A series of 12 tents were set up in the sand four hundred yards from the Toraono Dojo itself with sterilized crimson sand floors and immersive chambers for blood transference and cleansing of taint by specialized electro chakra assisted dialysis. Sunaku Sashi had received reports from Kuro’s medical avatar that many shinobi had been exposed to an ancient bio contaminant designate “Red Death”. With a thorough review of records the most reliable treatment had been blood transfusion. Realizing that Holy Sage Kuro and Sashi devised a treatment using his ghola enhanced medical chambers as transference and cleansing vessels which was easily within their capacity. Bringing twelve of their thirty medical immersion chambers out and making cleansed sand and sterilized air environmental tents. Medics in hazmat gear waited for the triumphant survivors of Barnyx’s return and subsequent defeat. Byakko clan medics and medics called up on short notice awaited their saviors.
Blood Filtering Chamber
An electro chakra chamber that uses a heightened form of dialysis to purify blood of contaminants. It is possible for blood transfusions to occur as well but the person giving the blood must be on hand and willing to sit near the chambered recipient for a duration of 3 days. Due to the high speed regenerative jutsu's sealed into the giver's chair allowing for the reproduction of blood cells at a heightened rate so that those who donate do not suffer significant blood loss.
Clean air with a minty scent was pumped through the tents to produce a calming feeling. The crimson sand had a warm soothing quality to those standing barefoot. The soft illumination of the tents and the immersion chambers helped the passage of those patients whom needed it go into deep sleep. All was ready for those who might need help or accept the assistance offered.
Reconstruction Chamber
Chambers that are filled with soothing healing fluids to allow for surgery with the patient being awake and able to alert the doctors and surgeons to any changes in their condition. The chambers are even able to allow the person immersed in the nutrient laced, pain numbing, but sensation sustaining bath to control their own surgeries and dictate the changes to their anatomy and healing capacities.Blood Filtering Chamber
An electro chakra chamber that uses a heightened form of dialysis to purify blood of contaminants. It is possible for blood transfusions to occur as well but the person giving the blood must be on hand and willing to sit near the chambered recipient for a duration of 3 days. Due to the high speed regenerative jutsu's sealed into the giver's chair allowing for the reproduction of blood cells at a heightened rate so that those who donate do not suffer significant blood loss.
Clean air with a minty scent was pumped through the tents to produce a calming feeling. The crimson sand had a warm soothing quality to those standing barefoot. The soft illumination of the tents and the immersion chambers helped the passage of those patients whom needed it go into deep sleep. All was ready for those who might need help or accept the assistance offered.