Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Take Two- [Requesting Exit]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
[Dog --> Boar--> Ram

"Henge no- Jutsu"

The Transformation Jutsu was an essential jutsu for every shinobi to have in their arsenal upon graduation from the academy. Although it was a low level jutsu, it often came in handy during missions. For a rogue ninja with a high bounty on his head, it was a life saver.

For Anatsu, this jutsu could make or break his escape from Sunagakure. There were simply too many guards for him to escape during the night. For whatever reason, Sunagakure was either on high alert or their guards were pretty bored. Either way, Anatsu was done with his business in Sunagakure and had no intentions of returning to their jail. If it weren't for some luck and cooperation on his part, he may have never left that place.

Anatsu decided his best bet was to transform into a traveling merchant from the Fire Country. His face was pale, standing at 5'8, with medium length spiked up brown hair. He opted to transform into a man who looked to be in his early twenties. Anatsu's logic was that if he were to transform into an older man, the guards who be skeptical as to why they didn't recognize him. Perhaps he'd have luck looking like a younger merchant. In addition to that, he didn't hide his new face either. Opting to look like a man from the Fire Country prevented any mistakes on his part, like accent to knowledge of the territory. Acting cool, calm, and collected had gotten Anatsu out of many difficult situations in the past.

This was a difficult situation.

Who proceeded to walk towards the exit way of the village, waiting for a guard to greet him. The former ANBU captain had been in many difficult situations throughout his years traveling the world. However, none compared to the underground prison of Sunagakure. With that in mind, Anatsu hoped for the best.

--- ooc:
- Requesting Exit
--- Summary:
- Anatsu transforms into a Fire Country Merchant
- 5'8, spiked up brown hair, smile on his face, rather empty bag over his shoulders

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Guard duty. The easiest of all the jobs one could do as a shinobi but also hands down the most boring. It was hard to imagine that anyone would spend all their time training in the Academy just to go straight to Gate Guardian and yet Michino was the victim of having to hear one of these poor sods go on about how much safer it was. The look of ‘please kill me now’ was plastered on his face and ignored by his fellow guard. In the near six hours that he had stood there the man had gone on unabashedly about his entire life; It was driving Michino crazy.
The work itself was actually really easy. Traveler came up, you asked for papers, check for stamps, give back papers and that was it. Of course the man beside him was one of the guards who took his job far more seriously than most and tended to make whoever was unfortunate enough to have him check their papers wait a full ten minutes longer than the Toraono’s. If the guy didn’t recognize you he went through the trouble of actually calling the Kazekage tower where the licenses were handed out to double check; the teenager could only imagine how much that receptionist hated her job.

Traffic for the day was starting to ease down as either most merchants were settled in or leaving for the day and only a handful of people traveled around this time. A pale young man, far older than the young guard stuck watching the gate, walked up towards the pair. The demonkin’s eyes looked over the man attempting to leave the village and saw nothing that sent up any red flags. He did notice that the bag on his back was rather empty and wondered if he had sold all his ware that day or if he was heading out to resupply. Something inside the young shinobi told him he should probably take another look at the merchant to check for a money pouch just to be sure, but, it had been almost six hours of standing in the heat and listening to a man go on about how great it was to never want anything grand in life; he really didn’t want to be rude.
As the guy neared the teenager’s eyes just happened to catch the clock on the wall; it was almost time for the shift change. The boy’s eyes then turned eagerly to look behind the merchant and saw the next shift of guards coming to relief the current crew. He had better make this one fast he wanted to get out of work on time; super guard on his left had already went into his little office to get the reports together. The demonkin’s stomach was already anticipating dinner when he asked the pale man before him,

“Papers,” with an expectant hand held out. Kami he hoped this went fast.

[Topic Entered]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Quick and straight to the point.

The voice of a young man eager to get the following duties over with. Perhaps if Anatsu had came through this parts during high alert times, he wouldn't have much luck even getting this far. However, perhaps today was a day where he would find some luck. Anatsu, in his transformed shape, smiled as he waived at the Sunagakure shinobi.

"Hello.. Hello!!!" cheerfully responded Anatsu.

He dug in his pocket and picked up a crumbled piece of paper. "This Wind Country weather was punishing, let me tell you... I was not prepared for this weather!"

Playing the role of a young and naive traveling merchant, Anatsu handed the Suna shinobi papers would would pass as the work of the Fire Country. Crumbling the papers in his pocket was something he did on purpose to help disguise any potential errors in the printing of the papers. As times progressed, minor changes were always being made to traveling documents. Anatsu always attempted to update his fake papers, but he also took precautions.

His name on the documents read, "Isaki Hoshikata", with a photo of the young traveling merchant smiling from cheek to cheek, just like he was doing now.

"Sorry they're crumbled. Almost didn't make it out of a sand storm let me tell you! You shinobi are supreme for being able to survive in these conditions!" stated Anatsu as he eagerly awaited the shinobi's response to his papers.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino took the merchant’s papers while trying really, really hard to look like he cared how hard it was to travel in the Wind Country. Of course it was hard. It was a gigantic desert full of flesh hungry invertebrates the size of trains, demons, and ghosts. The fact that they had trade at all was in of itself a miracle. If it wasn’t for Soon the Toraono wondered if they would still be underground.
“Yeah it gets crazy out there,” the teenager replied showing an iota of politeness as he struggled to read the papers handed to him. Pushing the paper against the stone of one of the gate’s pillars he tried to smooth it out but found that made the situation worse. There was, however, the correct stamps and at least one signature he recognized as official - plus the picture matched the man grinning at him. Reaching into his hip satchel the guard removed a stamp box and a small book. Flipping the book open he stamped the ink onto his paper and then onto the paper handed to him before putting his supplies away and handing the passport back to the merchant.

“All good there chumbatta. I suggest taking the extra three days to travel to Soon instead of following the border next time. It’s a little longer of a trip but a boat ride beats walking through the terror of that desert.” Michino said as he waved the merchant on. It was then that the demonkin’s eyes caught the faces of one of the guards coming in to relief his duty. Without hesitation the teenager moved pass the merchant and towards the man who’s face he recognized. Suddenly the deeply tan youth would punch the older guard square on the jaw causing him to fall suddenly,
“Six. Hours. Non. Stop. Next time you want to take an extra day off ask someone else in the church. I’m going to be hearing the pros and cons of guard duty in my sleep for the next three weeks now. Yah ass.”

With a huff the off-duty guard went to go find dinner.

[Exit Granted]
[Topic Left]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
"Thank you Thank you!" repeated Anatsu in his imitation of a youthful voice.

His poise and experience paid off in this instance. It would appear that the jutsu which he learned in the academy would pay off once again. Anatsu would proceed to walk away from the village hidden in the sand. He needed to get away as soon as possible, before a more skilled shinobi caught on to him. The desert was a punishing environment to travel through. However, Anatsu was a seasoned veteran when it came to staying safe in harsh conditions. When worse came to worse, his Kekkei Genkei's advanced mutation supplemented him with a few techniques that helped in these conditions.

Where would he go next?

[Village Left]
[Topic Left]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
"Thank you Thank you!" repeated Anatsu in his imitation of a youthful voice.

His poise and experience paid off in this instance. It would appear that the jutsu which he learned in the academy would pay off once again. Anatsu would proceed to walk away from the village hidden in the sand. He needed to get away as soon as possible, before a more skilled shinobi caught on to him. The desert was a punishing environment to travel through. However, Anatsu was a seasoned veteran when it came to staying safe in harsh conditions. When worse came to worse, his Kekkei Genkei's advanced mutation supplemented him with a few techniques that helped in these conditions.

Where would he go next?

[Village Left]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
