Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Taking learnin' to the streets [PVT][Tutor][Yukio]

Apr 22, 2017
Shiori stared at the board, the plethora of extracurricular activities making his vision swim. There was so much on offer for the academy students now! Advanced camouflage; introduction to intelligence gathering; Advanced Taijutsu; Even music classes! Shiori had been used to classes and then the occasional tutorial from one of the teachers at the academy when he was a student, but nothing like this. You got what you were given, to have choice was to be lucky.

It was why he was back here. Missions had dried up for a bit, and Suo’s wasn’t getting as much custom as it had been recently. The Red Oak Watch, keeping an eye for the grill Shiori and his friends used to conduct their clandestine sabotage of the food quarter, had been very active recently. The boys had been forced to run many times from groups of angry chefs carrying the understandably very dangerous weapons a kitchen could provide. There wasn’t much for him to do, so here he was.

His shinobi path had begun to falter. He was doing missions, yes, but none of it felt right. He wasn’t getting stronger. He wasn’t building his tale, no longer taking actions that someone in the future would look upon and state “That point is when he took the first step towards becoming the great ninja he is today.”

Even though the academy had not had as many...activities on offer as it had in the past, Shiori had at least felt like a ninja here. Classes on jutsu basics, hand-to-hand fighting, and other, more normal subjects to ensure he was a well-rounded individual. He had been focussing on honing his skills, developing, becoming stronger. By being strong, he would be the best ninja, and the best ninja were remembered forever. Immortal.

He turned from the board, seeing nothing. He would have to find some other way to improve himself. His steps took him from the academy, back out into the harsh daylight, causing him to squint. Maybe Megumareta would be up for a spar, if he wasn’t concocting another scheme, that was.

it felt like the day would be the same as any other making one of his frequent visits to the academy Yukio enjoy the trips made to see how the students were developing and interacting most of these visits would yield the same results the students laughing and trying the best they could to prove themselves to exhausted teachers something that never failed to bring a smile to the Hyuuga's face.

Today would be different however standing at the entrance to the academy a familiar face would be the one to greet him an old friend from the days of old wandering from its interior as he took slow strides towards him. "Well what brings you here Shiori? on all my visits too and from the academy your not the one I expected to be leaving its doors today. Are you helping to teach the students here or are you remembering the days of old back when you were younger." He spoke in a cheerful tone a tone matching his much more causal clothing a white hoodie covering most of his person and jeans to compliment.

Taking a closer look it seemed as if Shiori was reminiscing more than anything there was no students in tow with him asking for advice or another long day of training as the Hyuuga paused for a brief moment bringing a hand to his chin as he pondered in those few seconds making a gesture to the building. "I usually find myself here when reflecting on days past though its also for a moment of clarity a way to remind me of where I've come from and why I do what it is I do. Can I assume you are the same or at least attempting something similar to that." It wasn't uncommon for Yukio to make assumptions on peoples action and on occasion they would be correct though he was attempting to drop the habit.

[WC: 322]
"Well what brings you here Shiori? on all my visits to and from the academy your not the one I expected to be leaving its doors today. Are you helping to teach the students here or are you remembering the days of old back when you were younger."

Shiori squinted against the light, the speaker hidden by the corona of light around him. He raised a hand to shade his eyes from the sunlight, and a familiar face resolved itself. Clad in casual wear, the Hyuuga looked nothing of the deadly shinobi he was rumoured to be. A smile plastered his face, he seemed to be having a lovely day.

"I usually find myself here when reflecting on days past, though it’s also for a moment of clarity, a way to remind me of where I've come from and why I do what it is I do. Can I assume you are the same or at least attempting something similar to that."

Shiori smiled back, the lower half of his face hidden behind his large collar. The two had never interacted much outside of the academy, and then Yukio had shown a desire to join the ANBU whilst Shiori wanted to remain in the main branch, his own actions out in the open for all to see. It was nice to see him after so long.

“Almost dead on. Genin work is a bit slow, to be honest. I was hoping to do something useful in my free time away from the restaurant. I imagine even a Genin can still come back and take part in some classes. No need to do any teaching, these students have plenty of classes to be involved in without me chiming in. Are you here to reflect, then? Or are you interested in some music lessons?” The final comment had a hint of lightness to it.

[WC: 312/661]
A slight chuckles escaped him in that moment in a way part of him wished he had the time to take part in such activities however that was rarely the case things were getting busy within the ranks of the ANBU branch and today was a slight reprieve from that as Yukio walked over to join the Genin. "I see so for all your in a branch there isn't all too much keeping you busy right now, well if I was to suggest anything it would be to talk to your team leaders and Sennin about that. There's always something going on for us Shinobi to do and it never hurts to ask."

Taking another look at the academy he had to agree with Shiori there was little other reason to be here especially for a member of the ANBU like himself though there could be numerous reasons to come here. "Well I do come here to remember the days passed however I also spend time teaching the students here from time to time its something that's always worth a shot and even I find myself learning a thing or too when I do it." it would be the main reason to come and go from the academy's walls occasionally finding solace in watching the students learn.

"If you really think about it anyone who has experience outside the academy is capable of passing that on to the next generation, that's what keeps me going and in the end that's the one thing we all need a goal to work towards, an objective that makes us want to get stronger and keep moving forward." The Hyuuga seemed filled with passion at those words a drive and will to complete the goals set for himself no matter how short term they may be even the little things could make a big difference in the future at least that's how he viewed the world.

[WC/WT: 322/644]
"I see so for all your in a branch there isn't all too much keeping you busy right now, well if I was to suggest anything it would be to talk to your team leaders and Sennin about that. There's always something going on for us Shinobi to do and it never hurts to ask."

Shiori looked to the ground. Team leaders and Sennin… yeah.

He had no idea who these ninja were. He had been promoted to Genin, and left to do missions. No members of the main branch had approached their new member, he had never been assigned to a team. Hell, he had no idea who his Sennin was.

“I suppose I should talk to the Sennin at some point, yeah. It would help if I knew who that was, I suppose. Seem to be very Laissez-faire, whoever they are. A team would be nice, but I’ve not really met another member of my branch.” He felt almost embarrassed to admit this fact, as if Yukio, being an ANBU, was an outsider that he was revealing secrets to.

"If you really think about it anyone who has experience outside the academy is capable of passing that on to the next generation, that's what keeps me going and in the end that's the one thing we all need a goal to work towards, an objective that makes us want to get stronger and keep moving forward."

Shiori reflected on the point. Yukio certainly gave it with passion, he truly believed in this stuff. In teaching. If that was the case, why was he ANBU? Teachers were mainly members of the main branch, the ANBU focussing on the clandestine and more morally grey actions that took place in the shinobi world.

“I suppose that’s true. I just don’t have much to teach these students. They seem to have gotten so much support, many seem to know even more than I do now. I should have spent less time cooking with my friends, and focussing on my Shinobi career. But I enjoy doing both. It’s hard to balance.”

An epiphany hit him: He couldn’t be both. He couldn’t be the greatest ninja, remembered forever for his actions, and the great chef of Suo’s. He would have to choose. Something he had been putting off for too long now.

[WC: 390/1051]
it was clear the Genin was conflicted the choice being given was an interesting one and the fact there had been no communication within the main branch was concerning to say the least Yukio had met his Sennin on the same day he joined the branch and there were meetings with the other members frequently as he scratched his chin once more pondering on what could be the problem or how to fix it. "Well the way I see it there isn't much communication as you have said in that case it may be a good idea to make an appointment to see your Sennin to speak about these issues, One of the main duties of the Sennin is to hear what those in the branch have to say at least that's the way I see it."

Then there was the second issue of balancing out his two places of work Yukio being in much the same position working in a cocktail bar and as a member of the ANBU branch the two still being hard to balance especially with all the activity within the branch. "Well I do work elsewhere outside the branch as well, more as a part time but its still something I do more often. At the end of the day its about doing what the branch asks of you but not so much that it takes over your life were still human after all and some of the skills you pick up in each area can easily help you in the other if you think about it." It was a hint at the possibilities though he was a teacher at heart the habits came hand in hand and Yukio was interested to see what the Genin made of this information.

"Another thing to think on is how to prepare for the future you want the skills you earn now will never fade if you keep refining them so if there's something you can do sooner rather than later why not do it then you know you've done the best you can in both areas if you really want to make a choice between the two."

