Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Run Time Running Away


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
We've had some confusion on run times in the past. The rules have been editted a lot over the years and were inconsistent at best. To remedy this, we've redone how running works entirely.

Not really. We've just removed the need to post your actual run time in most instances. The main gist - EVERYONE gets a one hour run time, and Half The Time card applies to ALL uses of run time on NC. When using it is now the only time you have to specify what your run time is.

Old rules:

Run Times
[spoilername="Run Times in Detail"]Important:<i></i>
  • Be sure to always post your run time along with your rank in your post.

Determining Your Run Time
  • Your Runtime is determined by you OOC rank, and to each Rank is a set time which is the amount of real life time given after the post in which another character may post to "Catch" the person trying to go missing.
  • A run must be done in a new topic tagged with "going missing", and your post must list your run time, and cannot be edited.
  • If any of these aspects are lacking, the attempt will be voided.

Run Times Are Used When
  • Going Missing/Catching those going missing
  • Force Exiting Village Gates/Catching Force Exit attempts
  • Force Entering Village Gates
  • Creating and leaving a thread in the same post. (Cannot use run time to exit any thread which has other people in it.)
  • Country A IV area -> Country B IV area

Run Times
E-Rank - 5 Hours (300 minutes) to leave village
D-Rank - 4 Hours (240 Minutes) to leave village
C-Rank - 3 Hours (180 Minutes) to leave village
B-Rank - 2 Hours (120 Minutes) to leave village
A-Rank - 1 Hour (60 Minutes) to leave village
S-Rank - 30 Minutes to leave village

NPC Run Times</U><i></i>
[spoilername="NPC Run Times in Detail"]Important:<i></i>
  • Be sure to always post your run time along with your rank in your post and also take note that NPC's have different run times from your PC!

Created NPC's:
  • Standard NPC run time is treated as two ranks below the owner's actual rank while PC turned NPC run time is based on the rank they retired at.
    • Example: An NPC is created and the player is A-Rank. The NPC's run time would be considered C-Rank causing them to wait 3 hours or 180 minutes to exit a location.

Retired PC's:
  • If a player retires their previous PC at A-Rank, turning them into an Independent NPC. That character retains the A-Rank run time, allowing them to enter or exit locations at 1 hour or 60 minutes. However, once the player advances to S-Rank the former PC will still be considered A-Rank with this system.

Group Running
[spoilername="Group Running in Detail"]Important:<i></i>
  • Be sure to always post your run time along with your rank in your post.

  • Group Runtimes use the lowest ranked member's run time, and starts from the time of the last member to post.
  • Only the Topic starter's post must list each runner and their ranks and run times, any of their partners running do not have to post their rank runtimes.

Going Missing, Force Entering/Exiting<i></i>
[spoilername="Going Missing, Force Entering and Exiting Rulings"]Important:<i></i>
  • Always post your run time along with your rank.

Basic Rulings
  • If you are going missing, you MUST include '[Going Missing]' in the topic title.
  • If you are force entering, you MUST include '[Force Entering]' in the topic title.
  • If you are force exiting, you MUST include '[Force Exiting]' in the topic title.
    • If you fail to do this, your topic will be Voided, and you will NOT have gone missing/Entered/Exitted.

Catching from Going Missing and Force Exiting/Stopping from Force Entering:
  • Another Nin trying to pursue the runner should be no less then a single rank below the other.
  • When Stopping from Force Entering, there is no rank restrictions for one to stop an intruder.
  • ANBU with the Sentinel Ability have +45 Minutes to catch any Missing/Force Entry/Exit attempts in their respective village's gates. This means that an S-Rank attempting to go missing must wait 30 minutes for their run time, plus an additional 45 minutes to be safe from any ANBU.
    • Example: Ninja A has decided to run while B-Rank, before their time is up (120 mins) Ninja B sees that they are running. Ninja B is C-Rank and their rank is only one below Ninja A's so they may pursue them.

In order to catch/intercept a person:
  • A FULL roleplay must be made.
  • 'Catch' is no longer accepted after the Run Time has expired.
  • Do not edit your catch post! If a 'Catch' post is edited the post is voided.
  • A 'Catch' no longer takes up a Mission slot for the Catcher.

Who is involved in a catch/intercept battle:
  • For the whole duration of the run period anyone who enters, enters the first round of combat no matter when a bmod is called
  • Once the run time has finished no-one may enter the thread until after the first round of battle has been fought, and only if they've been contacted and asked to come.
  • In order to contact someone and allow them to enter the thread after the run time has expired, they must have either been contacted by the Headset item.

After they are gone:
  • After someone has left a village there should be only a 45 minute time period in which an ANBU may attempt catching a missing Nin. Only an ANBU or Jounin rank+ member of any village may attempt a catch at someone who is outside a village's gates and in an Inter-village zone unless your character has RPed leaving the village with permission and would be in the area to do so. There is no time limit for joining a topic without hostile intent. Under normal circumstances, Genin and even most Chuunin are unlikely to be sent after any type of Missing Nin.

