Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Sunday training [Closed]

Jul 1, 2018
It was a lazy Sunday morning as Maikeru lay in bed, staring at his ceiling for what felt like the third hour in a row. Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh. He knew he had to get out of bed, there were things to do today after all. With a groan, he threw his sheets aside, and began the process of getting ready for the day. Fully dressed, breakfast in his stomach, and his supplies strapped to his person, he headed out the door of his modest home. He had one stop on the way to his destination, the nearby home of one Sunaku Isako.

Isako had been adopted by another Uchiha, and Maikeru had sort of viewed her as a little sister due to her age. As such, he had made it his personal responsibility to help aid her in training. It was a short walk, and he was thankful the weather was nice. The sun was out, the birds were flying around and chirping, and there was a sense of lightness to the air. It brought a smile to his face as he walked through the streets of Konoha with his hands in his pockets.

It wasn't long before he was standing at her door, knocking loudly. If there was one thing he knew, these people were heavy, HEAVY, sleepers. After a few knocks, he leaned over to look through a nearby window, seeing if the family was up and moving yet.


Kumiko woke up the same thing she had woken up to for the past month: a off-white ceiling that was peeling off, revealing what looked to be water-damaged wood. Or it could be something else, since it seemed more like random splotches of dark paint on a canvas rather than any wood she had ever seen. The smell of the room was stale, like that of moldy bread, but even with the window open all night, it didn’t seem to make it better. Still, she had gotten used to it, for better or for worse.

Her six arms stretched out as a wide yawn escaped her. Even the bed creaked loudly and shook freely when even the slightest movement was done, she didn’t feel like getting out of it. It wasn’t the worst bed, but when you find yourself sunk halfway into it by morning, there was a sense that it was pretty old and very well-used. Under the bed sheet that she had bought with her weekly allowance by the government was stains—of both the bloody type and the uncertain type—that probably freaked out the previous tenants. However, for her, it didn’t really bother her.

Not much really bothered her, to tell the truth. It was a bad apartment, yes, but it was the first home that could be said to be hers rather than her parents. Besides, it was essentially free, and she was technically an outsider, not like the native born villagers.

Still, she had to get up. There was breakfast and that training session that she had to get to. Taking a deep breath, she used her multitude of arms to push herself upright. Even though she was now sitting upright, she still hadn’t left her bed. As she groggily blinked her eyes, staring blankly at the empty room in front of her, there was only one other thought on her mind.

“It’s really hard to wake up without someone yelling at me…”
For Isako, the Sunday morning had started much like any other. Roll out of the bed with a loud groan, laying on the ground for a moment, before getting dressed in her training outfit. Brush your teeth, practice your most adorable smile in the mirror, making sure it’s ripe for abuse, and make breakfast, the last of which always being something of an adventure. And so, Sunaku Isasko found herself in an epic staredown with the toaster, her neck pulled back like a snake awaiting its prey, daring the bread to show its face. She was compressed like a spring, ready to snap, but… it never came.

Exasperated, annoyed, and already tired of having to deal with the day, she shifts her head to above the toaster, trying to catch a peek of what’s stopping the bread… only to catch a faceful of crumbs as her breakfast was launched at her, sending her scrambling backwards with a newly acquired piece of toast lodged firmly in her mouth. Isako: 1 - Toaster: 0. It was while she was basking in the glory of her victory that she heard a voice from behind the door, bringing a glint to her eye as she recognised the voice.

Maikeru would hear at first the sound of scrambling, then hard footsteps on tatami mats, followed immediately by the sound of a sliding shoji and the sight of an incredibly cheerful redhead lunging at the taller boy, her trajectory optimised for the perfect tackle hug and shouting something, though it was muffled by her still uneaten breakfast.


Once completely sure that the boy was within her grasp, she would look up, a toothy grin across her features, uttering a single word.


(Word count: 290 words)
Daenerisu bursts out of her bedroom and rushes into the kitchen where she smelled a simple, but fresh made breakfast. Her hair is pulled back in a bun with only a hasty brushing, if she even did that. She tightens the straps on her sword holster as she grabs what she can to eat. As she heads towards the door, she hears her grandpa moving around in the living room. Before she can reach the door, he calls out to her.

"Good morning, Danii. Are you finally awake? Would you like play a game of Shogi after you finish your breakfast?"

She tries to call back through a mouthful of food, but finds that she has bitten off too much. She eats as quickly as possible so that she can answer him.

"I can't this morning grandpa! I'm supposed to be meeting others for training. I'm already running late."

Daenerisu quickly slides on her shoes and reaches for the door, but she stops as her grandfather calls out again.

"If you are already late, then not much else can be done now. Finish your breakfast first. And don't forget to brush your teeth before leaving the house."

She lets out a sigh of discontent and grumbles to herself as she takes another look at the door. As if he could read her mind from another room, her grandfather adds on.

"No complaints. Next time wake up earlier and you won't be in such a rush."

Fifteen minutes later, Daenerisu rushes out the door ready for training with a washed face, brushed hair, and full stomach. She yells goodbye to her grandfather and slams the door behind her before running off down the street with the longsword awkwardly bouncing along on her back. She stumbles through the crowd squeezing through gaps almost too small for even her and only occasionally apologizing to those that she runs into. She takes a look up at the sun already moving up the morning sky and curses herself.

*I really hope I'm not the last one to arrive this time.* She shakes off the thought before returning to her sprint to the training fields. As she arrives, she lifts her hand waving at her friends. While waving, the large sword on her back momentarily catches on something and drags on the ground causing her to lose her balance. She skids to a stop a short distance from her friends, but looks up with a smile on her face.

Word Count: 413
Sunday mornings were relatively similar to other mornings: wake up, forcibly drag yourself out of bed, then head to the kitchen to cook and eat a couple of eggs for breakfast. Wash, get dressed into a training outfit, brush your teeth and leave the house with a quick goodbye to your parents.

The walk to the training grounds wasn't particularly long, the streets not particularly crowded, as Takumi moves onwards to his destination. When he arrives, it's quite apparent that his friends were running a little late as Takumi arrived at the training ground to be greeted by just Daenaerisu. Maybe they had just slept in, or miscalculated how much time they had before the training session. They wouldn't have forgotten, right?

"Hmm, the others aren't here yet? As long as Maikeru is awake and ready, he'll probably get Isako, so I'll go and check on Kumiko. You can come with me if you want, Daenaerisu-chan."

Takumi waits a little for the Nanjirou to decide, before moving onwards to the spider girl's house. In truth, it was an eyesore to him, so unclean and ugly, but he kept that to himself. It was probably the best she could do, and people didn't really like you callously insulting their best.

'When she's a proper shinobi, I'm sure she'll be able to get a nicer house, or fix up that one. If I can, I'll try and help.'

But enough of that. Knocking on the Hachiashi's door, Takumi calls out to her.

"Kumiko-chan! We're about to start training. Are you asleep? Did you forget? Either way, time to get ready!"

Word count: 269
Maikeru stood at the closed door way for a moment, impatiently crossing his arms, tapping his fingers against his forearm as he waited for the younger girl. It was when he finally heard the sound of wood planks creaking, and the sound of the toaster going off, that he knew she was awake. He let out a light sigh, shaking his head dismissively. Well, at least she wasn't running too late this time. It wasn't until the door opened, and he was.. tackled? Well, the closest thing the small child could do to tackling at least.

She seemed excited, which he surmised from the large smile, and the adorable nickname she had given him a long, long time ago. He returned the hug, wrapping one arm around the girl, while the other he placed his hand ontop of her head, ruffling her hair a bit.

"Well, you seem excited Isako." He said, giving the girl a small smile. "Are you ready to go beat up some older kids today?"

Slowly, gently, pulling the girl off of him, he kneeled down to be at her height. He looked her in the eye, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Now, you're an adopted Uchiha, so you really gotta kick some ass today, got it? We all have to do the clan proud, even you, Isako."

(224 words)
The knocking and Takumi’s voice startled the six-armed girl out of her stupor. Blinking dumbly, it took Kumiko a few seconds before she started comprehending the words. It took a few more for the sentence to sink in.

“Training…?” She mouthed the words for a moment before her eyes drastically widened. “The training!”

Scrambling off the bed, using her multitudes of arms to crawl along the floor like a spider, she quickly reached her closet and began throwing off her clothes, jamming her arms through the slots of the shirt.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Only after stuffing her legs into her pants did she finally rush over to the door. Sure, her bra and panties were the same ones she was wearing yesterday, but if they were going to do training, it was going to get dirty again anyways, and she would rather not have to do laundry so frequently. Along the way, she grabbed a banana and stuffed it into her mouth, not even bothering to peel it first. Instead, she simply mashed down with her teeth, letting the gooey batter of banana splatter out onto her waiting tongue.

It was only when she finally reached the door that she took the time to use her hands to straighten her hair and clothes. She also spat out the remnants of the banana into a corner, letting it sit there. Some people would think that would dirty the house, but she was pretty sure that her roommates—namely the rats—would take care of it by the time she came back.

Without further adieu, she pulled opened the door and spotted Toujigikou Takumi standing in front of her door. As expected, from the voice that called out earlier. She then promptly used her many arms to spin him around and then latch onto his back, letting her feet drag on the ground.

“I’m tired now. Let me get a piggyback ride.”

(word: 322)
The girl responds to the headpats with a light headbutt to the boy’s chest, basking in the feeling of his fingers in her hair for a bit. It was always nice when people petted her like this, always enjoyable. She gave a little whine at the boy’s attempted removal, clinging even tighter for a bit, before giving up in a split second. In the span of a single second, Isako then went from a disappointed pout, to a thoughtful look with a finger on her chin, and finally to an excited expression shifting from the balls of her feet to her heels, and back again over and over as she stuffed the rest of the toast into her mouth.

”I’m going to beat up every single one of you losers, especially now that nee-san taught me to u-”

She physically clasped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide, realising that she’d nearly given away her best trick. Slowly, the hands fell away, revealing a massive grin.

”Well, uh, I can’t finish that sentence, but what I can tell you is that I have a really neat trick up my sleeve,” says the redhead, giving the Uchiha an exaggerated wink, reaching for her sleeve, only to realise that she didn’t have one, causing her to frown briefly.

”Come on! We gotta hurry! For Konoha,” she calls out as she begins sprinting towards the training fields.
"Sure! I'll tag along! Better than sitting here all alone. Plus, I've never seen where Kumiko-chan lives and I kinda wonder what it looks like."

Daenerisu follows along beside Takumi with the sword occasionally scrapping at the ground behind her causing her to stumble a bit. She eventually pauses and readjusts the strap on her holster and falls behind Takumi. Once comfortable again, she hurries to catch up while pulling on the strap to keep the sword from dragging. She sees him stop at an apartment up ahead and rushes to catch up. She notices that the outside of the place could use a bit of an upkeep and has a strong feeling that the inside probably isn't much better, but she knows her place would look the same if her grandfather wasn't always reminding her about her chores. She walks up just as Kumiko opens the door. Leaning around Takumi, she greets her classmate with a wave and a big grin.

"Good morning!!! Are you ready for some training!"

She chuckles as Kumiko forces Takumi to give her a piggyback ride. She also turns to head back to the training grounds to meet their friends.

"I wonder if the rest of them have arrived yet? I'm looking forward to getting some good practice in. I think I might be able to put a little pressure on Maikeru this time!"

Daenerisu turns to see how Takumi fairs with the piggy back ride.
Takumi's smile when Kumiko answers the door turns into an expression of surprise as he is turned and climbed onto, taking a few steps and adjusting how much he leaned to stabilise himself. Suddenly having to give a piggyback ride wasn't exactly something he had expected, but apparently that was what was happening now. To her comment on how she was tired, Takumi gives her a playful sigh and shake of the head. She was probably just saying that to get a piggyback ride, or at least he hoped that.

"Getting out of the house is tiring for you, Kumiko-chan? Well, sounds like you really need this training session then. In that case, let's get going!"

Having resigned to his fate as the Hachiashi's trusty steed, Takumi sets off at slightly quicker pace than he one he used to get here, figuring that Maikeru and Isako would have already set off for the training grounds by now. The weight of Kumiko wasn't that bad, but the extra mass on his back meant he'd sometimes lean too far back or too far forward, so he'd have to stop momentarily to readjust himself. As the walk went on, he slowly got used to it, however, the readjustments becoming more infrequent. Arriving back at the training grounds, still devoid of friends, Takumi figures that they should arrive shortly.

"Eh, Kumiko-chan, you can get off now, we've arrived. If Isako-chan sees I'm giving you a piggyback, I'll be forced to give her one all day, ahahaha. Either way, her and Maikeru hope they turn up soon."

Word count: 262
"Yea, yea.." Maikeru commented, dismissively waving his hand at the sprinting girl as she bounded with limitless energy it seemed.

Even though he was thirteen, he swore that the people he associated with made him feel so much older than that. There were times where he was afraid to check his hair for fear of finding premature grey hairs from the boundless stress being the "older brother" of the group caused him. With a happy sigh, he took off after the girl, jogging behind, letting her stay ahead to get that feeling of beating the older kid in the race.

It was a short jog to the training ground, and ironically he was the last one there despite being the one who had planned it. He made a note to self to start picking Isako up fifteen minutes early. He gave a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head as he approached his group of friends. He gave a small wave, before walking up to the group.

"Hey there, guys." He said, standing among them. "Sorry I'm late, I guess I must have overslept a bit or something."

He gave a small wink to Isako, before looking to the small training ring behind them. It was a bad ring for himself, who was not the most gifted in taijutsu, but he did need to give them a bit of a handicap, especially with his kekkei genkei having been unlocked recently. Cracking his knuckles, he stepped into the middle of it, ushering for the others to follow suit behind him.

"So, this is how I figure we'll do it. We each start at a.. corner? But there's no corners to a circle.." He paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully before shrugging. "Either way, we'll start at the edge. Last man standing wins. You're out of the contest if you go unconscious, or if you are knocked out of the arena. Sound fair to everyone?"

(323 words)
Kumiko hopped off Takumi’s back, landing with a soft poof sound as her feet touched the ground. To most people, that would be normal, but to ninjas—and ninjas in training—that sound was the mark of an amateur since they were supposed to not make any sound at all. She blushed a little at her mistake, but she quickly shook that off; it wasn’t like people had act ninja-like twenty-four hours a day. Looking around, she saw that their meeting area was pretty much the standard training ground which consisted of opens spaces and wooded areas. Lots of space to make a mess, but the sections of trees separated enough that if one section caught fire, then the others would be spared their fate. IT made sense since, if the training grounds were easily destroyed, it wouldn’t last that long at all.

Just when she was about to say something, the main stars of the show appeared. Maikeru and Isako arrived. There was a lot to be said about the two, but the most important bit was that Maikeru was practically the leader of the group, despite no prior agreements to such. That was because he simply took charge the situation while the rest of their group just tended to go along with it. Of course, that included her as well. That definitely included her as well. No doubt about it; she was a follower through and through.

Which was a little sad now that she thought about it.

Shaking her head slightly, Kumiko focused on listening to the Uchiha’s words. It was only at the end of his suggestion that she raised her hand, waving it enthusiastically to catch his attention. When he inevitably looked in her direction, she finally began to speak.

“Does this include biting and clawing? That’s part of Taijutsu too, isn’t it?”

(310 words)
Isako missed the wink directed at her, as she was too distracted by the incessant hopping in place as she tried her best to catch as much air as possible, waving at the others as hard as she possibly could, excited to see her friends once more.There was always something nice about being together like this… She liked having people around her. There was something comforting in their presence.

”Kumi-chan! Dani-chan! Takumi-kun! Hiiiiii,” she calls out, unable to keep the grin out of her voice.

Perhaps the others might miss the glint that appears in Isako’s eyes as Maikeru announces the rules, or how her hand gently brushes against two rather large pouches attached to her waist, seemingly containing something heavy.

”Do your worst, Kumi-chan! I’m gonna beat all of you at your absolute best!”

Taking point at one of the ‘corners’ of the battle ring, Isako unties and drops the pouches, one on each side of her, excited to show off a few new tricks, as she was sure everyone else planned to. As if in response to her excitement, the pouches would start shifting, moving an almost imperceptible amount to some unseen command.

It was a beautiful. Isako felt her chakra emanate from her body in thin strands, hundreds of thousands of little strings wrapping around each grain of sand, one by one, the sensation much like a hivemind of insects, an invisible hand commanding every little grain. It was a graceful dance, and a deadly weapon, one that Isako would use to its fullest potential… Just as soon as everyone else got into position.

(WC: 272)
Daenerisu smiles and waves back at Isako. She then turns to glare at Maikeru.

"Hey! Next time you shouldn't wait on Maikeru to wake up. Don't let him make you late."

Daenerisu listens as Maikeru explains today's training. As the rest talk and ask questions, she adjusts the straps of the holster holding her sword. Part of her is excited for close combat training, but part of her wonders if her particular style might be a little too much for something like this. She steps into the ring opposite of Isako as Maikeru finishes. She watches as Isako drops her bags at her feet. Daenerisu is more than a bit curious about what is in them, but not because she sees them moving. She just wants to know what her friend has decided to bring today. She unclips the strap keeping the sword on her back and pokes it into the ground with the blade still in the sheathe. She still wasn't sure what was going to be allowed this time.

"What about weapons? I don't want to hurt anyone."

Depending on how this is answered, Daenerisu could be a disadvantage as most of her training has been with the sword and not her fists. Plus something about the blade seemed to guide her when she held it. Sometimes, it even seemed to have a mind of its own. As she waits for an answer. She moves so that she is standing behind the sword and resting both of her tiny hands on the large pommel the longsword.

(WC: 258)
Takumi pays no heed to Kumiko's blunder, instead focusing on greeting the newcomers. Maikeru had assumed, or perhaps been forced into assuming the role of a leader to their little friendship group. There was sound reasoning behind it: he was the oldest, arguably maturest and definitely strongest of the friends, more adept in his skills than the others. Takumi was determined to surpass him one day, and the only way to do that would be to work hard. Then they'd see which was stronger: the eyes of the Uchiha, or the art of the Toujigikou.

Conversely, Isako was the youngest member of the group, and childish. Whether she was weakest was debatable, but as far as Takumi was aware, she had no clue how to utilise her clan's abilities. Of course, Takumi himself had little skill with his clay techniques, only being able to emulate his other jutsu with his clay , though that was inefficient in terms of chakra usage. Even still, it was a fairly useful technique to possess.

"Maikeru-kun, Isako-chan! Glad you're here! Let's get started then!"

Knocking your opponent out of the arena seemed easy enough, Takumi had a variety of ninjutsu to try and accomplish such a thing. The trouble was Maikeru - sure, he could potentially limit what abilities he utilised to make the fight fairer, but he would still be more resilient to things. Focusing on him, then pick everyone else off: that would be Takumi's plan of action.Getting into postition at the edge of the ring, he waits for the session to begin.

WC: 259
"So, let's keep this fair then, shall we? Give everyone an equal starting point."

As Maikeru spoke, he dug into a pouch on his leg, pulling out a single newly made kunai. The metal seemed unused, and seemed to shine in the mid morning sunlight as he pulled it from it's holster. He spun it around a finger a few times, before finally holding it firm in a reverse grip in the palm of his hands. He looked around to all of them, letting his Sharingan come to life as he eyed up his opponents. They had all gotten stronger, that was without a doubt the truth. The question now was, had they surpassed him? It was certainly a possibility, they all pushed themselves just as hard as he did after all. He would have to abuse his Sharingan in order to come out ahead on this one for sure.

"Now, I'm gonna throw this into the air, and when it hits the ground, the match will begin. Remember the rules. A K.O. or ring out is counted as a loss on your end. As for weapons.. try to use the blunt end Danny, I don't think a weapon that big has a sheath."

He held the kunai in front of him, before giving it a lazy toss of the wrist. The bladed weapon spun, and spun in the air, seemingly moving in slow motion as the anticipation and adrenaline began to fill his body. He had to quickly, and decisively decide who exactly was going to be the target he would go for first. Danny had that big sword of hers, but, Isako had that weird ability she had been hiding. Could it be possible that she had unlocked her clan's bloodline traits? He didn't know, and that scared him the most.


There was a slick noise as the blade dug into the ground, and the fight had begun!

Maikeru had to move fast, and move with purpose. As quickly as he could, he looked between Isako and Takumi, locking eyes with them. They were the two long range fighters after all, and the two who would cause him the most headaches in round one, especially Takumi's explosions. As he locked eyes with each one, he would unleash a minor genjutsu through his Sharingan, allowing him to bypass the need for handsigns.
Eye Strain (Mastered) An annoying illusion that causes the mind to perceive the eyes as taking in too much information and thus straining them sending a small surge of pain through them.

Prerequisites: E Rank

Rank 1: Cast at -3DC dealing 65 Damage per round.
Master Rank: Cast at -3DC dealing 80 Damage per round.

- Lasts up to 2 rounds.

Rank 1 Cost: 70Cp, 35Cp per round.
Master Rank Cost: 85Cp, 45Cp per round.

Hp: 789
CP: 3730
There was only so much Kumiko could do. Even though she had six arms, there were not too much that she could do with it. After, she wasn’t particularly skilled at Taijutsu. Her forte, from the jutsus taught in class, seemed to be centered around Ninjutsu rather than Taijutsu or Genjutsu. In fact, she could even be considered more than a bit weak in that area.

That was why she wasn’t so enthused about this training exercise. That was because of the expectations. After all, with six arms, that would be a lot of fists, right? Wrong. Ever imagined throwing three fists at the same time from one side of your body? The force of her body’s momentum would be transfered to one of those fists. It was, in a sense, a useless effort for not much gain.

The only real way to leverage that into an advantage was to grapple. Once she got her opponent into a grapple, hugging them to her body with her lower arms, she could use her remaining arms to whale on them. Of course, this being a training exercise, it wouldn’t be too good to do too much punches. Well, she didn’t exactly have all the muscles that would be useful to do it in any case.

Of course, that led into an even bigger question. Who to grapple?

That question swirled in her mind as Maikeru tossed up the blade, letting that be the counter that would start the battle. As the pressure mounted, as the kunai swirled in the air, her brain gradually shut down from overheating, falling back on old memories of her mother’s advise.

Now, my little spider, don’t let boys touch you so simply, otherwise they’ll think you’re easy. Nobody likes to be thought of as easy. Those kind of girls have the hardest times.

The dull sound of the kunai piercing the earth seemed to echo across the training ground as everyone exploded into motion.

Turning on the nearest girl to her—which happened to be Isako—Kumiko leaped at the girl with her arms outstretched, intent on grabbing her and bringing her down to the ground.

(359 words)
The soft thud of a kunai sinking into the ground marking the start of the battle. Rin’s first lesson of combat was to consider each and every opponent. Evaluate each and every one. A Toujigikou, long range, large area of effect. Dany was a monster of close range with her sword. Kumiko, six arms and capable of using them to their fullest. The last one was Maikeru, the genjutsu master. Now, what was Rin’s first rule for fighting an Uchi-

A sharp jolt of pain shoots through Isako’s eyes as hers meet the bright red of the Sharingan. Right, don’t look them in the eyes. Before she could even do anything, a pair of arms wrapped around her small body, gripping her tight. Fantastic, now she was at the mercy of the Hachiashi, unable to form even a single set of seals.

What Kumiko might’ve missed, however, was how the girl wasn’t even the slightest bit concerned about having been caught, allowing a smile of pure glee to cross her face as she pointed her palms at her captor.

”Come on, this should be easy. All you do is take the principle for Pressure Burst… and apply it to your sand.”

The multi-armed girl would have perhaps a moment to react before there came the sound of a sudden shift from the pouches, and a thick stream of sand shooting forward from Isako’s wrist, aiming to slam itself hard into the abdomen of the spider girl.

”Thanks for the free hit!”

Word Count: 257 Words
Daenerisu's sword does in fact have a sheathe. It might be large for a kid, but it's still only a normal long sword. She leaves it sticking in the ground next to her in it's sheathe for the time being though. As Maikeru pulls out the kunai and tosses it into the air, Daenerisu reaches down and unclips a snap on a pouch that she has hanging on her hip. She begins reaching for it while waiting for the fight to actually start.

"That sounds reasonable. I'll make sure not to cut anyone by accident... this time... Still feel bad about that one..."

As the kunai sticks into the ground, Daenerisu watched the others spring into action. She decides to hold out on entering the fray and instead work on setting up the battlefield for a bit of an advantage later on. She quickly reaches into her pouch and pulls out a trap. She begins fiddling with it in preparation of setting it. Unfortunately, she kind of tuned out grandfather when he was telling her how to use it. It's going to take some time for her to get it prepared, so she hopes the others can occupy each other for a few seconds.

"What is that, Isako-chan? Since when can you do something like that???"

She yells out as she watches sand pour out of the bag. She had thought that Isako had come with a few prepared knick-knacks like herself. She wasn't expecting anything like this. She maybe should have tried to study a bit about her friends' different clan abilities, but it was a little too late for that. She quickly goes back to preparing her trap hoping to have it ready in time.

WC: 287
'Don't look him in the eyes, he'll trap you in a genjutsu if you do.' The concept was simple in theory, though managing to completely avoid eye contact was a fair bit harder in practice, especially since Takumi was gunning for him. For a brief moment, their eyes connect, too long a look though, and suddenly pain in his eyes, fighting off the urge to squint. So even a split second was enough for Maikeru to trigger his genjutsu... Takumi would have to play this a little smarter.

He had a couple of options, though the Toujigikou figured getting his opponents out of bounds was going to be easier than trying to knock them out. For that, there were a few options. Pressurised water could work, though was more overt than the other options. A burst of wind could work, a little sneakier than water as well. There was also his earth technique, converting the ground to gravel. The subtlest method, though if his opponent managed to cope with the sudden shift, it would be ineffective.

He decided on utilising wind chakra to push his opponent back. Coating his hands in wind chakra, he tries to catch the Uchiha off guard by running for Daenaerisu. She was preparing...something, and Isako and Kumiko were busy with each other, going for the Nanjirou would look like the most natural thing to do, in Takumi's eyes. Preparing to striker her, he suddenly wheels round and hurls the burst of wind at Maikeru. It wasn't a perfect plan, the Toujigikou was in a somewhat compromising position that Daenaerisu could exploit, but if it went according to plan, could deal with, or at least hamper, the major threat of the contest.

WC: 287

Current Ninpocho Time:
