Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Stone Love(Force Entry)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
And here we are... though... looking at the cliff... I wish ooooohh how I WISH... and you know I am about wishes, well maybe you don't but, I wish Goganji had taken the sea route. Those giant sisters!!! Hohohoooo, what a view what a view. I was actually kind of hoping, the ladies were actually that big you know. Oh how we can dream, know what I mean.

But just keep walking Goganji... A whole new world of possibility awaits.

[Marked for training]
[S rank Run-time 30min + Alert level 2 1hour = 1.5 hours]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
(ooc: Hi goganji :D)

Kane was just walking around the gates waiting on Koa to do whatever she had to do when he noticed someone coming towards the gates in attempt to get in on their own way. He recognized the face, but only briefly. He didn't know the name of the stranger but he knew him. Kane was in a hurry that day, he should have gotten the guy's name. How rude of the merc.

You could just ask to be let in. They are friendly enough folk ya know. At least my gate guard was." Kane said as he stood perpendicular about fifteen feet above where Goganji was trying to enter the village at, using chakra to stick to the gates as he stood there. He remembered this guy being tall but holy crap he forgot how tall he really was. "There should be a guy around here somewhere that could let you into the village."

[topic entered]
[s-rank= 30 min]
[caught the tall man!]


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

It would seem not every visitor respected our ways and customs... this one looked a little to well fancy to be of the neighboring hill tribes however he looked a bit... strange. Perhaps the well dressed behemoth could be tamed for our purposes. The other gate guards called to him and yet he'd not answer them... was he hard of hearing? I walked out to greet the man in order to halt his advances. My massive blade in hand while the other guards watched. The tall hulking man was nothing short of a true warrior, hmm... how strange, I guess I found my type. Really I didn't know what to say to him. I stood before him not really sure what to say so I said nothing. I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing... his eyes... were dark and full of terrors...

That's when I noticed Kane above... without his escort. "Kane was it... you shouldn't be out here. I guess you decided not to wait for instructions in your quarters. No matter, you will get your briefing soon enough."

[Topic entered]
[S rank 30min catch]
[Ooc: Kane beat me to it lol.]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Now were there people present requesting me to halt? Probably. What did they say? Iow know. Did it really matter,... like really really matter? Eeh. Most people that Chuuton Chi knew of, that were from the outside of the motherlands, were improper and rude folk anyway. In fact, a 'dear friend' of Goganji's was here too. Do you remember Goganji, the one that seemed well capable of civilized conversation, yet, incapable of treating you with enough respect to even address you, to even open his mouth? Hahahahaaaa, *inhale* Ahh, but now he wanted to chit chat in this place, likely HIS place. You peeked him out didn't you? Don't stop that slow stride, don't drop that grin.What are you about to do Big G?
Looks like you want to go over there and... oh waitwaitwaitwait, wait,... wait,... 2 o'clock. Looky looky!! My soon to be first 'up close and personal' view of a Stone Lady. Hmhmhm. Okay this 'Kane' as she called him, can wait. This is what you do Chi, we're going to try it my way for once. Leave your right hand in your pocket, let the left hand dangle a bit, and a pinch now, just a pinch of a relaxed sway. Okay, now blink you eyes annnnd go wiiiiith a grey-ish set. You know grey eyes in the right light can sometimes appear as blue or green. Now relax the smile a bit, stop and stare at her a little.... ease into that walk again. That ah boy. Relax the jaw and open the month just a bit, and keep the eye contact and... let her 'feel' your desire. Stop about seven feet from her and,... let her see you breathe. Now pull back on that desire level a little bit,... close your mouth,... close your distance one step at a time. She didn't say anything, so don't say anything.

Sometimes, words can ruin the moment... Stand in her presence... let her take in yours. She's not too revealing, leaving some mystery, hmhmhmmm I like I like. Sometimes unwrapping a gift makes things all the more exciting. I'll just have to enjoy only the cleavage,... for now. But that weapon, hmmmmm how is she holding that thing? It looks too big for her. Maybe she had hidden strength and hopefully.... plenty of 'Sta-mi-na' hahaha.

[Marked for training,... again.]
[Hey all.]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Watcha talking bout Gate Guard-san? My escort person, thing, it, stalker, is right there." He said pointing over to some nobody ANBU that had been stalking him his entire trip around the village. Kane was being a good boy and he was being supervised and best of all, he didn't try making his escort lose him either. He allowed the little ANBU stalker to follow him around and keep him in check. "Suki-chan is still at our quarters, least I think she is. Its where I left her anyway."

He turned his attention back to the tall man. Kane didn't move from his spot of standing on the wall. Why should he? There was no reason to move, not yet anyway. The tall man had walked up to the gate guard lady. Still didn't know her name. Maybe now he might figure it out.

I wonder if she's got any sisters?



Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[Not wanting to risk having the topic voided but, I found the song I really wanted. So instead of editing, I'll just post it here instead of the one I had before.]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

"Careful mercenary Kane as to how you speak ill of my kin... your escort is of the Ryujin clan, one who has succeeded the Trials of Dragons and has earned their nobility here in Iawagakure. I know your not familiar with our ways and so fret not... I hold no ill feelings toward you for your unintentional disrespect..."

Now for this big guy inching my way... I placed my massive blade into the ground right side up. It's weight sinking it's blade into the earth. I then abandoned it to walk over to the giant stranger, closing the gap between us. I was about three feet from him before I stopped to stare him down a bit. Why was this man staring at me so intensely? ...It's strange but... no one has ever given me the creeps like this man has today and yet... I abandon my weapon to feel this venerability... I was not scared, I never am... I think I wanted to confront the eeriness in front of me in the most reckless and defenseless way possible. Now that I have and that my feelings had reached it's inevitable climax which were slowly fading, I address the man before me with clarity. Recognizing the darkness in his eyes did require a closer look but now that I could see clearly... he was like me.

"What... are you?"



Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Ahhhh, see Goganji? No need to skip to power and spores all the time. This 'Kane' was seeking her attention too? Was he interested, attracted to her? Was that why he was standing on the wall? Likely the case. He was also present with another group with Koa and Akechi as I recall. But which one did that Koa belong to? For another time my big fellow. The she-warrior thought highly of these Ryujin. She came to us, after setting down her blade. Phew, it was getting hot out here. *Fluffs collar* She ask who Goganji was so... WAIT,... WHAT I was? Hmmmm, don't answer that so quick.

Tell her a about a few of your hats, but start pace a slowly around her first, to her right, and keep that look of allure. "What am I? Well,... I am, many things.... Entrepreneur... eligible, bachelor... fitness trainer... couples counciler..." Are you catching a view of that thang now that you're likely behind her Goganji? Keep going around to her front though, don't stop on my account. "... street magician, starting level ... massage therapist... medicine man even." Now stop and step in front of her a little, wrap it up. "But there is, one title that I'm unsure of,... that you know better than myself. And that is, what could I be... to you?"<i></i> Not bad, could be better. Although one is likely to tell full truths from the start and get great results. 'I am your every want,... the bridge of fantasy and reality,... the dream you dare not share,... desire, incarnate.' More like it, but in this world, Goganji would have to blend truths with lies because humans are still so arrogant and misunderstand their place. But you know your place don't you Goganji? Hmhmhmhahaha. Let's just hope that this fly on the wall doesn't keeping bugging and distracting us.

[Apologies for my grammar. My head and hands aren't always in sync.]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

"...What can you be to me? ...I have nor does this village have need of an entrepreneurs, bachelors, fitness trainers, or starting level street magicians," I'd say the lot with a scowl on my face. Was he joking around at a time like this. He had already ignored my troops attempting to halt him for gate procedures and now he was playing games... Interesting. A man without fear, bold and of traits. What perfect timing. I loosen my jaw muscles in order to straighten my face, keeping a calm demeanor and going with my usual modus operandi.

"...What can you be to me you ask? *Circles Goganji* Perhaps you can be useful... or dead weight. Massage therapist... medicine man, both traits that can be useful to our cause. *Stops infront of Gogani* If you haven't noticed the abundance of security here, our village is in total lock down and we need hired medics and swords... Do you wish entry? It'll only require documentation on your person and your service to us for a time being."

I left things in the atmosphere for now, not giving way to my thoughts and or intentions of his answer. For now I'd wait patiently for his responds in hopes they were favorable to the needs of my village.

[ooc: short post and sorry for the wait, I skipped you Kane hoped that's cool.]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
(OOC: terribly sorry. been super busy. let me make your lives easier xD)

He'd let the two figure things out. He had to go meet back up with Koa. The two would circle each other one at a time with Koyoko going second. Maybe these two were meant for each other. He went to the top of the gates without a word and as quick as a flash of light. He stood next to his escort, patting him on the back and saying "C'mon I could use a drink and some food. This place has got have some great food. Take me to your favorite Ramen stand ANBU-san."

Kane's escort would merely nod his head without saying a word and the two would vanish from sight. Off for food and refreshments they go, and to leave these two love birds to go at it.

[topic left]

(sorry again for the wait)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Kehehee, this look she gave me, so angry. Wait Goganji,... don't lost it now. Wait, she's not done, down boy. Let her finish. Just give her a raised brow. Nooo, it's not rejection... okay not totally. But I wonder, *sniffs as she walks around him*... has she been with a man? Ever? Don't bury the woman yet, there's something I have to investigate first. For now show her your 'good will' and chuckle a bit. Tell her, "You'll have to forgive me dearest. How do you say,*rolls left wrist*... My head was eeee, in the clouds. Hmhmhm."

Merely let the emotion of desire ease to the surface resurface, relax the smile completely, step to her slowly. "But,... it seems like you do not mind too much. A therapist, a uhhh doctor as some would call it, I~... !Goganzi!, can be. But, I've noticed that youuu *rapid points at female guard* said US and OUR,... quite a bit of secondary ummmm plural I think?! Tell me,..." Okay, your less than a foot now. Whisper to her, it's more... intimate. "You guard these walls sooo dutifully, with sharpness. What is in it for you?... Is it the pride and glory of a job well done? Do you safeguard a special someone? Do the gates, guard your heart, as you guard the gates?" Woooo partner, your practically close enough to nuzzle there. Well, a question for identity isn't too much to ask is it? It's not like I was asking something "personal" like her measurements. *pants* Now, I'm DYING to know.

[Marked for training]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Patients... All of your questions will be answered after the briefing. Let me take a look at your papers and consider yourself hired. We will provide room and board plus pay for your work."

This one was a strange one but all things considered, he would be useful for the night is dark and full of terrors. Once he'd hand me his papers, i'd take note of his identity and info before continuing the rest of my duties.

[Topic left/Entry Granted after info recieved]
[Ooc: sry for the wait]
fill this out in your next post. Access granted after.
[b]Visitor's Name:[/b]
[b]Passport:[/b] Yes or No?
[b]Physical Description:[/b] General Age, Hair Color, Eye Color, Gender, Height, ect.
[b]Mental Profile/Assessment:[/b] Pleasant, Rude, Impatient, Friendly, Suspicious ect.
[b]Coming from where, and for what purpose:[/b]
[b]Carrying Equipment, Weapons, or Items:[/b] Yes or No, if Yes what?
[b]Denied or Approved Entry:[/b] Approved/Denied
[b]Name of Member(s) on Duty:[/b]
[b]Link to Topic:[/b]

[b]Note:[/b]If multiple parties are present, repeat process for each individual.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
But then... she told me "patients." *Moan of arousal* Yes... yes... she would tell us in due time. Ohhh to her it wasn't the right time, but anytime was always the right time. Hmhmhm, I see though. I would likely be her 'personal massage therapist', be given room and board,... and perhaps other things to press her against. And of course, she would pay me for my services, but money is of ill-effect to me. But first she needed Goganji's personal data. Step beyond her Goganji, use the wall to scribble all she needed on her form.
Visitor's Name: Goganji
Passport: No, but maybe a number would suffice?
Physical Description: 35 years old, Black hair, Grey, Male, 6'3", charming smile
Mental Profile/Assessment: Pleasant, Friendly, Romantic I'd like to think
Coming from where, and for what purpose: Moon Country, in search for a bride
Carrying Equipment, Weapons, or Items: Yes, The Power of Love
Denied or Approved Entry: Approved
Name of Member(s) on Duty:
Link to Topic:

Note:If multiple parties are present, repeat process for each individual.[/quote]

Now stand close as you hand in her page, but don't let it rise above the waist. Now with the other hand, brush her hair back just a bit if she permits and kiss her cheek. This one would be saved for later,... "How we greet where I'm from. Until next time... my little Buttercup. Perhaps next time I'll have the honor of your name." Turn to enter the this city of Stone big guy, but savor the taste of the woman's flesh. HmhmhmHMMMMMhmhmmm.

[Marked for Training]
[Topic Left/Entering gates]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
