Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Sunatesture [Forced Entry]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Two standards soared high above this marvel of ninja magic and ninja technology. The first standard is a glossy sand tone material carrying the banner of Sunagakure. The second flag is made of wind/sand resistant black silk with the Toraono symbol of a tiger perched triumphantly atop a dragon, a motif depicting earth actually conquering the heavens.

Long travels fatigued even the finest of shinobi no matter where you were going. However, passing through the Wind Country was on a whole other level. The punishing winds which accompanied the annoying sand blew, disturbing even the likes of Uchiha Anatsu who was well prepared for any environment. His black traveling robe covered him from his toes all the way up to his nose. His traditional Japanese hat known has the Casa was beige, and it covered his eyes. Even for the keenest of eyes, Anatsu was barely visible standing still, never mind when he utilized his incredible speed. His speed combined with his Dojutsu is what allowed him to penetrate the village hidden in the leaves. It was time to test Sunagakure's defenses.

[S-Rank:30 Minutes]
[Forcing Entry]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
[col]There was a woman standing on the other side of the door. She was thin and tall, wearing only white with a pair of gloved hands. Her hair was pulled back from her face, those unruly fly away strands of hair brushed back and clung to her crown. She did not look like an ANBU because she was not, not anymore at least. She was relieved of her duties, much like her hand. Still, she came here out of habit to watch and to wait. She was far from a dutiful watcher, an unpaid bouncer or a regretful former ANBU. She was just there in the right place at the wrong time.

Well, enough with semantics. Someone is rushing the gate.|
Information said:
S Rank (Capped)
30 Min.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
[col]"Mmm. I don't think so today. I am too tired for this." Matsu sighed. His body lifted from where it was lounging beneatht he sand. He was exceptionally xenophobia no matter what his cousin had to say. His shrouded form would shake off the sand as he realized he might not be the only one intercepting. He definitely wasn't about to let anyone just waltz into the village without being questioned or brought in for something first. People just decided they got to enter without permission or proper procedures were just outside of acceptable. His left hand gripped the hilt of his blade as he made his way to the potential problem. His spurs kicked off the sand and underneath his mask he contemplated what could occur. Would it be a danger today?
S Rank (Capped)
30 Min.
[legend="[glow=#73e29a][b][size=5]Plague Bearer[/size][/b][/glow]"]

Name: Matsu
Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 48,000
Chakra: 30,000
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
Belt Pouch
-Black Lotus - Heavy
-Heaven's Touch - Heavy
Belt Pouch
-Iron Vein - Heavy
-Serpent's Blood - Heavy
-Plexistim - Strong
-Mustard Gas - Heavy
-Twilight Venom - Weak
-Blood Pill x 3
-Health Pill x 3
-Botulinum Toxin - Strong
Weapon Holster - Draughtbane, Dark Blade of Shifting Sands
Weapon Holster -
  • Earth Major / Minor Affinity
  • Fire Major / Minor Affinity
  • Water Major / Minor Affinity
  • Wind Major / Minor Affinity
  • Lightning Minor Affinity
  • None-Elemental Minor Affinity
  • Vapor Minor Affinity
  • Poison Major / Minor Affinity
  • Scorch Minor Affinity
  • Metal Major / Minor Affinity
  • Shadow Minor Affinity
  • MagmaNone
Enjoy~Mood Music X

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
There was a woman standing on the other side of the door. She was thin and tall, wearing only white with a pair of gloved hands. Her hair was pulled back from her face, those unruly fly away strands of hair brushed back and clung to her crown.

This wasn't Konohagakure. Anatsu's years as an ANBU there only enhanced his ability to penetrate and escape the village undetected. Sunagakure's defenses were far more formidable. Anatsu 's attempt to infiltrate the village hidden in the sand was unsuccessful. Anatsu did not know the strength or skills of the woman before him. She was dressed in white which alluded to Anatsu that she had a sense of style and perhaps came from some form of luxurious family. Wearing white in this terrain seemed like a silly idea to Anatsu.

He raised his head just high enough to see her, but not make eye contact with her as his own eyes remained hidden by the Kasa. "Yoh..." said Anatsu to acknowledge her existence. Anatsu was a very experienced former ANBU of the Hidden Leaf who had visited Sunagakure a few times since he had nuked almost a decade ago. However, it had been a few years since he had visited Sunagakure. Anatsu had never caused any trouble here in the past, but that didn't matter right now considering he had never entered the country under his real name. He had always worried that he was listed in Konohagakure's international bingo book. However, many things had changed in the past few months for Anatsu. There was a new aura about him which accompanied his new intentions. Sunagakure was not at risk, but Anatsu needed something, or someone, from her. Just as Anatsu was about to address the female before him, another man showed up. Any wrong move and Anatsu could find himself in a world of pain. He was indeed a talented shinobi, capable of defeating many others at once. However, he wasn't a dumb one.

"You caught me, I will not hide behind lies to explain my actions." started Anatsu, not making eye contact with anyone present, ultimately not allowing anyone else to see his eyes. His accent resembled more of the people which resided in the Lightning Country than the Fire Country, considering he had spent so much time in the outskirts of Kumogakure.

"I have been a wanderer for a decade. I come to Sunagakure in peace. My name is Anatsu." continued the Uchiha. He immediately stated his wanderer status, which would allude to the fact that he did not have a passport. His demeanor did not indicate fear of any sorts, yet he was honest for absolutely no reason. There was a mystery following the rogue Uchiha Anatsu.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

Door duty. The most exciting of all the AiT duties the captains could bestow, it was even more exciting when you were not even an ANBU. No, the ANBU were not the token doormen of the community but they were the most likely to serve in this capacity so she had more than her fair share of experience before she was dismissed. Day in and day out as an AiT she asked the same questions: Name, Genesis, Reason, Duration. Those she did not know she snapshotted and handed them off at the end of the day to a superior; those she knew she relegated to memory and let them leave. There was a mundane sense of routine in this, rarely was there a break in or out. An attempt to rush past the front door rather than fill out the right paperwork. Rushing was a foolhardy choice, one of the petulant and impatient considering how open their community has historically been to foreign travel as long as one could obviously survive the diamond maelstrom. It was ironic that the maelstrom served as a 'test' of endurance and out of respect for their tribulations they endured they allowed the most risky strangers entry. Thankfully maelstrom no longer cursed and protected Sunagakure, it was callously destroyed by a motley crew of adventurers years ago. The bias the storm provided was gone and with this loss, strangely enough there has been a steady climb in the xenophobia she saw in the domestics.

"You caught me, I will not hide behind lies to explain my actions."

"Caught?" she repeated. "Strange choice of words for a man who walks through our front door in the middle of the day," she observed. Perhaps he was jesting, 'caught' -- how silly.

"I have been a wanderer for a decade. I come to Sunagakure in peace. My name is Anatsu."

He further explained. She did not know the name nor did she understand the term 'Wanderer.'

She might have been better dressed than either of them, but she was hardly an authority in this matter. She raised a gloved hand as he started to explain himself and then pointed to her side. "Pleasure Anatsu," she replied "but Matsu would be the authority here." Yes, the Jounin outranked her and even if he had not she would be considered a 'novice' because her publicly known vocation until a few weeks ago was 'desk jockey' or secretary. She was never trained in an academy, on paper the claim was she was privately trained by Sennin Senju making her a further outsider.

As for Matsu, she knew him but did he know her? Probably not. Matsu might recall her as the mother of a hyperactive youth that was rejected from his classroom but beyond that she doubt she made much of an impression on him. She, however, knew Matsu as her cousin, of course that was a lifetime ago... literally. She died, or at least that body had and with it the life and relationships she once enjoyed died with Shiori. "I am Chuunin Shihakata," she lied using the surname she gave Sousuke when she barged into his office and demanded his desk all those years ago.

She took a step back to allow Matsu the authority to lead. She was not going to play the authority game, the last time she had it cost the Ancient her hand and she considered Matsu just as brutal and unforgiving as Reaper. Sunagakure was more authoritarian than the antediluvian empire that predated the first men and truly that was not a compliment. Humanity was at its core viscous, capricious, chaotic and selfish. There was a petty bubbling jealousy and a need for exponential recompense that she had felt first hand. She had no love for humanity but she knew that she had to exist among them for now. She took a seat, she was not leaving because she could not. It was not that Sennin Kazuki ordered her to spend her day here although it was not something she would put past him but rather she was here spying on him. The Toraono Dojo served as a refuge for emigrants from destroyed lands such as Neo-Kohona and Kirigakure for years and it is the home of the Senju plan and their secrets. She was not wrong about Kazuki's sister, it was something she was going to take to his [Kazuki's] grave.

She as confident that Matsu knew what he was doing and if he did not, it seemed more like Sand and visitor problem. She would pull a pen out of her pocket and offer it to Anatsu. Why? For the same reason she does everything.
The Form said:

Home Village and Country:

Are you a Shinobi?

What is your Purpose for Visiting Sunagakure?

How Long do you Plan to Remain in Sunagakure?
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
[col]Matsu listened as the other two talked. He continued to brush sand off his body as he clicked his spurs against the floor. He paced a bit like a caged animal watching the interactions. He watched as the stranger explained himself and the Chuunin gave her explanation of things. He made note of the fact that her name did not at all align with her childs. That was an oddity. It would be brought up later once he was done with this business before him. She referred to him as the one in charge and he nodded, his mask making the slightest of motions to indicate this. Every motion was done with intent. "The documents are not required, Chuunin. This individual will continue to be a wanderer outside our boundary. Indicating you were caught tells me you're a problem. We have no need of that here. Leave."

Matsu's face would be dour behind his mask. The individual before them was actively averting their gaze for whatever reason which was something he did not trust. He made a motion with his right hand as if he was simply shoo'ing the person away. "Don't return. If you do, an execution order will be given. If you are found inside the village beyond this interaction then an execution order will be given. Obviously, disregarding your dismissal will indicate your interest against peace." He shook his head as his other hand remained on the hilt of his blade. He was not actively attacking, but he was prepared. His body was rigid and still, but his muscles coiled beneath this leathers. All it would take is one spark of violence to set him off. Matsu's nose wrinkled a bit. He just wanted to lay under the sand and warm himself. He didn't want to be dealing with these things right now.
[legend="[glow=#73e29a][b][size=5]Plague Bearer[/size][/b][/glow]"]

Name: Matsu
Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 48,000
Chakra: 30,000
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
Belt Pouch
-Black Lotus - Heavy
-Heaven's Touch - Heavy
Belt Pouch
-Iron Vein - Heavy
-Serpent's Blood - Heavy
-Plexistim - Strong
-Mustard Gas - Heavy
-Twilight Venom - Weak
-Blood Pill x 3
-Health Pill x 3
-Botulinum Toxin - Strong
Weapon Holster - Draughtbane, Dark Blade of Shifting Sands
Weapon Holster -
  • Earth Major / Minor Affinity
  • Fire Major / Minor Affinity
  • Water Major / Minor Affinity
  • Wind Major / Minor Affinity
  • Lightning Minor Affinity
  • None-Elemental Minor Affinity
  • Vapor Minor Affinity
  • Poison Major / Minor Affinity
  • Scorch Minor Affinity
  • Metal Major / Minor Affinity
  • Shadow Minor Affinity
  • MagmaNone
Enjoy~Mood Music X

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
"I am Chuunin Shihakata,"

It was probably a lie. Every gate guardian lied about their name. Anatsu used to do it himself back during his days of serving as an ANBU Captain of Konohagakure. She was relatively nice as far as shinobi go. If it weren't for his all powerful sharingan eyes, he would have even assumed that she had even performed a transformation jutsu. She was much prettier than the indescribable creature which accompanied her at the gates. Everything about her partner screamed trouble if Anatsu were to engage. While he was confident that he was more than capable of handling these two shinobi, he knew this wasn't the time or place to cause chaos. Up until this point, he had been hiding from the shinobi world for the last couple of years and he had no intentions of changing that for the time being.As much as he didn't like being spoken to in the manner in which the shinobi before him chose, he was disciplined enough to avoid causing trouble.

"The documents are not required, Chuunin. This individual will continue to be a wanderer outside our boundary. Indicating you were caught tells me you're a problem. We have no need of that here. Leave."... "Don't return. If you do, an execution order will be given. If you are found inside the village beyond this interaction then an execution order will be given. Obviously, disregarding your dismissal will indicate your interest against peace."

Anatsu's facial reaction to these statements were a mystery in a tale that would never be told. His entire outfit was designed to hide his facial reactions since the days that he still provided them to the public; those days were gone. Anatsu almost turned without saying a word and walking, but he figured that would be rude.

"I understand. Thank you." said Anatsu calmly, loud enough for both of them to hear him clearly. He turned around, and began walking away at a normal pace. it wasn't too slow to cause any need for the Sunagakure shinobi to be on alert, nor was it very fast to indicate that he was scared. He walked at a normal pace. Sunagakure was an interesting place. He had a better understanding of Sunagakure now. Things were getting interesting.

[Topic Left]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"The documents are not required, Chuunin. This individual will continue to be a wanderer outside our boundary. Indicating you were caught tells me you're a problem. We have no need of that here. Leave."

It was apparently not necessary. The paperwork that is. She raised an arched brow, did he know the 'Wanderer' and what was a Wanderer? Her fingers played with the slip of paper before she returned it to the table she had taken it from. It would appear that Matsu was not going to let him enter the village. She was mildly surprised, she expected a level of scrutiny from him but in the end she expected Matsu to allow the stranger entry after a Q&A and perhaps a blood sample or a snapshot was taken. He seemed concerned over the term 'caught' as well. She wondered if Amatsu was a wanted man. More importantly she wondered if this was information she could have leveraged to her advantage.

"Don't return. If you do, an execution order will be given. If you are found inside the village beyond this interaction then an execution order will be given. Obviously, disregarding your dismissal will indicate your interest against peace."

He ordered and the stranger complied.

"I understand. Thank you."

And he left. in fact, he was apparently leaving the country before she could bid him adieu.
[Allowed Amatsu Topic Departure]

She nodded politely to Matsu, the shift was nearly over so back to their respective corners.
[Attempting Topic Left]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
[col]Matsu shook his head as the foreigner left. He made a mental note that he would need to relay to those that held any kind of guard duty that if anyone matched that description that they were to be executed on sight. Underneath his mask, his nose wrinkled as the third party was now gone. He would remove his sword from his belt and tap the scabbard on the floor to get the others attention. "I suppose you'll be telling me why your child has a different name than you. Don't know when I'll be able to catch you in such a position, but I think you owe me an explanation after everything I had to go through with you and your kid."

He would keep his sword sheathed at this point, but he was still on the edge of potential violence. Just because the unwanted visitor was gone did not mean the tension of the situation was relieved. The covers of his mouth would pull back as he smiled a bit beneath his mask. Would she decide to get into a fight with him or try and make some kind of excuses. "I am...unfamiliar with either name existing in the registries." Perhaps he did not know or perhaps it was something else entirely. What secret existed here if any? Where once he might not care, now he grew to caring more.
[legend="[glow=#73e29a][b][size=5]Plague Bearer[/size][/b][/glow]"]

Name: Matsu
Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 48,000
Chakra: 30,000
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
Belt Pouch
-Black Lotus - Heavy
-Heaven's Touch - Heavy
Belt Pouch
-Iron Vein - Heavy
-Serpent's Blood - Heavy
-Plexistim - Strong
-Mustard Gas - Heavy
-Twilight Venom - Weak
-Blood Pill x 3
-Health Pill x 3
-Botulinum Toxin - Strong
Weapon Holster - Draughtbane, Dark Blade of Shifting Sands
Weapon Holster -
  • Earth Major / Minor Affinity
  • Fire Major / Minor Affinity
  • Water Major / Minor Affinity
  • Wind Major / Minor Affinity
  • Lightning Minor Affinity
  • None-Elemental Minor Affinity
  • Vapor Minor Affinity
  • Poison Major / Minor Affinity
  • Scorch Minor Affinity
  • Metal Major / Minor Affinity
  • Shadow Minor Affinity
  • MagmaNone
Enjoy~Mood Music X


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Tap. Tap.

"I suppose you'll be telling me why your child has a different name than you. Don't know when I'll be able to catch you in such a position, but I think you owe me an explanation after everything I had to go through with you and your kid."

Really? That was his main concern? "Everything you went though?" She repeated, he was getting sensitive in his old age. She hardly felt it was that traumatic. No violence, all of the threats came from him ironically enough. "My apologies if our repartee kept you up at night, but I do not think my family is any business of yours." Yes, she was going to play that card. She would play any card that gave her an advantage. "A lot of children have different surnames than their parents," lying was second nature to her at this point.

"I am...unfamiliar with either name existing in the registries."

"I was unaware that you had the census memorized," she retorted. "I am there, I assure you," she lied again shrugging it off.

Then she would deflect. "I am sure you have a problem with me... or my son. But whatever 'more' you think there might be that is going on is all in your head," she would 'assure' him. She would make her way to a window and look outside, she wanted to be certain that the 'Wanderer' was gone. He was. She let out a sigh and checked the clock. Her day was almost over, she would have to be more careful in the future. His curiosity could be troublesome and call her sentimental but she did not want to kill every Takahashi, just one.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
[col]"Everything I went through. I'm not a fan of inconveniences. I mean. We can go check the census right now. I'd be happy to throw you and the kid into the pits." He licked his lips beneath his mask as his hand flexed around the hilt of his blade. It would be interesting to see how things played out. A minor click could be heard behind his mask and then a pop as he tilted his head and his neck cracked. "How 'bout we go find out. Turns out you and your family are my business. Happy to go talk to my cousin. See if he knows you by that name. Burn out every possibility that you are in fact who you say you are." His lips would split apart from one another as he smiled. Not that she would necessarily know, though she might. Who knows what abilities she had compared to him.

"Call it reciprocation. You wasted part of my day, so I get to waste part of yours. I had been hoping it'd just go by easy, but I am beginning to wonder if your kid is even in there as well. I'm not the smartest man, but I love research if you'd believe that. Doubtful, I know. But when you're hunting after something, it never hurts to look into these kinds of things. Shall we?" He extended his other hand towards the door. He would be happy to escort her to the registry to see what was and was not true.

[Attempting to leave with Shiori]
[legend="[glow=#73e29a][b][size=5]Plague Bearer[/size][/b][/glow]"]

Name: Matsu
Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Stamina: 48,000
Chakra: 30,000
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
Belt Pouch
-Black Lotus - Heavy
-Heaven's Touch - Heavy
Belt Pouch
-Iron Vein - Heavy
-Serpent's Blood - Heavy
-Plexistim - Strong
-Mustard Gas - Heavy
-Twilight Venom - Weak
-Blood Pill x 3
-Health Pill x 3
-Botulinum Toxin - Strong
Weapon Holster - Draughtbane, Dark Blade of Shifting Sands
Weapon Holster -
  • Earth Major / Minor Affinity
  • Fire Major / Minor Affinity
  • Water Major / Minor Affinity
  • Wind Major / Minor Affinity
  • Lightning Minor Affinity
  • None-Elemental Minor Affinity
  • Vapor Minor Affinity
  • Poison Major / Minor Affinity
  • Scorch Minor Affinity
  • Metal Major / Minor Affinity
  • Shadow Minor Affinity
  • MagmaNone
Enjoy~Mood Music X


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"Everything I went through. I'm not a fan of inconveniences. I mean. We can go check the census right now. I'd be happy to throw you and the kid into the pits."

He threatened. You don't threaten a mother's children, not if you want to enjoy the respite of a chair anytime in the foreseeable future. "Pits?" She repeated, "you would threaten a child with that? How cruel..."[/b] She asked a second time only to make him say it again perhaps, that is the sort of bad publicity money and favors just could not buy. Matsu never did care about what people thought of him, some would have considered this a strength but she saw it as a weakness. How people saw you was the basis for how they not only treated you but the favors they were willing to do for you. It was the reason she decided to be a thin, tall blonde -- she had the benefit most paid for and would spend hours under the knife to ultimately enjoy.

"How 'bout we go find out. Turns out you and your family are my business. Happy to go talk to my cousin. See if he knows you by that name. Burn out every possibility that you are in fact who you say you are."

She both was and was not who she said she was, that was the true irony of this situation. She was hired by Sousuke under this assumed name, her claim was that she came from another city in Wind Country and that had never been questioned. She made waves elsewhere as well, she was a creature meant to be seen because that was the best place to hide. "Fine," she agreed with a shrug. If he looked deep enough certainly he would find something amiss. Something that she would have to lie her way out of, but really what was he working on beyond a hunch. Between the two of him, he seemed like the madman not her and that would be the narrative it would take when the time came if he got to close or if he truly refused to let it go. So she would consent, he agreeable and pretend to be unconcerned in front of these people. Yes, people. They were at the gates and she had witnesses, something Matsu failed to care about but perhaps one day (soon) would. She would eye his hilt, an unspoken threat with his hand there. "No need to draw your blade Matsu, I am willing to satisfy whatever odd fixation you have regarding my identity."

"Call it reciprocation. You wasted part of my day, so I get to waste part of yours. I had been hoping it'd just go by easy, but I am beginning to wonder if your kid is even in there as well. I'm not the smartest man, but I love research if you'd believe that. Doubtful, I know. But when you're hunting after something, it never hurts to look into these kinds of things. Shall we?"

Well, he did find a snag, a little one. The boy was only a few months old not that she could say that. He had not gotten a name for himself yet and for the most part he was an unknown less the forged documents she used to sign him up for the academy. Thankfully children have minimal papertrails, a pediatrician perhaps. A place of birth and little more. She would have to think up something along the way, preferably something time-consuming. "Of course," she replied as she followed him out the door.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
