Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Senchousan no Meirei [TUTOR] (Maru)

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
When walking through the Academy, one tends to find themselves perusing some of the message boards. And when perusing the message board, sometimes one finds tutoring requests. After dismissing a few, one in particular caught her eye. She recognized the student's name and wondered about the character of the person themselves. She quickly wrote out a note and whistled out for a message bird. A slide of paper into the message tube and the bird was winging off to her potential student.
I discovered your tutor request in the academy and would like to offer myself. Should you wish to accept my offer, I shall meet you at the academy in classroom 3B at noon.
Hoshirei, Jounin

She would have to wait and see if Maru would show. Hoshirei quickly walked up to the third floor of the academy and took residence in 3B. If Maru arrived, he would see her name in elegant calligraphy on the board with a full color drawing of her kitten underneath. He would also note that she had moved the teacher's desk off to the corner of the room opposite the entry, pushed all the way against the wall. The room would look empty beyond the evidence of her being there at some point and as soon as he crossed the threshold of the room, a piece of paper would appear on the floor simply saying:

First step: find me.

It wasn't that she was somewhere else in the academy, no. After all, she was still in the room, watching for her student. However, an incorporeal person could be rather difficult to find when they stepped into or walked through a wall.
WC: 280

Walking around the village, looking for his missing limbs of his other favorite puppet body within a trashcan. Surely that bastard had hid his puppet parts all around the village, when he was KOed he woke up as a disembodied head having to scream loud enough to roll all the way to his workshop to switch to another body. Maru's body now represented scrawny teenager with pale skin, black hair, and a grey marble eyes. Of course, maybe due to being demoted to academy student he wanted to fit in with the children but he still wanted his other limbs because that body was MADE for combat! After fruitlessly searching through a dumpster, a messenger bird came to him with a letter for him. Removing a banana peel from his head, he read what the letter had to say;
I discovered your tutor request in the academy and would like to offer myself. Should you wish to accept my offer, I shall meet you at the academy in classroom 3B at noon.
Hoshirei, Jounin

Strange, he wasn't expecting that anyone would actually tutor him, mostly because he was famous for talking back and sassing his superiors. The name he recognized too, he rubbed his chin trying to think where he heard of that name before but couldn't really figure out where he heard Hoshirei from. Regardless, he hopped out of the trashcan onto the ground. A small black kitten tried to walk to him, seemingly wanting to play but the kitten was brutally kicked so hard it went crashing into an alley wall! "Stupid meat sack!” Maru spat, satisfied he walked out of the dark alley he was in to make a couple stops to kill some time until noon…


He killed a little too much time, showing up 30 minutes late to his tutoring session. Maru smirked to himself, taking his sweet time as he walked towards the academy doors as if he didn't have a lesson to get to. Clearly coming to tutoring late was done on purpose since he was a rebel, plus it was fun to see the look on the tutorers face at the sight of him coming in late. Never gets old.

As Maru stepped into classroom 3B he looked around before entering in the threshold. The written name and the way the table had been positioned had looked like someone was around, but looked like since he was late they probably left or he WAS actually on time. Maru narrowed his eyes, seeing a paper on the desk and he walked over to it. He picked it up to see what it had to say;

First step: find me.

Playing a little game of hide n seek? Well first he would have to scan the room to see if he could feel the lady's chakra somewhere. So he closed his eyes, focusing his cursed chakra onto the center of his forehead, the demonic aura creating a hidden eyelid before opening a large red eye in the center of his forehead! A strong eye that gives demonic shinobi super senses, the Third Eye. The eye blinked the wrong way, then Maru twisted his neck to look around the room to see if his third eye can catch its prey.. The lady could be that far.

[:p Came to Tutoring Late!]
Hoshirei couldn’t help but frown softly when her student did not arrive on time. While she did not appreciate it, she would give him at most an hour before she would leave. She went around prepping and finalizing what she wanted to do with Maru for this tutoring session. She arrived back at the corner of her room in time to see the young man discover her “find me” note.

She watched as he activated some sort of demonic eye on his forehead to try and find her. Even though he probably couldn’t hear her, she still held back a snort. She knew very well that basically no one could see her. If the young man had the same ability as her, he would have immediately seen her upon looking in the room and extremely few people could see her in general when she was incorporeal.

