Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shoji, Dai


New Member
Nov 29, 2016
Name:Shoji, Dai
Age: Fourty-Five
Physical Description:

Dai's form is a direct result of his constant and tireless worth ethic. Not just in his prior occupation, either. Even in his growing age, the man has exceptional physical conditioning. His broad, and tall visage is packed to the brim with functional sinew. Gained from lifting and laying heavy stone and clay that made up the majority of the Sand's construction. His skin is weathered from day after day in the unforgiving sun that crisps Sunagakure. Minor scars and scuffs can be noticed upon his thick, rugged pelt. Both hand and foot are riddled with thick, stonelike callouses gained from decades of standing on one's feet and grasping at the hard, heavy material that was needed. He was exceptionally anal about the removal of his own hair, to maximize cleanliness in a profession that often had him coming hope at the end of the day, covered in sweat. Bearish, would be an accurate representation of his body. Standing at the staggering height of 6'11", which was heads over the average man of the Village. Though, perhaps more impressive was the sheer width that accompanied it. Stout, in every description of the word aside from height.

He preferred rudimentary garb, in comparison to more flamboyant Ninja. Comfortable, easily moveable, lacking much flare and expressing a definitive utilitarianism. It was just about as simple as the rest of him. His jet black locks were cut neatly and short, often combed to meet professional standards. Though, a tad of gray could be noticed encroaching beneath the lowest layer of his hair. His countenance was rather standard, with a specifically strong jaw and masculine bone structure. A good match, to the thick neck just below. Crow's feet, alongside other rugose vestiges lined his features, yet not to any overbearing extent. One could easily realize that, perhaps in his younger days: this man was quite the stallion. A sentiment lost to an individual who has been battered by the weight of overwhelming responsibility.

Mental Description:

Far more developed than most given his age, Dai is an individual who is frequently knowledgeable of his own shortcomings and strengths. He knows where he stands in the world, yet does not seem particularly discouraged to wrestle with measured risks. A stoic, taciturn fellow: yet one who also is unafraid of taking command and barking orders if the moment requires it. A skill gained over decades upon various job sites, to make sure things were running smoothly. He takes a very minimalist and utilitarian mindset to life, thinking that the need for expensive garb and the like is not there. He is also a very avid believer the one's personal strength: not just physically, but emotionally and mentally, is one of the most key components to leading a happy and healthy lifestyle. This is exposed via his extremely muscular bodily form, but also through the innate calmness he miraculously displays when conflict arises. Not just outwardly, either. It's difficult to overwhelm Dai, necessarily.

Though, as calculating and enduring as he is: these are not reasons for his becoming a Shinobi. No, perhaps what makes this individual so stand-out is the unwavering attention he gives to the things that truly matter. While some may dismiss him as a vengeful man, a large portion of him simply wishes to not see the work of someone who was so important to him go to waste. Being paternal was his natural role, far before he was a parent. He legitimately cares for those whom he makes a connection with, and a great many do. His presence is one of quiet warmth, not requiring expression. He is dependable, nurturing, and perhaps most of all: protective. Overtly protective, even. A trait that has unfortunately filled his mind given the recent circumstances of his joining. Coming from a lack of the main drive in his life, and the indescribable sadness of that loss. A man who does not openly suffer, but contains the maelstrom of emotion. To anyone who might know him or pay close enough attention: it's clear that he is in pain.


The Eldest in a gang of several Brothers and Sisters, even by a young age: Dai Shoji was shouldered with the weight of responsibility. Yet, where some would become stressed or overwhelmed, he chose instead to actively stand in the thick of it: and gain satisfaction from guiding, helping, and nurturing his younger siblings. Much to the joy of his parents. Where other children or teenagers would likely spend their time listening to music, learning instruments, following their dreams and such: Dai's expectations and usages of time were far more realistic. The grandeur that is the Shinobi was even lost on him then, choosing instead for more immediate results in terms of steady income. Thus: his work ethic shined, and as a boy he found himself a spot in a steady construction company. It was difficult, to keep up with the more mature men: especially with such undeveloped muscles. Yet, he did so, without complaint or asking for assistance. Tirelessly solidifying his musculature, before the difficulty of the job began to dissolve. Every ounce of his own yen hardly ever went to personal amenities: besides the occasional lunch or a new set of clothes to replace the old, worn down variant. Instead, he spent upon the things that his Brothers and Sisters needed. Buying them clothes, tools, items that helped them reach their own personal goals. He was a protector, the person to look up to in that house for them. A stark contrast, to an unfortunately belligerent and frequently drunk Father. One of the few men that Dai ended up fully resenting in his life. Day after day, he and his siblings would watch the bedlam that was their home. The man would beat his own shortcomings into his poor, sweet wife. Or, even Dai himself. Never the others, though. It was Dai who normally shouldered all responsibility for their 'infractions', This is possibly where the largest inspiration to the person he is today comes from. Because, he resolved that he would never become like his Father.

Even Dai had his limits, though. The harmful pummeling of his beautiful Mother crossed a line that it had never crossed before, when he was Sixteen. What was normally a harsh slap or the occasional fist became a fit of violent choking, to where he could see the color of her face changing whilst his Father's vice-like grip wrapped around it. The man was no pushover in terms of physical stature either, the rare bully that could stand up against most other men with ease. But, size didn't much matter when you had a blunt instrument in your hand. Dai was forced to save his Mother, by showing a portion of himself that was very seldom exposed. A frighteningly ruthless, and brutally aggressive man who was pushed to protect someone he loves. A temper, perhaps inherited by his Father, but kept beneath tight wraps. Dai was relentless, and even after his Father was left lifeless: he continued to beat him. Until he saw the pool of blood puddling beneath, and caught himself in the act. Fearful of his own actions, but more importantly: concerned with the view that his Brothers, Sisters, and Mother would have upon him. For the first time in his life: he saw those he loved afraid of him, and it hurt. But, they understood. After the family had informed the Sunagakure Shinobi of the incident, Dai was released without much incident. Though, as much as he despised his Father: that feeling of taking another life has been a reminder to himself even today. Unlike some, he took no joy in it. It scared the hell out of him.

The years waded forward, and the siblings began to grow. His job in construction was quickly taken control of, given the responsibility he has shown to be such an exemplar of. Not too long into his career, he found himself at the head of several key operations to fortify or create new infrastructure in the Sand Village. And so he went, for years even: working endlessly it seemed, with no reprieve in sight. Now, he was never the type to look for love, but one fateful night when he had just been relieved from duty on the job site, inside of a quaint little Sushi restaurant down the road: he saw a girl that he just couldn't ignore. A tall woman, with dark skin and long, raven hair. Alongside the most beautiful set up plump, pink lips he'd ever seen. Instantly, the young man was attracted to her. He approached her, had a friendly enough conversation, and promised to meet with each other again. They did, except this time: that passion was far more flared. He normally wasn't the type for one night stands, but it was there. Unfortunately, they lost contact afterwards: him being as busy as he was. Well, until: nine months later he had her at his doorstep, with a crying baby boy in her hands.

He took to the responsibility of Fatherhood as quickly as anything else, but there was something special about this kid. Dai tried being a dutiful husband to his wife, but their relationship just wasn't meant to be. As beautiful of a person as she was, she just wasn't in the place that Dai was to take care of a child. So, moving back with her Mother: she was given weekend privileges with the young man. The years, well, they seemed to go by so fast after that. Dai and his son, Bunko: they were inseparable. They'd do everything together, from exploring the vast sandy wastes in the surrounding lands to the simple nightly meal that he'd cook for the boy. That love was deeply fostered, profound, but the boy had bigger ideals in mind for his future. He wanted to be like his Dad, but not just in the sense of protecting those close. No, he wanted to protect everyone. Dai would help him learn, whether it be the usage of kunai and shuriken to the basics of hand-to-hand combat that the Father knew: all throughout the way he was supportive. They weren't a part of any large clan, they had no key jutsu or kekkei genkai. Only heart, and determination. That also meant there were no shortcuts though, but Bunko was his Father's son. So, even if there were: he wouldn't take them. Eventually, the boy passed through the Academy as a Genin. Dai was informed frequently by the Jonin heading his team of the immense potential that Bunko contained. He passed the Chunin exams on his first attempt, at the age of Fifteen: and it finally looked like that dream was attainable.

. . .

The night was bleak and dark, Sunagakure had worn down from it's heated sepia landscape into a cold blue. Despite the chill in the air, it wasn't going to stop the mirthful Father from seeing his son come back from the first large mission he took place in. He sat there, at the entrance of the village. Awaiting some type of sign for the Shinobi to approach, but it was far passed their expected time of arrival. It must have been a delay, Dai was never the type to worry too much on such minor things. He stood and waited, until a peculiar visage came into view. The ring of several bells signaled the arrival of the Shinobi, and drew the attention of those that were patrolling outside: alongside Dai. Though, the way they rung. . . it was an unmistakable code for a field casualty. Even if the chances were low, it was only then that the harrowing sensation of dread had twinged inside of the older man. He ran, as quickly as he'd allowed: to intercept the group. Only to be met with several Anbu units, whom had been following the Chunin and Jonin into the territory. Behind them, a wagon covered in a stained white cloth. These special operatives tried to hold the bearish man back, but there was something much stronger than those Shinobi propelling him: love. Even if, now, he wished he'd have never looked. Inside, the wide-eyed and mangled corpse of that person he had loved so dearly for so many years. All of those hopes, those dreams, those memories of joy: dropped in a wagon among other Ninja. Limbs and digits torn asunder, bodies partially burned and exposed tissue abundant. The stench of death lingering. An experience never forgotten.

The months since have seen little of the once proud Father. All ties cut, from his Mother, from his Siblings, from his job- for the first time in his life. The only time anyone had saw him in recent moments was to attend his own son's funeral. Well, that and to occasionally buy reading material from the Academy. This Father only has one purpose now: to carry on with that dream that his son left off, and to find who or whatever caused this brutal murder. . .

With hard work and a dedication to his son's memory Dai worked diligently and completed the coursework of the academy swiftly. The examination a simple combination of a written and oral exam, it was disappointing considering the fact that Dai was a more hands on sort of man but he did well enough and now he starts his second career, a middle-aged man surrounded by youth.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Due to the age restriction. Is it OK to start you as a Genin? (Papertrails, bah)

Something along the lines of: With hard work and a dedication to his son's memory Dai worked diligently and completed the coursework of the academy swiftly. The examination a simple combination of a written and oral exam, it was disappointing considering the fact that Dai was a more hands on sort of man but he did well enough and now he starts his second career, a middle-aged man surrounded by youth.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
or the edit function works too.

If you have any issues please contact any member of the Sand Council: here
Please post your bio: here
Make sure you've brushed up on all the rules located: here and here
A great resource to help you find your way around here
You'll want to request an Academy Student banner here

Starting Stats:
Stamina: 5
Agility: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Ninjutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 5
Chakra Control: 0

Few things to note for your own sake:
  • We are presently in the midst of an event (Inter-village Examination) held by our Daimyo. This is an on-going story line with village-wide ramifications that are about to reach into the rest of Wind Country as well as the world.
  • Part of our village is underground as we have been trapped underground for the last few decades due to a terrible sandstorm we called the Diamond Maelstrom that ceased last year so we started to rebuild on the surface (namely the Kazekage Tower and Suna Residences thus far).
  • A war is also brewing between Sunagakure and the Diamyo who is raising an army to destroy the village.
  • Please be aware that we do have a battle system with BL and CAs, you might want to familiarize yourself with the system. While it is uncommon for a Sand player to start a modded fight, I would not put it past a sand user to respond in character (IC) to insane, abusive or dangerous behavior. I strongly recommend joining some of the our of character (OOC/OC) communities such as Skype or Discord so you can plan out some of your stories with other sandies, RP is much more entertaining than modded situations.
  • Feel free to PM me or any other Sand user if you have any questions.
  • Suna also uses Skype as a community channel as well I would be more than happy to add you to if you are interested. If you are interested, PM any Sand member besides myself (my PM box is broken and we have not been able to fix that) and once added I can take care of your Skype permissions (I am Daimetric Dealings).
  • We also have a Discord group. Drop in, there is somebody there all day long usually and they are all very friendly! We have already met, i have added you to the sand usergroup already.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
