Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Spider To The Fly: Rescue Training!

Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
It was interesting what the village had done with the Cronopolis after the last Holy War that happened. Midori remembered when it was just a forgotten slum, left to rot and providing shelter to both the homeless and destitute wretches. Now, Cronoplis was fixed up to be a new low-cost modern Art Deco style residential district. Something that Lady Raikage put in place to provide any Kumogakure native with a home. She even remembered rumors of this land being cursed given that this place is the final resting place of Cronus and as a woman of science she would have quickly disregarded the little fable of this place as a myth. But with the existence of vampires, otherworldly beings and other things– even she would have to take into account that the rumors could possibly be true. Cronopolis wasn't as nice looking as The Seki District despite the little rebranding to make it a bit better, it looked rather gray and less vibrant than Seki District and even with the small changes it still had these construction sites that have been left untouched for years.

It was at one of these construction sites that the two new medical nins in training would be given their very first little skill test. It was a little after dusk, she shadows already looming over the construction site, crickets chirping in the background as Midori lumbered her way out of an unfinished building and out in the open. The wind that blew through was cold and unforgiving as the massive vampire moved through the construction site. Not only to explore out of curiosity but to make sure that it would be safe enough to test her two recruits. Lifting up large metallic beams moved them to another spot along with getting a few machines out of the way so there were at least no hazards in their way for what she had planned for tonight. Midori also made sure to send one of her messenger spiders to deliver them a little reminder of when and where to meet her to assure that they knew that they would be meeting her in a construction site at dusk.

As the last little light from the sun began to fade from the day Midori looked up to see that the moon hung high and for a moment she simply just looked up at the moon to marvel at its presence. "Mmmm.. Zuch a glorious zight." Midori smirked up at the moon, the pale light almost making her glow like a pale spirit as she reminisced of a little vampire history. "It is zaid zat it vas a curze from zee Old Gods at first– but at zee very least ve vere able to get pazzed zee little banes ve'fe been curzed vith from birth." She heard this little story from many of her kind, about a hunter being cursed with the inability to go out into the sun; however was also granted the heightened abilities of a predator. Of course, there were also rumors that they also descendants of the very first murderer but most of the undead who had that sort of belief tend to lean more into the idea that humans were only a food source. Pondering at the weird belief system many of her kindred had, Midori waited on her two new recruits to arrive so they would begin their very first task as medical nins.
There was a certain timelessness to things that had been hyperstylized. This district was a perfect example. Riko had honestly lived her life much like a recluse and much of the restoration to this place and its history had gone on in her life without much notice by her. Its history was not something she knew about and so she couldn’t appreciate it. What she did appreciate were the delicate hands on her arm as she lead Honome here to meet with the strange giantess that was apparently the head of the medical shinobi in the Village Built on the Clouds. The odd architecture here reminded Riko of another time, or perhaps of another world. As she navigated the ups and downs of the sidewalk in the area she made sure to guide Honome easily around the street obstacles.

The only issue was, Midori had brought them to a construction site. As Riko considered the piles of lumber, steel, and heavy tools she couldn’t help but see an obstacle at every turn, and pulled Honome closer so that she could more precisely guide her. What were they even doing here? Shouldn’t they be doing rounds in the hospital or something? Midori started talking, but due in part to her accent Riko had a hard time understanding anything that she should. She focused hard on the woman’s lips trying to read them but it didn’t help. She could be talking about murder right now and confessing that this was the spot of her first kill and that they would be the next victims and Riko would still struggle to understand it. She leaned over to Honome so she could whisper to her without Midori overhearing.

”Did you understand any of what she said just now?”
Honome walked through the byways and stepped into streets that were narrower, from what she could tell, than the Seki district. The sounds from the walls to either side seemed to echo more than the Seki district as well, less windows she supposed for the sound to get trapped in and muddled. The ground was hard here, but she could feel the cracks in the cheap pavement, and the walls when she did happen to brush a hand against them seemed to be made of cheaper materials than she would have made any building out of herself, given the choice. She supposed, however, that given the choice between a slum and homelessness, and this place with its cheap cookie-cutter houses she would pick... definitely the first one. Going by sounds and smells alone, she couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down, as the houses didn't have different feels to them, didn't make different sounds, and overall the places seemed almost hostile, being erected not for one particular family alone, but to meet the basic needs of humans.

She walked with Riko, the other woman's muscular arms holding hers up so that she could feel the way without her walking stick, and enjoyed a bit of bumping along the way into Riko's side with her elbow as she was led, not poorly, to the construction site. This place, at least, wasn't a cookie-cutter house that was built for human use, it was a place where she could actually pick out fine details, though where they were she had little idea from the maze that Riko had just led her through besides in what district they were now in.

Their footfalls on the softer dirt than the hard cracked concrete brought her peace, and the smell of freshly churned earth, mixed with oil and steel made her calmer than the stagnant air caught between houses. The sounds of the night life were not absent here either, whereas the cramped places between the identical buildings were completely devoid of life, even the rats didn't deign to go between them. She didn't blame them. A cool breeze blew past her ninja outfit and produced gooseflesh on her exposed legs and arms. She hugged Riko tighter, whether it was for warmth or because she was comforted by the motion even she couldn't tell.

When Midori spoke she listened and when Riko couldn't understand it, she repeated the words, 'Such a glorious sight, it is said that it was a curse from the old gods at first -- but at the very least we were able to get past the little banes we've been cursed with at birth.' She wondered whether or not she would need to translate for Riko the entire time, or whether she would catch up with the accent eventually.

"Um, excuse me miss, but why are we in a construction site? Is someone hurt here?" She moved her head from side to side, but her eyes stared ahead, unseeing. They caught the moonlight and it danced in her unseeing pearlescent eyes that reflected, but didn't show Honome the world. The noises that came from the construction site didn't yield any information, no one was gasping in pain, or groaning, or shouting for help from what she could see, so why were medical ninja in training needed here?

While Midori reminisced a little on the history of her kindred, her two medical nin's (in training) had arrived without the Sennin even noticing. As expected, they did seem confused as to why she brought them to a rather sketchy looking construction site at night. After all, it would be a rather convenient feeding ground now that Midori thought of it. However, with Honome's question now lingering within the night air the giantess lumbered around to her two students before repeating Honome's question as if to build up some sort of tension. "Ahhh, yes… Vhy did I bring vou tvo here? Is zere zomeone hurt?" she began with hands clasped as she circled around the two. "Fortunately no one is actually hurt, but let's roleplay for a moment und zay zere IS zomeone hurt. Badly hurt und vu tvo are giffen zee tasks to rescue zee perzon–" she paused for dramatic flair, slowly waving her arms with an overly exaggerated look of shock on her face.

"–but zuddenly! Vizin your guest to zave zee perzon, vu'fe encoundered s GIANT SPIDER!" Midori shouted then the light to the construction site suddenly came on and they could finally see that one of the unfinished buildings within the construction site had been completely covered by spider webs! Huge spiderwebs in the shape of something akin to a 40′ x 40′ circus tent where in the center of the tent wrapping in a cocoon was what seemed to be a person who was stuck right in the center of a large web in the center of the odd nest of web. Riko could also notice the roof of this weird tent seemingly shaking as a large dog sized spider seemingly continued creating more things with the webs, things in which the young kunoichi couldn't quite grasp but they would be key to making sure that they didn't save the helpless victim caught within its web. Midori chuckled, then yelled up at her spider companion who was still fashioning webs to make more circus themed items. "How's zee prizoner coming along Bathory?" the vampire yelled up at the massive spider and to the two students surprised the spider actually spoke back in a strange accent of its own.

Bathory The Spider
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka - 01 - Large 15.jpg
"Nice and snug Meestress. But I guess if yourrr medikal nin's kan't save it in time to-night I'm having a feast! Hohohoho." the spider said, raising its two front legs in triumph as it crawled on the other side of the tent to set up more traps and obstacles.

Laughing like a villainess, Midori looked back at the two then pointing them over to the entrance to the tent, a lot of what's inside of the tent being a bit obscure though it was transparent enough for them to see things like a weird looking obstacle course along with other accounts and seats where each cocoon was like some weird audience. "Vell, go inzide my darlings. Go fourth und zaffe zee helpless victim before zee spider haffe zem for dinner…." Midori stated and with that the games began.

Current Ninpocho Time:
