Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Searching for her mother [Going Missing]

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
The young girl, struggling to come to terms with the enslavement of her mother, couldn't just sit idly by as time past away. She became distressed, and obsessed, with find her mother but realised that the village could not offer that opportunity to her; she needed to venture further afield and do her own thing. Of course, it was rather ambitious of such a young student to leave the village but what great adventure didn't start with some ambiguous start. Koto wrapped a darkened drape around her body and pinned it together, masking her tiny frame, before setting out with a rucksack filled with supplies. The ingredients inside the back chinned together, crumpled and rolled around feverishly.

The poppet approached what was known as the gates, and promptly made her way outside...

[5 Hours (300 minutes) to leave village - E-Rank]

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
"You look to young to be out here, you should go back home before something hurts you."

He said as he walked up to her from seemingly nowhere. He bowed graciously, and pointed behind her.

"I'm an ANBU, we patrol these things in shifts. You really should have tried to sneak out some other way than walking through the front door." he said, crossing his arms and standing firmly between her and freedom. He couldn't make out features, just a tiny body due to the small nature of the cloak and how much taller he was than her. "Explain yourself, before I throw you in the asylum."

It was common knowledge that you go to the jail for doing crimes such as this, but he was threatening the asylum, to him a much worse place. A place where they hook things to you to take away who you are, to wipe out the crazy. Perhaps he needed a trip to the asylum? Either way, he awaited answers, calmly awaiting this kids fight or flight response to kick in and see which was this was going to go.

[B-Rank - Catch]

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Koto's feet dragged themselves across the surface of the earth, dust kicking up and then waddling back down to rest once more. She kept her eyes on the ground as a hood now adorned on top of her head, eyes wide open with an almost dopey expression - her mind had drifted to a plane far away. The entire situation was a little crazy, but alas, what could she do about it other than go out into the big bad world and find her mother? Kotone didn't want to speak to the village about it, why would she, they had allowed slavers to settle upon their sands and kidnap their people, so that's her reasoning for refusing to cooperate with the village. One could definitely say that she had grown to harbour a distaste for the village that she called home for only a few months.

But just then, a man appeared and seemed to state that he was a member of the ANBU corps. Koto gave the man a blank stare, as she lifted her head, offering only a raise of her brow as if to say 'and what?'. "I'm not sneaking..." She continued to walk past the man with a roll of her eyes, continuing to kick the dirt up from where it lay as her wooden sandals wore away after each kick. "And you'd throw a 10 year old in prison, that seems fitting of Sunagakure..." With a monotone she walked on, slowly, but still walking. "The big bad ANBU jailing little girls... Haven't you got anything better to do? And how do you even know what I'm doing, you haven't asked for any papers," Koto continued, stopping briefly to face the man, "You don't even know where I'm going... I thought you're ANBU... Seems like you're just making assumptions..." Annnnd, she was definitely down in the dumps.


"So, are you going to let me collect my herbs or are you just going to bore me to death?"


Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
He rubbed his temples and cut her off at every attempt she could make of walking around him. Little kids weren't his forte, his forte was something like blowing up an enemy with his own body as the explosive. This was a far stretch from that very thing, though he could go for a good self detonation right now.

"I'm not sneaking..."

"And you'd throw a 10 year old in prison, that seems fitting of Sunagakure..."

"The big bad ANBU jailing little girls... Haven't you got anything better to do? And how do you even know what I'm doing, you haven't asked for any papers,"

"You don't even know where I'm going... I thought you're ANBU... Seems like you're just making assumptions..."

This all came out, rather fast and sad sounding, the voice of a defeated child. One who seemed to have a lot on their shoulders for someone so little. He knew what that was like, growing up with everyone around him having some kind of special gift, his only gift being is ability to never give up. So, feeling she needed to talk more than walk he flew threw handseals, bringing up large spike walls behind him barring her path. In a big breath, he would start a stream of words.

"No you're not sneaking, cause you're too young to know what that even is. The big bad anbu jails everyone who leaves without proper authorization. I didn't ask you for your papers because children aren't allowed outside the village without an escort of age. If you had one, I'd assume it was fake, the only real assumption to be made."

"So, are you going to let me collect my herbs or are you just going to bore me to death?"

"You can tell me the herbs and I will get them on my shift change, unless you want to tell me whats really going on? If theres nothing, you must be the most emo flower picker I've ever met." he was being an ass on purpose, trying to get a legit response from her, not eyes down half lies. "Whatever it is I can help, ANBU aren't just monsters getting in the way of little girl dreams." he said, with one more puff of air.

"Oh and I do have tons of better things to do, I could be eating a taco right now." he joked.


Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
The wall rose up from the earth, a grand gesture performed in order to halt the young poppet's movements. Koto, draped in cloth, stopped and stared at the grainy wall - her hues unshaken from such a sudden appearance. "You're not very bright, are you, baka." She said before pressing her back against the wall, hood still drawn over most of her face, the forecast shadow hid her appearance and any emotion on her face. "I didn't realise that the ANBU corps were trained in herbology, and they know how to harvest certain plants... Now there's an assumption." Koto definitely obtained her mother's tongue, that's for sure. Koto turned away from the man, pressed her flat palm against the face of the thin wall - she closed her eyes and moved closer, as if to sniff its body. "I can break it..." She exclaimed softly before, abruptly, pulling back her palm and clenching it into a rock solid fist.

