Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open [Shadow Steward: Bloodstained Birth]

Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
The clattering of footsteps would echo through the halls of the Omni Prime Medical Facility. A staggered breath and a heavy pounding in my chest were new sensations that I wasn't used to. My body, the organs and weight and chemicals pulsing through my brain causing unfamiliar emotions, moved on its own.

The glaring sun cut through the sky like a sharp knife, my eyes unfamilair with its brightness. I was ageless yet new, the homunculus body I now dwelled inside of ached with caution and warnings as the blistering heat was Hostile towards my laboratory grown skin. My pale complexion nearly glew in the radiance of the desert sun. Pulling my hands to cover my eyes, my pupils adjust to the light for the first time as I scan across the horizon.

The smell of battle wafted into my nose as the sounds of screams echoed in the distance. Looking at the large craft that Sennin Sora had been designing for some time in the air brought a smile to my face, but knowing that the screams permeating in the air were likely caused by my brother caused a heavy feeling in my chest. Like an anchor was placed on my soul and it was dragging me back to the abyss.

Looking at my hands I saw the tailored suit that Shin had purchased for me on our... or I guess... his coronation. A soft smile stretched across my face as I felt a strange warm wetness drip from my face. A tear streaked through the sand and debris that began to tarnish my complexion.

"Akkuma needs my help, Shin isn't himself! "

I summoned my sword, the familiar weight lugged in my hand as I began to run through the village. I was glad to see that not everything was lost when my brother sent my soul from his body. I began to fear he did this to save me...

Did he plan to die?

My eyes would begin to roam through the evacuated streets trying to find someone, anyone, that could help me.

Shadow Steward: Bloodstained Birth
Deep in the ruins of Sunagakure rests the blood sucker Himawari Kuriiro. He lies still in the darkness of some abandoned building that he decided to take a nap in. The hard floor is cool and firm, but his snoring draws the attention of a rodent. It scurries about in the dark and makes its way to the sleeping man’s face. Once there it stars sniffing him, trying to distinguish whether the man is food or not. It decides that yes, he is in fact food. It decides to take just a little nibble, but before it can sink it’s teeth in Kuriiro is awake with his hands wrapped around the creature’s body.

”Aha! I got you… Oh.” realizing his great accomplishment is just the capturing of a harmless rat he shrugs his shoulders and rips its head off. Blood pours out and flows down his arm. After sucking all of the blood out of the corpse he stands up while licking the blood off of his arm. Kuriiro yawns loudly and stretches his arms above his head as he heads to a nearby window to look outside. He scratches an itch on his butt then decides that there’s no danger outside. Another day of hiding, another day of not knowing his status in the village.

Since Yami died he’s been unsure of whether or not the ANBU were coming for him next. He had no idea if they actually knew about him when they came, but after a few months he still hadn’t so much as seen the ANBU around. So, maybe today’s the day to resurface? He had been secluded the entire time, and doesn’t even know about the events that are transpiring on the surface. As he leaves the building he passes by some nameless vagabond passed out drunk in the forgotten streets of old Suna. He kicks the man’s foot to see if he’s still alive, unfortunately he is.

Once the decision is made Kuriiro heads to the surface and is taken aback by the sun’s heavenly gaze. He covers his face with his large sleeves and notices that they’re stained with blood, but he doesn’t care… The rest of his outfit is also stained with various fluids and dirt. He gives himself a quick smell test and doesn’t like what he gets. He still has a home in the residential district so he decides to head there to change. As he walks he takes note of the strange noises coming from other parts of the village. It sounds like some of his best dreams: People screaming. A grin appears on his face and he chuckles to himself as the insanity of that idea. Then he takes to the rooftops and it all becomes clear.

Explosions in the distance, screams echoing through the air, and there was a particular aroma in the air that made Kuriiro’s grin grow wider. It was the smell of blood. It appears to him that there is some kind of large scale battle happening that Kuriiro is missing out on. He rushes now to his home where he changes his clothes and wipes his smelly bits clean. ”Good enough,” he says as he returns to the streets. They’re empty, he can’t even sense anyone around. He takes to the rooftops once again to look for the nearest explosions but as he’s running around he gets a whiff of something good. He wipes his hand over his face and it transforms from insane, bloodthirsty demon to serious and caring shinobi.

”Time to get to work. I need to take advantage of whatever the hell is going on…” He thinks to himself for a moment then heads towards the sound. At the source he finds a young woman moving through the streets by herself. He can tell she isn’t some ordinary citizen and he sighs. Feeding on her wouldn’t be easy, he’s better off heading to where the fighting is happening and picking off the fodder. He plans to ignore the girl but as he tries to jump to a nearby rooftop he trips and falls to the ground nearby the woman. He lands with a grunt and a small chuckle as the absurdity of what just happened. Should the woman investigate the man she would see that he wore a sunan headband that hung from around his neck, indicating that he was a shinobi of the sands.
WC: 735OOC: [Topic Entered]
My body frozen in place. The feeling of bloodlust filled the air. I, having been fused with the previous Kazekage and underling assassination attempts, was familiar with the innate feeling of someone gazing upon you and desiring to inflict harm. My body tensed. I had no weapons or armor at the moment and wasn't sure what I could muster in this new body of mine.

Right before attempting to use the wood release I once held under the effects of the Yurei Orchid, a man fell to my feet.

A shinobi?

Raising my eyebrow I would acknowledge him. "Yo, you good? " I hesitated and looked down upon him. I wasn't about to move any closer or assist him to his feet. I wasn't sure who he was as I never saw his face while within Shin. He never came to the Kazekage's office while I sat at the seat, so perhaps he doesn't know who I was either.

I could remain and linged too long. Shin needed my help, if he were to fight Akkuma alone I was afraid he would lose. My brother has not been alone since his academy days. He didn't become a Genin until I was awakened and could stand by his side and watch his back. I know my brother had become dependent on me and I fear what Akkuma may do if the opening arises.

"Unless you're dying or willing to assist me in locating the Kazekage I don't have time for idiots. I need to find and kill Miroku Akkuma before he gets the chance to kill us... "

I paused a bit.

"I mean, him. Before Akkuma gets the chance to kill him... "

I wasn't used to not being the same as Shin. Our bond had always been both spiritual and physical, but now... now that he sent me out...

I don't know.

Shadow Steward: Bloodstained Birth
“Ow, my coccyx…” Kuriiro thinks, rubbing his back end as he stands to his feet. It takes him a moment to realize he fell in front of the woman he was just watching. He looks her over quickly to attempt and ascertain how powerful she is. Instead he just focuses a little too much on the sound of her blood flowing. Being this close to a human after so long made it harder for him to maintain his composure but he kept his cool regardless. He has years of practice at this point, it’s just a matter of getting back on the bike.

“Greetings!” Kuriiro bows awkwardly, then wipes his robes to get off the dust. “The Kazekage?” He rubs his chin curiously and gives her a grin.

“I’m always down to protect the kingdom. There seems to be something wicked going down in the village. You’ll have to excuse me, I’ve been living under a rock for… a long time.” Kuriiro doesn’t notice the strange way she speaks about this Akkuma’s target. He isn’t concerned with who is trying to kill who. He only cares that there will be bloodshed where she’s going and if the Kazekage is involved this might be Kuriiro’s best chance at getting a taste of his blood, too. Blood. Blood…


“Blo—, I mean, what are we waiting for?” A sincere, though currently inappropriate, smile spread across Kuriiro’s face as he prepares to head off. Whether or not she allows it he would attempt to follow her to her destination.
WC: 256 OOC:
I sucked my teeth at his declaration to protect the kingdom. Shin was always that way too. Worried too much about other people and not himself. I let out a tight sigh from my lips as I would begin to try and explain to this man what I knew, which wasn't much. I spent most of felt like a year in darkness, barely getting the occasional glimpse or recognition from my brother, and when I would he was always in a panic and scared. I am his protector and needed to find him to keep on my role.

"I am not too such what is going on, but I know it can't be good. The last thing I remember was an assassination attempt made against us, ergh, well against Shin. After that my memory is hazy and dark, that is until just a little bit ago when I saw him covered in the blood of the medical unit out on the battlefields staring down Akkuma. Before I had a chance to act he sent me away."

My voice trailed off slighty as my mind began to wander. Did this fail safe happen because Shin had died? Was I already too late? No. It couldn't be. I started to shake my head as the man said blood.

"Wha-? "

I began to ask before being cut off.

"You're right. We need to hurry. "

I knelt down and let a surge of chakra fill my body before launching myself up into the air before landing on the rooftop of a nearby building. The scene before us was tragic. The 4th Order was fully up and operational, surprising to me as I had last heard from Sora that it was still in early stages of development...

Just how long was I gone from this world?

My teeth would grit as I began to dart forward.

"We... I am Kohana of the Chikamatsu Clan, a member of the Inner Court and Guardian to the Overseer. "

It felt strange announcing herself independently.

"But... most importantly, I am the sister of the Kazekage. Are you by chance a sensory type shinobi? "

I asked hopefully. I still didn't know what I could do in this new body, and didn't have the time to find out.
Shadow Steward: Bloodstained Birth
Kuriiro listened intently as the woman began to explain what she could about the current situation. It seemed the Kazekage had gotten himself into a sticky situation and it was up to them to finish it, one way or another. He doesn’t understand how he sent her away, or why she would be trying to return to him so feverishly against his wishes. He also doesn’t care in the slightest; from the sounds of things this was exactly what he was looking for. He begins to become excited as not only will he taste the blood of one as powerful as the kazekage but this Akkuma fellow must be pretty powerful as well to compete against him.

The bloodthirsty shinobi’s mind trails off slightly as he imagines the feast he’ll soon acquire, so much so he doesn’t notice at first when his compatriot leaps to the rooftops. He shakes those cursed thoughts from his mind and does the same. He performs a flip in midair and lands with a T-pose. In his mind he sees three judges, two of which give him a score of 8 or higher. The third however gives him a 7.5, so he kills them and drinks their blood. Once again he’s shaken from these thoughts when the one who calls herself Kohana begins to head out. He follows swiftly to her side as she announces that she is also the sister of the Kazekage.

“Of course, that makes sense. She wants to protect her brother. If she knew who she had joined forces with she wouldn’t be bring me along.” Kuriiro hides his true intentions well, years of practice have made him a master of masking his cursed self to the public eye.

“Sister of the Kazekage, eh?” Kuriiro thinks about her last question, rubbing his chin as they move from rooftop to rooftop. “Well, if you’re truly his sister then I could potentially find him. Assuming he’s bleeding… I just need to smell your blood.” While he isn’t fully confident that it’ll work, he assumes that their relation would mean that their blood should smell pretty similar. They might even have a similar heartbeat, but their best bet would be to search by smell.
WC: 370

Current Ninpocho Time:
