Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Sympathy for the Devil [Event | Anarchy!]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]It didn't take long for the group to find one of the many small way stations which dotted the desert in the surrounding area of the surface end of the Dojo. It was sparsely furnished with enough supplies to last a single person or a very small group for a few days at the most but it's intention was never for the type of thing that the group which descended upon it now wanted it for. It was very possible that their actions here were going to lead to a very large explosions... and they wanted to be as far from the people who were fleeing the chaos of the village as possible. The way station itself was a small circular stone bunker built into the sand that descended a few steps with no windows or shutters to speak of. Such things were simply too dangerous in the open desert if only because if one broke open it could let a very large amount of sand into the way station with nobody there to maintain it.

A few cupboards were wrapped against the far wall with a large stone table in the center of the space. In respect to that, Katsuo had to admit that the space almost seemed tailored to what they were looking to do.

But in that regard, Katsuo wasn't even really sure what it was that they were going to do. The only thing that they really knew for sure was that Magnetica had a weapon of some kind sealed within her body with no discernible marking or scarring to clue them into where the bomb was inserted into her making it significantly harder to locate.

"Alright guys, bring her in and put her on the table and we'll uh. Get started, I guess."

Dutifully the Sand Medics which were with them guiding the stretcher that Magnetica was resting and bound to followed Katsuo's instruction without comment. He had to wonder what was going through their heads -- they had to be curious why they were going out of their way to help the enemy. Ultimately they followed their instructions which was admirable but Katsuo wished he had more time to explain to them why he'd made the decision that he did. It felt dishonest forcing them to help out otherwise.
|[legend="[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]"][Continued from HERE]

I don't know what to say, this post is kind of lame because I wasn't really sure how to start things off. Sorry. :([/legend][/col]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]The stretcher had been handed over the Sand Medics without much of a fuss. However, the doctor did scribe a medical ward on Magnetica. It would prevent death if anything were to happen during their operation: whether said operation was surgery, bomb defusing or both. Whichever route they may need to take, it would hopefully help. They had jurisdiction here, after all, but she still went along to oversee the events until the end. Her medical clones stayed as well, the three Nanamis ready to go intervene at a moment's notice, if the situation called for it.

"Are you sure this is far enough, Masashi-san?" she asked the man who led this rag tag group. It was a question asked, not out of insubordination, but because the doctor liked to be thorough when lives were on the line.

She approved, though, of the location itself. Here she had been thinking they were expected to work out in the open desert. Such a place was more preferable, surely. They'll have enough problems locating the bomb without turning Magnetica into ribbons. The last thing they needed was their field of vision to be impaired and for anything to be contaminated due to sand blown about in the wind.
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Continued from here.
    Lame post, eh.


    Two Medical Assistants already present from before.
    Scribed a Medical Ward (Mastered) on Magnetica.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"This is Westwatch. One of the forts we've tried to maintain with the storm above. We're far enough."<i></i> Sousuke answered. He began removing his helmet. He hadn't been out that long so exposure was very limited, in stark contrast to the three days he spent on the surface. The Steward rubbed his nose, and went to work. He began to re-arrange their settings. He placed a table in the middle of the room. He got down and plasma sealed the table to the ground. Operation was going to require a hard surface, one that wasn't going to be moving. He went to each corner and did the same. He tested the table next when he tried to budge it. It didn't move. "Okay. We're set here."<i></i> He added. He paused for a quick moment, "Wait... better clean this first."<i></i> The Steward quickly did a plasma glaze over the table. The table was now much cleaner now.

Sousuke looked up to seeing the lightning in the room flicker. "Better charge the generator. Give me a moment. I'll reload it."<i></i> The Steward went the way they came and opened up a panel. He flipped a few switches, pulled out a power core. He held the power core inspecting it before giving it a charge with some electrical chakra. The power core began to hum and glow yellow before he placed it back in. He inserted the power core, turned the knob, and the lights came back on. "That'll do it."<i></i> He returned back to the table where Magentica would be placed.

In truth Sousuke wondered why Kaito had been brought here. He admitted not to knowing much about the bomb, but if anything there was mutually assured destruction to be had. MAD was an endgame that was more for political powers. He rubbed his hands together, trying to focus and prepare for the task coming forward.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

  • Bleeding has stopped.
  • Hypovolemic Shock continues.
  • The effects of the poisons has ended.
  • She remains hypotensive, her organs will soon fail if she does not gain some volume (or blood) soon!
  • She has a bomb in her chest!

  • Electrocution that has resulted in internal burns, but they are healing rapidly thanks to his generalized healing
  • Electrocution that has resulted in a cardiac arrhythmia.
  • He is breathing!
  • He has a heartbeat, but not for long in this state!
  • Suffering from severe dehydration.
  • Unknown if he is in this thread - please verify as it was mentioned by Sousuke.

The desert battered against the walls of the small building outpost in the desert. How they found and even transported the ailing Cabal member to this place was amazing alone. The space was certainly not intended to serve as an impromptu surgical suite, however many things done in Sunagakure were never intended. Sunans often had to make do with unfavorable situations. The space was far from sanitary, but it was still better than the raging storm that battered and wailed on all four sides of this way-station in the badlands.

Magnetica was barely alive, but valiant efforts had stabilized her dire condition. The term 'stable' is often misunderstood, stable does not necessarily mean that one is doing favorably... only that their condition remains unchanged. That is what Magnetica was, 'stable.' She was not 'doing well' nor did it look very likely that she would survive this encounter. She was left to bleed out while spats were dealt with between combatants and allies alike. She had not earned herself friends among the Sunans or the Cabal, while she was 'allied' with them in theory it was due not only to coercion but also due to a common enemy they shared: Sunagakure. Her disdain for humanity and her state which set her far part from it made her a curious specimen to some, being both organic and inert at the same time. Still her heart beat on, despite depleted volumes and the dark veil of death lingering not far.

As Sousuke repaired the generator, it hummed back to life. Magnetica remained limp in the arms of whoever carried her as she was placed presumably on the table.

As for Kaito... was he brought here? If that be the case, let me know.
As for Magnetica... open me up or do what you must before I blow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
"Yeah, I think so. We're pretty far from the Dojo at this point." Responded Katsuo to Nanami's question regarding their distance from the village. In truth, there was really no way to be sure. They just didn't know enough about the explosive weapon in Magnetica's chest. The explosives used against the Kazekage Tower hadn't just blown it up -- they had leveled it. But in that case there was just no way to know how long they'd been setting up for that attack or how much of this mysterious chakra explosive that they'd used. It was entirely possible that even a small amount of it could pulverize her body to a bloody mist and take all of them with her.

As they had been instructed to do upon arriving on the scene the two medics which had manned the stretcher that brought Magnetica with them to the outpost brought Magnetica over to the now sterilized table and carefully transplanted her from the stretcher to the table before backing away and looking to Katsuo for further instruction. They were young, probably junior medics in their own right. From what Katsuo had heard from Shuu at one point or another the Sunagakure medical branch had been in a bit of chaos even before the Cabal attacks for the lack of having a genuine management figure in their hierarchy. Unfortunately Katsuo had little medical experience of his own which meant that he wasn't truly sure how to direct them so instead he looked to Nanami for guidance in that regard.

"What's next Nanami?" He asked, shaking some of the arid sand from his person as he did. Traveling through Wind Country invariably meant that sand would infiltrate your personal space to some level -- there was just no avoiding it.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]The doctor had been thinking, arms crossed, as she watched the Sunan medics. And she was startled, when Masashi called for her attention, as if she were to lead the operation. Not that she had no qualms about it. But, she had been expecting one of the local practitioners to be the head doctor in the current situation. Perhaps, the saying about when one needed something done, they had to do it themselves rang true, to an extent. Although, often, she would say 'Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong,' in a joking manner.

Scratching her head and shoving her free hand into her coat pocket, she sighed. "Been thinking. Why do we assume the bomb is in her chest cavity? True that it can be a Dense Inert Metal Explosive. But as its a surgically implanted explosive, there could be other places to have it. In her stomach, for example. Or in her rectum. Possibly, even in her vagina. False breast implants have also been used to house bombs," she blathered off, unaware of how crazy she sounded. "Situation would be easier if it was in any of those places. Removal of breast implants. Cavity search. Even a caesarean section if it's in her stomach. Problematic, that it is in her chest. Will have to follow cardiovascular surgery protocol."

