Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Simulation [Medic Exam]


Oct 7, 2012
Medical Notice Letter - 5 Days Ago said:
Dear Yaku Sara-san,

Our records indicate that you are lacking the required points for your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) this year. CPD is important for health professionals to maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and confidence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional career.

Please complete the remaining two (2) points of CPD before week's end.

Konoha Medical Education Team

Konoha Byouin was as hustle bustle as it can be, even in the morning. Night shift nurses were starting to hand the reins over to the day nurses, doctors were filing in and splitting off to their respective wards. There was no quiet moment, even over the dead of night. Health care is twenty-four hour service, after all.

Sara was rostered on for the day shift in a rehabilitation ward, helping once was severely injured shinobi return back to their regular daily function. It's surprising, the rehabilitation ward. Students naively think that's the easy job, simply helping with activities of daily life, throwing medications in their patients mouths. But oh no. Some patients can be light to work with. Other can be ever so heavy. God forbid, one is assigned a number of heavy patients for their shift. The risk of falling behind schedule would be so high, students would cry.

Perhaps in the back of her mind, Sara would be preoccupied with the CPD requirement. The deadline was closing in. She wouldn't want a formal notice for failing to meet the professional standards. A fellow medic-in-training would pass by Sara with small niceties, mentioning that there was a simulation at around noon down at the West Wing of the hospital.

"Have you completed your CPD already? I still have two points left; thank god this sim will cover it!"

How very convenient for her. It wasn't noon yet, far from it being around nine in the morning. She just had to remember that the simulation was happening soon.

OOC said:
If you agree, 3 day time limit will be in effect. Please let me know if you cannot meet the timeframe for any reason.
Time was running low, and fortune smiled on her that she was assigned the rehab ward. It was one of the few non time sensitive assignments one could have. Sara looked over the board for her days work. Most of her patience were easy, a few hand exercises, a knee problem to work out and a handful of shoulder kinks. One was a critical issue that would take up most of her day. A student at the academy was serverial injured when a hand to hand combat training got out of hand. His back vertebrae was cracked and he had to have pins put in. He would need to relearn quite a bit of stuff but he was still recovering. Sara checked into the room and the boy was sleeping, or possibly knocked out by drugs. A true tragedy indeed. She felt for the boy. An honest mistake, and unusual at that, but minor injuries weren't that rare, and it would be easy to become bigger with a small slight.

She then started on one of the hand exercise patients along with another colleague that she had seen around. They started to discuss general things and Sara mentioned her last exercise classes she had been in and that lead to the next issue."Oh, that sounds like it would be perfect for me as well. Hopefully if all things go well I will be able to join you." There shouldn't have been much of an issue of her joining if she asked the doctor in charge of her.

OOC: Sure three days or less should be good.
It seemed simple enough. Do some work, go bum off at a simulation to score a couple of CPD points, get that shit done. There is a love-hate relationship with those things. Some practitioners found it incredibly helpful for preparing for certain medical situations without causing harm to a real patient. Others hated it with a passion, finding it much too inorganic practicing on a talking dummy.

The medic overseeing Sara's work today scratched his cheek when asked about it later. "The simulation down at the West Wing? Sure, you can go but... I thought it was at ten-thirty?" He glanced at his fob watch. "It's twenty past now, you better get a move on before it's too late."

It was basically on the other side of the hospital after all. Sara would really need to get a move on. The simulation room was in one of the very few mock wards the hospital had to offer for their students. Next door was a conference room where three other trainees registered their attendance and waited for the educator to start. If Sara got there in time, she'd have to register just like everyone else. Name, Rank and Division (if applicable).

The simulation educator gathered the registrations and one by one, a medic trainee followed through into the mock room next door, coming out about fifteen minutes later and running off back to their ward. Sara was the last to go, walking into--indeed--a room that looked exactly like a patient's room, equipment and everything. The only noticeable difference was the dummy patient lying in bed, and the computer screen in the corner of the room, meant to show off its vital signs.
Of course...late again. It was a regular situation for the young girl, always running late, last to arrive, though so far she never really missed anything of importance as of yet. Her luck was impeccable. She recieved her permission and exited the nearest window. Just leaping out of it, probably freaking out some nurse, even the patient that was in the room. One of the bonuses of being a shinobi, even if you were late, you would still get there faster then any other person.

She ran on the grounds outside getting to the other side of the hospital grounds in mere moments. She open the entrance and started walking to where the simulation was, trying to catch her breath. She was the last to come, among three others and started to fill out her paper work.

Yaku Sara

She was puzzled what to put for the next one. Was she in a division yet? Before leaving Stone she was an ANBU, but you didn't go around spouting that about, She thought some more about what to put and decided to mark, Field Combat

It fit she thought. Might not have been official but still, it summed up what she wanted to do? Sara went back over and crossed it out and thought again. She peaked over at the others registrations trying to get ideas. NA? What does NA mean? She racked her brains around that one then looked at the next one. And the one after. "Umm...." None of them were blank so she couldn't do that. "I, er um...OH!" She exclaimed. and started writing. Specialist

Sara tried to glimpse what was happening but was kept a sufficient distance enough to not gain much. As she was the last to enter the room, a dummy sat on a table before her, and a computer with readouts of it;s vitals sat a short distance away. Sara looked at the dummy and with her keen eyes checked it's internals. One of the bonuses and shortfalls of her ability. She could see all the workings inside the doll, but without chakra flowing through it like a human, some things were masked better. Sara went over to the computer first to see what the readings were.
There weren't any readings on the computer screen now, and the simulation educator in the corner of the room giggled at her enthusiasm. Initially, she was surprised to see an eight-year-old as a medic trainee. It must be one of those prodigies.

"Over here!" the educator said. "Let me orientate you to the ward and everything and then you can get started."

She gestured to the dummy. "This is Erika. She has pulse points, you can test them out if you like. As you can see, she's breathing and blinking, and she can also hear you and talk back. Can you hear us, Erika-san?"

There was a slight pause and sure enough, the dummy replied. "Yes, I can hear you."

The educator continued on. "Of course, we can't see if Erika's appearance has changed or her perfusion, since she is just a mannequin, so we have our fairy godmother to answer that for us. Fairy Godmother, how is Erika-san's physical state?"

A different voice, though it was obvious that it came from the same person, wherever that person was, replied. "She is warm and perfused."

"Your equipment is here, sphygmo, thermometer, stetho, ECG... Of course, you can't actually take her blood pressure, so that's what the computer screen is for. Just talk out loud, do the action and tell Erika what you're doing. The readings will show up on the screen here. Emergency button is behind the bed if you need to call a code, oxygen masks are there too. Cardiac drugs are in the drawer next to the bed. Okay, we'll run through a scenario, and then we'll talk about it later."

The educator gestured to the sink that was on the wall, indicating Sara to wash her hands first. When she was all ready, the older woman smiled and handed her a folder that she was holding as well as a patient sheet as they stood by bedside. It was the beginning of handover, a pen would be very useful at this point, or just an impeccable memory.

"Thanks for taking this over for me, while I have my lunch break. Goodness. Erika-san, I'm going on my lunch break, this is Sara, she'll look after you until I come back. So this is Erika-san, 42 years, chuunin. She was admitted just yesterday after returning from a mission with internal damage. The doctors did emergency surgery yesterday at around 4pm to fix up the heart, it's a wonder how she got back alive. Erika-san returned to ward at around 6pm. What time is it now... Around 11am? So far Erika has been really good, just a little bit tired, you just have to keep an eye on her until I come back. Alright, have fun!"

The educator took a step back and let Sara work her magic.

[spoilername="OOC"]Please RP out the scenario on what Sara would do based on the patient's status below. Remember to ICly incorporate them into your post (i.e. Take a BP then you can get the reading from below, ask for pain level out of 10, etc). I will give you one extra day for research if needed :3

IC time limit: 15 minutes

Chart: Vitals stable, no abnormal trends

First five minutes
Appearance: Pale, skin cool to touch.
Verbal: Clear and coherent when spoken to.
General status: "Feeling tired."

Blood pressure: 110/78
Heart rate: 76bpm, faint but regular
Resp rate: 16 per min, regular breaths
Temp: Afebrile
Pain level: 3/10

Next five minutes
Appearance: Pallor, skin cold and clammy
Verbal: Anxious, slurred
General: "It's hard to breathe. Chest hurts so bad."

BP: 88/50
Heart rate: 120bpm, weak and thready
Resp: 28 per min, shallow breaths
Temp: Afebrile
Pain: 9/10

ECG: Abnormal[/spoilername]
Sara poked the dummy in one of the heart beat indicators, mostly to see what the doll felt like. If that wasn't bad enough, this doll could talk. It was a little on the creepy side, and she took a step back, thinking that perhaps it would have been smarter to kill the doll. Watching as it breathed and blink, "If it moves..."'more than that', she uttered under her breath with a continued thought.

Sara listened to the instructions and went to wash her hands. After a time she walked back and was given the scenario. A 42 year old chuunin. Unknown internal damage was caused during a mission. She already was painting the possibilities. Internal bleeding...Lung damage..Cardiac! Her last words basically called that one to light the most.

The young girl looked at the chart for the last reading time. Everything was level. Sara looked to the screen and didn't see anything abnormal. She looked over hear gear that she could use, and it was stuff she would never have in the field. After a few minuets of nothing she checked on the patient. "Um....Erika?" She waited fora response but nothing came. "Um...Erika please state pain index out of 10?" The answer came back low. She grabbed the stetho and remembered. "Fairy god mother? She looked at the sky then the doll. "What is the BP? " It came back average. Signs of nothing yet. "Breath Rate and depth?" It came back low, below resting rate. She placed the scope to one of the points and listened. It was a good pace, but hard to hear. Perhaps it was just the mannequin. "Are you resting Erika? IF your pain increases, please answer."

Another 5 minuets passed and after staining at the instructor she wondered if anything was going to happen. She watched her carefully and swear she saw the instructor twitch a little, though 5 minuet interval checks were acceptable for recovering cardiac. Then the doll spoke, saying chest pain, in a slurred manner. "God mother, BP?" It was bottoming out as she looked at the screen. She ran to the code button and hit it. "Erika taking your heart rate. Fairy god mother heart rate." The response was high. Her heart was overworking for the pressure. "Breath rate and depth." Fast and shallow. "Pain index out of 10?"

The answer was 9. Pain could increase respiratory rates, but with a bp that low, it was more likely heart. Sara grabbed for a cardiac meds but saw the EKG and decided to conduct that to be sure. "Erika, taking your EKG!" It was abnormal. "Cardiac it is then." She grabbed at one of the meds for the heart and injected it. "Etika, Slowing the heart rate down to lessen the internal bleeding. Using a ninjutsu, Mystical Force, to repair internal damage and heart condition. Suggest return to surgery and draining accumulated blood from internal injuries, and transfusions." She spoke to the instructor, doll, and maybe the god mother.
"Ahh..." Erika slurred. Its breathing had started to slow, until it no longer responded to Sara and stopped breathing altogether and closed its eyes.

"Thank you, the simulation is over," Fairy Godmother said.

The simulation educator scratched her head in confusion. She mostly expected the young girl to simply press the emergency button and wait for assistance. She didn't even get a chance to step in as an assisting medic, she flew past and immediately performed medical interventions. She walked over to the medication drawer and peeked at the medication she administered. Propanolol. That slowed heart rate, for sure, but slowing heart rate also lowered blood pressure. With the patient with already critically low blood pressure, this was a dangerous combination.

"Alright, let's go over what happened," the educator smiled. "What did you think happened? And what do you think you could change in your intervention to prevent this?"

It might be jarring for a student to realise that they killed a patient, especially an eight-year-old. Those were some big words she said during the scenario too, the educator thought idly. Well... Better to kill a fake patient than a real patient. It's was a process of learning, after all.

OOC said:
Back to 3 day limit
"Wait what happened? It died? But...that can be reversed.", she said confused.

Sara was still in mid stride of the "repair" internally she thought. Her jutsu was fast, but not that fast. What had been done wrong? She thought hard for a moment. The instructor asked what she had done and why. She spoke instantly, "Bleeding inside, possibly heart area. The more her heart pumped the more she was bleeding so I slowed her heart rate down and repaired the damage as fast as I could. Her blood pressure changed so quickly that showed she had most likely been bleeding lots inside?" She already knew that lowering a low bp was a bad thing to do, but she needed to slow the bleeding, and was sure that repairing the damage at a rate equal to the speed of the medication would work out. "I could have reversed the medication too." Sara went into her pocket and pulled out her rings, putting them on then touching the chest of the doll. "Like this, and with medication." Lightning instantly formed around her arms and hands and they unleashed a current similar to a defibrillator onto the doll just as she said medication..

"It should have worked!" The young girl pouted, and then thought ,'maybe the doll wasn't programmed for high level ninjutsu?'
The simulation educator nodded, attentively listening to Sara's thoughts and even her mini-tantrum before smiling at her kindly. "You were on the right track. There was bleeding within the thoracic cavity, more specifically within the heart, rather than around the heart area. Cardiac tamponade, have you come across a case like that before?"

She moved over to the dummy and glanced over at the remnants of the interventions done on the body. "With cardiac tamponade, there is a bleed in the heart that pools in the space between the pericardium sac and the myocardium which then exerts pressure on the heart muscle, but at the same time reduces the amount of blood that is pumped around the body. That's why the patient had tachycardia and at the same time was hypotensive. Administering oxygen to stave off hypoxia, running fluids to keep BP up, and stabilising the patient with Mystical Force until they can get back to surgery and for a tap would be the ideal way to go."

The educator was starting to pack things up that were on the bed at this point, all in the while explaining the scenario. She thought maybe it was too advanced for an eight year old, even a simulation--considering she never reflected on her actions and what could be changed. Instead, she was adamant that her interventions worked.

Confidence was great. Overconfidence kills patients.

She was a little confused on her claim to reverse the medication though. "I'm not quite sure what you mean by that... Ah, you meant after repairing the damage, you would bring her back to life through defib. Of course, Mystical Force is a wonderful technique for any medic with its rapid cell regeneration, but it does not reverse bleeding. Even if you did maintain the heart from dying due to oxygen deprivation, the blood will still be pooled there. There is still the rest of the body that does not have the blood and less so due to the medication. It's important not to focus on just the problem, you must consider the rest of the body. Everything in us is linked together, after all."

The woman quickly grabbed her clipboard and signed her name down at the bottom on the paper on there. She gave it to Sara with a smile. "Here you go, remember to write down your reflection about what you've done in the simulation and what could be changed and how you feel for it to count towards your CPD. You can go back to your ward now! Good job!"
Close but no cigar. "No I haven't had to deal with a case that this has occurred." Blame the surgeon in this case? The thought floated by and left quick enough.

Sara took the information given to her and would mull it over later. At that moment she still felt that the jutsu she used would have healed the heart, stopped the bleeding, then she could have moved from there. The errant question was if the medications were the wrong choice. They might very well had been, but at the moment it was still her thinking that she could have even absorbed the meds out of the blood with another jutsu if needed. But that led to the question, would they have been needed at all. That was the mistake perhaps.

The young girl took the document given to her and would fill it out after the day was over and pass it along for the certification process. She would do her research at home and find that she could have managed without the drug, and that under most circumstances it would lead to death. Still, the feeling was in the back of her mind, but she did make a mistake anyways.
On her more leisurely path, when Sara reached the lobby of the hospital to make her way to the rehabilitation ward, the first thing she would notice was the commotion of a couple of emergency nurses running down the hall with a gurney, half of them cursing how the emergency patient was dropped off in the lobby instead of the emergency area. The other half whispered and gossiped on the identity of the patient. The whispers stopped immediately once they were in the vicinity of Yume and Megumi. After one nurse had taken as much information she could from the distraught young genin, the latter had left and the other nurses attempted to apply first aid. They needed to stabilise her before even thinking of wheeling Yume to emergency; unfortunately that was the best thing to do, despite the stares from hospital visitors.

"I-Is that Yume, like the idol Yume?"

Ah, shit. Change of plans. While one nurse attempted to redirect the visitors, the others only wheeled Yume out of sight into the hallway. Here they could work on first aid in peace. Another nurse was on her headset, speaking to the emergency operating theatre while the others spoke to the unresponsive Yume.

" Yuri-sensei, we have a female brought in with a gunshot wound to the heart. Her name? The girl the brought her in said her name was Yume?"

"Yume-san, we're putting pressure on your chest to slow the bleeding, okay?"

The nurse on the call suddenly flinched, as if the medic on the other side was snapping at her harshly. "S-She's tachy and hypo, E3V2M4, and going into hypovolaemic shock."

"I'm putting an IV in your arm and putting fluids through, Yume-san! You'll be alright, just hang with us."

"The wound doesn't appear to have an exit wound, so the bullet is most likely still lodged inside... I-I know she needs surgery, I'm asking when you and the OT is free!" The nurse looked visibly annoyed. "With all due respect, there are no emergency medics available, this is why I'm calling you! We can only keep her stable for so long!"

"How much oxygen do you think she needs, senpai? Okay, we'll start with six litres. I'm putting an oxygen mask on you, Yume-san."

The nurse on call hung up, her expression in a mixture of both confusion and frustration. Turning to the team of nurses, she sighed. " Let's get Yume-san to a bed in emergency. I don't know what's up with Yuri-sensei... She never yelled before. We'll just have to keep her stable until she or another emergency medic is available. Let's go."

With an affirmative, they rushed the idol down the hall to the emergency room. Simultaneously, the headsets of all medics, including the in-trainings, in the hospital beeped, followed by an announcement.

"Any available medical personnel, please come to the emergency room for assistance. Repeat, any available medical personnel, please come to the emergency room for assistance."

OOC said:
Linked from this thread. Roleplay your medical treatment on Yume. Please note there are no general anaesthetics available in emergency. The closest drugs you'll have are sedatives and local anaesthetics.
Rushing back to the hospital, after she looked over the the crime scene. Megumi wanted to make sure her friend was going to live, but also she needed the medical report and perhaps her manager would be there to question. It might of been cold to put her concerns of her friend in the back of her mind, but she needed to act fast before the trail ran cold.

Entering the lobby once again. Where Megumi had brought Yume, In her panicked state. She made the mistake of bring her to the lobby instead of the emergency entrance. Clenching her teeth as she cursed herself for not thinking straight. She should of kept a cool head instead of panicking. How would she be able to keep calm in a mission when she could stay calm from her friend being wounded. Thinking about how Yume and a few others seemed to be a weakness for her, maybe a shinobi should not have friends.

Walk up to the receptionist, and calming her down as she explained that the blood on her clothes was not from her but from her friend that she brought in. The women would immediately recognize her as the girl that brought the star in. “ I’m sorry, but your friend is still currently waiting on a surgenion in the emergency room”. Megumi went pale and felt a mix of rage and fear all at once. Trying to hold back her emotions she could not even respond at the women, as she would most likely snap.

Rushing off to the the emergency room, and blinking with long pauses and balling her fists as she held back her emotions. Taking some deep breaths as she made her way to the emergency as she had to prepare to see that sight once again.
There was quite the stir as she took the long way around, grabbing a snack at one of the shops in the lobby. She wasn't paying great attention until the girl started to run out of the building but she did recognize her. It was that girl from the class, with the prosthetic arm. Sara chased after her for a moment but she was gone the next second. She looked back as they wheeled the person. It dawned on her that moment then, "Did she just bring in an injured bleeding person and take off?"

Sara looked around outside a little more, holding her pastry as the small shop's cashier yelled for her to come back to pay. The young girl hadn't had much of a chance to see the girl again, but things had been a little hectic since the Kage took a nose dive that night. It seemed like it had been some time ago but it truly wasn't. Time moved differently in the hospital. What was a day could feel like a week sometimes. The things you see.

A crackling sound broke over the airwaves and the small girl flinched. A voice spoke out in her head asking for any medical personnel to come to the emergency room. It wasn't that odd of a call, though certainly a little early in the day for it. Sara dashed through the hospital at a mild pace, trying to shove the pastry down her throat as she did. She wondered if this emergency had anything to do with the girl that ran away.

So few were available it seemed, though it was early in the day still. Most accidents happened several hours ago or were to happen after lunch. Sara pushed through a growing crowd of on lookers and went into the room, watching as the nurses started hooking up bags of blood the patient that she recognized as the one that Megumi brought in. She walked up to the table that towered over her. The nurses were frantic, doctors helping other patents at the moment, leaving herself and some newbees that appeared as whelmed as those outside. Something was most certainly off. The room felt different for some reason. She turned back around watching as several nurses stood outside watching through the port holes.

She couldn't put her finger on the why, but it didn't matter now, she had someone to save. Sara went to the sink and washed her arms. With as much blood as they were moving around, chances are the girl that was on the table was going to need some form of surgery. As she washed, Sara yelled out, "Since there aren't any ranking docs available, and plenty of lost faces, I will be putting my hands into this pot." The nurses looked her way, a short moment of stillness in the air took over for a mere moment then they started to move again. The lost trainees took notice and started to prep as she, though Sara was done. As she made her way to the table she called out again, looking up at the tower. "A little help please, a little short?", she said holding her hands out like she wanted someone to lift her up. One of the nurses, in an oh moment grabbed a small tabletop and placed it near the center of the table. Another nurse grabbed some tools and set them up.

Several voices rang out at once, explaining the current situation. As she stepped up onto the table, she peered longingly down at the body before her. Almost like she was looking at nothing at all. The stair was cold, as the other trainees stepped up looking over at the body but from behind, there hands seeming to want to grasp at the air, one even touching his face.

She didn't have time it appeared to point out the mistake. Blood spilling onto the table at a rate equal to what was going in. Her gaze never seeming to change as she looked down at the would be cadaver if things continued. Sara weaved several handseals and two new figures very similar to herself, but older looking came into existence. "You guys stick to using basic healing jutsu on the body please." Sara weaved some handseal for a jutsu she knew all to well. Though usually she used it solely for herself. Her hands started to glow as she softly touched the midsection near the bullet hole of the patient, sending a wave of euphoria over the patents body, relaxing it. The clones were drawing fuuinjutsu seals, an art she was just starting to get her hands into. The seals surrounded Yume, and then encircled the clones as they stood within, channeling chakra into the seal.

Next Sara reached over to some tweezers. She would have to remove the bullet...or at least try.
This was turning into a circus. Did the medic-in-trainings literally have nothing to do but come here? That was unbelievable. Much so to the point that the nurse in charge had enough real quick.

"Alright, other trainees and everyone else... Leave immediately!" she snapped at the growing crowd. "It does not matter who the patient is, famous or not, conscious or not--I won't allow you to disrespect them by turning it into a freakshow. You are all supposed to be medical professionals... act like it! If you're not helping, go back to your wards! We don't need ten extra people here gawking."

Silence fell over the usually bustling emergency room. The nurse twitched, refraining from soiling her hands if she rubbed her temples.

"Now! Before this report goes directly to Yuri-sensei!"

They scattered upon the name drop, whispering to each other as they left, leaving the emergency room to fall back to the same staff number as usual, save for the extra Sara in the room. The in-charge clicked her tongue in exasperation, as she pulled the curtains around the bed.

"I can't believe an eight-year-old has better ethical and professional practice than those adults..." she sighed. "They're going to go through a huge review after this."

The nurse quickly asked another to retrieve equipment for the bed, before turning to Sara. She eyed the identification tag on the little girl's uniform before speaking up. "I'm getting an echo ready, Sara. Please keep Miss Yume stable until it comes."

While the medical clones and Sara performed healing jutsu on Yume, the nurse took the blood pressure. It was as low as she expected. She sighed, checking the temperature and visual observation as well in case. The last thing she wanted was for Yume to also react to the blood transfusion on top of this wound. Her flicked over to Sara, widening up upon the purposeful hold of the forceps in her hand.

"Wait! What are you doing?" the nurse exclaimed, grabbing Sara's wrist to interrupt. "You're not seriously thinking of pushing forceps into the entrance wound in hopes that you get a bullet out of it. We have no idea where exactly the bullet is, that's why I'm getting an echocardiogram wheeled over."

Of course, the nurse had no idea of Sara's bloodline. Perhaps she saw it all already and was more than ready. However...

"We still would need to open her up to get the bullet out safely too. Please just help us keep her stable until a medic comes. If anything goes wrong, this hospital is going to be sued into the ground!"

The intravenous cannula in Yume's arm, where blood was pumping into her, started to turn quite red.
The nurse emptied the room of all the medics that were called to the room over the headsets shortly after Sara volunteered to help. She was starting to heal the internal injuries foremost, trying to stop internal bleeding as much as possible, and to make it so the metal stuck inside the girl wouldn't travel.

The young girl heard the commotion that the nurse was making, saying something about the person laying on the table being famous, someone of importance. Sara didn't change her glance at all but she started to examine the girls face, seeing if she looked familiar. "Huh....nope."

The small girls cold glare on the wound saw everything. Some small ball, projectile obviously, penetrated her upper chest, coming to a stop next to some bone of the breastplate. She couldn't tell if the bone was fractured at all but it seemed fine. The clones were done drawing around the area and were concentrating, sending chakra down the channels into the body keeping it from getting worse. Sara picked up the forceps and was about to plunge them deeply into the hole as the nurse grabbed her wrist, stopping her. The clones didn't stop or move, and the young girl looked up unsure of what was happening. The nurse proceeded to say something about waiting, and she just smiled at the nurse. "Um..sure of course, got ya. Go get that echo thingy!" she placed the tool down.

Fear of something going wrong...time wasn't on the girls side given the movement to get the woman here, and the blood loss. She could see that something else was affecting the area, some form of poison, but the bullet had to come out first. As the nurse turned away she picked them back up and just poked them into Yume with force.

She saw the bullet move slightly, going deeper into the body. She shifted the tool and opened and closed trying to get it. As she pulled out the projectile slipped out and she retried her grasp. Some blood started to wash out from the wound and she tried again, "Close, a little slippery. Maybe if I jiggle it a little..". She needed to rotate the bullet some.

The bullet would eventually come out but she could see something akin to a heavy metal toxicity given the odd color of the blood. She dropped the forceps after the bullet was out, sure that was left inside and weaved several hand seals and stopped, rethinking the steps. "Ram, boar, tiger, ram, no. Wasn't it.." She muttered each seal she was doing just before performing them, softly.

If the nurse came back, one of the clones would intercept this time. The hand seals weren't that fast, this was the third time she had ever used this jutsu really. But she finished the last seal and placed her hands over the hole.

Blood spurted out and truth be told, she wasn't even sure if she was using this jutsu properly. It wasn't exactly a poison per say she was dealing with fully here, but similar enough? The young girl pulled something out in the shape of a tube, looking almost like a bubble. She released the bubble over a water source next to her and repeated the process. She wanted to be sure she got the metal out of her. "Um...pretty sure this is right?" She said with some hesitation.
Echo... Thingy. Sara called it an echo thingy. The nurse eyed her suspiciously before another nurse called from outside the curtain that the echocardiogram machine was here. It was only for a second, the nurse thought. Just one second to get the machine and set it up. So she did, unaware of the horrid mistake she made until she turned to face them.

"W-What are you doing?! Sara, stop! This isn't a child's game!"

The nurse was at a loss. Before she could move to stop her, the curtains parted to reveal someone she was both relieved and terrified to see.


Medic NPC: Yuri​
The woman pulled her gloves on with a snap, walking briskly over to the bed. Her eyes trailed down to the bullet between the forceps in Sara's hands. "Alright, how's the status on Yume- What do you think you're doing?! Hana, why is there a child here?!"

The nurse, her name revealed to be Hana, flinched. "S-She's an actual medic-in-training..."

"And performing entirely out of her scope of practice!" Yuri shot a fierce glare at the young girl. "Step down this instant!"

The medic stepped over to Yume's bedside and examined her before unbuttoning the front of the idol's top. "Sorry Yume, gotta get this dress off you. Is that echo ready?!"

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

"Get five RBC packs ready too! Call the theatre to prep for open-heart!"

"W-Wait, sensei! Look at her arm, she might be having an adverse reaction to the blood transfusion."

"Son of a... Are her obs alright, considering? Keep them on standby for now, just get her to OT!"

As the other nurses zipped around calling and preparing, Yuri examined the imaging of the echocardiogram. Glancing over to Sara, she motioned the girl over.

She pointed to a section on the echocardiogram, which was highlighted with reds, oranges and blues. Then she pointed to a spot just next to it. "See this section? This is where the injury has occurred. See this spot here? This is where the sinoatrial node of the heart is. Do you understand what that is? Do you understand now just how close you were to ruining this girl's life and destroying this hospital?"

Yuri bent over, unplugging the machine before turning to face the child with a glare. "The fact you went ahead and ignored the nurse's recommendation and performed such a stupid procedure, doesn't matter that it's a miracle that you got the bullet out and you didn't kill her... medicine is not about taking risks and hoping for the best. That type of unprofessionalism and the incompetence in your hands is not one I ever want to see on a medic."

The woman pulled the curtains back, allowing the nursing assistants to clean up the area for when a new emergency patient comes in and made her way out of the emergency ward for the operating theatre.

"Wash up and return to whatever ward you were from."

OOC said:
Exam failed, but you made for a really interesting thread! You can still change your banner to med-nin since you have the rank up from the event. Topic left unless stopped.
As the crazed medic yelled at the nurse, Sara dropped the bullet onto some cloth in the pan where her tools sat and started to weave some handseals, stopping as she started to yell at her. She looked her over and decided to listen, seeing as she was the one in charge of this unit most likely. Though, she had a smile on her face, knowing she had accomplished what was needed. Then, then the stupid girl started to yell at her for some unknown reason.

Sara listened to the girls words, no showing of sorrow or apology in her face. She pointed to the girls chest on the table and spoke with some anger. "Maybe it is out of scope for most of your unprofessional medics here, but this wasn't my first rodeo. I am more then capable of performing the operation I just did. Maybe if you moved your ass a little more, and don't waltz in whenever you feel...I mean calling an 'all on sight' report then being angry about it. If it wasn't for me, she might be dead right now!" That's right, Sara was returning the compliments to the girl. "Talking to me about a lack of professionalism and incompetence. At least I am not...not...a quack." Sara looked the girl over again then started to walk out, but first saying, "By the way, you missed something. Try to not undue what I provided to you, a chance." She left the ward, angry at the medic, talking to her like that. Questioning her capability. And worst, not mentioning how lucky she was there in the first place.

IF only she knew, it was the interim Kage, and soon to be Sennin she was operating on, she might have known why the girl was so crazed.

(Leaving thread)

Current Ninpocho Time:
