Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Snow Balls and Red Noses [Req. Misaki & Sadao]

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
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Kani was excited to see the snow falling outside, Once again adding a fresh blanket to the ground around the city. She knew what that meant, the village would fall silent and only the children would be out. Excited to start her day and get out and meet some people she bundled up and rushing outside. As she was about to run out the door her mom looked her way and spoke, stopping Kani in her tracks.

"You off to meet that Sumika girl you're always writing about?"

Kani's face was beat red, "Mom.. Please.. I'm going to go have fun in the snow, stop reading my journal! Just because I'm not here doesn't make that okay! I'm not some kid anymore!"

"Okay okay, have fun I was just messing with you, bring your sled why don't you?"

Kani hadn't even thought about the sled, she was too frazzled in this moment to remember such things. She just needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.

"Okay mom, love you byeeeee" she said as she turned and took off for the park.

She immediately wished she had brought her sled after reaching the park, as the hills were covered in that fresh powdery snow that would have been perfect for it. Some of the children from the neighborhoods were already taking off on their sleds and crashing down at the bottom with thunderous laughs. She didn't know those children though, so she definitely wasn't going to start a chat or ask to borrow their sleds. So she would have to just watch and hope that maybe someone she knew came along to change that.

She was hoping to see some friends of hers, or at least some of those she'd consider friends. She was always quick to assume someone was in fact her friend, only really needing them to tolerate her around them, it was just her way of being. She wasn't a judgemental person, and got along with a lot of different people, so maybe she could make some new one's here today.

'No don't be silly, these kids aren't like us. They're just normal kids, not shinobi. They probably don't think like us or think we are weird.'

[wc 366]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
While Sadao was not all too adjusted to going outside in general it was fairly obvious he didn't go out in the cold at all, a scarf wrapped multiple times around his face combined with the thick coat and hood letting only the pair of grey eyes poked out with the slightly hint of reddened cheeks, the occasional breath of frosted air escaping through the fabric as he walked, Having forgotten his gloves his hands were buried in the pockets of the oversized coat a slight shiver running down his small frame as the students gaze wandered over the the kids nearby.

They seemed to enjoy playing in the snow, the quiet of the snow drifts now broken up with cries of laughter as they crashed through the fresh fall with their sleds, while he wasn't used to going out in the cold that often there was still a moment of jealousy, the thought of being able to have such fun with others being something he had only just began to experience for himself but was far too shy to simply invite people out to meet him just yet, pulling the hood of the coat further down over his eyes with a hidden embarrassment as thoughts of what could have been rushed into his head.

"Just shake it off, you need to be better than this."

The phrase was muttered under his breath having a hard time coming to terms with all the new emotions he had felt as of late though it was something he didn't want to linger on it too long, perking his head up again to walk away before taking a short pause squinting his eyes to what seemed to be a familiar face, though the red hair was what truly stood out to him on the background of white, calling out and just hoping he was right. "Kani?"

Beginning to walk over there was a deep hope he hadn't just called out to a random stranger, a rather awkward situation he was lucky not to have found himself in quite yet.


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Sep 13, 2023
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Bare feet padded down into the snow protected only by a thin layers of fire chakra that was warming Misaki's body and stopping her body from succumbing to the cold despite the fact that she was only wearing a Shinto priestess's shrine robes which was sadly the closest thing Misaki had to cold weather wear and if she wore her normal clothes she would most likely get chased around by concerned citizens and staying out of the orphan system in the village was important that what she was wearing in the snow. Staying at home hadn't been a solution either for Misaki as well as the shrine was taking in more guests than ever with each guest hoping to pray for a better new year with the cheap talismans her landlord had made so escaping the rabble to get away at the park appealed much more to the white haired girl.

Though once there Misaki found little to do other than passing around in circles while watching the civilian children sled and even the smallest notion of joining them was discarded for the simple reason that they had nothing to offer her in either status or usefulness however one person did catch Misaki gaze as she aimlessly walked. It was only for a moment as she passed the boy as he burrowed deeper into his hood but Misaki recognised the dark hair and pale eyes of Sadao, the boy she had met briefly in the academy when she had been carrying an assortment of weapons through the halls. He was also speaking with a red headed girl whom she hadn't seen before but judging by how they were standing with each she could vaguely guess they were from the academy as well. Changing her path Misaki headed over to the two her expression set into a calm and serene smile. "Ah is that Shirai-San! I'm sorry to bother you when your with a friend but I wanted to thank you again for helping me earlier this week." As Misaki spoke she also turned to the red haired girl and bowed politely. "Hello my name is Ryu Misaki. I apologise for disturbing you too. "


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Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani smiled hearing her name and turned to see Sadao, she immediately started waving "oh, hey!" Her words echoed out before she saw the other girl sprint up. Her eyes focused, remembering her from her most recent class.

"Oh no, you're fine. My name is Sotashi Kani, we had the class with Tobias Sensei together right?"

Her eyes scanned the girl, she noticed the bare feet but felt on first conversation it may not be appropriate for her to approach the topic. She definitely wanted to offer her anything to prevent her from getting hurt though, cold temperatures could lead to a series of issue for bare skin even if she was using the chakra they had been taught. However Kani bit her tongue for now and waited for Sadao to bring it up, as it seemed the pair were at least familiar enough.

"Sooooo you two came out to the snow.. you just looking to get cold or do you wanna maybe have a little fun?"

The cold but her face causing it to be a little more it's normal pink hue, but her body was almost vibrating with excitement at the prospect of having a little time to just relax and play like a kid again.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It seemed Kani would not be the only familiar face Sadao would run into that day, the familiar voice Misaki being a pleasant surprise though quickly replaced by concern as he looked at what she was wearing. Taking his hood down and shaking his hair to straighten it out he spoke with a soft tone the worry in held within quite clear. "Not a problem, always happy to help but aren't you a bit cold?" He made a brief gesture down her person, placing some emphasis on her bare feet. "Would you like to take my scarf for a moment? just to help you keep warm?"

He tugged on the fabric of his scarf slightly to offer it to the Kunouchi, turning his attention back to Kani with a tilt of the head. "So you two know each other as well? Starting to feel like I may have to make a better effort to get to class I seem to run into you by coincidence." There was a slight sigh though the smile on his face showed it wasn't a sad one, his eyes casting over to the other children playing once again as Kani asked her question. "A little fun? did you have something in mind?"

Given that he hadn't been outside all too often he wasn't actually all too sure what people did for fun in the winter, spending a large chunk of his time indoors drinking tea and reading waiting for the weather to pass. He was still excited by the idea though, made more obvious by the rare occurrence of the energetic tapping of his foot, trying somewhat in vein to hide it and keep his calm exterior.


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Sep 13, 2023
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Misaki had been expecting a few things when reaching out to fellow shinobi children while out and about but the suggestion to go and play by the redhead really thew the amber eyed girl for a loop as one of the last things on the girls mind was to act like a child. Misaki didn't even really know how to act like a child for the simple reason that she has no memories before the age of ten only vague impressions but from what Misaki could piece together was that wasn't a natural human and instead her body had been created, by who or for what purpose Misaki was trying to find answer to that but it did mean that while she was a child both mentally and figuratively, Misaki actually didn't know what being anything but herself was like. Looking at the red head with some confusion. "Ugh What would we do to have fun?" Misaki spoke with uncertainty in her tone while still keeping up an expression of serene happiness as if she was carefully crafting her expression.

After speaking Sadao turned to Misaki with the offer of her scarf but she turned him down with a gentle shake of her head.
"Thank you Shirai-san but I'm actually training my control at the moment. I didn't do too well in class so I'm trying to better my skills." As Misaki spoke she took the offered scarf and gently wrapped around Sadao's neck taking extra care for it to be comfortable for the boy. Taking his hand in hers Misaki smiled widely at the boy before gently tugging him along to follow where ever Kani decided to lead them.


Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani laughed for a second, the two clearly were looking to her for direction because she had made the suggestion, but that wasn't exactly her forte. She would then tap her chin for a moment in thought as she debated what would be the most fun activity they could do on this sort of day. "I suppose we have a few options here, now that I know some people here I could bring my sled? It's nothing special but it does have room enough for four people to ride it all together, and the more people it has the faster it can go! oooohhh there's also snowmen which is fun cus when they're done we could fight them... OH! What about a snowball fight?!" She was excited at anything she could do with these two, even if they shot down any or all of her ideas at least she could sit and talk with some folks. "Also, my mom could make hot cocoa as we aren't too far from my house so if you ever get too cold that is also an option for us"

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It seemed both he and Misaki were rather stumped by the prospect of playing in the snow, safe to say Sadao's experience playing with anyone his age was at zero, though his mind would not have time to linger on these thoughts going very much deer in the headlights as Misaki wrapped the scarf around his neck, burying his face into the fabric to hide the red flush on his cheeks. "Y-yeah that makes s-sense, s-sorry I didn't realise." His speech could be described as a stammering mess clearly having some trouble processing such contact only made more complicated in his mind as she grabbed his hand.

Letting himself be tugged along his hand had a slight tremor to it, though something would feel slightly off about it, while he was clearly nervous at having his hand suddenly taken and the cold was clearly getting to him somewhat, the slight tension in his grip would portray a feeling of fear like someone seeking comfort though he didn't mention himself why and was clearly attempting to hide it. It was then his attention turned to Kani, a curious look coming over his face "I have never had hot cocoa before, though I have also never had a snowball fight or been sledding but the fact you can fit four people on it means it must be quite big."

His tone had become rather excited, clearly wanting to try just about anything he could though not sure which they should do first giving it another moment of thought. "Perhaps sledding and Cocoa after to warm up." it was the first suggestion that came to mind, looking over at the other kids to get a general idea of what they would be doing.


New Member
Sep 13, 2023
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Misaki looked between the two kids she was with and felt a bead of sweat slide down her neck as the topic of conversation had quickly made the girl nervous not that she let it show on her face though maybe she was a little paler than usual. Now a lot of people would ask Misaki what was making her so nervous and to put it imply the answer was nervousness as she had no idea what her fellow student were talking about. 'Is sledding combat training do we slide or something on the ground? And what is cocoa.....I can't even guess based on the name it's complete nonsense.' Despite her internal panic Misaki managed to keep a smile on her face. What Misaki had never told anyone was that despite her body being eleven she had no actual memories beyond that with her oldest memories of being talked to by an armour clad women while she lay on her chest until she was rescued by Kumo ninja on patrol. She had no idea where she came from, who her parents were and most of all had a large lack of knowledge for a lot of everyday things as she had focused on ninja training since she could remember. Of course admitting to the lack of knowledge was out of the question so she decided to follow along on what the others wanted. "Ah I'm happy to just be included so I will do what you guys want to do."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
