It was a nice and slow day, nothing to worry about, or at least that's what he thought. In the distance he saw an air skiff lift into the sky moments before the sounds of combat would ensue. His eyes would grow wide. He didn't know what to do, hell he had barely understood his Academy Classes, but it was in this moment that Suisen decided he would have to act like a shinobi.
Dropping the bag he was carrying Suisen would dart forward and up a wall. He would throw his body up into the air to try and get a better look at the world around him. His crimson eyes flashing in the sun light. Landing on one of the nearby rooftops it was clear a battle was occurring outside of the village. He tried to think of what to do, but it was in that moment he felt a sharp pain that dropped him to his knees. A kunai had sunk into his shoulder.
Turning around he would see the masked face of a shinobi darting towards him. It was now or never, what would he decide to do!