Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Swimmy Swim [Open]

Feb 20, 2015
Reizo had nothing to do. It was a rare day that the gangly boy had no plans, but it did happen on occasion. But today, no classes, no training with any of the other students. Yes, he had chores, but they were completed early in the morning. It was only about ten thirty by the time he was finished with his assigned chores, at least until he had to help at night after dinner. So, he was left to his own devices.

After falling into the water in the mineshaft however, he had decided that he needed to take the time to learn to swim better than he knew how to presently. So, technically he had turned the day into a lesson. But, it wasn’t something pushed on him by someone else. He was opting to do it himself. He told his family where he was going (roughly), and that he would be back later. Before dinner of course. With a bento box in hand, Reizo made his way down. All the way down to Arcadia. He had been told several times about “the sea” down in Arcadia, and that shinobi were permitted to go down there when they wished. The water was warm, all fed by a hot spring, and it was a fairly good place to relax. And learn to swim better, in Reizo’s case. Arcadia itself drew the boy’s eyes everywhere, the curious hair colors in particular being interesting to him. He didn’t bother hiding his interest, allowing himself to gawk a little bit.

Of course, he didn’t even consider until this point that this entire idea may have been a poor decision. He hadn’t let anyone know where he was going, and he didn’t know anyone down here in Arcadia. On the other hand, if he recalled correctly, Arcadia relied on Iwagakure for their military presence. Which meant… Reizo looked around for a moment. Then smiled, seeing an older shinobi. A couple here and there allowed themselves to be seen, to let their presence be known. He felt a little better about that, and continued on towards “The Sea.”

The hot spring was… impressive to say the least as Reizo stood on the edge of it. Iwagakure itself was impressive, but the sea was as well in a very different way. Reizo fidgeted, then began walking along the edge of the water, looking for a good spot. Not one too isolated, but also not one where anyone would wander up on him too quickly. He found one after some wandering, setting a small bag behind a rock to conceal it. He stripped off the baggy pants he had worn, and his usual hoodie and scarf, tucking them in the bag with the rest, leaving him standing in a pair of shorts far more suited for swimming and a tank top. He didn’t know what the bottom of the water was like, so the shinobi sandals stayed on, light but made of a material he figured would dry quickly.

With that, the boy stepped into the warm water and started slowly wading deeper, pleased with just how warm the water was. After a little while, the kid was doggy paddling around the area, which was about as far as he had figured on the swimming thing, besides being underwater. He could do that fine. And periodically he would vanish under the surface for a little bit. But he really didn’t know how to swim on the surface very well. He started trying to emulate others he had seen swimming at the surface before, but honestly? He seemed to do a lot more flailing than anything else, and it didn’t work out very well for Reizo...

[MFT, WC: 618]
Ren had come back to the lovely land of Arcadia again, mostly to play around in the water. She had on a skirted simple black and pink tankini swim suit and was feeling confident in herself enough to just march around without a care in the world to find a nice little spot to splash about in. Water was her thing afterall, just as much as being an old fart was her cousin Ryu's thing and fire was Tomatsu's thing and being quiet and polite was Reizo's thing....She shook her head as her mind rambled on ahead of her own thoughts and she tried to refocus.

Thinking of the devil, she spotted a familiar shock of black hair bobbing around in the water as she walked along a shore and dropped her bag down to wave with a wide grin.

"Reizo-kuuuuun! It's me! You felt like swimming today too?" She called out to him as she took off her sandals and rifled through her bag to get out her towel and set it on the ground neatly.

She took a running leap and bounced her way into the water like a tiny long haired cannon ball and let out a happy gasp of laughter as she surfaced again nearby the poor flailing boy. Her hair that hung from the ponytail floated on the surface of the rippling water and she smiled as she gently kicked her feet and treaded in the water. She was completely at home in the water, she looked like she belonged there more than she did when she stood on land even in a way, and it was obvious that she knew what she was doing as she swam little circles around the boy.

"Hopefully you don't mind me...Dropping in. Heheheh." She giggled at her own joke before ducking under the water and swimming back towards the shore to get up out of the water, as if planning on jumping in a second time.

[Wc=330 words 1698 characters]

'I see I see... Well lets see what you see~'

Well, Kappatasu Tomatsu had a knack these days for following Ren, while he was off duty or between shifts at least. He still had to work for the foods. And since the day he met her parents. When she gave him chakra... He started taking care of himself alot more. Even doing his internal training with his external. It was... brilliant. Who knew eating more tomatoes basking in the ambiance of his physical stature, and getting proper sleep would make much of a difference. The sleep was amazing by the way... It allowed him to give Adra control of his body while his mind rested. Nevertheless, Tomatsu would sit atop a cliff watching things transpire. Reizo, the bastard child didnt seem to bother him so much... but he was still jealous.

Jealousy was such a weird thing. Like Love. Made you do some weird and sometimes stupid things. And with that notion you could only guess what would happen throughout this ordeal. Tomatsu would sit where he was and watch as Ren would happily splash waterfall into the pool of water. He'd smirk from his perch and felt like he'd have to change for this. He was thinking of 'dropping in' himself... he wasnt the best swimmer, but there were definitely things he liked to do in the water. Then again, who didnt like the water? Well Tomatsu wasnt particular to it. He couldnt manipulate fire when he was drenched so that sucked. Lately with his White blaze though he was able to mix it with his mouth and use it that way.

"I hope you're ready Ren... This'll be fun for the time being.", and with that he'd strip down leaving his normal clothes out on the ledge before making his way down with a towel already over his shoulder... Before saying 'Fuck it.' and tossing the towel to the wayside a she'd rear back from the jump maybe Forty feet higher.

"...Watch me soar Ren..." and with that he'd begin his sprint and as he'd jump he'd stub his toe on a rock and slip forward falling over the cliff... and literally flailing the entire way down as he'd essentially twirl and frontflip his dangling limbs into the waters below... ending with a spot on belly flop. and all would be quiet for a moment... Until he'd poke his head out the water the front portion of his face beat red from both embarrassment and the pain of the frontal landing. Yup... This was going to be a beautiful day.

Reizo tilted his head to the side slightly at hearing a familiar voice, managing to turn and tread water well enough to see Ren. He gave a slight smile, though he looked rather like a drowned rat presently. He fumbled slightly, however, and scrambled to keep bobbing above the warm water. ”mmhm, hello Ren,” he said pleasantly, paddling his way over to a point where he could stand without much trouble. ”I am actually working on teaching myself to swim better. I am not very good at swimming yet,” he admitted.

He gave a little almost “eep!” when she leapt into the water and splashed, then started swimming around him. He smiled however, ”I do not mind.” Although, it makes me a little more shy about learning, I think…

And then Tomatsu was joining them. Although, in a much different way than he or Ren had. He winced when the older male hit the water, wrinkling his nose slightly, ”Hello, Tomatsu… are you alright?”
Ren let out a loud guffaw and then clapped her hands over her mouth looking thoroughly embarrassed before looking away from Tomatsu and clearing her throat, trying to hide her amusement behind her hands.

"That looked...Painful. Maybe you should take a bit of a break after that fall Tomatsu-kun." She tucked some hair behind her ears and looked back to Reizo with a face her cousin would call constipated.

In all reality she was trying very hard not to laugh at Tomatsu, not wanting to hurt his feelings. So instead she turned her attention to Reizo.

"I can possibly help you learn if you want! I've been swimming since I was a baby basically. Mom says water spirits must have thought I was one of their own when I was born. Come on, I'll show you the basics!"

She wadded further back into the water and stood with the water up to her chest and leaned back, so that she was floating on her back.

"One of the things you should learn very first is just how to float. It will make it so you don't bob underwater so often when you try to actually paddle. Just lean back and relax a bit, I'll help you at first!" She leaned back to standing and waited for Reizo.

If he was alright with the small instruction she would carefully set her hands on his back and hold him just a bit up so he could get adjusted to floating before letting go and standing nearby.
Subtly bobbling his head up and down from the water, he would manage to tread the waters slowly as he circled them. Reizo seemed not to know how to swim and Ren seemed to be holding in her laughter. It was all just embarrassing. Though it could be worse. He could've lost his shorts in the midst of it all. Which he would have to snatch his floating britches and put them on real quick as they seemed to do so without his noticing...

Everything that could go wrong did. And a welt building up in his stomach. The sheer embarrassment made him want to pick up and leave everything. Though... it would seem that things would be... quite, difficult. He wanted to. He felt he wasnt needed but he didnt want to leave Ren. He liked being around her. And if she cared for this kid... He would certainly have to deal with that. He wasnt going to make her choose if it ever came down to it. It wouldnt be right nor fair. "Oi... I'll help too... If thats okay~", leaning up against a ledge now, he'd use his chakra to begin standing on the water, slowly pushing himself up and then out.

"This could be a Tutoring session for Reizo if need be... Hehe!", he'd smile and await the responses.
Reizo gave his very slight smile at the comment about water spirits thinking she was one of their own, though it immediately made him think of his own family’s beliefs about his birth. His nose wrinkled once more, this time accompanied by a furrowed brow. It took a moment for him to actually answer Ren, though. He shook his head hard, resulting in strands of wet black hair flopping in front of his eyes. He grumbled a little as he pushed them off to either side. He glanced to Tomatsu for a moment, then returned his gaze to Ren as she started speaking again. There was a little hesitation, but he nodded.

”Yes. I guess I would be okay with that…” it was hesitant and quiet, but an agreement. He waded in a little bit further, closer to where Ren was, a little glad for his height at the moment.

He adjusted a little bit, carefully switching from standing to laying pretty much on his back. It took a little bit for him to get even vaguely comfortable, and he nearly began flailing as soon as the girl’s hands were removed, but he closed his eyes and forced himself to relax as the warm water lapped up over his ears, occasionally blocking out almost all sound from above it.

At Tomatsu’s words, he tried to turn his head to see what he was doing. Which resulted in him not quite floating anymore and beginning to sink. Which turned into some flailing until he was back on his tiptoes in the water and shaking his head hard. ”Buuh…” he grumbled softly, ”Water is not my thing… but learning to stand on it may be a good idea...”

Why could they have not picked a different time to come swimming… he lamented mentally.
She hastily put her hands back on his back when he started to sink again and helped him to his feet and shrugged softly, though she looked a little put out. If Reizo wanted to learn how to walk on water that was just fine. Probably more useful of a skill for an up and coming student. She much rathered being in the water itself though and she had long since figured out how to walk on the water. If that's what the two boys wanted to do....well maybe she could cause a little mischief while they did so. Not to Reizo though, Ren had rules about water and one of the first ones was to never fool around with people who don't know how to swim. It made people afraid of water and it just felt wrong, regardless. Tomatsu though....

"If you want to do that, that's okay! I'll just stay in the area and swim around while you two tutor~." She said cheerfully, as she waded out into much deeper water, hair trailing behind her on the surface like a silken snake.

She grinned evilly as she sank her face half into the water and just glided around in the water, watching them with her look of mayhem. The moment that Tomatsu focused on Reizo more than her just swimming about, minding her own business, was the moment that she struck, ducking down under water and swimming up to be right beneath him before shooting out a hand and grabbing a hold of his ankle and tugging before swimming away and surfacing, playing innocent as can be in the wake of her destruction.

"kekekekekeke..." She cackled to herself quietly as she watched them, ducking underwater as she did so, bubbles rising for a moment from the laughter.
Summertime was such a fun time... but it sucked for Tomatsu. Either way it was something he'd liked to do since he wasnt the best swimmer... To walk on water essentially. Though it didnt seem like they all wanted it to be a teaching scenario, but Tomato was always in learning mode. Or teaching. He wanted every experience to add on to the next. To be a culmination of thoughts and ideals. Though it would have gotten quite strange in the turn of events that were to come. "Hm~ Then I'll help ya out Reizo-san...", he'd nod and completely forget about Ren for the moment. Turning to Reizo, Tomatsu's feet would glow a blue hue as he hovered over the water.

"Uhm... So fi-...", and then he'd be pulled under water by Ren holding his ankles and dragging him down briefly and with everything he'd try to not die... but he'd end up flailing and going about in the water yelling, "SHARK! SHARRRRK!!", until He'd see Ren laughing at him causing him to laugh himself and go to splash water at her, shaking his head and smirking a bit.

[Small post Sorry]
A frown flickered over Reizo’s features as he caught the somewhat put-out look on his friend. ”After I learn to walk on water a little bit, though, I would be more than happy to have you help me learn to swim. Swimming is probably going to be more difficult for me to learn than walking on it,” he laughed softly at the thought. Manipulating chakra should be harder than manipulating your body, but the kid was getting good at manipulating his chakra, and the energy that his body put off naturally. The after images were barely noticeable at this point, though Reizo made a note to play with them more. See if he could increase their apparentness in the water. Between the distortion of the water itself and the images, knowing precisely where he was in the liquid would be exceptionally difficult. That was a somewhat pleasing thought…

He shoved the tangential thought off to the back of his mind for the time being, wading towards Tomatsu slightly and smiling, ”Thank you very much, Tomatsu-san.” If that was how Tomatsu had decided to refer to him, he saw no reason not to give the older shinobi the same sort of respect. He watched quietly for a moment as the other male’s feet were glowing, nodding in understanding. First… well, apparently was getting yanked into the… water… by Ren.

That wasn’t the first time he had seen that happen. Although, the last time it had been first hand… he had been nearly ready to kick at Ren, but registered the entire scenario for what it actually was and let out a slight relieved sigh, the tension in his body fading quickly. He very much hoped neither of them had honestly noticed. Tomatsu was too busy recovering from being yanked under, and going to splash the girl, and Ren was, of course, attempting to look innocent.

Reizo shook his head and let out a little quiet laugh of his own.

”First is obviously be attacked by a shark, right?”

(MFT, WC: 337)
"There aren't any sharks here! Silly." She grinned as she swam around and around and around again, circling the two.

She wouldn't pull on Reizo until she knew he was confident enough and could handle the water but Tomato... Tomato was free game. Though she was going to be on the outskirts of his little tutoring session until they were done before pouncing in on her prey again. She wanted to play, but she wanted Reizo to be comfortable and able to handle himself in water first and foremost.

She ducked under the water and felt her hair tie snap, it was only a matter of time before it did that, it was old. Shaking out her hair, she looked a bit like she was encased in a wispy cocoon of ink as she closed her eyes and made a few bubbles, catching them under her hands before letting them float to the surface. Water was and always would be the first place she went to feel calm and happy. At home more than anything else. While all the other elements had their own sort of draw to them that spoke to her, water was the one that was unequivocally safe in her mind. Nothing bad ever happens in water.

Finally needing air and feeling too lazy to jutsu up a bubble to breathe in she kicked her way to the surface and let out a tiny gasp as she broke into the world outside her little mind moment she had just had. Her hair stuck to her face and she blew at it for a moment fruitlessly before brushing it away and leaning back to float around mindlessly.

[WC=279 words 1452 characters]

Current Ninpocho Time:
