Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[SPECTATING] I want someone's Heart!!!![GOING MISSING]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Kotori had heard a lot of ruckus going on.. Ahe wanted to know what had been going on and decided to ditch her guards, probably be grounded for that, and rush towards where the commotion was.. She stopped and already had her chakra pattern hidden for everyone. A single thought went through her, but all she did was keeping watch over what was happening. She saw her parents one of the anbu branch, someone she knew stories off tried to leave.
She blinked a few times and kept herself hidden in the tree, watching and learning.

[entered topic]
Ooc:: mobile post, dunno words and all will edit later.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
It was only a matter of time...

Barely a sound was heard as a chunnin-vested (I made that word up) shinobi appeared out of the shadows of a nearby tree, plonking himself down gracefully on a high branch to witness what was going to be a rather abrupt show. Still, a little information was better than none and it was so motivating to watch the leaders of Konoha clean up after themselves. Certainly, this one deserved it, mostly because he got caught.

The sounds of crunching could be heard as Migoya started to eat from a bag of lightly salted cashew nuts, ready for the show to begin. There was a nearby girl also in a tree, trying to hide but since you couldn't enter in stealth, was painfully obvious to any casual observer. Perhaps she was doing the same thing as he was. Who knew.

[Entered topic]


Oct 23, 2012
"Is that the hokage!?" Jaehyun didn't yell but he wasn't particularly quiet though. He realized his mistake, however, and immediately clasped his hands over his mouth. He shouldn't even be here, but he typically stood around the gates of the village, pretending to be a real shinobi even though he was just an academy student, it made him optimistic about the future. Imagine his surprise when he noticed someone was actually attempting to run from the village. He didn't think this would actually occur while he was "on watch" so he kind of froze. He wanted to stop the person, but that would certainly mean death if the runner decided he was itching for a fight.

Not long after the runner began to leave did the hokage appear out of nowhere, and shortly after two other shinobi joined. He somewhat recognized one of the shinobi, Yuki, who was the hokage's wife, but not having much interaction with her that was all Jaehyun really knew about her. "Wheres my scrolls!?" Jae began rummaging through his bag to find a scroll that was either empty or had enough empty space to take good notes on. This wasn't an experience that would come often, sure it was clearly three against one but still the battle should be impressive enough to take some notes. These were three high ranking shinobi, using high ranking jutsu that Jae will want to learn in the future, he'd be stupid to not write every detail down.

He didn't notice anyone else nearby, even though they were quite obvious in their location he was keenly focused on what was about to transpire in this fight. He kind of felt sorry for the runner, he didn't have a headband on so maybe he abandoned it, but he was also just a teenager. Were they going to kill him? He has so much to live for, is the shinobi world really this cruel, will Jaehyun be able to handle it? He was expected to be a heartless, void of emotional attachment, but even though he knew nothing about this man he couldn't help but feel sad. Maybe they won't kill him; imprison and talk to him to see whats going through his head, that'll be good.

[Topic Entered]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Well, wasn't that exciting kids!" Migoya said, annoyed that he had only gotten through a small amount of his nuts. He leapt from the tree, landing next to a black-haired boy who seemed to be taking down notes. His mouth still crunching with the sound of cashew nuts, Migoya looked over the boys shoulder.

"Make sure you note down 'Raijin's Vengence'. Its a high level lightning jutsu, great for starting a battle as you can combo other jutsu with it - in this case a specialized form of Chidori - another lightning jutsu - thats why the Hokage looks like he is quick. Hes just combining jutsu." Migoya said looking towards the Hokage as he plunged a sword into the teenager. "And that old man - hes a Hyuuga obviously. Using his pokie fingers to attack the kids heart. And the lady - the water dragon bullet jutsu. You are pretty lucky - some A-Rank jutsu there." Another handful of nuts were thrown into his mouth.

"Its a shame really. Running away from problems is stupid. Running toward opportunity however..." he left the phrase unfinished, drifting in the wind so to speak. He turned to walk away, the crunching of the nuts starting up again.

Waving towards the young girl who was hiding, Migoya gave a pleasant grin. "Your daddy did good." Well, he is a competent kiddie-killer at any rate.

With that, the leaf chunnin that was Myakashi Migoya would simply vanish, as if vibrating through time and space. Nah, kidding, he would use leaf teleportation. Oh - that didn't exist anymore. He would... no thats not allowed.

Migoya walked away.

[Topic Left]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Kotori had been looking all the time... She thought she had stationed herself well hidden, but may had forgotten a thing or two.. She was staring towards the battle that was honestly ending in seconds. At the part that the sword acruqlly dragged inside the teens body... Kotori couldn't watch just yet. She started to trail towards the other two.. The kid who seemed so happy to see a few... And for her mind, already drifted away, she was suddenly called out. A small whelp left her and she was soon hanging upside down. "ha-!" she said and would blink for a moment or two. "y-yush! T-thank you sir!" She quickly said before the man was gone... She had caught up a few that was done..
Dropping herself from the branch and landing on the floor, she would watch the scenario again... She did feel sad for what happened... But kinda had the feeling the village felt the same. "he... Really was a trouble maker..." she muttered, already forgetting the small boy in pressance.


Oct 23, 2012
And as soon as the battle began, it was over. It was slaughter, and Jae wasn't able to write down everything that had transpired. The next moment would forever be burned in Jae's mind. They killed him. He was already down, why did they kill him? Maybe there was more to this boy's story than Jae knew, but he was just a teenager. If Jae stepped out of line would they remove him too? Not that he would, he's too fearful of being in trouble to cause any trouble, but people change. Could that boy have changed? Was this... his plan?

Jae jumped when a voice appeared right next to him, his lack of awareness allowed anybody to sneak up to him even when they aren't sneaking. As the man informed Jae of what jutsu were used Jae looked at his notebook, contemplating for a moment, before writting down the name he said. "Thanks sir...." He was appreciative but he didn't really sound like it. The man began addressing another kid as Jae began to pack up his items to leave, but the mention of a father caught his attention. He turned to see the Hokage's daughter, an enigma, Jae knew next to nothing about her, though maybe that was for the best. Jae began to walk off, he needed to sleep this one out.

If people are actively abandoning the village then there is something wrong, maybe they need to be spoken to, have someone that will listen to their concerns. Jae is sure the teachers and management of the village do their best to make everyone happy, and you can't please everyone, but if Jae could help convince one person not to throw their life away, then he'll feel like he's succeeded.

[Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
