Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Step into my Dojo! [requesting Chigokai Yuna]


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Jan 18, 2021
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The infamous blistering Suna sun had reached its peak for the day. Thankfully, a big red hat made for the perfect umbrella and a surprising shelter against direct sunlight. Momo’s delicate fair skin was not acclimated to such harsh conditions. One could say, that Momo was experiencing Suna on cheat mode. Sheltered very well, she could only enjoy the benefits of a summer breeze along her midriff and other more exotic areas. Momo found herself at one of Suna’s biggest tourist attractions, the great Sand Worm bones of… well a giant sand worm. It was the home of the epic and epic was just what Momo was searching for. She needed something spicy, something exciting to spark her inspiration and creativity. The giant worm bones was only the start of this spark. She was actually headed for the world renowned Toraono Dojo she’d heard so much about. Great shinobi, flexing their biceps and kicking ass was just the kind of action she needed right now. The crimson Big Hat Momo made way to her destination, turning heads of every man, woman, and child. Her flamboyant attire was something out of this world let alone the streets of Suna. All of her clothes were custom made and bright. Even more bright here with constant sunlight than back home in Cloudy Kumo. For once, she paid no mind to the on lookers. And so, had no clue that she was being followed. The elegant Dojo was something to behold, however… it would seem as if she came on an off day. That, or everyone was out for lunch. Momo would step into an empty dojo and look around. No large shinobi men flexing their large biceps. No crazy kung fu battles. Momo’s hat would start giggling before receiving a swift fist to the top of its head. “You gotta be kidding me… where are all the hotties?”


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As Yuna tailed Momo, her thoughts ran through her head of what type of ninja was she. She must be a heavy hitter if the information on Akkuma was given the right way in Cloud. It would be hard for Yuna to miss where the other kunoichi was going, but it was surprising to her, that whilst she isn't being very sneaky in the slightest, her whole getup just screamed unique to the point that it was a wonder that the rocker didn't know of her unusual follower.

Finally, they had ended up in the Toraono Dojo. It was at this moment that Yuna thinks that the other kunoichi knew she was being followed. Her instincts must be that of a sensor type of ninja. She'll do great in helping track people down.

She would purposefully drag her feet on the ground to make noise for Momo to hear her. Once Yuna had her attention, she would bow and then write down on a piece of paper.

Hello fellow Kumo ninja. I am glad that Cloud was fast to act and send another ninja my way. What's the order the Raikage as in store for me? Anyways, you can call me by my codename, Silent

She would then give the paper to the big, hatted individual for them to read.


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Jan 18, 2021
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Momo would snap around at the sudden sound of dragged feet. It was as if the person suddenly appeared… like a ghost. To make matters worse, her get up was on some Friday the 13 vibe! Like something you’d probably see in a slasher film. The weird creepy mask, the bushy fur, the fact that she’s not speaking. Perhaps Momo could be into that. However, Momo would flinch at the girl’s polite bow. To her, something that dressed like that, should not be making sudden movements. Momo would nervously greet the unfamiliar creature, the uneasy in her voice was prevalent with unnatural fluctuations, “Hello freaky looking tiki person…” Momo watched as she wrote something down before handing it over. Receiving the message, Momo would read quickly. A blank stare would reread it again to make sure she read it correctly. Without a clue as to what tiki was talking about, Momo would side eye and respond, “Right, well silent definitely fits the bill… what do you mean sent you another ninja… what happened to the first one? What the hell am I walking into here? I mean, it’s nothing the greatest sensational rockin roll superstar of the land of lightning and thunder can’t handle! I’m the famous Big Hat Momo after all. So whatever is the problem, have no fear! Momo is here! Can you dig it!!!” Momo would swing her surf green guitar elegantly from her back and into her palms before slamming down on the stirrings to play a kick add short solo. The show off kunochi couldn’t help herself. When Momo was finished, she’d wink at the fellow Kumo ninja.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Upon hearing what Momo had to say, Yuna had to literally tilt her head in confusion. Miro had left a while back, and Momo is here now, Yuna swore that her Sennin was fast enough to get back to Cloud and tell the Raikage what's going on. But then again, Miro seemed pretty heated about Leaf, the Uchiha might be dragging her feet thinking of every insult to throw at Leaf. Just the thought made her roll her eyes, thankfully, Momo wouldn't see it. But now she has found herself in an awkward situation. She is on an anbu mission and thought Cloud had brought backup. If Miro isn't at Cloud yet, she would definitely need to send out a message about the Akkuma situation and if they are clear to use Momo as a backup member for the Akkuma assassination team.

She thought about what to write, and then wrote down on her notepad then gave it to Momo

Pleased to make your acquaintance Momo. Unfortunately, my need of assistance and your arrival are merely coincidental, but hopefully fateful. I will need to send a message out to Cloud with Raikage's permission to bring you into my mission. The only type of information I will partake to you as of right now is to steer clear of an individual called Mirokou Akkuma, aka Immortal trickster. He is known to be a master manipulator and planner. Do not seek him out or even say his name as he might have his own agents and network of people working for him.

Also you are pretty kick ass with a guitar :p

At the end of the note was a smiley face with a tongue sticking out. Yuna couldn't help but smile underneath her mask. For the first time for the past few months, she has smiled despite all that has happened to her. She just hopes that the Raikage will approve of Momo helping out.


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Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank

As it turns out, little Ms. Silent was just as polite as she was quiet. The smiley little emoji drawn at the end of her last message made Momo smile. “Yeah… I am pretty kickass aren’t I. You know, even though the mask gives me slasher vibes, you’re pretty cool yourself.” Momo would hand her note pad back before digesting the rest of what she read. So there was something serious going down right here in Suna that Momo wasn’t in the know about. Even more juicy, it required the attention of the Raikage. Even more interesting was the warning to not only stay clear of a particular shady fellow, but not to even mention his name here in Suna. As if his name was cursed itself. Well now Momo really had to get involved. Excitement and thrill was the bases of any musician’s inspiration! And what could be more inspiring than a scoop this big. Suna truly was the right call. “Listen sugar, you don’t need the Raikage’s permission to bring me on board. I’m a living veteran of the Tenouza war after all. And I also earned my stripes defending Kumo’s gates from a porcelain faced demon kunochi and successfully apprehended her… it. The Golden masked Anbu helped a little. Also, I heard a rumor that she or it escaped custody afterwards. My hard work down the drain… but I got a kick ass single out of it! But that’s not the point. What I’m saying is, you should let me in on this action! If my resume doesn’t speak for itself, we are in an empty Dojo. Perhaps an interview could suffice. What do you say err…. Write?” Momo would give a wink, anxious to Silent’s reply.


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Listening to the other kunoichi talk, Yuna could tell that she was really chill. Maybe when this whole fiasco is done and over with, they can actually talk and hang out. However, the girl is being adamant about wanting to help her out, Hearing her also talk about both Miro and the gate infiltrator, Kiko, did make her raise her eyebrows. Maybe the rocking ninja would be a good addition?

But her mind drifted back to her orders... She flipped over to the next page of her notepad and wrote down her thoughts and gave it to Momo to read.

I'm sorry, but unfortunately, orders are orders. I do not doubt your capabilities, but this mission is very sensitive, and needs one-hundred percent coordination between me, both the Raikage and Kazekage, and whoever either kage deems fit to entrust this mission. This will help our alliance with Sand. If you are adamant about joining, perhaps I will indulge you in a spar, and how it goes will reflect how I ask the Raikage to utilize your assistance.


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank

Once again Momo would receive the notepad from Silent. “Unfortunately orders are orders…” Momo scoffed at the thought of following anybody’s rules but her own. She was the living embodiment of rebellion and improvisation. She defied every part of what it meant to have good order and discipline. She wore red, she played music, and loved the spotlight. She was the polar opposite of modern shinobi concept and she was the polar opposite of following the rules. However, she wasn’t an anarchist. She made a strict compromise to adhere to the chain of command for the most part and to remain in alignment with the rules. But, alignment wasn’t the same as following the rules. Continuing to ready, she’d come across the part about putting in a good word for Momo if she could prove worthy of it. All it would take, was a good spare to prove her worth. A smile swept across Momo’s face as her eyes peered up from the notepad and onto Silent. It was moments like these that the crimson kunochi lived for. She was filled with excitement and thus inspiration soon followed. Momo’s big red hat flared flames from its mouth before releasing a motor like roar. Momo would toss the notepad back to silent before tipping the big hat back from her forehead. Sparks of electricity fluttered the fingertips of the crimson kunochi as she flung her surf green guitar into the air. It spun three times before landing in her palms.
“Consider your request for a private performance granted! We’re gonna rock this dojo! Can you dig it!?!”

[Bmod call for sparing match]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