"Anyhow, if we are to perform any sort of surgery, will require a blood transfusion. Otherwise, she'll be dead on the table. Counterproductive, considering we are trying to keep her alive." Her eyes snapped to the Sunan medics who had been staring at her as if she'd grown a second head. Pushing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose, she hummed. "Type O negative blood, anyone? No time to determine her blood type, unless there are records."
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • She's just so blunt. Of course, she's only questioning the actual location of the bomb, due to player knowledge does not equal character knowledge. Not to mention, I scanned the event topic and it was never vocally acknowledge, only in narrative, that the bomb was indeed in her chest. Just really wanted to make it so that this isn't another short post, lol.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The expression on Sousuke's face was one of deadpan. He turned slightly red. He hesitantly turned to Kaito at the mention of female private parts. It wasn't a look of annoyed. It wasn't a look of anger. It was an attempt to re-read Kaito. It could stand that this man before him was a pathological liar. He was not a man of some decency. He was not a man of code. He was simply a cruel bastard. Sousuke's eyes narrowed for a moment. Reading details. Reading the man. Seeing the life he could have lived. The wife and children he spoke of. The first time he had a cigarette. All of these were details one could read into. "Your bomber is not Shouki , thankfully ... who may or may not enjoy such a form of sick twisted humor."<i></i> He announced more to himself. Shouki was criminally insane. Shouki was very intelligent. Sousuke was morally insane. That was the worst type of person to deal with. Minly because they had no real limit. They had a clean board to work with to canvas their master piece of dread. Sousuke was loathe to admit it, but Shouki had him for a moment. The riddle that led him to the dojo. It was something not instantaneous to be understood. That worried Sousuke, that Shouki could in fact even have him for a time ... give pause. "To be honest, it is something that I would do myself, that is put it in the chest cavity. Makes the bomb all the more difficult to remove and to operate around given the extreme precautions you would need to take. I am not pleased to sure that fact with you."<i></i> He admitted, "The stomach is ... what I would run with next... anything else I would have personal difficulties in doing... because I do not delight in the ... "<i></i>He paused. This was out of Sousuke's league. He was not criminally insane. He was morally chained if anything. "I do not delight or take pleasure in defiling human bodies... or manipulating them in ways that are irredeemably abusive. I would like to think that ... the Cabal even with their homicidal tendencies are ... beyond that as well, with the exception of Shouki."<i></i> Sousuke did not forget the string of bodies laid out at the gates.

When the foreign doctor inquired about blood types, and the Type 0 negative, Sousuke raised his hand. He was host to such a blood type. "Regrettably I did not have time to truly study Magentica in order to prepare a proper cataclysmic endgame strategy."<i></i> The Steward waved his hand and created a host of plasma tools to be used for the procedure ahead. This was going to be a very difficult task ahead of them. At least plasma tools didn't need cleaning.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

  • Bleeding has stopped.
  • Hypovolemic Shock continues.
  • The effects of the poisons has ended.
  • She remains hypotensive, her organs will soon fail if she does not gain some volume (or blood) soon!
  • She has a bomb in her chest!

  • Electrocution that has resulted in internal burns, but they are healing rapidly thanks to his generalized healing
  • Electrocution that has resulted in a cardiac arrhythmia.
  • He is breathing!
  • He has a heartbeat, but not for long in this state!
  • Suffering from severe dehydration.
  • Unknown if he is in this thread - please verify as it was mentioned by Sousuke.

"Yeah, I think so. We're pretty far from the Dojo at this point."

The unmoving and broken form of their nemesis was laid out on the table. Magnetica was a strange creature in her own right, somehow both metallic and organic. Her staggered breaths broken by brief periods of apnea. It was hard to tell if she was cyanotic of if that was her natural skin hue in this lighting. Her life was hanging by bare threads. Magnetica was far from neat, her clothes hard from dried blood, yet still fresh, hot and wet against her flesh where her wounds had not yet healed but the blood had also not yet dried. Old blood had a strong, repulsive scent. Stale and filthy. Sand stuck to her wounds and was mixed in with the dried blood on her clothes as well, gritty and stiff. As she was heaved onto the clean table, sand poured from hidden places, dirtying the once pristine work space.

"What's next Nanami?"<i></i>

"Been thinking. Why do we assume the bomb is in her chest cavity? True that it can be a Dense Inert Metal Explosive. But as its a surgically implanted explosive, there could be other places to have it. In her stomach, for example. Or in her rectum. Possibly, even in her vagina. False breast implants have also been used to house bombs."

The medic observed. Kaito did not seem particularly interested in the goings on around Magnetica, he seemed more interested in looking about the way station. In the cupboards and the drawers - the rations and the basic supplies they had simply laying about. Stuff that could save a life. Stuff that could keep them alive if things went real wrong. He found a pair of goggles and fit them over his head and blinked twice before taking the ridiculous device off and rummaged further. Bandannas, broken masks, a variety of useless artifacts and little knick knacks.

"Your bomber is not Shouki , thankfully ... who may or may not enjoy such a form of sick twisted humor."

"Nope, Akio and yep... chest," Kaito announced simply. "Not like she is the first to work or the Cabal because they had no other choice,"</B><i></i> he waved his hand dismissively. "I have no idea what is in there, never been my forte... blowing stuff up that is,"<i></i> he added as he pulled a fag from his breast pocket and lit up in the far corner. "Smoking is actually good for my health, just probably not yours. I'll stay out of your way... over her, unless you want me to take this outside."<i></i> He knew they would not let him out of their sight, not that he could go anywhere even if he wanted to. He lacked the supplies to traverse the storm alone and he knew it. That might change if he found something of use in these drawers. But alas, empty glass jugs and only half of a pair of boots that were not his size would not be any help in this case.

"To be honest, it is something that I would do myself, that is put it in the chest cavity. Makes the bomb all the more difficult to remove and to operate around given the extreme precautions you would need to take. I am not pleased to sure that fact with you."

Kaito's lips turned upright as he pulled an old-fashioned N-95 out of a drawer. Not in the greatest of shape sure, it looked like it had been crushed under the weight of a leather boot but it was fully intact. His fingers fiddled with the malleable metallic strip inside the mask, giving it a gentle slope. He lifted the N-95 to his face and pressed it over his nose and mouth. It fit, he moved his jaw up and down, back and forth. "Hey, I look like a doctor too,"<i></i> he announced with an uncharacteristically jovial voice. His cigarette already extinguished after only a pair of puffs as he planted the mask over his face. Not that anyone cared about the madman in the back of the room. He would just stand here and let the actual medical personalities figure out the stuff... that medical stuff.

"Situation would be easier if it was in any of those places. Removal of breast implants. Cavity search. Even a caesarean section if it's in her stomach. Problematic, that it is in her chest. Will have to follow cardiovascular surgery protocol."

It was doubtful that it was ever Akio's intention to make it easy to remove the device that ensured Magnetica's services. If it was easy, then it would be a useless threat to make.

<B>"The stomach is ... what I would run with next... anything else I would have personal difficulties in doing... because I do not delight in the ... I do not delight or take pleasure in defiling human bodies... or manipulating them in ways that are irredeemably abusive. I would like to think that ... the Cabal even with their homicidal tendencies are ... beyond that as well, with the exception of Shouki."

Kaito had no intention of joining in on the surgery but he knew to a level how his men thought. Having a barrier, more to problems beyond explosions would be his priority. He had no idea what was involved in the bomb but he did know that Akio was planning on getting out of this alive. They all were. That and the methods used to conscript others into their 'club' were often things that would not blow up in their own faces. Having a 'bomb' would mean that the bomb was extremely limited, limited enough to barely escape the perimeter that is Magnetica's body or delayed enough for Akio to escape the scene. It could be gaseous... Dunno. But a pair of goggles that fit won't hurt. He lifted another pair of goggles, the kind one would use to snorkel and fit it to his face. A triumphant look across his face as he replaced his N-95 once again. Perfect. Also, distance. He was as far as he could get. This would had to do for now.

Meanwhile, the medical types continued on:

"Anyhow, if we are to perform any sort of surgery, will require a blood transfusion. Otherwise, she'll be dead on the table. Counterproductive, considering we are trying to keep her alive."

It was true, Magnetica was on death;s door already. Cutting her open would mean that she would not likely survive. Her bleeding had stopped, but her life force was utterly drained. She might even die before they had a chance to open her up considering the delays already in getting her here, away from society and the inherent risks of keeping her there.

"Type O negative blood, anyone? No time to determine her blood type, unless there are records."

"Regrettably I did not have time to truly study Magentica in order to prepare a proper cataclysmic endgame strategy."

What Happened
  • Kaito is ready for you to open her up, assuming the worst.
  • Sousuke has O- Blood. Grats?
  • Surgery Time? Scrub in!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]A blood transfusion. That sounded like a good idea. Magnetica had lost a lot of blood from her injuries but it was impossible for Katsuo to judge how much danger her life was in from that blood loss. He just wasn't experienced enough with medical subtleties to make such a decision and so he left that call entirely to Nanami who had proven herself trustworthy so far. He was thankful for her presence and her help as she had come into the situation and offered her aid without an upfront promise of compensation or a price. For all she knew there was nothing in it for her. Naturally Katsuo couldn't know that Nanami was actually expecting to be paid but either way he planned on finding a way to compensate her for her help. It was very likely they wouldn't have made it this far without it.

Powerlessness was not a feeling that Katsuo was accustomed to and it burned him inside out with frustration. He was accustomed to solving his problems by hitting them until they went away and this just wasn't that type of situation. He wasn't even the right blood type for the transfusion that they needed.

Nanami voiced concern that the bomb they were struggling against might not even be in her chest and Katsuo winced visibly at that possibility. They'd gotten their information entirely from Kaito and from Kuro -- who had gotten that information from gods know where. He wanted to believe in Kaito and trust that the Cabal leader was playing the game with his cards above the table but there was just no way to be sure. The only thing that really implied that he was telling the truth was that he'd come along willingly on this expedition which could very easily -- and quite literally -- explode in their faces. At this extremity he might be in very real danger. But even then, if Kaito did know more about the weapon implanted within Magnetica then he also might know exactly where it's limitations were. Information that he could leverage to protect himself if the situation went sideways on him. If the team managed to cure Magnetica then he was right back to square one with the promise he'd made to Katsuo but if she blew up and took some of them with her... he would be in a much better position to either negotiate better terms besides "eventually die in the service of Sunagakure" or outright escape.

Moving to where Magnetica lay on the table, Katsuo looked down at her as people who were much smarter than him talked about the specifics of what they were going to do. What else could he do? He'd gotten them this far by brokering an uneasy truce and he'd stopped the fighting. At this point, that was all he could hope for. Still...

Feeling a current of energy running through the air, drawn to the metal and the residual magnetic power running through Magnetica's body, Katsuo was struck with a sudden spark of inspiration. Her body was a fusion of metal and muscle inlaid with layers of it's own electromagnetic chakra. He couldn't see the chakra in the same way that a Hyuuga could but feel it, certainly. Perhaps... that could be of use.

Raising one hand, Katsuo closed his eyes and shut out the sound of Nanami and Sousuke speaking -- focusing instead on the center of his mind and sharply inhaled before hovering his palm over Magnetica's chest and exhaling while releasing currents of his energy. The intention was that the waves of his spark-modified chakra would resonate within her body and potentially give him an idea of what they were looking for but what Katsuo intended... and what happened weren't quite the same thing. The power that lurked within his heart, though he had yet to discover how to wield the power consciously, was the uncanny ability to manifest his will upon reality. The spark took his hope, his passion and his conviction and crystallized it into physical manifestations. And so it was that the burst of energy he sent searching into Magnetica's body did not simply seek to find the object of her peril... but also to destroy it. In his subconscious mind, Katsuo knew from the information that Nanami had gathered that the weapon was biological in nature and as a result the manifestation that made it's way through Magnetica's body acted not unlike a chakra-based chemotherapy as it swam through her flesh and spirit rooting out what was unnatural and harmful and attempting to remove it.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [SCENE BGM - NONE]"][/legend]
  • Primary Actions


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Being one who was rarely around shinobi, Nanami was unaware of what Katsuo was attempting. Worst case scenario, his attempts at chemotherapy would trigger the bomb somehow and render all their efforts for naught. Best case scenario, it might be crazy enough to work and they wouldn't have to deal with this any further. Most likely, it might just do nothing. Maybe. Who knows? Shiori does, probably.

Mystical Hands made for clean hands and the plasma tools were all set, with no need to sterilize further.

Now, direct blood transfusion was trickier than it was, compared to taking blood from bags. There was a whole host of problems, aside from the obvious ones. For one, there were two patients to worry about. Add to that, the ticking bomb in one of the patients... well, it made for a doozy. Had this happened a few years back, when Nanami was not as experienced as a doctor and a mercenary, this would not have such a great turn out. As it is, chances of failure were still great.

There was no reliable way to determine how much blood Sousuke had loss as well. It wouldn't do to help Magnetica, only to lose the donour, after all. So, the Sunan medics would have to watch the two's situation for her while one of them helped with the surgery, should it still be required.

"I suggest you stay still, Takahashi-san. I'll only need your arm," the woman spoke up, a needle in one hand and a suture in the other. Funnily enough, it would be an arm he'd need later on and she would echoing similar instructions. It was the very same arm too, the one to be replaced with sandworm residue, that they'd be using for this procedure. She would have to access the Steward's artery in the radial at the wrist. Metallica's end would have to be at the median basilic or the median cephalic by the elbow. Clotting could also make it that the metallic woman wouldn't be able to get enough blood.

End to end anastomosis was a bastard.

"How are her vitals? Check on that and watch her condition," she asked one of the medics standing by. "One of you watch Takahashi-san. One of you, prepare for surgery. We'll need to be fast and precise. No errors or this will blow up in our faces. Literally. And I'd rather live until I hit seventy, people."
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am a college drop out. Never let me do medical procedures in real life. Please. I just got my info here and here. Also, wow, this topic is tiring.

    Just used Mystical Hands to scrub up, really.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
At the mention of the arm, Sousuke would look skyward and his eyes would narrow. Looks like you could use a hand? Looks like you're arm barred. A very annoyed look came from the violet haired man as he had a feeling that this arm thing would be spoken about again and again. Sousuke's blood began to drain. Out of those present, he was perhaps the one to have the closest match. Magentica's flesh was a more permanent version of the plates that would arise out of Sousuke's flesh at will. "It's entirely possible that Takahashi blood could very well weaken and dapen Magentica's powerset. Would we be so lucky of course but there are ... some reasonable changes outside of the range of 0.1%"<i></i> He spoke as he watched his own blood leave his body.

If there was one thing that Sousuke was grateful for it was Kaito's ability to stop smoking while the procedure was under way. Sousuke began to feel a little woozy. He closed his eyes for a moment and focused on other things. Mathematical equations pranced about in his mind palace which in some way were related to the surgery to occur to Magentica. "Four plasma cuts could do it to open her up. I figured Naganisa's venom would be something more accurate but I stand corrected from earlier. Plasma cuts are far more---"<i></i> Blast. He was starting to feel a little weaker again now. "reliable. The tool to cut it would have to be on a forty-five degree able and apply reasonable amounts of pressure, the plasma tool will then slice through but not deep enough so as to cause future problems in the repair process."<i></i> He explained. The way Sousuke identified Magnetica was as if she was a puppet, which was not entirely false considering her metallic matrix for flesh. It was like that of his Lyron companions, except perhaps stronger stuff. Sousuke understood the basics, but this was well beyond his skill set. He was a producer of puppets, weapons, and armour, not a medic. Damnit Jim. I'm a doctor not a smith. His mind would shout at him. If he wasn't feeling so woozy from the blood loss he would shoot the ceiling another annoyed look.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

  • Bleeding has stopped.
  • Magnetica is no longer suffering from hypovolemic shock
  • The effects of the poisons has ended.
  • She remains hypotensive, but she has a MAP of 65 (this would be enough to perfuse her organs) but she will probably never have the awesome kidneys of her youth.
  • She has a bomb in her chest and Katsuo knows exactly where!

  • Electrocution that has resulted in internal burns, but they are healing rapidly thanks to his generalized healing
  • Electrocution that has resulted in a cardiac arrhythmia.
  • He is breathing!
  • He has a heartbeat, but not for long in this state!
  • Suffering from severe dehydration.

Magnetica's body, mostly organic metal and not quite human greedily took the electrical impulses that spread and coursed through her body. It would not have been painful even if she was conscious, rather like a drumming hum Katsuo would feel as her metallic body resonated with his peculiar energies. That is until he reached Magnetica's thoracic cavity. The fine raid response from her body, a natural conductor of energy while not radioactive energy, electrical energy more specifically. It came back dull in this place if he was to stop, as if the energies he released were slowed, taking longer to come back or ultimately dissolving themselves. While Katsuo himself was likely unaware of the effect of radiation on the body, radiation is an offensive action used to harm or ultimately destroy cells. In cancer, the malignant cells divide at a more rapid rate than the cells adjacent. A dose of damaging radiation would ultimately kill whatever is housed within her, but considering her precarious condition Magnetica might die alongside the organic bomb housed within her. What he did know was that the bomb was small, very small and while expertly placed within her body if it was done through surgical means as there was no scar, the location was crude. It was not near any major blood vessels, not that Katsuo would necessarily know that but his medical knowledge of human anatomy would probably include the location of the heart and the lungs. The bomb was located on the left side of Magnetica's chest, it was plunged deep within her, into her lung. The placement was crude and perhaps a tribute to Magnetica's own endurance and strength that she was able to breathe still despite this intrusion. It was small, barely three inches in size, but rather significant in breadth and girth considering where it was located.

Shiori, being a drunkard would have no idea how to cut open a person and keep their innards inside, never mind perform chemotherapy and likely the subsequent surgery or actual radiation therapy required. As Nanami's verdant hands glow, Magnetica continued to recover from her grievous wounds. Her labored breaths persisted, but her color quickly improved. That was until the blood transfusion started, whole blood is very different from the blood one gets in a clinic. It is clean, preserved and tested against your own on a plate to know if the erythrocytes would come to blows when placed adjacent. Also, remnants of poisons like the ones Sousuke had mostly metabolized would persist in trace amounts for some time. His white cells would differ from hers, diseases in his body that he had grown immune to could also take Magnetica's fragile life. However, despite the risks, the blood was exceedingly fresh and despite risky, was Nanami's only option unless she had the shinobi equivalent to Epogen. While Sousuke might appear paler than usual, he would be not more than tired these coming days and Magnetica also still weak in her debilitated state would have what was perhaps color return to her metallic cheeks.

Magnetica let out a groan. Her body shifted and her eyelids twitched. Her brow furrowed and her face contorted into a pained expression as she rocked on the table. She was not quite aware yet of where she was or who she was surrounded by. "Knock her back out..." Kaito warned through the mask as he eyed the door. He was not going to flee just yet but he was the kind that was interested in saving his own life if it was to come to peril. He felt like an old dish rag, he was in no shape to fight and at this moment had no interest in even trying until he recovered. As for being good to his word, he was not entirely sure yet. He, like anyone else had their redeeming qualities. While he might also be a monster, like those around him it was a necessary evil. It was a curious scene of course to watch, the young Kazekages both risking their lives to disarm a bomb when they could have easily discarded her in the wilds and allowed the elements to complete the job. If the bomb did in fact go off, Magnetica's would be the only life lost. She was not a friend, rather an enemy. While the details of her life were unknown to Kaito, he would have a peripheral understanding of what she was and what she had done from the media. The woman had no friends and this was not a sentimental act of benevolence. It did not make up for their broken covenant with Wind Country, not by a long shot. But, Katsuo did say he was going to make a difference, he did not believe him and even still he was unsure but maybe there was hope for these shinobi's yet.

What Happened
  • Katsuo found the bomb, it is small and it is located in her left lung. If there was literally 1 HP in damage you would have destroyed the bomb because this bomb is alive.
  • Nanami's Mystical Hand was healing Magnetica.
  • Sousuke's blood was giving Magnetica back her color.
  • Magnetica has become healthy enough to wake up!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
