Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shinobi Partner Drills [Private|Gattsu+Natsumi|Req. to Join if Interested]


New Member
Jan 13, 2018
Don’t be afraid of the monsters he thought silently. Search for them, it’s okay to feel pleasure in drowning. If left alone, the demons could crawl their way behind, underneath, and into one’s very dreams and thoughts. The demons could wrap themselves in one’s mind, driving them mad with horrifying images and feelings. It was best to confront them, embrace them, and be consumed by them. Drown in their hate, their agony, let the hate turn to rage, rage turn to fury, fury into madness. Let madness corrupt thy soul, let it wreak havoc freely, let the humanity sleep to the point where blood and graves were the reason for one’s existence. Bear in mind, he felt the grinding of that primal instinctual sensation in the back of his neck, a seductive whisper urging him to enjoy the sensation of drowning. Burn away all desires and succumb to the beast begging to be let out of its cage. Slaughter everything it said, burn it all away. It’s okay to feel pleasure in agony. The grinning face stared back at him, beckoning him into the darkness. “What was it? Would it be okay to step towards it? Maybe just one step. There. Perhaps another, I won’t go all the way, I just want to see. So close now…Almost there.”

The sound of animals rustling in the frigid morning woke Gattsu from his slumber. It was just a dream, it had been a while since he had such dreams. He rubbed his weary eyes and looked at his surroundings. ”Where am I?” he thought for a second, disoriented. The woods, the morning had hardly started. The sun was rising, illuminating the darkened skies with its orange glow, its heat slightly thawing the wintry air. It took him a moment to collect his thoughts, he could hardly remember the reason for his current location. Looking down at his body, blood. It dripped from his body, looking around there was blood, so much of it. A crimson lake? He shook his head confusingly and looked at his body again, no blood. A hallucination? He needed to wake up, his eyes were playing tricks on him in the dreamy state he was currently in. He stood, his clothes covered in frost as he stretched his chilled body attempting to warm it up. An assignment, out here in the woods. The boy spent the night here after receiving the assignment, he must have dozed off against the tree and entered that dark place in his broken mind. He looked down where his gear laid, his sandbag and tent were never set up. Lack of sleep for days at a time had such an affect he supposed. He set the tent up, a nice cold stream of water nearby, he disliked sleeping in the dorms and knowing no one he preferred his solitude alone in the woods. He supposed sleeping near his new training grounds would make more sense, the Academy was within a reasonable walking distance after all.

A large sigh escaped the boy’s lips as he took off his shirt and replaced his clothing with his regular training clothes. A simple black short sleep shirt and white trousers with a buckle strapped across his right shoulder and over his chest and behind. The sword he wielded was far too large to be in a sheath, as such the belt around him had a metal bracket he could safely stow his blade. After gearing himself up, he wrapped his cloak around him, the temperature was still arctic and it would serve him best to be mindful of the weather around here. He began cleaning his blade shortly after, regular maintenance on it was a habitual nature to him at this point. ”They should be arriving soon.” he thought silently to himself. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved a folded paper and opened it.

“You are hereby assigned a training partner to improve your skills with. Mandated by your instructors, we thought it best for students to get to know one another and train your shinobi skills together in order to vastly improve yourselves. The coordinates are written below for your assigned training site.”

He sighed heavily once again, a partner? He wasn’t the most sociable person. He had difficulty speaking with others and was not accustomed in training with others. He felt the Academy may have singled him out for his antisocial behavior he continuously displayed at the Academy. Though he knew that was most likely not true and that it was simple luck of the draw. Wrapping bandages on his arms and hands for better grip he waited patiently for his new “partner” to arrive. It was ridiculous, the assignment didn’t even explain what kind of training to do. Perhaps chakra control he thought? Maybe they are skilled in Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, areas he lacked. He had considerable skill in Taijutsu but he was slowly coming to the realization that he needed to branch out his skills. He figured it was best to decide when his partner eventually arrived. It dawned on him that he would have to converse with a stranger. How infuriating for someone with such a lack of social skills. He could only hope that the individual would at least be mature and serious about their training. They should be arriving soon after all.

Word Count: 892
[spoilername="Note To Interested Players That Would Like To Join"]*For any reading this, this is a collaborated training thread dedicated to weekly training posts and roleplays to perhaps include others who are interested in joint training habits. The thread is closed to myself and Natsumi [the originator of the idea via Discord] but if you would like to join in on these sessions, feel free to PM me or Natsumi or reach out via Discord.[/spoilername]

Takamura Natsumi

New Member
Dec 30, 2017
\Natsumi quietly slipped out the back door and into the yard she'd been bound to the grand majority of her life. A tiny little stamp of property with a rock garden, a couple of isolated trees with branches high up and basically stripped of any actual place to hide. Her chosen weapon was... well, unusual, thanks to that basics class, but unusual was okay because she was unusual.

A word she'd taken immense disliking to for reasons she couldn't even begin to explain. Unusual; claws, fangs, cat ears, and a tail. All there and present from birth. Sure, there were clans that had fangs and maybe claws, but tail and ears too? Her eyes even looked like a cat's too; a pale amber-gold with pupils that thinned and expanded depending on light intensity and her level of interest in whatever it was she looked at. Being able to hear, smell, and see things more intensely or just flat out better than others was unusual too.

Her ability to gain strength, her flexibility and reflexes... and even just her physical condition seemed to be out of the normal and into the unusual-- even the doctors had stated she was unusually tall for her age, but that she was still not where she should be in several other areas; she should have hit puberty and started showing signs of going from child to beginning to be a woman. She should be looking into classes more custom tailored toward kunoichi, the lady shinobi, and not feeling as though she were lacking in that area too.

She should be a lot of things, and yet, she wasn't. With less effort than ever, Natsumi took off at a lazy lope and launched herself up and over the backyard fence, away from home, and headed for one of the assigned training grounds for young Academy Students like herself. There were those who just... existed to be weird, apparently, and she was one of them. The best thing she could think of to do was not to think about it and focus on the things that mattered more; like making sure she stayed in peak phyiscal condition and had plenty of opportunity to practice.

She arrived in the wooded area; a stream nearby burbled happily along the rocky edge, and birds chirped and rustled through the area. Not a bad site to train in; plenty of room to move around without worrying about causing accidental property damage if something went really wrong. Metal rings looped around her wrists and the chains wrapped around like vambraces to keep them from dragging on the ground, Natsumi held the twin spikes, one in either hand, as she landed from a jump and jogged easily toward the lone figure standing there.

That, she reasoned, must be her current sparring partner. And, as she drew closer, her ears pricked up and forward as her eyes adjusted to the morning light and recognized the young student before her as the one from her training class not long ago.

Well, well, well; Mister Sneaky Peek was her sparring partner today? How about that.

"Oi, you're the one from that basics class, aren't ya?" She called out. Prolly best not to sneak up on a fellow student when they were all still figuring stuff out. Less chance of accidentally getting into a really stupid situation and having to explain to their teachers why both of them had to go to the hospital. "Takamura Natsumi, nice to see you again." She reintroduced herself.

At over five and a half feet tall, she still held the fragile, willowy looking build of someone who was desperately trying to catch up to their body's decision to grow like a bamboo shoot. Her black hair was messily cut and had a tendency to do whatever it wanted, sticking up here and there whereas other parts lay silkily flat and sleek. A delicate bone structure on her face didn't help the 'fragile' vibe either, but the exposed arms stated a familiarity with exercise with lean muscle and a grace to her movements that stated years of practice and training in some degree or another.

All black was her attire as well this day too; long, slim fitting trousers tucked into shin high standard Academy sandals, a form fitting, high collared, sleeveless shirt and fingerless gloves. Combined with holsters for kunai and shuriken? She looked ready for just about any kind of practice they had to do that day.

"Wanna fight-fight or should we practice some of the stuff we learned in class? I liked the ninjutsu stuff but that genjutsu crap is really annoying."

WC: 779


New Member
Jan 13, 2018
Kneeling by the river bank, he looked down at the water, seeing his reflection looking back up at him. He looked weary, the countless nights of missed rest showing on his young face. A slave to dreams, forever cursed to recall times of blood and loss of comrades. Placing the tip of his fingers into the water, he let the stream flow in-between his fingertips, using the water to wash his face off of some of the grime and dirt he accumulated over the night of sleeping out here. Droplets of water traced his masculine face and jaw as he cracked his neck and stood up. Drying his face with the towel on his bag, he looked up at the sky, losing himself in the scenery. Despite the drowning of darkness every night, the sun always rose and made things just a small amount better, enough to remind one that regardless of the night before, the sun always rises and beats away the darkness.

A female voice startled the young boy as he instantly grabbed the hilt of his large sword, turning quickly to take notice of the cat girl. Though he wasn’t one to care about his classmates much less bother with names, he did happen to recognize this particular classmate. After all, she stood out quite immensely with her animalistic features. A small part of him was quite fascinated with her, never meeting a person with such traits until her. ”Roukan Gattsu.” he responded once she introduced herself to him. He studied her for a second, gauging whether she would make an interesting partner or just hold him back in his training. It was harder to tell then an average girl for him, he wasn’t sure if her animal traits would influence her physique at all as he never dealt with it before. Being one of the tallest at the academy, he wasn’t use to someone being taller than him either in the Academy. She had a fragile appearance about her, but she also seemed that she was quite use to physical activity. Regardless, Gattsu wasn’t one to take it easy on anyone. The strong survive after all.

By the time he blinked, he saw her covered in blood, her throat slit open, dripping to the ground and moments later it was normal once again as if nothing ever happened. Another hallucination? ”I’m losing it…”<i></i> he thought to himself. That was his second hallucination this morning. He really needed a good night’s sleep he thought. After this training practice, that was his exact plan. Rest, get these insane images out of his head before they started affecting his work and Academic education. Gently rubbing his eyes, he fixed his clothing and ran his hand through his hair, it was time to get this training started.

Unclipping his sword from the metal bracket attached to his back, he swung it effortlessly with one arm despite its size. With a downward swing, a gust of wind from the sheer force blew the leaves on the ground. His other arm raised and grabbed the handle as well, standing with the large blade in front of him. Since she had asked, he figured he might as well test her to see if she was worth training with. At least that was what he told himself, a part of him was actually interested in seeing the strength of a Human with animal traits, wondering if it would be far more exciting than a regular match up. At the end of the day, Gattsu was an individual who lived by the sword and would likely die by the sword. He had no dreams, no aspirations, and no motivations. He only knew how to survive, he was just a mad dog who existed to hide behind war and combat. He knew nothing else, it was best to trade swords and let him feel exactly what his partner felt. He could tell from her movements, she was stronger than her fragile appearance seemed to tell. “Spar” he responded to her question. Perhaps she as a fellow warrior could understand his feelings as well.

Word Count: 687

Takamura Natsumi

New Member
Dec 30, 2017
She bore the scrutiny with a gradually dwindling sense of patience. Hadn't he had enough of an eyeful watching her during their class? It was like he'd never seen a girl before in his life or something, much less one around his age and able and willing to train with a boy. She'd not moved either, weapons still at ready but posture relaxed, if attentive and focused on reacting rather than taking action.

"Which you wanna be called by? Roukan or Gattsu?" She asked, bold as brass and not attaching any honorifics as was typically proper. She knew better, of course, but around her peers? Please. They were her age and didn't need any courtesies like that until they'd proven themselves her superior in way beyond just one or two little tricks. One ear flicked back, caught the sound of a bird dropping from tree to bush to investigate a bit of something underneath.

Her head canted a bit to the left, notice the quiet boy's eyes had gone... different. Like he was somewhere off in la la land and nowhere near the present. Blinking and running a hand over his eyes as though he hadn't slept at all, he unclipped the blade from its place on his back and swung it forward hard enough to rustle leaves and cast them from his spot.

Large, bulky weapon versus her much lighter, smaller, but suited for ranged one... this was gonna take some strategy for sure. If he got too close, she'd end up in a world of hurt if that stupid thing hit her. If she kept her distance, or better yet, disarmed him, the chances of the two of them relying on fist and foot alone would be better-- and even then she'd have a bit of an advantage thanks to her claws on that end.

Spar, he'd said. Alright then, fine. She'd do what she could with that. More practice never hurt with a weapon she'd found herself steadily improving with over the last several days, after all.

Natsumi strode forward, every step screaming confidence the same way her expression and body language portrayed. One hand flicked out, spun the length of chain with its lethal point at one end beside her. Sunlight peeking through the clouds caught the glint of metal and flashed with each turn. The ground beneath her feet split and cratered as she shoved off the ground with a stomp. The twirled chain and nail hurled itself straight at her opponent's torso at the same time she'd gone for the jump.

The battle was on.

WC: 433

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
