Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Seeking Academic Funding [Requesting Entry]


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
Zhao would arrive to the impressive gates, with a folder of papers tucked under his shoulder, and his robotic companion Robo-chan standing next to him. He would wait patiently in front of the customs office, hoping that someone would come to let him in.

The papers had several schematics and calculations, along a formal letter.

"Hey, you. You want in?" one of the guards asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, sir." he'd reply. "Is there anything I need to do? I have a proposal I'd like to suggest to the Sennin or Kage of this village." he added, raising his folder labelled "Water Country Investigation Plan". "I'm a engineer." he clarified.

"Uh, yeah. Just wait here, please." the man would confirm. Zhao would nod, and then wait patiently.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The boy would be near the gates as he overheard the guard from a little distance. He was wondering what was going on and looked around a little. He saw someone standing there with a rather blank expression woman. He held a scent but she didn't. Even Blitz, the inuzuka companion of Hato was rather cautious of the woman.
"Neee- Why don't you contact for our Kage.. or a sennin please, I will handle it till this point." He would show his headband which declared the rank for it. And in the meanwhile Blitz got closer to them both, sniffing and holding a rather defensive stand against the woman. Even Hato had already seen that this wasn't something normal.

"Hello, there stranger, papers please, passport and the reason for visiting. Is it temporary or long-lasting?" He had this learned at the school by the books, but still was rather careful before he would trickle this up, his father was a lord after all. Yet he couldn't help but question the woman. "Both..." He didn't know who or where an engineer was, he had never heard of it.

// Radio contact for either a sennin or the Kage, please :) We can RP further till one of them show up ^^


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
"I uh. I don't have a valid passport." he admitted. "Because I'm a refugee from Water Country. That is what this visit is about too, actually. And Robo-chan isn't from Water Country, she's just someone from Marsh Country that I hold dear, my companion."

Robo-chan's inner gears then whirred and she arched her back and thrust out her buttocks in a provocative pose and she held a peace sign next to her expressionless, blank face.

"You're so cute." he chuckled, and patted the robot's head, causing its pink hair wig to slip off. "Ah! Robo-chan! The... heat. Melting the glue. Uh... please hold on, dear..."

After quickly getting a different kind of glue from his bag and applying it to his artificial wife's head, he turned to Hato and showed his folder of papers. "I was a captured slave by Marsh Country until recently, so I really don't have anymore anything formal to prove that I'm from Water Country, but hopefully this should do. Only someone from Water Country would know how it is in this much detail."

"My purpose for travel is that I'm looking for funding for a project." he said. "Suna is one of the two closest nations to Water Country. I'm sure quite a good portion of Suna's aquatic territory has been rendered unuseable by the disaster, yes?"

He then rose a finger. "But what if we could learn more about the phenomenon? Learn how to navigate the waters that have been affected but not deep enough to be entirely unuseable, and push Suna's effective borders further? Imagine that - waters that only Suna's navy knows how to navigate and no other nation. What's more, there are sure to be many valuables frozen in the permafrost of Water Country. What if they could be recovered and thawed here, in the land that has the greatest riches of heat?"

He was monologuing here, but it was a nice way to kill time. "We have a common interest, here. I want to make expeditions into Water Country easier, and I want to learn more about the disaster, which has to be the first step into solving it. But Suna has a lot to gain from these exact same things. So I'm looking to arrange a deal that benefits us all."

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hato listened to his story, seeming that this person was from there. it was hard to verify anything. "Yeah... Really...?" He was amazed by that fact, even school they had learned about what had happened there. "You would most certainly die there..." He would mutter and look once he heard gears, Blitz even barked. For his mind, it instantly went towards the Suna underground, red district and he was most certain he wouldn't want anything to do with the robot like thing. "Alriiihgt.." he would watch the scene that happened in front of him.
As he got the papers he would scan read through them. "slave..." That word did kinda hit hard for him as it was a hit close to home. as he scanned he listened and replied towards the other. "I heard oxygen is frozen there, you need breathers and then you maybe last a min or 10... that is what my teacher said."

As he handed the papers back, the boy did grab a stick and carefully attempted to poke the robot with it. "Now what is she... she isn't anything like uncle sousou..." yup, the nickname he had given the Suna living metal man. He was like an uncle for him through the stories of his father.

"Since there is no passport... I am going to let someone else come here through, I don't see any ill movements from you, or intends. But I rather do this right then wrong, would you be fine with waiting a moment or two for one of them?" It was a fair question towards the other, mainly he was young and it was now shown he didn't had much experience with this.


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
"Breathers? Oxygen?" he replied. "No, no."

"Sucide robots. We need to send suicide robots." he countered. "Which is a big reason why I need funding, I intend to send a robot like Robo-chan here, but in the form of a sled or boat, down there, equipped with measuring devices and cameras and the sort.


Sure, some won't return, but those who do will be back with valuable information. Given that it is so frozen over, the landscape won't change much - its stillness works to our advantage, here. And AFTER we have learnt the location of things and have planned out a route, THEN we can go in and do recovery work as quick as possible, then get out as quick as possible. Information will allow the little time we have in there be used even better you get what I mean? More bang for our buck. Information, knowledge, is key."

"Without information, expeditions are throwing blindly at the dartboard and praying. WITH information, we're going for the bullseye, every time."


"And yeah. I don't mind." he then replied. "I understand that you can't let me through. I'd be alright with just talking about this with some high officer out here if need be."
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Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Listening towards the others rambles, he was left quite... baffled, he knew one person that resembled a machine, which he called Uncle Sou, but this... This was something he did not expect. He was going to send them in, without giving the things a way back. "Yikes..." He eventually replied. "It is not that I cannot... it is more I do not have the experience dealing with this kind of thing, normally people have the passports and that makes things a lot clear to do..." Gears in his head were turning and turning... and would turn his attention to Blitz. "Say... All the other papers look in order... I would want to say get a passport from origin of the country, but since that one is not one to reach... I am just going to give you the clear, it seems like the higher-ups are busy." With that, he would explain the way towards the Kazekage Tower. "You really cannot miss it... It is an octagon made out of silver stone, on the top you will find the Prumis image. ITs a golden statue of the man. Odd statue but I still like it. I think Uncle Sou is still in the office, the third floor... Otherwise in the top the kazekage..." He would place his hands again behind his back and look towards the other. "You have Commercial District, good food, we have the old Suna place, stay clear of that place. You honestly don't want to be found there." With that, he explained where he could find the medical facility of his aunt, in case something might happen if he didn't listen to the warning. "I think that covers that up..." He would look to blitz who barked in agreement. "Yup, that clears it. You are free to go through the city, if you want to leave please pass through the gates again, either one of my own ranks, higher or the guards will let you through. Welcome to Sunakagure." He would embark and walk towards the gate to let the other through.

[entrace granted]
[Topic left unless stopped]


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
Zhao bowed. "Thanks!" he told him, and then left to the inside and walked in towards further of the sand village which had been named after the multiple amount of particles that were existing around in the country which this place existed in and he walked in with his two legs.

[Aaand I'm in]
[Leaving as well]
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Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

[Council Member OOC: Friendly reminder, all IC posts must always have at least a minimum of 50 words. Sometimes it can be hard to come up with ways to lengthen entry/exit posts, but if you could add a bit more writing to the above post before proceeding just so we have all our t's crossed and i's dotted, that would be appreciated. Thank You!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
