Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shinobi vs Samurai [Spectator Thread for Shoma vs Akkuma]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The words of the two soon to be fighters was drowned out by the voice of an announcer. "Ladies & gentlemen! I invite you to join me in watching a battle that has raged for centuries. Samurai or Shinobi? Place your bets for the battle will start soon. Our Samurai warrior is one Master Otandei Shoma a swordsmen from the Fire Country & noble warrior. While in our other corner we have Lord Akkuma of the Miroku Clan, Sage of Mist & hand of the Fates. " the crowd would erupt into cheers & boos at the announcement of the warriors. Such a public spectacle had not been seen for quite sometime. Citizens from all over Sunagakure had gathered to view the battle, each for their own reasons.

Local produce merchants had been contacted & were moving among the crowd offering various goods to the onlookers. Everyone from the pickpockets of the Red Light Districts to the nobles of the Diamond district were present to watch the Event. Water & various dried meats were handed out among those unable to afford goods from the arena merchants. Discussions were thunderous as people debated the outcome & pledged their support for the battle's participants. Both participants appeared ready soon the battle would begin, who would be the victor? Shinobi or Samurai?

People still flooded toward the arena, excitedly discussing the event with those they passed. Before long hundreds of people would be present forcing the hand of the local forces. Shinobi could be seen carefully watching the goings on of those in the crowd, while others watched the participants through the barrier. The event of today would be one that went down in history, for today would be the day that marked the first of many Arena battles. For the Miroku intended to build a grand arena worthy of the village, but before they could do such a thing they needed to create a desire for such a structure. Today had been intended to do exactly that, the foe did not matter. Cabal, Sovereign, Samurai...they just needed someone who would draw a crowd. Shoma fortunately did just that, not only a Samurai but one from Fire Country.

There were few who had any appreciation or kindness for a Samurai & even less for one from Fire Country. For many had heard of the power struggle that had taken place within the country of fire & the role played by the Samurai.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Name: Byakko Kyuji
Status: Under a Transformation to Conceal Identity (Literally picture above)
BGM as Akkuma Requested: Click Here

Today would be the third day that the commotion outside of the Toraono Clan would occur and today, the guards would inform the descendant of Byakko that the white haired individual had an open grave behind him. It appeared from all indications that someone was going to die today and be buried or at least someone was going to attempt to commit murder today by burying the other(s) alive. The guards had not told him once however that there was a banner bearing the Miroku Clan's emblem meaning that his cousin was nearby and probably one of the culprits trying to murder people today; he would soon find this out however as he had left his home under a transformation to conceal himself from Akkuma as these two didn't need to face off yet. No, that could wait after Aikayume Azusa had her fun with the demon, who had made her and her sensei's life a living Hell for years, had tasted her nice, juicy blade.

It wouldn't take long to find this white-haired individual and if one didn't see the different colored eyes would assume this wasn't the same man. But, those eyes were special ones and it was easy to tell it was Akkuma by them and the way that he spoke to the crowd that had formed. It was truthfully funny how he had drawn a crowd and even hired a band to play at his funeral if that is what the man truly wanted since he was barking out insults towards the Cabal, who easily could kick his ass along with many others with the snap of a finger. It was ironic that Kyuji's attire was that of a woman at ta funeral that had lost a loved one, but that was life sometimes. Fortunately, his cousin had thought ahead before making the entire desert a wasteland as a barrier had been set up to keep the fighting inside and cameras and monitors were set up so anyone who wanted to watch could easily watch it like some boxing match except there was going to be blood, destruction and possibly death so more like a deathmatch wrestling match ran by the Combat Zone Wrestling folks.

Either way, he would take his position behind the barrier and await to see what would happen from within. After all, he needed to scout Akkuma for Azusa and knowing where he was made his life far easier when the eventual day would come that Demon and Fox would fight.
May 6, 2015
"Excuse me, pardon me, I just need to get through here, pardon me, sorry, excuse me...excuse me....OI FATSO, MOVE ASIDE!" the boy made his way through the crowd, having heard the word being passed around town. 'Boy' wasn't really an appropriate term for Riyota anymore, he had become a young man. A light stubble of facial hair having formed on his more mature face. The heir of the Miroku had certainly grown, and he fully intended to witness his Father battle.

Eventually he made it to the front of the crowd, a few more angry shouts required to get some of the more obstinate observers out of the way. Riyota was normally a lot more calm and reserved, but the excitement of the coming battle had his blood an energy riled up to a maximum. He couldn't help but let his darker side have a bit of leeway.

As he stood behind the barrier he could clearly see the two competitors. His father, Akkuma, the man he respected above all else. And some guy that Riyota didn't quite recognise but seemed familiar somehow. He couldn't quite place it, but his chest seemed to hurt a little bit when he looked at the fighter.

So it seemed everything was prepared to go down. Riyota made his way as close as he could to the barrier, he didn't know if those inside could hear him but that didn't matter as he yelled "KICK SOME ASS DAD!"

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
A good fight was brewing and the Kunochi warrior could practically smell the sweet scent filling the air. This is of course an unconfirmed ability of the Queen of Battle and yet she stood amongst the gawking crowd viewing the monitors. The rambunctious announcer did well to hype the audience with this show case of bravado. Even Amaya's interest was peaked. She sat alone at a pub observing the monitors while twirling a small blade around her figures. A simple pastime she started to hold her attention while waiting for both her drink and sea salt ice cream sundae with almonds, assorted fruit, and triple fudge. A true Kunochi warrior's treat, she just ordained this. The pub started filling in with free loaders soon after with no intentions of ordering anything. They obviously just wanted to catch a free show. At least Amaya had the decency to order something but the fools were content on taking up space and obscuring her view of the magic box filled with little people fighting. Amaya wondered why did such sloppy looking, unathletic, clearly non warrior types like these took so much pleasure in seeing champions bout. Was there anything for them to gain from this? Entertainment perhaps? But if so, you'd think warriors should receive the same in reverse... however, there was no pleasure to be had watching these fat civilians do what fat civilians do. With Amaya's haven infiltrated, it was time she took her leave. She'd rain check her warriors sundae in dismay but not before getting the location of the battle to ensue.

Before long Amaya would find herself upon an ominous looking barrier near the outskirts. She'd raise an eyebrow in interest as her head peered up high at the dome and back down. This was truly exciting. She start making her way near the main gathering of others as she tried to scout out the main participants. Some non friendly looking individuals seem to be the ones housing the barrier and their eyes seemed to trace her as she circled the dark dome. She didn't mind this as she did the same to each of them as she passed by, her face void of emotion besides a faint smile that lied and deceived. The emerald green eyed Kunochi warrior stood at 5'8 with jet black lengthy hair that seem to float on air. She was dressed in dark with a dark cloak around her neck that hung low. There were bandages buckled to her forearm down toward her hands though her fingers breathed freely. She wore dark boots with silver zips. On her hip, a shinobi style utility belt holstering two very unique katanas, each with their own fable. The three symmetrical scars on her face was the only evidence to the contrary that this woman was untouchable. She was obviously a foreigner as her skin was much to fair to be Suna born, unsathe by the harsh dessert elements. One of the fighters she actually recognized, Shoma, the hired samurai from the land of Fire, though he looked a bit different from the high moral fortune cookie samurai she once knew. He now resembled a stray dog hungry for his next meal, boundless and ferocious. Good, perhaps he has gotten stronger since their last fight. His opponent seemed strong as well and also... She could not quite put her finger on it. Amaya's eyes would sway towards the graves and then back to the combatants...

"Is this some sort of sanctioned death match? Interesting... I think I'm really beginning to like wind country."

[Topic entered]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The voices of the two opposing voices boomed over the noise of the crowd, a silence would fall over many of them as they listened to what was said between the combatants. "Well folks it seems that our contestants have some unsettled generous of them to provide us with the chance to see this mater settled." the announcer would say his voice cutting through the silence as the two dangerous warriors circled one another. When the two stopped in the tracks the announcer spoke once more this time speaking to the crowd. "The conditions of the battle are simple fight to survive. Whoever wins shall decide the Fate of the loser. Any who attempt to intervene will be dealt with accordingly." a heavy warning from the announcer to those who watched the spectacle.

Drums could be heard giving a thunderous steady boom, that sounded-like thunder. People cheered, while others roared at the monitor. One thing was apparent the people wanted to see blood, soon they would get what they desired. Massive in size the barrier that was being maintained was heavily guarded, the battlefield held enough space so that the two fighters wouldn't have to be concerned with collateral damage. The nukenin Amaya would find those guarding the barrier watching her closely as she walked around the massive chakra structure. Some of the clan bore curse seals while others showed other dark characteristics in their appearance. One thing would be obvious these people had little disregard for the ethical boundaries of science & jutsu. Even the odd demon could be noted among the crowd or standing among the guards. A horrifying notion for many people.

"Remember you can place your bets with one of the House bookies. Either on Master Samurai Otandei Shoma or Lord Akkuma an S-Rank a Weapon Specialist the other a Master of Forbidden Arts. Shoma the 'Hero of Justice' & Akkuma Master of the Damned." he would say to the crowd. Those listening to the crowd & the gossip could occasionally be heard mentioning rumors of demons roaming the Red Light District. Others whispered of the dead being raised in service. One even swore he'd seen a bear that was 40ft tall & in golden armor! But most astonishing of all a Polar Bear nonetheless, those around the man would erupt with laughter.
The thought of seeing such a creature in the middle of the desert of all places.​

[OOC: Should anyone wish for NPC interaction feel free to let me know.]
Battle Thread


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[Topic entered as NPC: Masuda Ava]

The Young Masuda has to be here. She has to see the fate of her bodyguard, her teacher, her big brother/father figure. Although his latest encounter did not go well in the Toraono Manner, she couldn't give up hope on him. Yet too she needs to know, is Miroku Akkuma as dangerous and evil as he and the woman known as Neophyte claimed him to be? She does little to nothing to try and draw attention to herself, knowing that Samurai among Shinobi are like flint and oil, the two capable of sparking a destructive force to great swiftness with very little effort. Therefore she would merely lay low and keep her title to herself.

By the time she sets down, the two combatant were already in the ring. Many onlookers cheer for blood, hoping for the use of the graves dug out for one on the receiving end of a fatal technique. Her stomach turns as each of them declare their reasoning for combat, as hate fills the air around them, fueling the fear of a bloody end for someone held dear. This land has shown her many wonders, but the horrors far outweighed them. All she knows to do is pray to the spirits of old for the well-being of the Samurai she calls lost.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
It would seem the two had begun their battle. "Ladies & Gentlemen I hope you've got your bets ready because this battle is goiiiiiiiiiiing down!" the announcers voice would erupt through the speakers. The battle would erupt so fast in its initial moments that not even half a minute had gone by & yet a variety of things had transpired. Those two combatants used everything from firearms to otherworldly beings. Even the elements were being casually manipulated to the will of those within. "Damn! That's gotta sting."
the announcer would say to the crowd. Who knew whether he was talking about the bullet riddled Sage or the savagely clawed & bitten Samurai.

What would those in the crow think about the combatants? One proclaiming himself a Samurai in pursuit of justice wielding firearms.
While the other proclaimed himself as Fate, wielding the elements & otherworldly beings. The Sage known as Akkuma used techniques known to be forbidden among many shinobi. For even among those that could bend nature to their will there was still something unnatural about resurrecting the dead. It would seem the two continued to assess each other determining what they should do. While one built his forces the other seemed to compose himself as if committing to what he needed to do.

To witness shinobi of this caliber fighting was a rare sight they were often explosive. Though rarely did they last long at the moment it would seem clear that one had the upper hand. But would things remain that way or would the tables turn to favor the Samurai? Bookies called out odds at speeds that would make the best auctioneers put up their hats in shame. Those in the crowd erupted with cheers some discussing the contents of the dialogue between the two combatants. For those who listened close enough would hear the words exchanged between those on the field below.

Some though would be incapable of seeing the finer movements of those on the field their reactions incapable of keeping up with the battle.​

"Keep your distance." one of the hooded figures would comment to the kunoichi as she circled the hooded guardians. They had been orders, they would not let anyone get near the barrier. Which meant they were not going to let anyone near that chakra stone. It was a valuable relic that they had no intentions of losing. However this didn't mean they weren't open to dialogue. If one looked closely they would notice that many of the hooded figures would shift occasionally to watch the fight. To watch their Lord fight was a rare sight & they didn't want to miss things when he got serious.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
[OOC: I am voiding myself out of this thread. It just does not make sense in my timeline with what I already wrote in here and besides, I wasn't really posting much in here anyways. If this is an issue with any parties in the thread, let me know though.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