As a member of the ANBU, one would be able to assess a young girl's strength but perhaps not fully comprehend her abilities. Koto was one of the Kyoujouran clan members, somewhere in her lineage there must have been an integration of the Kyoujouran clan with the Aburame - her mothers ability, Oba Kinnaku. She watched as the wall came tumbling down, her fist unscathed, the only pain she felt was the one that emitted from her heart with each passing second; this was all time wasting. "I'm going to find my mother, Oba Kinnaku, the first Medical Sennin of Sunagakure." Koto would sharply turn to face the man, her eyes visible, but slitted with anger as the purple jewels shined. "I watched as she and my clan were kidnapped by slavers, but I'm sure your junk food was much more worthwhile than protecting your citizens."

"What are you going to do now? Knowing that I won't stay, baka."

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
"You're not very bright, are you, baka."

"Would explain why I'm an ANBU and not a medic."

"I didn't realise that the ANBU corps were trained in herbology, and they know how to harvest certain plants... Now there's an assumption."

"You're cute, your world view is so small. Thinking that I am just an anbu. That my identity begins and ends behind this mask. There's way more than one way to get what you need, but I like the attitude." he clapped, as she turned and proclaimed she can break through the rock wall, putting a big enough hole in it to walk through. However, he'd just make one behind it as it was a particularly easy thing for him to do, being his element and all.

"I'm going to find my mother, Oba Kinnaku, the first Medical Sennin of Sunagakure."

"The sense of urgency in your voice, sounds like she's in trouble. What are you going to do when you find her? If shes in trouble you're not strong enough to prevent it. If you do manage to save her then what? You'll be a nuke and be hunted the rest of your life. Your mother wouldn't want that." he said walking up to the newly erected wall and pushing it over. It seemed to come down easy, though it was rather thick. A show of his own force, and how hers paled in comparison.

"I watched as she and my clan were kidnapped by slavers, but I'm sure your junk food was much more worthwhile than protecting your citizens."

"My tacos are always delicious, I make them the best! Slavers got your mother, and that's a crappy thing. The law can't be everywhere at once. Is that fair? Not in the least. But the world isn't fair." he said, standing atop his self made rubble.

"What are you going to do now? Knowing that I won't stay, baka."

"I could break all of your bones and force you to stay, forever. I could throw you in jail, put you into the system and find you a new home until you get strong enough to find me and kill me. There's many, many things I could do." he slid off the pile of rocks, now sitting at eye level with her. "I'm going to let you go." he said, holding his passport up to her. "I could offer you other options, like me getting a team together to take her by force, but I see you're set in your ways. I'll give you my official documentation, there's no picture or name on it, just a seal and that should suffice." he sighed. "Come back to us in one piece. Preferably not just an arm." he said patting her on the back to shoo her off. Throwing a few handseals, the rubble would be swallowed by the earth, erecting back up into a statue of him waving goodbye.

He would have kept her, but it was obvious she was going to keep trying, regardless of what he did. He had just sent a little girl to her death, but he found solace that even if she died, she will have went out fighting and that would at least appease his god. He was not a great person...

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Of course my view of the world is small, I'm 4 foot!" Koto would exclaim with a raised voice, visibly more shaken now that her emotional state began to spill over onto the world. The ANBu did, however, offer up some very good question as to what Koto would do when she found her mother - what would she do? The young girl didn't know, she hadn't planned that out in a very detailed way. She knew that, in her journey, she would train and develop her skills as a shinobi; even if she belonged to the rank of an Academy student for the rest of her life. But something rather miraculous happened, through all of their dick measuring: the ANBU was prepared to let Kotone out of the village, a testament to the good whole-heartedness of his heart.

"Y-you'll what?" Koto gave the man a perplexed, bewildered expression as the man gave his own documentation, it was a seal to verify her nationality. He promptly patted her back and shoo'd her off, only managing a few footsteps before staring out into the great ocean of yellow grains. A tear ran down her cheek, hanging furiously onto her chin, but before she left the scene Kotone ran up to her hero and, with some level of acrobatics - a jump - she planted a kiss on his masked face. "My name is Honma Kotone and I'll remember you." Her heart fetl as if it were on the peripheral edge of bursting, to gush out with a sticky, sweet ooze.

The young poppet put the document into her rucksack before running off, looking back to see an earthen structure. Kotone stood atop a sandy hill, waving feverishly to the man with a bright smile on her face. What the man may notice, after her departure, was that she left a little something on his person, but what? If he checked, he would find a small glass vial which had a beautifully coloured flower, although it was quite minuscule, it was astonishingly captivating. It was a decorative flower and something that lit up in the dark, almost like a torch.

It was her parting gift to her hero.

[Topic left - Village left]
[<3 Thanks!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
