Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Secluded Cave [Private]

Tsubasa Yasu

New Ninja
Apr 24, 2018
As the late morning light shone behind him, Yasu slowly entered the open-roofed cave where he had trained for just over two years. It had been a few days since he had been accepted by the academy, and he hadn’t had time to spare to attempt to train his Santaru abilities since then. He glanced at the log propped up against the cave wall with a target carved into it- he hadn’t had a chance to use it for anything, since he could still only make a few sparks on his hands. He picked it up and stood it up in the center of the room. Now that he was an academy student, he figured that he should begin training in other areas of combat and chakra control instead of his previous, low-result methods. He pondered his wooden punching bag for a moment, wondering what to focus his training on. He eventually reasoned that most of the other academy students grew up knowing how to fight, whereas he usually stayed away from big groups of kids around his age. On one of his trips to the library, he had come across a book about different types of Taijutsu, particularly the unarmed form. Using what he could remember from the diagrams (which wasn’t much), he assumes a fighting stance facing the wood dummy and visualized a tree monster lunging forward at him. He was pretty sure that his clumsy sidestep wouldn’t count as a successful dodge, and resumed his stance to try again. ~ About two hours and countless tries later, Yasu deemed his efforts in this area satisfactory. He glanced at the still-untouched log with a pensive look on his face. He had heard stories of shinobi who could punch and kick with lightning-like chakra gathered around their hands and feet, and wanted to try the technique for himself. Focusing all of his energy into his right hand, Yasu launched his fist into the hollow, brittle wood and heard a loud ‘THWUMP’ sound. He looked down at his hand, and was somewhat disappointed to find that it looked completely normal; he hadn’t managed to gather his chakra into a physical form that would last long enough. Returning to pick up and set aside the log dummy, which had a slight dent in it, he resolved to focus for the rest of the day on trying to focus and control his chakra and possibly make a few more sparks. He sat down in the middle of the cave, closes his eyes, and focused his energy again around his right hand, this time laying with its palm to the sky. Concentrating on the image of the flowing blue energy in his mind, just how his father had described it to him, he moved the life-force out of his hand and onto his palm. Suddenly, every memory he had of his father came rushing back to him like a tidal wave. His emotions flashed brighter as he remembered why he was training in the first place: to become strong enough to protect his village. Fueled by his willpower, his chakra ignited into a small spark of lightning. Yasu, opening his eyes, waited for it to fizzle out and disappear, but it didn’t. He smiled a triumphant grin, turned to the propped-up log, and hurled the spark directly at it. As chakra connected with wood, the spark split into hundreds of smaller sparks, which all eventually went out. The boy stood in front of the slightly-damaged log, grinning from ear to ear. He barely even noticed the sun beginning to set on the horizon as he bolted home to tell his mother and get some rest for the next day. He promised himself, as he ran home, that he would train as much as possible in order to turn his spark into storm.

Word Count: 641
Yasu had decided over breakfast this morning that he needed to train in more than just Taijutsu. He had looked into applying for his first official class at the Academy, and he wanted to learn how to voluntarily form the chakra spark he had managed to create when he last visited the cave. As he sat in the center of the skylight-like hole in the cave’s roof, he pondered the log that had served as the first target of his first ‘jutsu’ the other day. He focused all of his chakra into the palm of his hand, and a now-familiar spark appeared. Yasu chucked the spark at the cave wall; it burst into a shower of smaller sparks upon contact. He pulled a book out of a satchel resting near the entrance and gazed at its title, set in gold letters: “How to Channel your Chakra: An Aspiring Shinobi’s Guide to Hand Signs.” When he had returned to his home after training, he told his mother, a healer who nearly depended on books, that his chakra spark hadn’t been anything special, she sent him to the library with an empty satchel and the instruction to ‘look it up!’ As he flipped the old, dusty pages, he came to a few paragraphs about lightning element chakra and jutsu, including how one must imagine their body as a conductor for their chakra. Yasu set the book down and stood in the center of the cave once more. Placing his hands as the jutsu tome instructed him to, he felt a strange shift in the flow of his chakra. Gathering it into his right hand, he imagined his fingers as a lightning rod, ready to channel his electrical chakra from his body to his wooden target, propped against the wall once more. He felt his energy focusing into his forefinger and middle finger, and knew what to do without glancing down at the book to read the next paragraph. He aimed his two fingers at the log, visualized his chakra jumping from the lightning rod to his target, and fired. A burst of lightning that was four times as big as his previous sparks jumped from his hand to the log. The unfortunate piece of wood was dented much more than the previous attacks thrown at it- although not entirely destroyed (wood is an insulator), it had almost been cleaved in two by the speed of the compressed electrons. Yasu, feeling slightly tired suddenly, decided to take a rest to look through the book a bit more; he wanted to learn more about lightning jutsu.

Word Count: 432
Jogging over to the cave he regularly trained at, Yasu decided that he needed to start learning some more academy-level jutsu. Even though he was eager to train his Storm Shot, he felt that there was no excuse for not learning the basics, and decided to bring along his hand sign book to help. Looking at some of the first pages, he found the first jutsu he planned to focus on- the Transformation jutsu. Standing up and reaching out to his chakra, he made the hand signs and envisioned his chakra flowing out of his body to conceal him as a log...
Yasu opened his eyes to find that his legs had become wooden stumps, but the rest of him remained unchanged. Sighing, he stopped the flow of chakra to the jutsu, returning his legs to normal, and tried again. This time, after paying closer attention to the book and the log propped up against the cave wall that he using as a template, he managed to briefly assume the shape of a log. Satisfied with his efforts for that particular jutsu, he decided to move on to the Body Switch jutsu. dragging the log into the center of the enclosure, the boy skimmed the book for a moment. Then, he faced the log, felt his chakra stirring once again, made the hand signs stated in the paragraph about the Body Switch jutsu, and suddenly found himself standing where the log had been a moment before. Grinning at his accomplishment, Yasu decided to reward himself with some Lightning jutsu practice. He focused his chakra into his hand, then his forefinger and middle finger, releasing it at the peak of the energy's power. The bolt collided with the wall, leaving a scorch mark as proof of the boy's training.
As he thought about all the Ninjutsu he was learning and balancing out his skillset, Yasu wondered if there was a way to incorporate his Santaru lightning abilities into a Taijutsu. He formed the spark that made up the base of his electrical powers, then tried to stretch and bend it to somehow cover his balled fist. After a few moments, his hand was coated in flashing chakra, ready to be released. He turned to the log lying on the ground, propped it up with his non-electrical hand, and pummeled it with his chakra. The log, now getting close to snapping in half, flew into the wall and landed on the ground with a crunch. Satisflied, Yasu sat on the ground and began to read more about other jutsus to learn.

WC: 429
Yasu walked to his training cave trough one of the Cloud Village’s rare rainstorms. It had been a while since one had happened; in fact, this was the first one that happened since he had been made a student. Upon his arrival, he saw that rain was pouring in through the hole in the cave’s roof, making a puddle on the floor that was rapidly growing. Noticing that he had left the library book he had borrowed a few weeks ago (“How to Channel your Chakra: An Aspiring Shinobi’s Guide to Hand Signs.”) on the ground, he scrambled to pick it up before it was ruined by the rain. He looked for something to put it on, but all he could find was the broken fragments of his log that he had destroyed in one of his previous training sessions. Sighing, he set the book down as far away from the puddle as possible and ran out of the cave into the rain. He ran through the storm until he reached a patch of forest where he had gotten his original target-log, and he looked for another to replace it. As he was jogging back to the cave with his new log under one arm, he stopped to rest in another cave for a bit. Remembering that Storm jutsu is an advanced element composed of lightning and water, he decided to practice a few water justus to familiarize himself with water chakra. Wishing he had his book with him, he tried to use the Pressurized Mist jutsu on his new target, but it wasn’t very damaging to the log. He attempted to shoot a Water Gun jutsu at it as well, but the effects were barely noticeable. He sighed once again, picked up his log, and jogged back to his cave.

{WC: 301}
If Yasu had tripped over a rock on his way to his training cave, he would have flown 20 feet. The boy was sprinting down the faded path that led away from Kumokagure as fast as he possibly could, eager to train after recent events. He hasn’t had time to get down here in what felt like ages- although it had only been a few days. Reaching the flat outcropping of rock that made the cave’s entrance, he stopped for a moment to catch his breath. As he did, he thought of all of the jutsus he wanted to try out, since he was getting the slightest bit bored with simple electrical shocks from his fingers. Having sufficiently rested from his run, he stepped inside, taking the cave in. The cave had really improved- he had found a small crack in the rock to house his jutsu and handsigns book (which he had renewed at the library recently), he had four or five logs propped up against the wall, and he had cleared out the debris from earlier flooding and log-destroying. Retrieving his book from its storage area, he sat down cross-legged in the middle of the cave. Flipping through the pages impatiently, he found the first of the strips of paper he used as bookmarks. He removed it and gazed at the jutsu detailed on the page: Thunderclap. Glancing down at the usage instructions, he grinned. With the amount of jutsu he had marked and the time each would take (if this one was any indication) to learn, he would need the entirety of today- maybe even tomorrow- to learn them all. It was no wonder that he was so excited.

{WC: 282}

Current Ninpocho Time:
