Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Saltwater [Requesting Entrance]

Omoi Tetsu

Nov 2, 2012
All the way from home, the sun loomed overhead, but the closer he got, the greater the connection he felt to the abysmal indifference of space. There was something about wandering the desert that served as a good reminder that the sun, more than the sustaining force of life on Earth, was, first and foremost, an astronomical wonder. Six hundred and twenty million metric tons of hydrogen per second undergoing nuclear fusion; a hellish chemical cocktail burning indefinitely, ready to pull us all in. The man wiped his cool forehead, but found that the sweat had all but dried up.

The sun was setting. He saw tiny lights beginning to shimmer from the city below; the first reflection of stars in the clear sky. He couldn't speak; the desert had stolen his voice, the sun had taken every last ounce of pity he could feel for himself, beat every drop of any emotion he felt capable of experiencing, until all he could feel was the pain of his muscles as they worked to sloppily throw his weight forward with each step. He no longer felt like he was enduring the desert; he was now more like a wandering tumbleweed, compelled to move forward by some meaningless force of nature. He imagined himself dying, then continuing to walk, then dying all over again; each time leaving a bit more of himself behind as he meandered through the desert like the ghost of a thousand dead animals. You would think he would be happy to see the village gates as he approached, but he couldn't seem to shake the instinct that compelled him to believe it was nothing more than an obstacle, there to redirect him from his easy straight path. Still, he approached, feeling the barrier between himself and the world around him slipping further from him each second, he stared wide eyed into the night.

[Requesting Guards/Entrance]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Ever on duty Mouko Kuro, another aspect of Kuro spotted a traveling man a few thousand yards out. With a flicker of speed and trepidation Mouko Kuro approached the traveler with an offering of cool water.

Mouko Kuro has long luxurious hair that is silver grey in coloration but also seems to have a natural discoloration pattern made noticeable by the darker gray streaks in his hair. This natural pattern gave his hair the appearance of tiger stripes whether he wears his hair in a ponytail like today or straight down. He has large smooth silver gray eyebrows. To glance at him at close distance was to notice that both his arms are streamlined with thick girded muscle. His neck is thick at 24 inches, leading to massively muscular shoulders and an explosively developed chest. A black fighting gi with no sleeves revealed his biceps which un-flexed are 22 inches around; from his mid back to where his neck meets his shoulders Kuro is covered with Runic Terran Tiger Stripes. Although Mouko Kuro is well muscled he still carries love handles at upon his waist which he trains daily to get rid of to no avail. His upper right shoulder bears a tribal black lion mark that serves as a Heaven Seal. Mouko Kuro has large hands, and feet allowing him to stand at 5ft 10 inches and weigh in at 270 lbs. In a normal state Kuro’s eyes were as gray as the clouds in the sky just before a storm, smoldering and brimming with emotions untold when he wasn’t focusing his devil sage chakra. His lips are full, rich, seemingly of a dark chocolate smoothness. His brow is unmarred save a single epic scar atop his scalp. His nose is flared and smooth as if solid chocolate marble could be molded into a large nose. His ears seem perfectly suited to adorn the sides of his head, neither flared out nor pinned back just there. When focusing his powers he gains twin orbs of vibrant violet and gold cat like pupils that seemed to catch every movement in a casual glance granting him near 360 degree vision. Violet eyes with gold slits would peer from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. The obi allowed Kuro to carry his battle gear and storage pouches. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his storage pouches Mouko Kuro wore a pair of collapsed fuuma shuriken, and last but not least Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his scrolls without showing anyone exactly where they were till he motioned to grab one. Acting as both his arm guards and shin/feet guards Mouko Kuro wore the runic terran marked fighting wraps. His tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with chakra.

Once he was within 10 yards Mouko Kuro would kneel and place the offering of water before the traveler identifying himself before he backed away not wanting to cause alarm to those unused to his presence. "Greetings I am Sennin Toraono Kuro, Guardian of Sunagakure and watcher of these borders. I bring you clear mint water, cold and refreshing to replenish what you have lost during your journey."<i></i>

Omoi Tetsu

Nov 2, 2012
As if moving on their own, the man's hands reached out to clasp at the water being offered to him. His throat had long since seized up, and it was fairly agonizing to drink, but he took all that he could greedily, the remainder overflowing as though from a clogged toilet in two clear streams down the sides of his face. He could feel the cool liquid pass down through his ribcage; a waterfall through a hollowed out corpse, and struggled to make sense of the apparition that had appeared before him. It came to him as some sort of half beast, and the man took two weakened steps back to try and fathom the creature. Hachirou, not being native to the desert, had always assumed that mirages were all simple tricks of the light, but it seemed like the sun beating through your head over the course of days comes with it's own kind of illusions, unique to desert plains and the end of night. Still, he could feel the effects of the water surging through him. In his mind, his thoughts seemed to be clearing up, the delusions slowly subsiding like a heavy mist. Unfortunately, there was a sort of internal consistency to them, like the language of dreams, that may have lent them more credibility than they were likely due.

The bridge, stairs... I'm here on something important. Let me in, I can't square it out on my own two feet, huh. The mans voice barely reached the air around him, instead emerging in a broken and raspy hiss. He could tell, as he spoke the words, that this might really be it for him. They sounded alien, even felt like they were coming from a distant plane, and he could feel the static in his head quickly drown out the sounds of the world around him as his face suddenly felt very cold. He took a step forward, reaching out to grab the creature on the shoulder. There was something about the feeling of liquid inside of him that he couldn't quite shake, and he wanted to see if this apparition was at all tangible. A lot of good it would do him, he realized, knowing even in his current state that he was merely testing the limits of his deluded imagination.

The man would sit, in the sand, unable to comprehend now what the Sennin had told him, and merely marvel at the stars spinning around him, his burnt face pale with the inward rush of blood.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The bridge, stairs... I'm here on something important. Let me in, I can't square it out on my own two feet, huh.

Kuro judged that the man might be near complete exhaustion suffering the effects of the onset of heat stroke. He would need medical attention before any questions could be asked of him. With that in mind Kuro knew exactly who to take this poor man to see.
"I will get you some medical attention and we can talk later after you have been properly cared for."<i></i>
Mouko Kuro helped the an back to his feet before whisking him to the dojo as fast as his inhuman strength could carry them till he set the man in the Byakko Infirmary. After pressing a seal Byakko Kyuji was summoned to give the man medical attention and after checking his passport alerting either Kuro or any higher officials so he could get his passport stamped and given official entry into the village.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