She stood still for a few moments before walking around the room, staying at least 10 feet away from Maru, and walking through things when necessary. Only a minute or so later, she would allow a glimpse of her green hair in the hallway, looking as if she was walking down the hall in a bit of a huff. However, she was not there, she was still behind Maru, following his moves from a distance.
[Third Eye can’t see an ethereal Ghost Walker, good attempt! In case it wasn’t evident, Hoshirei cast a genjutsu on Maru so he saw her walk down the hall.] WC: 221
Maru's head slowly turned without moving his body, similar to how an owl would twist its head all the way around without moving or turning around. If she was hiding somewhere, he would know about it but for some reason he couldn't find the woman. He could hear footsteps, footsteps tapping around him thanks to his third eye so he knew that the lady was close. He couldn't see her right now, but the moment he caught a glimpse of her walking past the door, all of his eyes opened and he limited at the door! “Ha! Found–” as soon as he stepped out in the hallway. He saw that the lady wasn't there…

He held his hands on his hips. “Well shit.” He left the classroom to go search for where the woman maybe hiding. He opened the door then peeked inside of the classroom then looked inside to see that it was empty, he looked from left then right and listened really hard only to find that she wasn't in there either. It looks like this might be harder than he would've expected it to be, so he had to come up with a different solutions. Then he came up with an idea, rubbing both of his palms together before pulling going in his pouch to pull out some ninja wire!

If the lady was walking through the halls, then setting up an unnoticeable trap for her to fall in seems like the most logical choice! Then when she triggers the trap hell attached his chakra threads to hold her still, it's a prefect idea! “Neee-Hehehehe.” He giggled to himself, before going to the hallway set the ninja wiretap up. He quickly moved from one side of the hallway to the other, setting up the trap in the form for a spider web where if trigger it'll tangle that said person in a net of wire. “Now let's see you get past that, you're toast!” He gloated, going back on his search for the woman the opposite way away from his trap.

[Still unaware of where sensei is, wire trap set in the hallway! >=)]

Hoshirei could hardly contain her amusement as she watched the young man set up a web of wires in the hallway. It was certain that he thought he could capture her in his little trap, but Hoshirei was part of the intelligence sector of the main branch for a reason. If only a web of wires could stop her, she wouldn’t have been of much use to her superiors.

After his trap was set, Hoshirei got a good look at his face and noted just how pleased he was with himself. In a voice that echoed, obscuring the source, Hoshirei said, [color=008000]”Self-assuredness can be a boon but have care. Arrogance can be the cause of much anguish.”[/color]

She allowed the voice to echo a few more moments before manifesting on the opposite side of the web of wires, carefully avoiding any of his trigger points and ready to turn ethereal. [color=008000]”Anyone else, you may have caught. I give you credit for your attempt. I could evade you all day should I choose.”[/color] Hoshirei’s form flickered for a moment before a second apparition manifested behind Maru. [color=008000]”I will give you another way to find me. Which me is the real me?”[/color] both forms queried in tandem. They moved in sync, every facial tick, every subtle body movement performed at the exact same moment.

While he was occupied with the apparitions, Hoshirei studied the wire web to see how to dismantle the trap. If she couldn’t just walk through it, it was an impressive way to trap someone. However, it could prove very dangerous in the current context. What if an academy student had come running down the hall toward it? While she could probably dismantle it if she wanted, it would take longer than she would like at the moment. She chose instead to throw a kawarimi log into the trap to study it further. It quickly snapped around the log in a way that made her both appreciative of the trap and wince slightly, knowing how much it would have hurt had she actually been the one trapped.

Through her genjutsu, it would look like the two apparitions were still standing with a patient expression and the wires still up and ready for the trap to spring. The snap of the trap activating would be a dull noise, just sounding like excited kids going outside for a break from their lectures.


[Maru is still under a genjutsu. Decide which apparition is Hoshirei]
MFT; WC: 404
Also, sorry this took so long to get to you.
Maru chuckled to himself, knowing how fun it would be to see those traps go off to catch the teacher in a web of ninja wire. However, his laughing quickly stopped when he heard a voice coming from an unknown source. He looked left, then right, then up, then down then, behind him and he didn't see anyone. “Oi! Where are you at old lady!” the puppet master was getting a bit frustrated. But right on cue, she appeared on the opposite side of his trap. “Hey do you mind stepping a little closer, I can't hear you well.” he placed his hand over his ear, pretending that he couldn't hear her well but it was obvious that she saw him lay the web of ninja wire in the hallway. But he did make a good attempt at trying to capture the woman.

With a single flicker, Maru heard a voice coming from behind him and he jumped in surprise! Looking at the one who was standing behind him and the one who stood on the opposite side of the ninja wire. Of course, he wasn't aware he was under genjustu so he thought if he went in charging at the one on the opposite side of the wire all crazy, he would run dead into his own web. “Hmmmm… I'm gonna have to take a guess on this one.” He shifted his eyes between the the two apparitions, thinking to himself out loud to himself. 'Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Catcha’ tiger by it's toe, if he hollars let im’ go. eeny meeny miny….' He pointed at the one who appeared behind him! “You! You're the real one ain't cha!” He was pretty confident in his choice, acting almost as if he won the lottery.

[The One that appeared behind him chosen!]

Current Ninpocho Time:
