Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Seeking the Unknown[Failed/no reward]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
It was a bright and shining day, there was little wind and the birds were chirping. Whatever the two ninja would be doing, a small mouse would happen along with a note tied to it's back. It would then try to get the ninja's attention even to go so far as biting their hands or legs to get their attention.

Once the Two Ninja opened the note they would see that it was a mission notification that was to urgent to hold a brief meeting about so a message via mouse would have to do.

The note would read:

You and another shinobi are to report to the embassy grounds to convene before commencing with this mission, inside this not you will find another note that has the description of your mission.

The other note would read:

My name is Uratara Fo, I am the headmaster at "Fushu Academy". I beg of you to help me. My students have been having horrible accidents and I am unaware on how to stop them. There have been mysterious notes that are being left before each accident. The student's parents have been threatening to withdraw their students if the matter is'nt fixed. I will be taking some well needed time off and I suggest that somebody fill in as headmaster to try and discover who is behind all of this, I'm afraid that if things arn't dealt with soon their might be further accidents.
Signed Uratara Fo

After they would finish reading the notes, both would burst into flame and fall to the ground in a pile of ash.
The two ninja could prepare for the mission ahead of them or go straight to the Embassy.
But either way, the two could be in for an interesting journey.

Rounin Nao

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Re: Seeking the Unknown

The warm sunny day splashed over the mansion grounds, the freshly cut grass was as green as ever and Rounin Satsu was training at his private training grounds.
he swung his sword back and forth practicing his tactics against three metal clones he had created, and it was already a few hours of practice in when his head of servants came to greet him with a nice cold glass of orange juice.

"there you go sir, a every good training session needs a good break and a cold beverage to replenish much needed strength"

Said the old man in uniform while holding the sliver platter towards his master.

"oh?.. hehe thank you Genki, you are right I should take a short break... it is a warm day after all"

Replied Satsu and went over to a near by garden table and sat down, while Genki poured the juice into a glass and added two ice cubes into the mix. Satsu took a sip and smiled, as always it was freshly squeezed oranges from the Rounin estate. The young lord will never forget the taste of these oranges, the hot summer days back at the estate when he was young. Back when things ware simple and peaceful, it also made him miss his parents. It was a long time ago yet he still longed for their company.

"you know Satsu-sama..."

Started Genki as he sat down in the spare chair and took out his tobacco pipe then lit it up and started puffing away.

"..every time I see you out here training so hard, well... you remind me so much of your father, there are even times when I find myself about to call his name instead of yours... and in these times I think to myself how proud he would have been to have such an outstanding young boy as his son... if you don't mind me saying sir"

Continued Genki and smiled warmly. Satsu smiled back. Genki and his family served the Rounin family for eight generations, and behind all the formalities and high class conversations they ware more like family. Geki's wife and daughter tend the mansion as well, his wife Yuki is head cook and his daughter Nina was on her way on becoming the new head of servants, when her father would retire. Although Genki always said that he would retire when he would be buried at the Rounin estate next to Satsu's father and Genki's. A few years after Satsu left the estate to live in the city Genki and his wife came to seek him out, they found Satsu living in a hotel even though he was very wealthy when he was young as well, it just reminded him of his parents too much. But Genki and Yuki took him to the Rounin mansion within the village itself and took care of him, in a way they ware like parents to him and Nina was like a sister to him. He also trusted them with his secret of being a Rikudo Senin, but they never judged him in any way.

"you should really stop smoking Genki, I mean it dose reflect on your performances around the mansion... another master would never allow it"

Said Satsu with fake seriousness and a harsh tone, Genki just started laughing loudly and filled with joy, Satsu smiled in surprise.

"what's so funny!?"

He asked the house master.

"hehehe oh~ Satsu-sama, your father used to say these exact same words to me, and with the same cheap facade... and he too meant it with concern for my well being, thank you sir I appreciate the concern"

Said Genki and continued smoking his pipe. Not a few moments later a small white mouse appeared at the foot of the table, with a note strapped to his back.
Satsu picked the small rodent up and detached the scroll off it's back. Satsu opened the scroll and breezed though it, a task was set upon him and another ninja to undertake with at most hast.

"Genki... it seems I have a job to do, would you be so kind to find Tao and inform him to meet me here outside, he will be joining me on this one"

Said Satsu with a smile. It was a while since he had a good investigation going and he was pleased to have some good work to do.

"shall I get your's and Tao-sama's gear as well sir?"

Asked the servant master as he got up from the chair.

"yes pleas Genki, you always told me that there is no such thing as too ready"

Replied Satsu to the mansion keeper.

"indeed I have sir, I shall call Tao-sama and fetch the gear immediately"

Said Genki finally before departing to the mansion's main building. The day has become much more interesting and a wind of opportunity was blowing strong and inviting to yet another adventure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Seeking the Unknown

It was a beautiful day, there were few clouds and the soft sun rays were hitting against Tao's artificial skin as he was sitting on a chair in the greenhouse near the main building in the Rounin Estate, for some reason, he was always more comfortable around vegetation and plants of many sorts, especially those that would naturally grow in a forest, but he found peace of sort in this enviourment as well. Tao was holding a book to practice his reading skills since Satsu ordered him to read a couple of pagers every few hours to get accustomed to the language. He then closed the old looking book with an old type of print on it's cover reading "The Small and the Mighty" and put it away, he could already read and write on an academic level but for some odd reason he kept reading novels about unlikely heroes that start off as small time thieves and end up saving the world in one way or another. He tilted his head backwards letting his long snow white hair fall behind and stared at the sky through the glass ceiling, watching as the clouds move and shift ever so slowly. Soon enough a gardener entered the green house to tend the plants, for some reason Tao always felt uneasy around him, something was always off about the way he looked at him. Tao slowly got up and left him to be, after all the time he spent in the estate, he still felt like he wasn't very welcome by some of the staff that work tirelessly around to keep it in order.

It didn't take long before an older gentleman approached the green house, calling out to catch Tao's attention. It appeared as though Satsu has summoned him to the frontal section outside the estate so that he could accompany him on a mission. Tao thanked the man for notifing him and followed him back to Satsu's, he wondered however why Satsu would want Tao to accompany him on a mission, Tao was extremely fascinated to find out why Satsu would think that Tao could contribute to the mission, or maybe he just wanted to show him exactly what he does on those so called missions? Tao wasn't sure, not one bit.

"Hello Satsu-sama, have you called for me?"

Tao asked briefly not too sure what to make of this summoning, the gentleman that fetched Tao didn't exactly explain why he was summoned to begin with aside from being summoned onto a mission along with Satsu, but the question still remained... Why.



Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Re: Seeking the Unknown

Just as soon as the two would convene at the main house another ninja would appear in a poof of black smoke.


There has been further incidents, You must leave right away! Said the hooded figure, as he handed Satsu a tied scroll.


And he was gone just as quickly as he came.

Within the scroll contained information on the whereabouts of "Fushu Academy" And a description that entailed recent developments at the academy....A student had been brutally murdered.
The stakes have been raised, can the two ninja solve this mystery before more accidents happen?
How many lives will be lost before the culprit is apprehended?
Only time will tell....

Rounin Nao

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Re: Seeking the Unknown

[OOC: ill make this shorter to reserve the time]

Tao soon came into view, it didn't take him too long so Satsu assumed he was somewhere at the mansion beforehand. Satsu stood up and faced his friend, sadly they didn't have much time to chat up. The mission was assigned and they needed to get going.

"hey Tao-san, guess what... we have a job!"

Said Satsu with a smile and handed over to him the piece of parchment with the details on it. He could have read it to him but he always wanted Tao to try and push forward, even though he already read and spoke as good as any other person Satsu included. Not shortly after Genki arrived with their equipment and backpacks filled with food as it seemed.

"Satsu-sama, Tao-Sama your travel gear and battle gear is present... and my wife also thrown in some good treats for the road sirs"

Said the man with grey hair and placed the equipment on the ground next to them. Genki and his family ware always so kind, not only to Satsu but in general they ware very kind to all people.

"thanks Genki-san you are dismissed, we will be departing shortly anyhow"

Said Satsu and the mansion keeper departed with a heart felt gesture he always did, lowered his head and put his hand over his heart. Satsu always saw that gesture as some sort of silent prayer for his safety, it was nice and it made him feel allot more secure and safe. A short moment later while Satsu got his gear ready a masked man appeared, bearing information. There has been another incident, they have to get going as soon as possible.

"ok Tao, it seems like we need to get going with heist so we'll talk strategy on the road, lets move out!"

Said Satsu, and as soon as Tao was ready they would depart towards the school.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Seeking the Unknown

Tao looked at Satsu with surprise as he found out that they had a job to do, while Tao didn't know what they were supposed to do exactly, he sure as hell was excious to go and help Satsu with his job, he always wondered what its like to be on these sorts of jobs, or maybe should he say mission. He then looked at the butler that presented the battle gear and snacks to Satsu and himself, appearently everything was set and they were ready to head out, Satsu even suggested that they should speak about the mission on the way to figure out how to handle it. But the moment they headed out Tao noticed that he was heading off alone, for some reason Satsu was not following him. Tao looked back and noticed that Satsu didn't move at all.

"Erm... Satsu-sama, are you not coming?"

Tao asked briefly, but Satsu didn't answer him, he didn't even move a muscle ever since Tao began walking towards the exit. Something was up, maybe Satsu was playing a prank, maybe not, but he figured he'd play along for a while.

"Oh, is this sort of a game the locals are playing or something like that, Satsu-sama? Are you not going to move or speak at all until I clear some kind of condition?"

Tao guessed, he wasn't exactly sure what to make of it but Satsu was acting strange, he never actually seen him acting like that before. Tao began walking towards Satsu and waving his hand in front of his face, then clapped his hands in front of his face and then beamed light straight into his eyes, though it shouldn't have affected him too much thanks to his shades but should have at least startled him a bit.

"You are good..."

Tao then began pocking his forehead, he knew that Satsu hated that, but apparently THAT didn't help either, so he decided to add a bit more weight to his poke, what he didn't notice was how much of his strength he was using and it literally made Satsu tilt backwards and fall down like a statue. Satsu couldn't be that good at playing this game... Could he? No, there was definatly something wrong with him. Tao pressed his palm against Satsu's chest and checked if his heart is beating, then pressed two of his fingers against his neck to check for pulse and then put his hand under Satsu's noes to see if he was breathing, everything checked out, he wasn't dying, but he didn't move even the slightest still. Tao lifted Satsu's torso to check if he didn't get wounded from the fall and he noticed aside from the dirt that collected on the back of his shirt that there was a small dart sticking out of the back of his neck. Tao pulled the dart off and packed it into his pocket.

"Forget your job Satsu-sama, treating you is first priority"

Tao said and lifted Satsu's paralyzed body and went back into the building. He kept on channeling Tao's energy into his body to attempt to break down the poison that was present in his body to retrieve the muscle's functionality. Lucky for Tao that the only thing he could do other than shine is healing. It took a quite a while, whole 6 hours of constant treatment to break down the poison from the dart and restore Satsu's full mobility, Tao didn't know what happened to that job they were supposed to go to, but he could barely do anything after channeling his energy for 6 hours straight, and seeing as Satsu only recently regained the ability to move freely, it'd take some time before his muscles would regain their full strength. Tao decided to stay in for the day, it didn't seem like Satsu would disagree.

[Topic left]
[OOC: I've got Satsu's approval for paralyzing his character for the sake of exiting this mission in a somewhat believable manner due to his OCR. We both accept the fact that this mission failed and we do not intend to collect reward for it]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