Invalid Missing Attempts:<i></i>
[spoilername="Invalid Missing Attempts in Detail"]
  • If one is caught by a villager from the village one is running from and was released by lying, showing a passport, etc, one is NOT considered missing.
  • If one is caught by an outsider (such as a missing or a foreign nin) only to be let out, that can be seen as loopholing, and will not be considered a successful missing attempt.
  • Whether caused by faulty calculations or not having left all RPs, the missing attempt turns into a Free RP.

The Use of RP:
[spoilername="The Use of RP in Detail"]
  • This system does not take into account circumstances such as jutsu use (such as transparent escape) and is simply to be used as a cut off time so that those leaving and those pursuing know when they have gotten away (so that the Missing Nin may move on and RP in other areas without fear that someone will harass them in a topic considered already finished).


Run Times
[spoilername="Run Times in Detail"]Important:<i></i>
Determining Your Run Time
  • Your Runtime is static. Everyone has the same run time of 1 hour (60 minutes). The only way to alter this is to use the Half The Time card.
  • A run must be done in a new topic tagged with "going missing/force exit/force enter", and your post cannot be edited for any reason.
  • If any of these aspects are lacking, the attempt will be voided.

Run Times Are Used When
  • Going Missing
  • Force Exiting Village Gates
  • Force Entering Village Gates
  • Creating and leaving a thread in the same post. (Cannot use run time to exit any thread which has other people in it.)
  • Country A IV area -> Country B IV area

NPC Run Times<i></i>
[spoilername="NPC Run Times in Detail"]<FONTSIZE fontsize="12">Important:<i></i>

Created NPC's:
  • Standard NPC run time is 1 hour (60 minutes)
  • NPCs may not make use of Half The Time cards.

Group Running
[spoilername="Group Running in Detail"]Important:<i></i>
  • The Topic starter's post must list each runner.

Going Missing, Force Entering/Exiting<i></i>
[spoilername="Going Missing, Force Entering and Exiting Rulings"]Important:<i></i>

Basic Rulings
  • If you are going missing, you MUST include '[Going Missing]' in the topic title.
  • If you are force entering, you MUST include '[Force Entering]' in the topic title.
  • If you are force exiting, you MUST include '[Force Exiting]' in the topic title.
  • Remember that you cannot, for any reason, edit a post that includes a run time.
    • If you fail to do this, your topic will be Voided, and you will NOT have gone missing/Entered/Exitted.

Catching from Going Missing and Force Exiting/Stopping from Force Entering:
  • ANBU with the Sentinel Ability have +45 Minutes to catch any Missing/Force Entry/Exit attempts in their respective village's gates. This means that a ninja attempting to go missing must wait 60 minutes for their run time, plus an additional 45 minutes to be safe from any ANBU.

In order to catch/intercept a person:
  • A FULL roleplay must be made.
  • 'Catch' is no longer accepted after the Run Time has expired.
  • Do not edit your catch post! If a 'Catch' post is edited the post is voided.
  • A 'Catch' no longer takes up a Mission slot for the Catcher.

Who is involved in a catch/intercept battle:
  • For the whole duration of the run period anyone who enters, enters the first round of combat no matter when a bmod is called
  • Once the run time has finished no-one may enter the thread until after the first round of battle has been fought, and only if they've been contacted and asked to come.
  • In order to contact someone and allow them to enter the thread after the run time has expired, they must have been contacted by the Headset item.

After they are gone:
  • After someone has left a village there should be only a 45 minute time period in which an ANBU may attempt catching a missing Nin.

Invalid Missing Attempts:<i></i>
[spoilername="Invalid Missing Attempts in Detail"]
  • If one is caught by a villager from the village one is running from and was released by lying, showing a passport, etc, one is NOT considered missing.
  • If one is caught by an outsider (such as a missing or a foreign nin) only to be let out, that can be seen as loopholing, and will not be considered a successful missing attempt.
  • Whether caused by faulty calculations or not having left all RPs, or any other method that would void it, the missing attempt turns into a Free RP instead of being voided.

<U>The Use of RP:
[spoilername="The Use of RP in Detail"]
  • This system does not take into account circumstances such as jutsu use (such as transparent escape) and is simply to be used as a cut off time so that those leaving and those pursuing know when they have gotten away (so that the Missing Nin may move on and RP in other areas without fear that someone will harass them in a topic considered already finished).

Half the Time Card - 500 Points
  • The run times of the user will be permanently cut in half.
    May be purchased 1 time for permanent use with all run times. When using Half the Time Cards, it must be listed in the run time post with link to approval. Run times will be as followed: [insert the new run time and link to approval]
    This cannot be used for MISSING NIN attempts or FORCED entry or exit.

    Half the Time Card - 500 Points
    • The run times of the user will be permanently cut in half.
      May be purchased 1 time for permanent use with all run times. When using Half the Time Cards, it must be listed in the run time post with link to approval. Run times must be posted anytime you use this card and will be as followed: [insert the new run time and link to approval]. This does not change the ANBU +45 minute catch time in any way.

      These rules will be updated in a few moments.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