[WC/WT: 360/1004]
"Well, the way I see it there isn't much communication as you have said. In that case it may be a good idea to make an appointment to see your Sennin to speak about these issues, one of the main duties of the Sennin is to hear what those in the branch have to say, at least that's the way I see it."

It sounded like a good idea. The elusive leadership of Konoha was a mystery to the young Genin. He should probably interact with them, find his place. The lack of interaction with other ninja had thrust him into his role as chef, not stretching himself, using the supernatural powers with which he had been gifted.

"Well I do work elsewhere outside the branch as well, more as a part time but its still something I do more often. At the end of the day its about doing what the branch asks of you but not so much that it takes over your life were still human after all and some of the skills you pick up in each area can easily help you in the other if you think about it."

Shiori shook his head slightly.

“No, I want to be the best. The greatest are remembered forever. I can’t be that if I spend all my time in the restaurant. I have to make my choice.”

As he spoke, he realised he had made his decision.

"Another thing to think on is how to prepare for the future you want. The skills you earn now will never fade if you keep refining them, so if there's something you can do sooner rather than later why not do it, then you know you've done the best you can in both areas if you really want to make a choice between the two."

Shiori nodded along, thinking. It would be hard to leave the restaurant. Maybe if he just worked once or twice a week for Suo...

[WC: 329/1380]
From what he could see it seemed like Shiori was content with making a choice either dedicate his life to the path of the Shinobi or walk away from it to live out another dream which was understandably a difficult pass to be at Yukio had been in much the same position once unable to trust those around him and feeling like he had to make a choice. "Well it would be a shame to see your potential go to waste should you turn away from the path we set ourselves on so long ago" The words came from the heart and he meant what he said.

As the evening began to draw in Yukio let his mind wander in those passing moments it was an interesting way to see thing and more often than not most people would come to this crossroads in their lives but there was one thing that matter more over everything. "Just know whatever choice you make you will have my full support no matter what its the least i can do for you as a friend." His smile was relaxed and content there was little he could say without sounds like he was influencing the situation walking beside Shiori and laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Lets see what you can do in the world Shiori and what you can do for the village as a whole when you put your mind to it." If there was one thing the Hyuuga was confident in doing it was giving positive reinforcement when required and the way he saw it this was the right time to do so giving a slow nod to the young man as he awaited what he had to say interested to see what the answer would be given the situation.

[WC/WT: 299/ 1350]
"Well, it would be a shame to see your potential go to waste should you turn away from the path we set ourselves on so long ago."

Yukio seemed to actually mean those words. Shiori liked that, someone that had interest in his endeavours. Shiori looked up, realising it was evening. Had they spent so much time talking? He smiled a little. He didn’t actually mind. This talk had helped him in ways he was only just realising.

He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Just know whatever choice you make, you will have my full support no matter what. Its the least i can do for you as a friend." Again, Yukio seemed to mean it. The older boy was so earnest. It was common to see, though not in the regard of supporting others. He went up in Shiori’s estimations. He may be a useful man to keep in contact with, probably a lot of knowledge and skill to impart. He fiddled with his ring.

“Thank you, Yukio. I have made my decision. I strayed from the path, but now I know it clearly. I will be the best shinobi this village, this world has seen. I will be remembered forever.”


"Thank you... friend. It seems I need to go and talk with my employer."

[WC: 224/1604]
Yukio nodded once more it seemed Shiori was content with his choice and that was all the Hyuuga needed to hear removing his hand. "I wish you luck in your en devour just make sure the path you chose is the one you wished for and stick to it. You never know what good could come of it until you try." With that he began to pace towards the academy seeming to have buisness there more than likely having more students to pass his knowledge onto the next generation.

Turning his head back for a moment to address the Genin he smiled once more. "Though i must depart now to help others in much the same manner as i hoped i have helped you just know i am usually around should you need my assistance again. I would be more than happy to hear you out in whatever it is you have to say." It was something Yukio enjoyed doing letting those he considered friend know there was always someone they could fall back on it times became tough. Walking through the doors of the academy he left Shiori to his thoughts wondering what the next step he would take in this world would be.

[Topic left unless stopped]
[WC/WT: 209/1559]

Current Ninpocho Time:
