Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Sandy Buns [Requesting Entrance]

Asari Rei

New Member
Feb 18, 2013

Arai Seira was a lonely wanderer, running through the desert and it's blazing hot sun. She was fatigued and exhausted after a long day's travel and just when she was about to set up camp and admit that she'd have to struggle through another day of searching, she saw it on the horizon. The lights, the only thing that she had seen beyond sand and a little grass in days, the village looked magnificent in the desert, so much so that the kunoichi thought she could be experiencing a mirage. 'Real or not, it's the only thing I've seen in days, I have to try.' She thought as she increased her pace and arrived at the majestic entrance. Little more than a dirty refugee with a pretty necklace, she stood at five and a half feet against the massive sandy fortress.

"Hello, anyone around? I am a weary traveler looking for a place to sleep." Her face had small scratch marks she had covered with bandages from the high gusts of wind she had ran into on the way. Wind and sand was a deadly force, thankfully the blonde was much more deadly than she looked and could survive harsh climates. Everyone has their limits, though, and if she continued on in this desert it had a very real possibility of kicking her buns. She needed water, mostly, and a bed never hurt. Thankfully, she had saved some yen, this place looked to be fun. Of course, maybe they would need a helping hand, maybe this would be mutually beneficial.

[MFT: 260]
[Topic Entered]
[Requesting Entrance]


Oct 22, 2012
((OOC: Some things to keep in mind: The village is underground, our gates were destroyed, and the Toraono Dojo are our acting gates. Lotta things going on, tryin' to keep ya informed!))

Kuroda Uri

A figure parted from the Dojo wearing a light sandy colored vest. The black cap adorning his head provided a stark contrast to the white hair protruding from it, wind keeping it slightly parted as he approached. Sunagakure was getting more and more visitors in the days following the terrorist attacks. Almost ironic in a sense that letting in strangers had been the reason why they fell under attack. Shining white teeth greeted the dust-ridden girl, a smile almost as warm as the Wind Country sun.

"Howdy, little Miss and welcome to the Toraono Dojo."<i></i> Two fingers met his lips and a shrill whistle erupted forth. A man pushing a wooden cart laden with jugs of water, various colorful fruits, and damp clothes rushed towards Seira. "Help yourself and take your time with resting. When you're ready to enter Sunagakure, you have another minor trek ahead of you beneath the surface of the earth. Let this attendant know and they will escort you into the village proper."<i></i>

The polite man would take a small bow and nod his head, "We have just recovered from a terrible series of events, so pardon our dust...more than usual."<i></i> A laugh would follow and he would turn heel only to vanish into the shadow of the numerous archways, like a ghost whose appearance was all but a joke.

((OOC: Entry given. Just kicking ya along so you many get to RPing! Enjoy, and if you have an questions, feel free to ask))

Asari Rei

New Member
Feb 18, 2013
[ooc; Sorry, my bad x.x Stuck in another day~ Thanks. *goes to read all descriptions*]

Seira's view fell to the shinobi in front of the Dojo. His smile lit her face with hope, and he spoke to her. She heard a loud whistle and then almost burst with joy when she saw what it signaled. A man came out of the Dojo pushing a wooden cart with everything she could have ever wished for and more. There was water, more than she could imagine, a brightly-colored selection of fruit, and some damp cloths. She started with the water, after he gave her the go to 'help herself'. She drank a little, and listened to his words. He had handed off the attendant as the escort into the village for her. She smiled at the man speaking, and then to the attendant, respectively. She saw him bow and with a quick remark of a terrible series of events and a laugh he was off, just as the dust in the wind.

'A terrible series of events, huh? I wonder if this place was affected anything like my home.' She thought of the icy wreckage, and looked at the place she had seen far away as majestic. It was really just a Dojo, she noticed after some water and a bite of a delicious-looking fruit. A desert had a way of doing things to your brain, she assured herself that she was not crazy. She gave a bow to the man behind the cart, and slowed down as she was sure she looked starved. She washed her face with a cloth, and spoke to him after she felt better.

"Hello, thank you for your hospitality, it is much appreciated. I would be pleased to enter Sunagakure now. Perhaps I can lend a helping hand in time of need." Her voice faded at the last statement, unsure if she should reveal her previous position with the commoner, and followed him as he led her through the dojo, and then onward to the underground city.

[Village Entered]
[Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
