"C- Can we really take them, sir?"
"Ah-ha-ha-ha!" Hirotomi rolled with laughter at the young girl's inquiry. Of course they could have them, the materials unveiled only cost 500,000 yen, the approximate annual wage of two Jounin level shinobi or for him, the change his maid finds between this couch cushions.
"Of course, take whatever you want little girl,"</B><i></i> he added as he wiped a tear from the corner of his face.
Precious. It was a small investment: arming tomorrow's youth for a better tomorrow, for
him at least. It was long past time that his family ingratiated themselves with Sunagakure once again.
The crowd had grown, his azure eyes spotted some with a hint of potential, specifically the boy with the crow [Surutameni], a little girl that seemed pretty badly beaten up [Ayako] with her possibly abusive guardian [Shiori] and a red-headed little girl [Tenrousei]. He prided himself in being able to spot potential but more importantly being able to spot impressionable youth. The ugly woman was too old, but the children on the other hand could be useful.
"I think we have enough for our first session," he announced as the lawyer wordlessly closed the door and stood in front of the closed frame after pushing Shiori
"Hey!" Shiori yelled as she was discharged from the space. She grabbed the door and yanked it hard, the door would not budge, she was
locked out.
"HEY, WHAT IS GOING ON!" Shiori screamed at the closed door.
The lawyer stood on the other side of the door, his back pressed against it firmly but he was not struggling to keep the door in place, it swung out and it was locked with an unusually hefty deadbolt, the kind a room of this nature would not find
unnecessary. The lawyer was not a large man, his rounded belly provided him with some girth but his arms and his legs did not fill out his attire in the least. He did not visually seem like a fighter but his face and the look in his eyes suggested otherwise. They trapped those that remained in the room INSIDE.
"Your continued presence post disclaimer implies consent and as such, I would hurry and come to arms."</B><i></i> That was all the warning he gave as the corners of his lips turned upward and he snapped his fingers. As he did this the wall behind him exploded in a blast of hell fire. It was not the pyrotechnic display that was the most disconcerting, rather it was what laid beyond the fractured wall. A cloud of dust lingered for several seconds but something large was moving
audibly. It let out a ROAR that caused the room that housed the spectators to quiver and quake. Books fell from the shelves and a vase shuddered before it tipped onto the floor with a resounding crash.
What laid beyond the broken wall was a Sandworm, not a full-grown one mind you but even an infant worm was large enough to kill a group of civilians.
"One of my beloved pets,"</B><i></i> Hirotomi announced as he waved his hand in a grand manner.
"Kill it quick because he will kill you!"<i></i> He laughed as a harpoon-like piece of organic matter shot through the cloud of debris aimed for Hirotomi, he moved aside with ease and the harpoon pierced through a spectator. Covered in visceral gore, the tendril started to retract with the still living spectator writhing on the very end piece.
"HELP ME!"<i></i> The boy screamed shrilly as he struggled to free himself. He was unable to attach himself from the barbed tendril that now threatened to pull the boy inside.
Hirotomi did not seem highly disturbed by the event, in face he took a seat and rolled his chair away from the opening. One leg crossed over the other, he rested his cane peacefully on his lap and waved his hand in a shooing manner as if to say
"it is now time to play kids."
WC: 667
OUTSIDE: Shiori continued to pound on the door but she was not able to get in.
[legend="[color=teal][b]The Fray[/b][/color]"]
HP: 25,000
Actions: 0
Effect: None
Takahashi Shiori
HP: 42,000
CP: 33,000
Effects: None
Action Points: 10
Baby Sandworm
HP: 5,000
Action Points: 10
Effects: None
HP: 975
CP: 975
Action Points: 1
Effects: None
HP: 4,100
CP: 4,100
Action Points: 2
Effects: None
Fukui Ayako
HP: 195
CP: 195
Action Points: 1
Effects: None
OC: Yes, we are going to take on a Sandworm. I will join you once I defeat the door. It is an E Rank worm and I can one-shot those, I am staying here IC for the purpose of making sure that none of you die to an NPC worm. As we go along and you train, I will demonstrate the differences in your HP/CP levels as well as your accuracy and evasion levels. While this all sounds very basic, it can be overwhelming and I am here to help!
Note to any and all spectators: I am lifting the rules of engagement regarding a 3 round wait to enter this topic as well as an IC reason to enter the fray but all other rules apply (including the fact that you need to be in this village to join).
[spoilername="OC Information About Worms"]
<B><COLOR color="orange">Sand Worms
These gargantuan annelids are simultaneously one of the most potentially destructive forces in Wind Country (besides man) and also one of its greatest treasures. Conventional thought believes Sand Worms to vary in size quite significantly and though this is due somewhat to age, it is also apparent that this is not always the case. It is presumed that Sand Worms are further divided up into subclasses, depending on location and/or elemental affinity and that this is responsible for size variation. Needless to say, no matter the subclass, Sand Worms are vast; between a 'miniscule' three feet tall, by fifteen feet long, to an impressive fifty feet tall and seven times that in length. Few of these larger individuals have been encountered in modern day, though ancient records state these conquerors of the sand were the cause of much destruction and woe to neophyte colonies and civilizations. The largest reported Sandworm in history was Barynx the Ancient, the sandworm was almost 100 meters in length and just under 34 meters in diameter. While the weight can only be estimated, all that remains of the ancient terror is the exoskeleton.
Sandworms are very large creatures that live an unspecified period of time, but it is hypothesized that they live for as long as 5 centuries. While not intelligent by human standards, Sandworms have a sense of self-preservation and will attack if provoked or if their spawn are threatened. Sandworms are not known to attack villages, travelers or livestock outright but the incidental death of a person or community has been attributed to roaming Sandworms in the past. For the most part, Sandworms are unaware of the present of humans and animals are not considered to be a desired food source for the worm. Sandworms are omnivores, largely subsisting upon microorganisms and nutrients gleaned from the rocks below the surface of the dunes, in a similar fashion to earthworms. They are extremophiles, able to exist for long periods of time on very little sustenance considering their mass. No reports of Sandworms can be found outside of Wind Country, for this reason some researchers hypothesize that there is an energy contained within the desert that the worms consume for vitality. While the energy is intangible and entirely unproven, it is believed to be mystical and the source of the Sandworm's enormous strength.
As mentioned previously, besides the size disparity, Sand Worms have also been known to vary in coloration (from earthen brown to bone white, occasionally with a mottled flesh thought to a result of aforementioned parasitic infection) and also in 'facial' features. Records show individual Sand Worms with large, triangular-shaped mouths and others with a more blunted visage. The Sandworm digestive system consists of 3 parts: Their maw is filled with several circular rows of They possess rows of grinding 'teeth' to wear away the earth, stone and anything of substantial form until it becomes a fine dust. Once the ground-up earth is taken into the worm, their stomach digests the sand and whatever residual nutrients they derive. Their digestive system is unlike that of most biological organisms, they do not use caustic substances such as hydrochloric acid to break down minerals but rather they use a powerful internal sources of heat that crystallizes the earth. The food-source is likely turned into a gaseous form in response to the heat that is then absorbed by the worm. Finally, the remaining crystals are excreted in the wake of the worm. These crystals are known as Carmot, a very valuable natural Sunan resource.
Carmot said:
Carmot is a naturally occurring element found in the deep caverns of Wind Country's massive underground networks. Theoretically generated as a by-product of the legendary Wind Country sandworm's digestive process, Carmot is almost pure energy in crystallized form and is highly sought after for a large variety of usages though a high-yield fuel source is its most common application.
The sustaining theory regarding Carmot's creation is that it is a natural by-product of a sandworm's digestive tract. While information regarding the biology of a sandworm's body is extremely limited at best, biologists have witnessed sandworms unleashing gooey torrents of excrement in some of their uncommon sightings at the surface of the desert. This slurry of excrement has been discerned as a mixture of earth elements from broken down stone and sand, natural elements likely from unfortunate creatures caught in the sandworm's path and-- strangely enough --a pure form of non-elemental chakra. In lab observation samples of the energy-charged substance harden quickly when exposed to the oxygen in the air, forming crystals at a rapid pace which resemble the natural deposits of Carmot found in the wilderness.
Qualities and Application:
One of the first things discovered about Carmot deposits is that they are extremely unstable-- including ones created under lab conditions. The chakra in the crystals has a unique facet to it in that it can take on different traits depending on its surrounding environments. Carmont crystals introduced to heat sources become infused with fire chakra and become capable of violent explosions if not handled with care. Very little is actually understood about this process or why it occurs but is the reason that Carmot is so sought after as a resource. Fire Carmot and Lightning Carmot are extremely potent as fuel sources and even as weapons if used correctly making them a unique cornerstone of Wind Country's economy. Large factories of chakra-sensitive men and women who weren't born with enough talent to become shinobi but are chakra-sensitive enough to be able to protect their energy in some fashion exist in larger cities such as Soon's Haven where they work lines of powdered Carmot to infuse it with certain types of chakra.
Finding/Farming Carmot
Carmot, being the excrement of Sandworms, has made farming the resource almost impossible. Most commonly it is simply "found" making treasure-hunting a common vocation for the adventurous. Sandworms are known to frequent areas far from civilization and known paths and mating grounds are dangerous to enter and knowledge of their location is limited. A common search technique utilized by successful Carmot surveyors is to follow the Sand Tribbles found in the desert. These tiny animals are drawn to water but they are also drawn to Carmot and will search it out as it is believed to be a food source for these tiny critters. It is said that if a Carmot hunter follows a Tribble long enough he will likely come upon a boulder of Carmot within a few days time.
The Various Elementally-Infused Carmot Types:
Lightning-Infused Carmot__Fire-Infused Carmot_____Water-Infused Carmot
.Non-Elemental Carmot____Earth-Infused Carmot____.Wind-Infused Carmot[/col]
They are also a veritable ecosystem in and of themselves; their vast bulk is home to many smaller parasites and microbial colonies. It is somewhat ironic that much of the dry bulk of life within Wind Country is concentrated upon these singular beasts.
Sandworms when assaulted tend to attack their assailants even if they pose no mortal threat to the Sandworm. While it is a source of scholarly contention regarding the ability to feel pain, most researchers claim that sandworms are capable of feeling pain despite their armored exterior. Sandworms have large segmented plates that cover their body. These plates vary in size and do not fully encircle the worm. Rather, each plate is a leaf-shaped plate. Each plate attaches to its neighbor in a lateral fashion until it entirely encircles the worm. Each ring of leaf-shaped natural armor is considered to be a "segment." The size and thickness of these plates varies in accordance to the size and age of the worm.
In addition to an incredibly long lifespan, they produce offspring hermaphroditically every few decades and they thought to be highly defensive of until said larvae are strong enough to survive on their own; an unusual facet of such an annelid. Baby Sandworms are approximately 3 meters in length and 0.5 meters in diameter and weight approximately 400 kg. They are hatched from eggs. The actual gestation of a baby Sandworm is unknown but considering the relative rarity of this apex predator it is assumed to be 1-2 years. While not considered to be especially dangerous at this age despite their size their mother is often close by.
Growth is rapid for baby Sandworms, they almost double in size every year for the next 3 years. At a length of 24 meters a diameter of 4.8 meters and a weight of 3840 kg the worm is considered to be a young Sandworm and usually separates from its mother at this age. As baby Sandworms are usually hatched in small groups 1-4, these now young Sandworms often travel in a group for the next several years. While young Sandworms are often neutral, they are sometimes drawn to human activity and may attack travelers unprovoked. Young Sandworms are protective of their peers and will come to the aid of their fellow worm if they are attacked or if their Sandworm kin attacks and fails to successfully devour a group of travelers.
Growth is stagnated but continued during this youth period, it is estimated that the Sandworm increases by approximately 10% each year for the next decade. After an additional 10 years, the Sandworm often separate from their burrow (the collective term for Sandworms in a group much like a flock of geese or a murder of crows). At a staggering 62 meters in length, 15.5 meters in diameter and approximately 12,450 kg these solitary beasts roam the desert and are often called adolescent worms. Adolescent worms are rarely seen because they move to the most remote regions of Wind Country. It is assumed that it is where they start laying their own eggs.
Little is known about the reproductive organs of a Sandworm. While several excursions have been attempted in hopes of understanding this phenomena, the earthquakes from the worms movements have proven fatal to all those in close enough proximity and in cases where a Sandworm was a combatant of a group of shinobi, the reproductive system and cycle of the worm was considered to be a low-priority according to the surviving cell members.
At the end of this adolescent period there is the adult and ancient period. Little is known about these periods. Sand worms continue to grow indefinitely but their growth is limited to their food source. The diameter to length ratio varies with age as well. Infant sandworms have a 1:6 Width to length ratio, where young have a 1:5, adolescent 1:4 and ancient worms a 1:3. Adult worms usually remain between 1:4 and 1:3.
Potentially providing an entire lifetime's worth of meat, Sandworms have few known predators beyond parasites and the Carnasaur. This is largely due to their sheer bulk and tough skin, though even the smaller species are quite tenacious survivors. They burrow deep beneath even Sunagakure some believe. Some have even suggested that the entirety of Wind Country rests upon a multitude of Sand Worm burrows, though this is pure conjecture.
<B>General Threat Level – Highly Dangerous: S Rank
General Battle Information:
All students start with the
Rookie Class
Rookie Class
HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None
Your HP and CP was determined using that. You can make your own CUSTOM CLASS once you reach a PL (power level of 200) and that will drastically change your HP, CP, accuracies and bonus.' I strongly recommend looking at
THIS THREAD for more information. I realize that some of you have no jutsus or a very limited number of them. Feel free to use your jutsus as you acquire them, considering your present stats the recalculations are easy for me.
Regarding AP, AP is determined by OC (our of character) Rank. OC Rank increases with your stats. I am an S-Class OC, as such I have 10 AP (Action Points). You Gain AP as well as access to higher level jutsus and techniques as you grow in power. Students start out with 1 AP because you are OC E-Rank until you reach a certain PL and obtain mastery over a certain number of jutsus. When you become D Rank you will gain an AP. Tenrousei IC (in character) is a student but she has 600 stat points making her D Rank OC, this grants her the additional AP (2).
As mentioned in the previous post, feel free to also use the "items" Hirotomi provided, these items can be used to attack the worm and have no limit. If you need help, PM me, your classmates or heck anyone in Sand. We love helping new players.
Finally, TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN so you can be big and strong and kick my hide one day for putting your PC's through this. Training Rules can be found
HERE and you would do your training
HERE. If you have not started a training thread, I encourage you to do so. I also encourage you to look into getting abilities, they can make you a better fighter or grant you access to some useful techniques.