Matsu sat absentmindedly next to the training grounds for the students. Upon his right hip were the wrappings for his family heirloom. It was a weapon made of feathersteel glass which very few ever had the privilege to own let alone see. It was carefully wrapped and guarded for a variety of reasons, but it was definitely an oddity given its unusual size for a simple sword. He had pulled down his face mask and removed his hat exposing that he was bald and that his skin, even his face, ears, nose, lips, and eyelids were tattoo'd with runic terran inscriptions of various natures that one would have little comprehension when reading. In his hand is what one would consider a desert apple. He knew not where it came from as he was born beneath the sands like many. The upper world was a mystery he had never seen. But that was of little importance right now. Now, he was eating his apple and enjoying its somewhat bitter taste. Wiping some juice from his mouth with the back of bandaged hands, he was to wait. He had been sent here to help some of the newer students catch up to the others so that maybe, just maybe, they could be squeezed into a group exam. As always, Matsu had obliged his cousin. He was a teacher and he enjoyed making sure that the youth were prepared for their futures. It wasn't easy. Death was frequent. He made that apparent often enough. Upon finishing his apple, were one not to arrive before such a time, he'd return the cloth up over his nose and place his hat once more upon his head and rise from his seating position to wait in said predetermined location for even just one child to arrive.
[Edit to reflect this is a class]
[Edit to reflect this is a class]