It was at one of these construction sites that the two new medical nins in training would be given their very first little skill test. It was a little after dusk, she shadows already looming over the construction site, crickets chirping in the background as Midori lumbered her way out of an unfinished building and out in the open. The wind that blew through was cold and unforgiving as the massive vampire moved through the construction site. Not only to explore out of curiosity but to make sure that it would be safe enough to test her two recruits. Lifting up large metallic beams moved them to another spot along with getting a few machines out of the way so there were at least no hazards in their way for what she had planned for tonight. Midori also made sure to send one of her messenger spiders to deliver them a little reminder of when and where to meet her to assure that they knew that they would be meeting her in a construction site at dusk.
As the last little light from the sun began to fade from the day Midori looked up to see that the moon hung high and for a moment she simply just looked up at the moon to marvel at its presence. "Mmmm.. Zuch a glorious zight." Midori smirked up at the moon, the pale light almost making her glow like a pale spirit as she reminisced of a little vampire history. "It is zaid zat it vas a curze from zee Old Gods at first– but at zee very least ve vere able to get pazzed zee little banes ve'fe been curzed vith from birth." She heard this little story from many of her kind, about a hunter being cursed with the inability to go out into the sun; however was also granted the heightened abilities of a predator. Of course, there were also rumors that they also descendants of the very first murderer but most of the undead who had that sort of belief tend to lean more into the idea that humans were only a food source. Pondering at the weird belief system many of her kindred had, Midori waited on her two new recruits to arrive so they would begin their very first task as medical nins.