricted, for more information regarding these thread types, please refer below.
- The following threads are constituted as being a [Modded Situation]
- A Moderated Battle.
- A Class / Tutor session.
- Exams.
- A Mission.
- Forced Exits/Entries/ Going Missing.
- Events.
- Contract.
[Battle Moderated Threads]
- A General thread becomes a Modded situation as soon as Battle Mod is called.
- You may only be in one Battle Moderated Thread at a time.
- Read more on this in the, Rules of Engagement thread.
[Tagged Threads]
- [Forced Entry], [Forced Exit] and [Going Missing]
[Country Entry/Exit]
- Tags are used to pass the Village Gates using your run-time.
- In accordance to Rules of Engagement These threads are recognized by default as Modded situations because there is an implicit threat of battle in a run topic.
- See Travel Rules for more details.
[Mission], [Class], and [Tutor]
- For entering and leaving a country using run-time (the only way).
- When leaving a country, you cannot start any new threads within the village of the country you are leaving.
- And you must complete all threads within the village before being able to enter the village of another country.
- See Travel Rules for more details.
- Mission, Class, and Tutor threads that come with OoC rewards all are in this category.
- You may only be in one at a time.
- One may perform a Self Modded Solo Mission and still partake in a Mission/Class/Tutor Session. This is the only exception to the ruling.
- A teacher/mentor may choose to opt out of the rewards for a class in order to be in more than one, and the participants still receive the rewards.
- Village/Site-wide topics that are run by either Council or Plot Team.
- A player can forego any reward they might receive in the event and have an event thread occupy an extra RP Slot.
- For trying to achieve a contract, guided by a Contract Mod.
- You may only be in one at a time.
- A Medical Thread is one associated with the Medical Thread rules found in The Mission Rules