Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Seeking the King

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Ishii Susumu
Heir Apparent - The Messenger

The village had seen better days. The throne room for the One King was vacant. Once a throne made of the diamond sands sat here, a seat left vacant for the true ruler of Sunagakure. The origins of the seat go back hundreds of years, to the time of the first men after they defeated the Ancients. Created by the First King in Primus' wake, Sunahoshi Nori, the throne had always exuded a great power that none could truly grasp. In the recent attacks by the Cabal, the Kazekage Tower was left in ruins and the unbeknownst to Susumu the diamond throne was launched across the village and it landed in Sietch Zensunna. The throne room now bare, desecrated and dilapidated. A lone heir looks upon what should have been Sunagakure's grandest of structures with disappointment.

Time has allowed the true power of the throne to be forgotten. The throne housed the spark of Primus, a power granted to Sunahoshi Nori on Primus' deathbed after the blessing of Mother Suna was infused into the Sunahoshi bloodline. She had given the Sunahoshi family and all of their descendants power over the storms before she had disappeared into obscurity, her legacy more legend than reality. Nori feared that the power of Primus coupled with the power granted by Mother Suna over the maelstrom would prove too great for his descendants and that one day one would grow mad with power. Many believe that Nori destroyed the spark of Primus. At the same time he also feared that one day Mother Suna would take back her blessing, leaving his progeny incapable of combating the wilds. For this reason, Nori could not destroy the spark as Primus' power might be needed someday. Primus decided to hide the spark in plain sight. Locked inside the very throne that he and his descendants sat upon was the spark of Sunagakure's greatest warrior. Every lock needed a key, a blade made of Takahashi steel was forged with a power and daresay magic that has been forgotten over the years was the only method to unlock the spark and the terrible powers it contained. The blade was named Tatsumasa, a weapon that refused to be wielded by anyone except who he, or she found worthy. The final safeguard. This was found by the final Sunahoshi and is not a tale intended to tell here.

Letter still in hand, Susumu sighed with disappointment and turned to leave these terrible ruins.

S Rank -- 30 min

OC: Catch me if you can Kasha. Otherwise next thread is the start of a mission thread for Tsubaki.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 1: 'Hide and Go Seek'| Messenger of Sora Arc said:
[col]Word of an elegant figure forcing their way through all proper procedure brought about a very lively news day for the seemingly only ANBU working in the village. How that did not play out to a salary raise and a new title was absurd, but as was with any aspect of business he deep down felt like that the leadership in the corps would be outsourced to someone not even from the village. That would be the day...

Kasha crept along the tops of the structures that remained around the for location of the throne. His eyes would peer down at the figure that seemed to be searching for something or someone.

"Greetings and salutations."

Leaping down, the masked and cloaked figure would land several feet away from the messenger.

"It seems you failed to check in at the gate...well, not really a literal sense on that. Care to chat with me for a moment?"

Village was still scarred from the past interactions with those that just happened to stumble in on them. No reason to give a chance for that to happen again.


Name: "Kasha"
Epithet: Demon of the ANBU
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Blood Type: O Negative
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedWiPMood MusicWiPMISC X

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
OC: Ah you made it. Wonderful my dear Kasha. How many threads does this make, I am starting to feel like you like me.


Ishii Susumu
Heir Apparent - The Messenger

The young man's silk robes fluttered as the teen turned around abruptly and was about to leave what was left to what should have been a grand structure. It was then that he heard a voice, not one he recognized but considering the fact that he was the foreign visitor here it was not something to be astonished over.

"Greetings and salutations."

A masked man leapt from above and his feet near soundlessly touched the ground. Susumu's eyes had a queer gleam of interest despite their pearly appearance. The mask that concealed his face and therefore his identity and the cloak which hid his form and even his finer movements. There was a strange look of joy that seemed to shift over his visage. "Are you an ANBU?" Awe seemed to lace his words. He had never seen an actual ANBU, well he had but they were all already dead. "Do you get to pick your own mask? Do you make it yourself? Do you get code names?" He barraged the ANBU with a series of questions but it would appear that the ANBU, turned vigilante turned doorman had a query of his own.

"It seems you failed to check in at the gate...well, not really a literal sense on that. Care to chat with me for a moment?"

"What gate? You mean that refugee camp?" He asked incredulously, the boy was bright but at times he could be a bit of a smart ass. "I am here to deliver a message to..." his voice trailed off as he realized he was not entirely sure of to whom he needed to deliver the message. "...I would guess whomever this village considers to be a member of the upper echelon. Kazekage... Sennin... Some S-Class skilled shinobi," he shrugged as he handed over a copy of the letter he had written for his father. He wondered if the ANBU would catch the hidden message or if he would even care. If the ANBU accepted the bit of folded parchment he would read the following:

[legend="The Letter"][col]Dearest Shinobi of Sunagakure;
On the eve of a momentous occasion, I have come to you with a plea.

New alliances will soon be made between Wind Country and Tea.
On the first of April there will be a union between Daimyō Ishii Shirō's daughter
The loved Ishii Sango, third born of the Daimyō.

Her safety as well as that of her fiance is paramount in these dangerous times.
Use your considerable strength and
Resources to ensure that the Countess of Tea, Hotsume Rika is
Taken from her estate and brought to Sora.

Her offenses against Wind Country are vast but will not be detailed here.
Early signs of threat have been established
Rising armies have been mustered.

Please bring her to Sora intact
Leave no witness of the actions you perform to complete this mission
Else Wind Country might appear to be the aggressor.
Arrange this to occur prior to the Daimyō's daughter's wedding
S-Rank mission rewards will be
Earned|Name: Hotsume Rika
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Countess of Tea Country

Physical Description:
Coming in at an impressive six feet and two inches, Rika is commonly considered to be an imposing presence to stand near and even though she is blessed with youthful features which are enduring into her middle years she is rarely caught not wearing a smile. With unblemished porcelain skin and a pair of bright yellow eyes, many who frequent the courts of Tea Country are led to wonder if perhaps their leader's lasting youth and more unusual features are the result of some well-kept secret supernatural stain on her family's bloodline but none have ever been able to claim such a thing with any evidence and those that do are quickly brought to ruin by the Countess' many supports and suitors. Typically worn up or at least bound, her hair has a color and tone slightly reminiscent of un-ground coffee though it undeniably has more shine to it than any coffee beans ever have. Despite what one might expect of a woman who spends a great deal of her time dealing with political and mercantile business, Rika has a fit and well-muscled body that she does well to hide using voluminous clothing and apparel.[/col]
Mission: Escort the Countess of Tea to Sora.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Last Post: Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:05 pm

As per site-side inactivity rules, leaving topic. Tsubaki needs her mission, otherwise I would have given this more time.

Ishii Susumu
Heir Apparent - The Messenger

The young man shown the masked figure his letter, he seemed more interested than fearful of one of Sunagakure's most mysterious branches. He returned the paper to his shirt pocket, a neat fold along the center crease and nothing more. "As much as I would love to stay and chat... Mister... ANBU? I do have to get going," with a friendly wave the Ishii family apparent black sheep turned around and started to walk away.

[Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
